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Summary In this study, we crushed one optic nerve in the frog Litoria (Hyla) moorei and at intervals thereafter anterogradely labelled optic axons with horseradish peroxidase (HRP). For one series, HRP was applied between the eye and the crush site and in a second series between the crush site and the chiasm. A tectal projection of regenerating axons was seen in both series but, in addition, up to 12 weeks post-crush, the second series displayed an additional projection. Its appearance matched that of the disconnected, but persisting, optic axon terminals which are found after enucleation or optic nerve ligation. We conclude that, in the frog, many disconnected optic axons persist throughout the period of optic nerve regeneration and of restoration of an orderly retino-tectal map.Abbreviation HRP horseradish peroxidase  相似文献   
Summary Characteristic for the crayfish stretch receptor is a gradual decrease in axon diameter up to a stretch of axon about 350 m away from the soma-axon border. In response to depolarizing currents applied at different positions along the axon this stretch of axon can be localized as the most excitable membrane region. When depolarizing current steps of 10–25 nA intensity are injected into the soma the first impulse is always triggered in the soma (due to sudden rise in the membrane potential) while the second impulse originates at the axon region of highest escitability. As the intensity of the stimulus is increased the site of impulse initiation along the axon shifts nearer to the receptor soma. At a stimulus intensity of 50 nA the second impulse is suppressed and only the membrane potential at the axon hillock increases slightly. An analysis of the conductances for sodium and potassium ions as well as of the leakage current suggests that the molecular basis for the observed variations in excitability resides in a gradual decrease of the sodium conductance between the cell soma and the small-diameter region of the axon. However, the resting potential in this most excitable axon region is only some 3 mV more positive as compared to the receptor soma. A mathematical formulation is presented for the encoder mechanism in a soma-axon region with varying diameter. Using a slightly modified form of the Hodgkin-Huxley equations the experimentally observed changes in membrane potential and in the time course of the ionic currents can be adequately described by applying a nonlinear cable equation to the inhomogeneous axon.  相似文献   
Summary Changes in cerebellothalamic projections in kittens after neonatal hemicerebellectomy were studied by the retrograde and anterograde horseradish peroxidase (HRP)-tract-tracing methods. The number of cerebellar nuclear neurons labeled retrogradely with HRP injected into the ipsilateral VA-VL complex of the thalamus was much more numerous in neonatally hemicerebellectomized kittens than in intact kittens. Presumed terminals of ipsilateral cerebellothalamic fibers labeled anterogradely with HRP injected into the cerebellar nuclei were also distributed more densely and extensively in the thalamic areas, especially in the VA-VL complex, of hemicerebellectomized kittens than in the thalamic areas of the control kittens. These results are in good accordance with those obtained from the previous electrophysiological study (Kawaguchi et al., 1979) and offer corroborating evidence for axonal sprouting of cerebellothalamic neurons after neonatal hemicerebellectomy.  相似文献   
With the exception of signs of retraction and withdrawal, there have been few morphological data concerning degenerated neural profiles in adult motor endplates. Here, investigation into the ultrastructure of the soleus motor endplates of adult rats (4 months old) turned up particular axonal degeneration in approximately 3% of the subjects. These axons occur as synaptic debris in the synaptic matrix of the motor endplate, adjacent to thin processes of the perisynaptic cells occupying the outer most layer of the motor endplate and were devoid of basal lamina. They often possessed dense-cored vesicles (50-80 nm). Axonal debris released from Schwann cell processes occurred during the period of acute sciatic neurectomy, when nerve terminals progressively disrupted within the motor endplate associated Schwann cells. Finally, immunohistochemical staining for antibodies to label macrophages (ED1 or ED2) has shown that nerve fiber-associated macrophages are located near the motor endplate. The results suggest that during the course of endplate remodeling, a few parts of the terminal branches are disposed of through spontaneous collapse, subsequent release from the Schwann cell investment, and eventual ingestion by macrophages in the perisynaptic space.  相似文献   
Summary The remyelination of regenerated optic axons was investigated in goldfish following either optic nerve crush or ouabain retinal intoxication. Axons grown after nerve crushing acquire thinner myelin sheaths than axons originating from reconstituted ganglion cells. If axons of reconstituted ganglion cells are crushed and allowed to regenerate, the subsequent myelination is weaker than that of control axons not interrupted by crushing, but stronger than that of axons of preexisting retinal ganglion cells.The present results suggest that a neuron is capable of inducing a normally developed myelin sheath when its axon contacts an oligodendrocyte the first time, whereas a neuron whose axon contacts an oligodendrocyte the second time is not capable of forming a normal myelin sheath in the adult animal. The present results also support the notion that the oligodendrocyte requires a neuronal signal for myelin sheath formation.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Wo 215/5)  相似文献   
Summary The effect of the enucleation of one eye on anterograde and retrograde labelling in geniculo-cortical, cortico-geniculate and commissural projections was investigated in adult cats by means of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and tritiated aminoacids. It was found that in addition to the immediate decrease of retrograde labelling with HRP in the cortical projections from the deafferented A-laminae of the dorsal part of the lateral geniculate nucleus (Singer et al. 1977) there is a further reduction which lasts up to 75 days after enucleation. At 146 and 363 days after enucleation a slight increase in the number of labelled neurones was noted in the deafferented lamina. Qualitative assessment did not reveal any changes of anterograde labelling with tritiated amino acids in geniculo-cortical, cortico-geniculate and commissural axones. In addition, the retrograde labelling with HRP in cortico-geniculate and commissural projections seemed to be unaffected by eye enucleation.Deceased  相似文献   
Summary Ultrastructural changes in central nervous system (CNS) white matter of three goats affected with-mannosidosis were analyzed to further define characteristics and pathogenesis of axonal and myelin abnormalities. The variations in myelin association and contents of axonal spheroids were delineated. The occurrence of spheroids in a 96/150-day fetus documented the early development of these axonal lesions. In regions of severe myelin deficits, the presence of apparently normal axons and a reduction in the number of oligodendrocytes were confirmed. Many remaining cells in myelin-deficient regions were characterized by dark, vacuolated cytoplasm. The occurrence of internodes with myelin sheaths adjacent to internodes without myelin sheaths suggested that an axonal defect is not primarily responsible for the absence of myelin sheaths. A mild myelin deficit in the spinal cord was indicated by the presence of unmyelinated axons. Except for occasional mild cytoplasmic vacuolation, the spinal cord glial cells appeared relatively normal. The findings presented here are consistent with the hypothesis that an oligodendrocyte defect, expressed by regional differences, is a major factor in the pathogenesis of myelin deficiency in-mannosidosis.Supported by NIH grant NS-16886 to MZJ and BRSG funds from the College of Osteopathic Medicine, Michigan State University, to KLL  相似文献   
Summary Electromyographic examination and studies of motor and sensory conduction velocities were performed in 11 patients with a presumptive diagnosis of olivopontocerebellar atrophy with autosomal dominant transmission. Peripheral nervous system involvement was shown in eight. In two patients with early onset of disease, electrophysiological alterations clearly pointed to severe axonal degeneration, whereas in six they were compatible with slight demyelination.
Zusammenfassung Bei elf Patienten, bei welchen eine olivopontocerebelläre Atrophie mit autosomal dominanter Übertragung angenommen wurde, führten wir eine elektromyographische Untersuchung und eine Bestimmung der motorischen und sensiblen Erregungsleitungsgeschwindigkeit durch. Bei acht dieser Patienten wurde eine Mitbeteiligung des peripheren Nervensystems nachgewiesen. In zwei Fällen mit frühem Krankheitsbeginn wiesen die elektrophysiologischen Veränderungen eindeutig auf eine schwere axonale Degeneration hin, während bei sechs die Befunde mit einer leichten Demyelinisation vereinbar waren.
目的研究轴突在三维组织中的定向生长问题,探讨轴突沿非平坦基底定向生长时基底的低起伏程度对轴突的生长速率、成束和解束速率的影响。方法根据实验观察,设轴突生长的牵引力与靶细胞分泌的可扩散吸引分子的浓度梯度成正比,轴突成束和解束的侧向力与生长锥分泌的可扩散吸引分子和排斥分子的浓度梯度成正比,并且,吸引力指向浓度高的方向,排斥力指向浓度低的方向,浓度满足扩散方程。对于非平坦基底,有效力为沿基底轮廓线的切向分量。数值计算采用三维有限差分法和改进的Euler法。结果(1)轴突在三维组织中定向生长的基本特征与在二维培养基实验中的观察是一致的,只是在形态上有三维与二维之分;(2)非平坦基底的低起伏程度影响轴突的生长,随着起伏加剧,生长锥的前进速率减小、侧向速率增加。结论(1)许多基于二维培养实验所揭示的轴突生长的基本规律在三维情况下仍然是成立的;(2)基底的几何性质是影响轴突生长速率的重要因素之一。  相似文献   
Fundus-first laparoscopic cholecystectomy   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Removal of the gallbladder with commencement of dissection at the fundus is well recognized as a safe technique during difficult open cholecystectomy because it minimizes the risks of damage to the structures in or around Calot's triangle. We report here the routine employment of liver retractors and fundus-first dissection during laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC) as an alternative to techniques previously described.Retraction of the liver and fundus-first dissection was used in 53 patients who underwent laparoscopic cholecytectomy. There were 16 male and 37 female patients. Seven were operations performed during an acute admission and 20 had moderate or severe adhesions involving the gallbladder. Thirteen patients had a preexisting abdominal incision.The procedure was successful in 52 patients (98%), but in one patient it was converted to open operation because of dense adhesions. Median duration of operation was 90 min (range 35–240 min). There was no mortality and two complications (persistent right upper quadrant pain for 2 weeks after operation and bile leakage from the gallbladder bed).The facility to retract the liver and carry out a fundus-first dissection extends techniques developed for open surgery into the laparoscopic arena. It offers the surgeon the safety and versatility during laparoscopic cholecystectomy that it confers during conventional open surgery.Presented at the annual meeting of the Society of American Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES), Nashville, Tennessee, USA, 18–19 April 1994  相似文献   
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