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Objective: To explore the relationship between benzodiazepine use and violent crime in a sample of community-based offenders. Methods: Participants were recruited via drug diversion and treatment programs in Melbourne, Australia. Data regarding benzodiazepine and other substance use, mental health, personality characteristics, and crime involvement were collected through semistructured interviews conducted in 2011. Participants (n = 82, 79.3% male) were 21–56 years old, predominantly Australian-born (89%), with 14.6% identifying as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islanders. Eligibility criteria were having been charged with a criminal offence in the previous six months and at least monthly benzodiazepine use. Group differences between violent (n = 11) and nonviolent offenders were assessed via independent samples t-tests (two-tailed) and nonparametric tests. Results: Individuals charged with violent index offences were significantly more likely to use higher average doses of alprazolam (p = 0.040) and exhibit benzodiazepine dependence (p = 0.037) as well as report high levels of sensation seeking, prior violence, and the diagnoses of depression and personality disorder than individuals charged with nonviolent index offences. Conclusions: The findings suggest the existence of a complex dynamic between mental health and violent offending that may be influenced by benzodiazepine use, in particular alprazolam. A core implication of these preliminary findings includes attending to the interpersonal skills and adaptive coping resources of violent offenders.  相似文献   
刘晓哲 《海峡药学》2007,19(8):55-56
目的建立HPLC法测定阿普唑仑的含量及含量均匀度。方法采用日本岛津VP-ODS色谱柱(250mm×4.6mm,5μm),以甲醇-水(65∶35)为流动相,检测波长254nm,流速:0.7mL.min-1,柱温:30℃,进样量:10μL。结果阿普唑仑线性范围为8.96~89.6μg.mL-1(r=0.9996),平均回收率为99.7%(RSD=1.2%)。结论本方法灵敏度高,操作简便、可靠,适用于阿普唑仑片的质量控制。  相似文献   
目的:建立液质联用(RP—MS)法测定血浆中阿普唑仑的方法。方法:以地西泮为内标物;以Agilent Zorbax SB C18(2.1mm×30mm,3.5μm)柱为色谱柱,流动相为50mmol·L^-1甲酸-乙腈(3:7),流速为0.2ml·min^-1,柱温30℃,进样量50μl;质谱条件为电喷雾电离源(ESI),检测方式为正离子电离、多离子反应监测(MRM)。结果:阿普唑仑在0.5~50ng·ml^-1血浆浓度范围内线性关系良好(r=0.9985,n=7);批内和批间精密度均低于5%;最低检测限为0.5ng·ml^-1。结论:该方法灵敏、准确、快速,可用于临床上阿普唑仑血药浓度监测和药代动力学研究。  相似文献   
目的探讨眠安宁颗粒治疗亚健康失眠的临床疗效和睡眠质量改善情况。方法将我院收治入院的108例亚健康失眠患者随机分为试验组(54例)与对照组(54例),试验组口服眠安宁颗粒(丹参、熟地黄、首乌藤、白术、陈皮、远志、大枣)治疗,一次1袋,一日2次;对照组睡前口服阿普唑仑治疗,一次0.4mg,一日1次,连续用药3周为一个疗程。治疗前后应用采用匹兹堡睡眠质量指数(PSQI)量表进行量表检测评分观察两组的临床疗效和睡眠改善情况。结果试验组与对照组的总有效率分别为92.59%与75.93%,两组疗效比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。对照组和试验组的睡眠质量完全改善率分别为83.33%和64.81%,两组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论眠安宁颗粒对亚健康失眠治疗效果明显,对亚健康失眠患者的睡眠质量改善明显,值得临床推广应用。  相似文献   
目的观察九味镇心颗粒治疗广泛性焦虑障碍的临床疗效和安全性。方法采用随机开放对照设计,将80例广泛性焦虑障碍患者按随机分入九味镇心颗粒组和九味镇心颗粒合并阿普唑仑组,治疗4w,观察其临床疗效和安全性。结果九味镇心颗粒组(32例)总有效率为90.63%;九味镇心颗粒合并阿普唑仑组总有效率94.12%。不良反应发生率5%。结论九味镇心颗粒用于治疗广泛性焦虑障碍疗效显著,安全有效。  相似文献   
万拉法新治疗广泛性焦虑症对照研究   总被引:20,自引:4,他引:20  
目的:比较万拉法新与阿普唑仑治疗广泛性焦虑症的疗效及副反应。方法:对符合CCMD-2-R广泛性焦虑症诊断标准的病人,随机分为万拉法新组和阿普唑仑组,治疗6周,用汉密尔顿焦虑量表、焦虑自评量表、临床疗效4级评定标准和药物副作用量表,评定疗效和药物的不良反应。结果:万拉法新与阿普唑仑疗效相当,起效虽稍慢于阿普唑仑,但中长期疗效更持久更稳定,没有严重副反应和成瘾性。结论:万拉法新治疗广泛性焦虑症疗效好,副作用轻、患者服药依从性好。  相似文献   

The combination of hydrocodone, carisoprodol, and alprazolam is subject to abuse. Ingestions of this drug combination reported to Texas poison centers during 1998–2009 were identified (totaling 1,295 cases) and the distribution of ingestions by selected factors was determined. The number of cases increased from 0 in 1998 to 200 in 2007, and then decreased to 132 in 2009. The counties in eastern and southeastern Texas accounted for 80.9% of the cases. Of the patients, 57.3% were women and 94.6% were age 20 or older. Suspected attempted suicide accounted for 59.3% of the cases and intentional misuse or abuse for 27.3%.  相似文献   
The fear-potentiated startle (FPS) and the light-enhanced startle (LES) paradigms are rodent tests of fear and anxiety, which combine face validity with predictive validity for clinically effective anxiolytic drugs. However, systematic strain comparisons aimed at identifying a rat strain that shows robust and reliable fear and anxiety responses in both models are missing. Here, we investigated four commonly used laboratory rat strains: Wistar, Sprague Dawley, Long-Evans and F344. Following strong cued fear conditioning training [60 conditioned stimulus-unconditioned stimulus (CS-US) pairings], all strains except Wistar exhibited significant FPS responses. F344 rats showed the strongest FPS response. Following milder cued fear conditioning protocols, designed to reduce the underlying component of contextual fear conditioning (by context pre-exposure or less CS-US pairings), also Wistar rats were able to show significant FPS, albeit still to a lesser extent than F344 rats tested under identical conditions. When tested in the LES protocol (light intensity ∼1500 lx), all strains except Long-Evans displayed significant light-enhanced startle responses. F344 and Wistar showed the strongest LES responses, which were of similar magnitude. The most sensitive strain in both paradigms, F344, was chosen for further pharmacological validation. The clinically active anxiolytic alprazolam (0.3, 1, 3 mg/kg p.o.) dose-dependently reduced both fear-like responses in the FPS paradigm and anxiety-like responses in the LES paradigm at non-myorelaxant dosages. We propose that the F344 rat strain is particularly suited for the predictability assessment of novel anxiolytic drugs in both startle paradigms.  相似文献   
阿普唑仑治疗神经性耳鸣38例疗效分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋瑾  张松志  郝文华 《海南医学》2012,23(12):36-37
目的探讨阿普唑仑治疗神经性耳鸣的临床疗效。方法将76例神经性耳鸣患者随机分为两组,每组38例,对照组给予营养神经、改善循环等常规治疗,观察组在此基础上加用阿普唑仑治疗,比较两组治疗效果及不良反应。结果治疗结束后,对照组总有效率为71.05%,观察组为89.47%,观察组总有效率明显高于对照组,结果差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论阿普唑仑等镇静类药物在神经性耳鸣治疗中起重要作用,值得临床推广应用。  相似文献   
阿普唑仑可降低射频导管消融手术患者的住院费用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的观察术前加用阿普唑仑对射频导管消融手术患者的心理状况及住院费用的影响。方法前瞻性、随机、双盲、安慰剂对照研究142例因阵发性室上性心动过速而择期行首次心内电生理检查或射频导管消融手术的患者,随机纳入安慰剂组(对照组,70例)或阿普唑仑组(治疗组,72例)。所有患者均于入组当晚开始每晚睡前服用阿普唑仑0.4mg或外形、性状类似于治疗药的安慰剂,至少3天后行射频导管消融治疗。所有患者均于术前24h内行中国版90项症状量表评价。结果二组之间年龄、性别、体重、烟酒嗜好、职业、文化程度、婚姻状况、家庭关系和医疗费用的支付方式(即是否有医疗保险)等方面以及二组间合并高血压和糖尿病的患者数差异均无统计学意义。与对照组相比,治疗组射频导管消融术前的患者躯体化(1.38±0.40比1.65±0.56,P〈0.01)、焦虑(1.50±0.39比1.69±0.50,P〈0.05)、恐怖(1.24±0.36比1.47±0.57,P〈0.01)、精神病性(1.24±0.34比1.35±0.30,P〈0.05)和总均分(1.36±0.35比1.49±0.37,P〈0.05)等项目评分均有明显下降,治疗组住院费用(32498±1170)元,明显低于对照组(32947±1096)元,P〈0.05。结论术前服用阿普唑仑可改善射频导管消融手术患者的心理状况并降低其住院费用。  相似文献   
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