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目的在严格选择适应证的前提下,探讨成人牙周炎继发错牙合畸形患者正畸治疗的效果。方法分析19例成人牙周炎继发错牙合畸形患者的矫治过程,并对矫治效果进行评价。结果总成功率达到84.21%。结论在正确选择适应证、严格控制牙周状况、注意牙周炎矫治特点的情况下,成人牙周炎继发错牙合畸形的正畸治疗可以取得良好效果。 相似文献
There is compelling experimental and clinical evidence suggesting a crucial role for inflammation in the initiation and also the progression of atherosclerosis. Numerous biomarkers involved at various levels of the inflammation cascade have been shown to be associated with adverse cardiovascular outcomes. Yet, to date, it is not clear whether inflammation simply accompanies the atherosclerotic process or represents a major driver. Among all blood biomarkers, C-reactive protein (CRP), the classical acute phase reactant that can be measured with high-sensitivity (hs) assays seems to be the most promising candidate. It has already found its way into the guidelines in primary prevention. Hs-CRP can also be used to identify a high-risk group for recurrent events in patients with manifest atherosclerosis. Several post hoc analyses of large-scale randomized clinical trials testing various statins have indicated that, besides low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, hs-CRP levels might also further aid in tailoring statin treatment. The large JUPITER trial has prospectively confirmed these findings in primary prevention in patients with elevated hs-CRP but normal LDL cholesterol levels. Still, statin therapy is not a specific anti-inflammatory regime acting on the inflammation cascade. Thus, to directly test the inflammation hypothesis, a novel, more proximally located cytokine-based approach is needed. Canakinumab, a fully human monoclonal antibody against interleukin-1β, might represent a promising compound in this regard and provide a proof of concept. If successful, this may become a novel strategy to treat high-risk patients with stable atherosclerotic disease to prevent recurrent events on top of standard medical care. 相似文献
Cardiotrophin-1 (CT-1) produces longitudinal elongation of neonatal cardiomyocytes, but its effects in adult cardiomyocytes are not known. Recent observations indicate that CT-1 may be involved in pressure overload left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH). We investigated whether the hypertrophic effects of CT-1 are different in cardiomyocytes isolated from adult normotensive and spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). Hypertrophy was evaluated by planimetry and confocal microscopy, contractile proteins were quantified by Western blotting and real-time RT-PCR, and intracellular pathways were analyzed with specific chemical inhibitors. CT-1 increased c-fos and ANP expression (p<0.01) and cell area (p<0.01) in cardiomyocytes from both rat strains. In Wistar cells, CT-1 augmented cell length (p<0.01) but did not modify either the transverse diameter or cell depth. In SHR cells, CT-1 increased cell length (p<0.05), cell width (p<0.01) and cell depth, augmented the expression of myosin light chain-2v (MLC-2v) and skeletal alpha-actin (p<0.01) and enhanced MLC-2v phosphorylation (p<0.01). The blockade of gp130 or LIFR abolished CT-1-induced growth in the two cell types. All distinct effects observed in cardiomyocytes from SHR were mediated by STAT3. Baseline angiotensinogen expression was higher in SHR cells, and CT-1 induced a 1.7-fold and 3.2-fold increase of angiotensinogen mRNA in cardiomyocytes from Wistar rats and SHR respectively. In addition, AT1 blockade inhibited the specific effects of CT-1 in SHR cells. Finally, ex vivo determinations revealed that adult SHR exhibited enhanced myocardial CT-1 (mRNA and protein, p<0.01), increased cell width (p<0.01) and concentric LVH compared with pre-hypertensive SHR. These findings reveal a specific cell-broadening effect of CT-1 in cardiomyocytes from adult SHR and suggest that the hypertensive phenotype of these cells may influence the hypertrophic effects of CT-1, probably by means of an exaggerated induction of angiotensinogen expression. We suggest that CT-1 might facilitate LVH in genetic hypertension through a cross-talk with the renin-angiotensin system. 相似文献
人格障碍倾向与依恋的关系 总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1
目的:初步考察人格障碍倾向与依恋的关系。方法:用成人依恋问卷(AAQ3.1)、关系问卷(RQ)、亲密关系经历量表(ECR)、人格障碍筛查问卷(PDQ 4)测量成年早期学生390名。结果:依恋各因子与人格障碍显著相关,相关系数在-0.359~0.555之间;回归分析显示,依恋对人格障碍有显著的预测作用,三个依恋量表所测量的依恋因子共解释人格障碍总变异的46.3%。结论:人格障碍与依恋显著相关,不良依恋经验对人格障碍症状有显著预测作用。 相似文献
日本血吸虫基因表达序列标签的获得和分析 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
为寻找日本血吸虫新基因并进行血吸虫基因功能研究,随机挑选日本血吸虫(中国大陆株)成虫cDNA库克隆,培养后提取噬菌体DNA作模板,进行PCR反应扩增,将扩增产物部分测序产生表达序列标签(EST),并将EST输入GenBank和EMBL,运用分子生物学 软件比较其同源性, 推导其蛋白序列并进行分析,结果得到75个未曾登录的新基因,并对其中一些基因进行功能推测研究,认为表达序列材人是快速有效寻找基因的方法,生物信息学软件的应用提供了新的医学研究途径。 相似文献
The doublecortin (DCX) protein is associated with microtubules, and is essential for neuronal migration, differentiation, and plasticity. In mammals, it is expressed in developing neurons and new immature neuroblasts in the adult brain, but not generally in mature neurons. In the retina, doublecortin is detectable as early as embryonic day 15 (E15), is highly expressed between E18 and E20, and is poorly expressed postnatally. In this study, we investigated immunohistochemically the expression and cellular localization of doublecortin in the adult rat retina. Doublecortin was expressed in the outer plexiform layer (OPL), and in cells in the outer border of the inner nuclear layer (INL). No other layers were labeled by anti-doublecortin antibodies. In double-labeling experiments, doublecortin expression co-localized with the expression of the marker for horizontal cells, calbindin D. By contrast, the marker for immature neuroblasts, polysialylated neural cell-adhesion molecule, was not expressed in horizontal cells. These results suggest that either horizontal cells have the capacity to continuously remodel their neurites or doublecortin has a different function in horizontal cells from the control of neuronal plasticity that it is known to modulate other neurites. In addition, doublecortin might be an alternative molecular marker for horizontal cells in the adult rat retina. 相似文献
Contrary to what would be expected, smoking habits of asthmatics do not differ from those of the general population: approximately 30% of asthmatic patients smoke cigarettes. Although the relationship between smoking and the incidence of asthma has been well explored, little attention has been paid to documenting the relationship between smoking and asthma symptoms among adults with asthma. The objective of this study was to assess the association of cigarette smoking with asthma symptom severity. The present report is of a cross-sectional study of 225 asthmatics, aged 20-54 years, from six general practice clinics in East Anglia, U.K. The outcome measures are overall asthma symptom score (range 6.3-28) and three asthma symptom domains: respiratory (range 1.3-8), daily activity interference (range 2-8), and physical activity interference (range 3-12), generated from the sum of ordinal responses to questions on asthma symptom severity. Of the sample, 27.0% were current and 22.1% were former smokers. Current smokers more frequently had bothersome asthma symptoms than nonsmokers in both unadjusted analyses and analyses controlling for age, gender, recent visits to the general practitioner for asthma, and asthma medication use (p = 0.06). Respiratory symptoms (p = 0.03) and symptoms that affect daily activities (p = 0.03) were more strongly associated with smoking than symptoms that affect physical activities (p = 0.62). Our data suggest that smoking hastens asthma progression or affects disease control. Increased frequency of symptoms may be an indicator for potential morbidity among asthmatics, especially those who smoke cigarettes. The hazards associated with smoking among asthmatics need to be more clearly emphasized by physicians and public health officials in order to convince people with asthma who smoke to stop. 相似文献
北京市朝阳区居民乙肝知信行调查分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
目的 了解北京重大传染病防控示范区即北京市朝阳区居民乙型肝炎的相关知识、态度、行为等情况,为制定有效干预措施和评估干预实施效果提供依据.方法 根据朝阳区的地区特点进行分层分阶段整群随机抽样,采用自编调查表对抽取对象进行调查.结果 乙肝三大传播途径(血液传播、母婴传播、性传播)知识正确知晓率分别为:69.7%、53%、42.3%,乙肝预防措施乙肝疫苗、安全套的知晓率分别为71.3%、26.6%,且不同特征人群认知情况存在差异;49.5%调查对象介意与乙肝感染者一起生活工作,仅26.3%的调查者接种过乙肝疫苗.结论 朝阳区居民乙肝正确防护知识与行为有待加强与提高:需分层次、有重点的针对不同需求实施健康教育,提高乙肝疫苗接种率,提高居民乙肝知识正确认知、转变态度,从而改善相关行为. 相似文献
目的比较7种实验动物对藐小棘隙吸虫的易感性,并观察犬体内藐小棘隙吸虫成虫寿命、日产虫卵量以及排卵动态。方法以定量囊蚴人工实验感染幼犬2只、幼猫2只、新西兰兔3只、昆明小鼠10只、猪2头、鸡鸭各10只以及日本血吸虫感染的新西兰兔3只,定期粪检或解剖观察动物感染情况。结果与结论所有感染犬、兔、猫均检获成虫。10只小鼠有7只感染成功,其它实验动物均为阴性;犬、兔、猫和鼠的获虫率分别为56.15%、51.45%、29.82%和11.93%。实验犬和兔的获虫率、所获虫体大小以及虫体子宫含卵数均明显高于或大于实验猫和小鼠。上述结果表明,犬和兔是藐小棘隙吸虫适宜终宿(其中兔为终宿主新记录),猫次之,小鼠的易感性较低。实验犬感染藐小棘隙吸虫后第13d 开始从粪便中排卵,此后排卵量迅速增加,感染后3个月达到高峰,感染后6个月时明显下降,10个月时排卵量处于很低水平,此后10个月仍维持同一水平,未见明显升降或停止排卵现象。犬体内13~25日龄藐小棘隙吸虫成虫日产卵量为48±27个。成虫在犬体内的寿命超过20个月。另外,3只兔感染日本血吸虫(2000尾蚴/只)28d 后再用藐小棘隙吸虫囊蚴攻击感染,结果对藐小棘隙吸虫产生了明显的抗性,与无血吸虫感染的实验兔相比其减虫率达到86.78%~100%(平均为92.09%)。藐小棘隙吸虫/兔模型对于研究异源抗性产生的机制以及宿主与寄生虫的关系有一定应用价值。 相似文献