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全球消灭脊髓灰质炎(脊灰)计划始于1988年。到2006年,全球Ⅱ型脊灰野病毒的本土传播已被阻断,Ⅰ型和Ⅲ型脊灰野病毒的本土传播除4个国家外也已被阻断,这4个国家是阿富汗、印度、尼日利亚、巴基斯坦。2002-2006年,有20个此前已无脊灰的国家受到来自尼日利亚的Ⅰ型脊灰野病毒的输入侵袭,3个无脊灰的非洲国家受到了来自印度的Ⅰ型脊灰野病毒的输入侵袭。  相似文献   
2010年7月20日,巴基斯坦伊斯兰共和国因暴雨而引发洪灾.超过1600人罹难.中国国际救援队被派谴实施国际人道主义救援任务.此次洪灾后救援是以医疗救治为主要任务,其特点:①以医疗救援为中心任务;②以医疗救治为主的针对灾后疾病与传染病的诊治及预防;③以保证医学职业安全与人身安全为重要任务.在重灾区信德省Thatta地区附近建立流动医院展开医学救援.特别是根据当地风俗建立1顶妇女儿童分诊帐篷,尊重及便于为弱势群体展开医疗服务.在医疗救助为期18天医疗工作日中,共接诊11 243人次,诊治11020例患者.受到巴基斯坦官方及人民的高度赞誉.总结此次救援经验:建立洪灾医学救援体系,制定洪灾医学救援预案,建立医学救援组织体系,建立适应洪灾医学救治体制,储备医学救援装备及配置,是应对洪灾医学救援对策的必要保障.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Decrease in intraocular pressure (IOP) during pregnancy has been reported by previous studies, but amount of decrease varies from study to study. Moreover, previous studies have concentrated on the last trimester of pregnancy or one reading per trimester. IOP changes throughout the pregnancy have never been described. Therefore, the present study was planned to determine IOP throughout the pregnancy, after placing control on IOP affecting factors. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Thirty-six pregnant and same numbers of non-pregnant women of the same age group were studied. IOP measurements were taken at four week intervals throughout the pregnancy, with the Goldmann applanation tonometer. RESULTS: As compared to control subjects, up to 8th week, IOP remained the same. At 12th week, it becomes significantly lower. The IOP differences between first and second (P < 0.05), and second and third (P < 0.001) trimesters of pregnancy were significant. In every subject, IOP decreased during pregnancy. However, there were variations among individuals in the extent of IOP decrease. CONCLUSIONS: With advancing pregnancy, intraocular pressure decreases. Knowledge of the normal level of intraocular pressure in various stages of pregnancy may help glaucoma screeners.  相似文献   
辣木又称鼓槌树,原产于北印度及非洲,广泛分布在印度、埃及、菲律宾、斯里兰卡、泰国、马来西亚、巴基斯坦、新加坡、古巴、尼日利亚、坦桑尼亚等国。辣木属高营养、多用途植物,特别是辣木叶片、果实富含蛋白质、多种矿物质、维生素等,作为蔬菜和食品有增进营养、食疗保健功能[  相似文献   
联合国命名的世界5大长寿之乡是:前苏联的高加索、巴基斯坦的罕萨、厄瓜多尔的比尔班巴、中国的新疆一带和广西的巴马县。  相似文献   
1病历摘要 患者,男,37岁。主因发热10天伴畏寒而就诊。体温在39℃左右.发热为隔日1天,无咳嗽及流涕.曾在巴基斯坦居住2年,回国后半年来居住在河南,查体:未触及浅表淋巴结肿大,心率100次/min,律齐.肺部未闻及干湿啰音,腹软.肝未触及.脾肋下及边。实验室检查:血涂片检出间日疟原虫配子体。超声所见:脾厚4.8cm,  相似文献   
巴基斯坦早在上世纪90年代就响应世界卫生组织的号召建立了基本药物制度。1994年巴基斯坦公布了《国家基本药物清单》,随后在1995年和2000年又进行了两次修订,最终形成了现在共有29大类452种药物的清单。基本药物制度将大部分常用药的价格尽可能地控制在人们可以承受的水平,满足了民众最基本的医疗需求,更是穷人的生命保障。  相似文献   
Objective To investigate the prevalence of kanamycin (kan) and ampicillin (amp) resistant bacteria in public drinking water. Methods Bacteria containing kan and amp resistant genes were amplified by PCR and further characterized by colony hybridization and transformation studies. The genus of kan and amp resistant bacteria was determined with standard methods. Results Among the 625 drinking water samples, 400 contained kan and amp resistant bacteria and the percentage was 42.5% and 57.5%, respectively, which was further confirmed by the amplification of a 810 bp kan resistant gene and a 850 bp amp resistant gene. Of the 170 kan resistant bacteria, 90 were Gram negative and 80 were Gram positive. Of the 230 amp resistant bacteria, 160 were Gram negative while 70 were Gram positive. Salmonella, Shigella, Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, and E.coli were detected as 13%, 11%, 17%, 30%, and 29%, respectively. Bacterial strain DH5α transformed with plasmids isolated from kan and amp resistant bacteria confirmed that the antibiotic resistant genes were mediated by plasmids. Conclusion Drinking water is contaminated with kan and amp resistant bacteria due to poor sanitary conditions.  相似文献   
于丽  魏平 《中国处方药》2010,(12):24-26
"超级细菌"起源于印度之说尽管没有得到确切的证实,但不可否认的是,包括印度、巴基斯坦以及中国在内的一些国家和地区目前确实仍然存在药物处方管理不充分、抗生素使用不合理的情况,  相似文献   
本刊编辑部通过全球连线,在上期杂志(总第084期)中特别推出了美国、日本、澳大利亚、西班牙、印度、阿根廷等6个国家的药物管理制度介绍,在读者中引起较大反响。有读者来信、来电希望能够扩大关注范围,为此本刊再次连线,分别介绍加拿大和巴基斯坦药物管理制度。虽然篇幅有限,但管中窥豹,读者仍可体会不同的经济文化区域对药品价格、质量等实施管理的差异性制度设计。  相似文献   
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