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Finley  Sharratt  Nanton  Chen  Roy  Paterson 《Medical education》1998,32(4):357-361
Declining skills in auscultation of the heart prompted an evaluation of teaching methods for medical students. A comparison of classroom teaching and computer-aided independent learning of auscultation was carried out with two groups of approximately 20 second-year medical students. Both groups used approximately 20 recorded normal and abnormal heart sounds and murmurs, chosen to illustrate learning issues. For the classroom group a cardiologist presented each case through multiple stethophones and led the discussion. The individual study group used a new CD-ROM collection of cases and recordings in quiz format, with a hypertext link to a comprehensive text on auscultation and additional recordings. Students were tested with 16 multiple choice and 5 open questions on eight selected recordings, and evaluated the teaching by questionnaire. The classroom-taught students scored higher on open questions than the CD-ROM-taught group, but in general performance by both groups was satisfactory and equivalent. Students of both groups repeatedly had difficulty classifying regurgitant and ejection murmurs and identifying characteristics of the second heart sound. Both CD-ROM and classroom teaching methods were highly rated by students but most students preferred a combination.  相似文献   

The nation's first distance learning Graduate Certificate and Master's degree program as well as undergraduate courses in gerontology were developed at the Ethel Percy Andrus Gerontology Center at the University of Southern California. This article describes the beginning of the distance education program with the formation of our interactive multimedia division called Ageworks, faculty concerns about online education, faculty and student benefits, and changes in technology and costs over the first three years of program development.  相似文献   
《Substance use & misuse》2013,48(6):869-878
The purpose of the present study was to examine the efficacy of a substance abuse–preventive intervention using CD-ROM technology among adolescents in the sixth and seventh grades (12- to 13-years-old). The CD-ROM program used interactive audio and video content to teach social resistance skills, general personal and social competence skills, and normative education. Rates of substance-use behavior, attitudes, knowledge, normative expectations, and related variables were examined. From approximately 23 schools, students (n = 123) were randomly assigned to either receive the CD-ROM preventive intervention (n = 61) or to serve as a control group (n = 62). Study participants were 50% male, predominantly white (75%), and 94% came from two-parent families. Self-report data were collected using a self-administered web-based survey. Findings indicated that there were significant intervention effects on pro-drug attitudes, normative expectations for peer and adult substance use, anxiety reduction skills, and relaxation skills knowledge, with intervention students reporting improved scores on these outcomes at the posttest relative to control students. Findings indicate that a substance abuse–preventive intervention derived from an effective, school-based prevention approach is efficacious when delivered using CD-ROM technology. Research is needed to determine potential differences in the efficacy of CD-ROM prevention tools delivered in schools compared to home settings.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of a self-guided CD-ROM program (“Headstrong”) containing cognitive-behavioral self-management strategies versus an educational CD-ROM program for treating headaches, headache-related disability, and quality of life.


Participants were 35 children ages 7–12 years with migraine recruited from one university medical center and two children’s hospital headache clinics. Participants were randomly assigned to complete the Headstrong or educational control CD-ROM program over a 4-week period. Data on headache frequency, duration, and severity, migraine-related disability, and quality of life (QOL) were obtained at baseline, post-intervention, and 3-months post-intervention.


At post-intervention, Headstrong resulted in lower severity (on a 10-point scale) than the control group by child report (5.06 ± 1.50 SD vs. 6.25 ± 1.92 SD, p = 0.03, ES = 0.7). At 3-months post-intervention, parents reported less migraine-related disability (on the PedMIDAS) in the Headstrong group compared to the control group (1.36 ± 2.06 SD vs. 5.18 ± 6.40 SD; p = 0.04, ES = 0.8). There were no other group differences at post treatment or at 3-months post-intervention.


When compared to an educational control, Headstrong resulted in lower pain severity at post-treatment and less migraine-related disability at 3-months post-intervention, by child and parent report respectively. Headache frequency and quality of life did not change more for Headstrong versus control. Additional research is needed on the Headstrong Program to increase its efficacy and to test it with a larger sample recruited from multiple centers simultaneously.  相似文献   
How do students use multimedia tools to support their learning during a gross anatomy dissection course? We investigated this question in the anatomic dissection course for first year medical students at the University of Munich (n=850) by giving all participating students access to an anatomical multimedia CD-ROM. The use of this multimedia learning tool was voluntary and it was not essential for the end-of-course examination.After the examination, two questionnaires (return rate first questionnaire n1=347, 41%; return rate second questionnaire n2=644, 76%) were given to the surveyed students with the following content: evaluation of the multimedia learning tool, details about the usage of different kinds of available learning media, and finally an evaluation of the media used for teaching during the course. Furthermore we collected personal data from participants such as age, gender and the score achieved in the examination.Classical textbooks and anatomical atlases were used by 84% of students for preparation. The multimedia learning tool was used by 34% as an additional media for learning. The multimedia learning tool was not used alone. The data showed differences with regard to gender and performance of students, but not relating to age. Students rated the computer-specific features, e.g. three-dimensional (3D) models, virtual simulations, and an interactive quiz module, as major reasons for using the multimedia learning tool.Our results show that medical students use anatomic multimedia learning tools primarily as an additional medium for learning, and thus lead to the conclusion that the main learning media are still textbooks and anatomic atlases.  相似文献   
本文对国际药物文摘光盘数据库(IPA CD-ROM)所收录期刊、著者、语种等数据进行统计分析,采用载文率法确定国际、国内药学领域核心期刊,并总结提出国内药学领域学术水平较高的科研机构,旨在为情报人员及有关人员提供参考.  相似文献   
This article introduces a CD-ROM containing whole-mount and histological images of normal growth and development of both the mouse mammary gland and the human breast. It also covers nonneoplastic lesions and neoplasias in both species including a catalog of lesions in genetically engineered mice. Instructions, with examples, on techniques such as whole-mount preparation, immunohistochemistry, in situ hybridization, and common histological stains are provided. The images are based on full-scale 1996 × 1640 pixel images at 300 pixels/inch and are annotated. Every genetically engineered model has one or more accompanying citations. Tables are provided for orientation and organization. The CD includes zoom capabilities, a search engine, and a help mode.  相似文献   
This presentation, on both printed copy and CD-ROM, summarizesa series of original data on the ultrastructure of human reproductionproduced by our research group. In particular, female germ cellbehaviour at the time of migration and colonization of the gonadand germ-somatic cell interactions inside the developing ovaryare reviewed from a morphodynamic point of view. The resultsmostly consist of black-and-white transmission and scanningelectron microscopy (TEM and SEM) images. Artificially colouredSEM pictures, light microscopy images and drawings have alsobeen selected for iconography to render complex microanatomicaldetails and their morphofunctional relationships more comprehensible.In all, 35 images are presented in this article, each relatedto a concise text section and accompanied by a self-explainingcaption. A list of pertinent references is also provided.  相似文献   
目的:探讨腰椎间盘突出症术后患者的康复训练方法,以提高康复训练的效果,保证患者得到及时、有效的健康指导。方法:将2008年1月至2009年5月的54例患者按随机数字表法分成光盘指导组26例,口头指导组28例。光盘指导组采用自制功能锻炼光盘进行健康指导,向患者加以演示,形象直观的对患者进行功能锻炼指导。而口头指导组采用传统口头宣教方法进行健康指导。结果:光盘指导组接受自制功能锻炼光盘后对护理工作的满意度从78.6%提高到100%,患者掌握腰背肌锻炼动作有明显效果,术后自理能力及肌力均有明显提高,下床时间早,疼痛减轻。结论:功能锻炼光盘通俗易懂,易于被患者接受,对促进患者康复有良好的效果。  相似文献   
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