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This paper reports on the evaluation of the Healthy Cities (Noarlunga)Project which was one of the three original pilot cities inthe Australian Healthy Cities Project. The evaluation nethodologyused is outlined the project's organization and activities,and the data (from a variety of sources) used to assess itsachievements are discussed. These data were collected from arange of local informants including comnuinity members and froman analysis of the local print media. The implications of theevaluation findings for the development of the Healthy Citiesmovement are discussed.  相似文献   
In 2016, the World Health Organization declared that ‘Health is one of the most effective markers of any city’s successful sustainable development’ (World Health Organisation, 2016). With estimates that around 6.7 billion people will live in cities by 2050, 21st century city planning decisions will play a critical role in achieving the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). They will determine the city structure and access to health-enhancing (or health-damaging) urban environments, and ultimately lifestyle choices that impact both individual and planetary health. Benchmarking, monitoring and evaluating city planning policies and interventions is therefore critical to optimise urban outcomes. In 2017, the UN adopted a global SDG indicator framework, calling for complementary national and regional indicators to be collected by member countries. UN Habitat has also developed an indicator action framework specifically for cities. This paper examined the extent to which the UN indicators will help cities evaluate their efforts to deliver sustainability and health outcomes. It identified inconsistencies between the two UN indicator frameworks. Many of the SDG indicators assess outcomes, rather than the comprehensive and integrated ‘upstream’ policies and interventions required to deliver outcomes on-the-ground. Conversely, the UN Habitat framework incorporates intervention indicators, but excludes health outcome indicators. A more comprehensive approach to benchmarking, monitoring and evaluating policies designed to achieve healthy and sustainable cities and assessing spatial inequities is proposed.  相似文献   
目的:研究聊城市6~14岁各年龄段儿童睡眠时间和睡眠行为,分析可能影响儿童睡眠时间和睡眠行为因素。方法:2004年7~9月在聊城市随机抽取650名无疾病和无异常出生史的正常儿童,在严格质量控制的条件下对其家长、儿童家庭环境与睡眠健康问卷调查。结果:聊城市6~14岁儿童各年龄组睡眠时间随年龄增长逐渐减少,各年龄组间、城市与农村组睡眠时间组间比较差异有统计学意义;睡眠行为异常发生率64.61%,城市与农村组睡眠行为异常发生率比较差异有统计学意义(P0.01);影响儿童睡眠时间和睡眠行为的主要因素有父母的文化程度、家人睡眠时间、居住地、入睡需帮助等。结论:目前聊城市6~14岁儿童睡眠时间普遍偏少,多种因素可造成儿童睡眠时间和睡眠行为异常,应引起儿科、儿保医生及家长的重视。  相似文献   
‘City Deals’ are new governance instruments for urban development. Vast evidence exists on the relationship between urban factors and health equity, but little research applies a health equity lens to urban policy-making. This paper does precisely that for the Western Sydney City Deal (WSCD) in Australia. We conducted a critical discourse analysis of publicly available documents and interviews with the WSCD's main architects, applying insights from relevant theories. We find ‘pro-growth’ discourse to encourage economic investment dominates any references to disadvantage. Interviewees maintained the WSCDs fundamental purpose is to rebalance urban investment toward the historically disadvantaged West. However, the WSCD makes limited reference to health and none to equity. Institutionalised governance practices that favour private investments in infrastructure remain the dominant force behind the WSCD. We document how a shift to ‘place-based’ infrastructure has promise for equity but struggles to overcome institutionalised approaches to urban investments.  相似文献   
全球城市化快速发展的同时给城市人口的健康带来了威胁。健康城市建设已成为世界各国减少城市化进程中健康危害的新策略。本文详细介绍了我国及日本、加拿大、英国三个发达国家健康城市建设的进展现状及其开展健康城市创建的主要做法。同时, 对国内外健康城市建设模式进行比较, 为国内健康城市建设提供借鉴。最后, 提出我国目前健康城市创建中存在的主要问题及其思考。  相似文献   
ObjectiveEstimating the decrease in life expectancy (LE) of the population of Madrid and its districts and its relationship with socioeconomic variables in the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic.MethodDeath records were obtained from the Municipal Register of inhabitants (Municipal Statistics Service). Based on Chiang II method, life expectancy at birth and at 65 years of age (LEB and LE65) were calculated, as well as their 95% confidence intervals both for men and women and their gross, net and minimum falls for each district in 2020 over 2019, their correlation with some socioeconomic variables distribution and the existence of multiple linear regression explicative models.ResultsIn 2020, deaths in Madrid increased by 46.1% compared with the previous year, the LEB was 79.31 years in men and 85.25 years in women, meaning a decrease of 3.67 and 2.56 years respectively (4.42% and 2.91%). All districts registered decreases in LE, with the largest decrease in men in Tetuan (4.72 years) and in women in Chamartín (3.91 years). The most affected were the southern districts, especially in men. Immigrant and people over 80 years old rates explained 24% of the drop in LE in men, using linear regression model.ConclusionsThe decrease in LE recorded in Madrid and its districts in 2020 is bigger than in Spain (1.6 years), takes us back to values of 2002 (LE65) and 2008 (LEB), has a sharper fall in the south and is territorially unequally distributed, according to socioeconomic variables and being associated with some of them.  相似文献   
探讨“连续性代谢综合征评分”(continuous metabolic syndrome score,cMetS)对新疆15~ 18岁人群代谢综合征(metabolic syndrome,MetS)筛查价值,为确定cMetS对不同性别最佳截断点提供参考.方法 分层整群抽取新疆13座城市15~18岁人群共4 745名.cMetS是按年龄和性别进行计算标准化腰围、平均动脉压、高密度脂蛋白、三酰甘油、空腹血糖的Z分,再对单个变量的Z分进行累加计算.结果 4 745名城市人群中,有16.3%为超重,5.2%属于肥胖,其中男性超重和肥胖比例(18.1%,13.8%)高于女性(6.0%,4.1%)(x2值分别为15.36,7.89,P值均<0.05).总MetS患病率为6.1%,男性和女性分别为6.6%,5.4%.cMetS与MetS组分之间具有相关性,平均cMetS值随着MetS组分增加而增加(P<0.05).cMetS总截断值为0.99(灵敏度为68.0%,特异度为80.7%),ROC曲线下面积为84.9%.男生和女生的cMetS评分分别为0.80和1.48.结论 与MetS相比,cMets在筛查不同性别人群患MetS中是一种更灵敏的代谢变化标志物.  相似文献   
目的 了解北京、上海两城市社区老年人跌倒发生的现况,分析社区老年人跌倒发生的危险因素,为开展老年人跌倒的预防工作提供理论依据。方法 采用多阶段整群随机抽样,分别抽取北京市的4个小区和上海市的6个小区,对其中≥60岁的老年人进行入户调查。结果 接受本次调查并完成全部问卷的老年人共1 345人,2014年内共有342人发生过跌倒,共发生478次,跌倒发生率为35.54%,跌倒的地点主要在家中,占45.61%。多因素分析结果显示,跌倒发生的影响因素主要有:年龄,易导致跌倒发生的相关疾病,能否正确认识自己的能力,鞋子是否合脚防滑,楼梯台阶高度、坡度是否合适。结论 北京、上海两地跌倒发生率较高,跌倒主要发生在家中。为了降低老年人跌倒发生率,应该从个人、家庭、社区等各个方面针对高危人群进行综合性的干预措施。  相似文献   


Opioid misuse during pregnancy is increasingly common and is associated with preterm birth and neonatal abstinence syndrome. As such, there is increased policy attention on reducing opioid misuse and increasing detection and treatment of opioid use disorder around the time of childbirth.


We conducted a review of peer-reviewed and grey literature to identify policy strategies to address opioid misuse among pregnant women; to describe current federal and state laws that impact women before pregnancy, during pregnancy, at birth, and postpartum; and to identify gaps and challenges related to these efforts.


We identify two gaps in current efforts: 1) limited attention to prevention of opioid misuse among reproductive-age women, and 2) lack of policies addressing opioid misuse among postpartum women. We also discuss barriers to accessing care for women who misuse opioids, including provider shortages (e.g., too few addiction medicine specialists accept pregnant women or Medicaid beneficiaries as patients), logistical barriers (e.g., lack of transportation, child care), stigma, and fear of legal consequences.


As policymakers pursue strategies to address the opioid epidemic, the unique needs of pregnant and postpartum women and barriers to treatment should be addressed.  相似文献   
目的 对5个城市的环境温度与日死亡人数变化之间的关系进行分析,确定环境温度阈值以及当环境温度高于阈值温度时日死亡人数的变化与温度升高之间的关系.方法 运用R统计软件中分段回归模型软件包进行统计分析,用最大似然法进行迭代运算以确定环境温度阈值,对环境温度高于阈值时的死亡人数变化与温度进行回归分析,以贝叶斯信息准则(bayes information criterion,BIC)对模型进行检验.结果 北京市朝阳区、哈尔滨市、重庆市渝中区、福州市3个区及汕头市金平区的全死因死亡危险的阈值温度(℃)分别为(25.63±0.809)、(23.24±1.114)、(29.29±2.886)、(36.06±0.281)和(31.28±1.016),对应的环境温度高于阈值温度时,每升高1 ℃死亡人数增加的百分比(95% CI)分别为0.99(0.46~1.52)、1.12(0.24~2.00)、0.17(-0.34~0.68)、21.70(11.99~32.26)和2.79(1.05~4.57).结论 北京市和哈尔滨市的环境温度阈值相差不大,其在环境温度高于阈值时每升高1 ℃死亡率增加的百分数也比较接近.中部城市重庆的阈值温度在30 ℃左右,但当环境温度高于阈值时其死亡率增加的百分数却相对较低.福州市和汕头市都是南方沿海城市,其纬度都较其他几个城市低,而且容易受热带风暴影响,所以其阈值温度相对较高,而且当环境温度高于阈值时死亡率增加的百分数也相对较大.  相似文献   
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