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我患糖尿病10多年,在医生的指导、自己的努力、《糖尿病新世界》的陪伴下,血糖控制得不错,只是得了白内障。我在某份报纸上看到一则最新报道,上面称“‘复胰固本胶囊’成功治愈了100多万例糖尿病患者,能够彻底恢复胰腺功能,迅速消除并发症,是目前世界上治疗糖尿病愈后不反弹的特效药!”的信息,心里非常激动,想尝试一下,请编辑同志给我个建议,是否可以尝试,  相似文献   
唐大夫 《大家健康》2008,(10):60-60
问:我今年40岁,近来自觉易疲倦、乏力、腰部隐痛。经医院B超检查,发现多囊肾,医生说要手术。说到手术,我有点害怕,请问有什么特效药治疗吗?  相似文献   
徐晨  任波  董刚 《传染病信息》2004,17(3):134-134
目前在世界范围流行的由变异的冠状病毒所引起的"非典型肺炎"(SARS),主要以侵犯肺脏为主.肺脏的主要功能是摄取氧气(O2)和排出二氧化碳(CO2).当肺脏受到侵袭,受损范围超过其代偿能力时,就会影响肺脏的气体交换和弥散功能,使摄取O2量减少,CO2升高.组织缺少O2,导致患者呼吸困难,严重时可发展成急性呼吸窘迫综合征(ARDS)和呼吸衰竭,严重威胁患者的生命.目前,对治疗SARS病原体尚无特效药,除使用抗生素、抗病毒制剂、皮质激素、免疫增强剂和支持治疗外,机械通气对呼吸支持,改善组织缺氧,治疗肺部病变起了举足轻重的作用.  相似文献   
“现在最担心的,是我以后不在了,孩子怎么办?”林先生说。这也是每一位自闭儿家长的担忧。 自闭症是病,有什么药吃了会好吗? “目前还没有任何特效药。”邹小兵说,医院能够提供一些药物,控制自闭症孩子的合并症状,如兴奋、多动、暴躁、抑郁……但对自闭症本身,治疗的主要手段还是靠教育和训练。  相似文献   
AIM: Various side effects have been reported in patients infected with hepatitis C virus (HCV) who were treated with interferon-alpha (IFN-α), including the appearance or exacerbation of underlying autoimmune diseases and the development of a variety of organ and non-organ specific autoantibodies (NOSA). However, very few studies in adults have been strictly designed to address: whether the prevalence and the titre of organ and NOSA in serial samples of HCV-treated patients were affected by IFN-α, and the impact of these autoantibodies on the treatment outcome of HCV patients. METHODS: We investigated whether parietal cell autoantibodies (PCA) and/or NOSA were related with treatment-outcome in 57 HCV-treated patients (19 sustained-responders, 16 relapsers, 22 non-responders). Serum samples from patients were studied blindly at three time-points (entry, end of treatment and end of followup). For the detection of autoantibodies we used indirect immunofluorescence, commercial and in-house ELISAs. RESULTS: Sustained biochemical response was associated with ANA-negativity at the entry or end of follow up. Sustained virological response was associated with the absence of PCA at the entry. Combined virological and biochemical sustained response (CVBSR) was associated with the absence of antinuclear antibodies (ANA) at the end of follow up and PCA-negativity at the entry. Sustained virological and CVBSR were associated with a reduction of ANA and SMA titers during therapy. CONCLUSION: Although PCA and/or NOSA seropositivity should not affect the decision to treat HCV patients, the presence of some of them such as ANA, PCA and SMA before treatment or their increase during therapy with IFN- a may predict a worse response, indicating the need for a closer monitoring during treatment of HCV patients positive for these autoantibodies.  相似文献   
本文系江苏省衛生廳介紹之治療毒蛇特效葯方,經中華人民共和國衛生部印發我省参考試用,由于我省部分地区常有毒蛇伤人,为了發掘中葯有效作用,進行防治,特將原文刊載本期,以供給全國医葯界共同研究参考,如需此項葯品試用,請逕与該省联系洽談,并希將試用結果函告本刊。  相似文献   
廖清江 《中国药房》1993,4(5):40-41
<正> 突破性药物(Breakthrough products)或称风靡一时的药物,也被譬为重磅炸弹型药物(Blockbusters)。它们所具有的突破性意义或在疗效上显示突破性的进展,可以治疗某些以往缺乏良药的疾病,或其年销售额突破了巨额美元,反映它们在医疗上被需求的迫切程度。  相似文献   
<正>胖大海性味甘寒,功效为开肺气、清肺热、润肠通便、利咽解毒等,尤适于“开音治暗”。临床上常用来治疗发音突然嘶哑伴有咳嗽、口渴、咽痛或高声呼叫而致的声音嘶哑等症。因而有些人把胖大海当作治疗音哑的特效药,甚至把胖大海作为保健饮料长期泡服。这样做往往适得其反,引起诸多不良反应,造成  相似文献   
胰岛素具有降糖效果好、价格便宜、能有效保护胰岛功能等优点,可以说是治疗糖尿病的“特效药”。近80年来,在临床上虽然又出现了许多新的降糖药,但胰岛素仍是治疗糖尿病不可替代的主要药物。糖尿病患者在使用胰岛素进行治疗时一般可采取两种方案,即进行胰岛素常规治疗和进行胰岛素强化治疗。  相似文献   
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