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双侧输尿管结石14例ESWL治疗顺序分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的分析双侧输尿管结石ESWL的治疗顺序。方法统计ESWL治疗双侧输尿管结石患者14例,男11例,女3例,年龄27~59岁,平均37岁。结果双侧输尿管结石全部排净者11例,单侧输尿管结石排净者3例。未出现ESWL治疗后肾衰病例。结论对于双侧输尿管结石病人,合理安排ESWL治疗顺序,是预防碎石后出现肾衰的关键。  相似文献   
尿石症严重困扰着病人 ,发作时肾绞痛使病人疼痛难忍 ,肾结石、膀胱结石可引起肉眼血尿及膀胱刺激症状 ,影响着患者的生活、工作和学习 ,而且有资料表明肾结石可不同程度的影响性功能 ,因此寻求一种简捷有效的尿石症治疗方法成为泌尿外科科研重点之一。我院自 1999年 1月至今采用国产先进的双定位体外碎石机治疗尿石症 ,取得较满意疗效 ,现总结如下 :1 临床资料全部病例均来自门诊 ,其中男性 12 12例 ,女性 115 6例 ;年龄最大 76岁 ,最小 10岁 ;体重最重达 10 0kg ;左肾结石 5 33例 ,右肾结石 5 96例 ,双肾结石 34例 ,左输尿管结石 5 72例 …  相似文献   
尿石症中医临床证型的X线表现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
尿石症的流行病学和病因学   总被引:40,自引:0,他引:40  
尿石症是人类最早发现的疾病 ,早在公元前 4 80 0年 ,距今 6 80 0年以前埃及ElAmrah坟墓中发现尿石。公元前12 0 0年 ,距今 32 0 0年Susrua首次进行会阴取石术。公元前四世纪“希波克拉底誓言”写道 ,“我将不对结石患者动刀 ,而让位于熟练的艺人”。可见尿石手术已专业化 ,当时由于麻醉、无菌术、止血技术尚未建立 ,必须强调手术速度。十八世纪英国曾有 5 3s取出膀胱结石的记录。 2 0 0 0多年前希波克拉底注意到肾结石发生肾脓肿 ,也描述痛风。我国两千年前古医书中也有“石淋”和“砂淋”的记载。尿石症不仅是人类的病 ,也可见于动物。…  相似文献   
笔者用自拟金蓄茶防治尿石症复发36例,效果满意,现报告如下。  相似文献   
氨基丁三醇—E(THAM—E)局部冲洗溶解胱氨酸结石   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自1986年以来,我们在病房和门诊对静脉肾盂造影检查证实,临床确诊的410例尿石症病人,用小剂量山莨菪碱进行耳穴注射治疗,效果较好。现将临床观察结果报道如下: 临床资料本组410例中,男285例、女125例。男与女之比为2.28:1。年龄最大者63岁,最小1岁8个月,平均38岁。病程最长13年,最短5天。治疗前患者常见  相似文献   
80例急诊尿石症患者诊治中的护理干预效果对比研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的探讨护理干预策略在急诊尿石症患者的应用效果。方法将80例急诊尿石症患者随机分为2组各40例,对照组根据病情进行常规护理,干预组在基础护理的基础上进行综合护理干预。结果干预组疼痛耐受率显著高于对照组,对疾病认知率显著大于对照组,总疗效高于对照组(均P<0.01)。结论应用护理干预对急诊尿石症患者实行全程护理,提高患者及家属对尿石症知识的认知和理解,改善患者对疼痛的耐受性,从而积极配合治疗,可提高治疗效果及护理工作质量。  相似文献   
双侧肾输尿管结石同期或分期经皮肾镜取石术的选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨双侧肾输尿管结石同期或分期经皮肾镜取石术的选择.方法 2008年1-12月收治双侧肾输尿管结石患者60例.其中双侧肾结石30例、一侧肾结石合并对侧输尿管结石12例、双侧输尿管结石8例、双侧肾结石并一侧输尿管上段结石10例.结石直径1.0~6.5 cm,平均2.0 cm.根据手术时间、血红蛋白及血压变化、血气分析结果 和患者耐受程度等判定是否同期行双侧手术.根据手术完成情况分为同期组51例和分期组9例,分期组二期手术在3~6周后进行.比较2组患者一般情况、结石特征及手术情况.结果 手术分期原因:首侧手术时间>3 h 4例,血红蛋白<100 g/L或下降>30 g/L 3例,收缩压<90 mm Hg或下降>30 mm Hg 2例,动脉血pH值<7.35或动脉氧饱和度<95% 2例,患者不耐受3例.同期组首侧结石负荷、总结石负荷分别为(480.4±375.3)mm2及(858.8±426.0)mm2,分期组分别为(1271.7±928.1)mm2及(1667.0±811.2)mm2,2组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).同期组首侧平均手术时间、总手术时间分别为(119.3±25.1)min及(212.7±25.5)min,分期组分别为(153.7±42.4)min及(254.8±44.9)min,2组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).2组患者性别、年龄、体质指数、术前血红蛋白、总血红蛋白降低值、手术开始侧别、结石数量、第二侧结石负荷等差异均无统计性意义(P>0.05).2组总结石清除率分别为87.3%与88.9%,并发症发生率分别为17.6%与16.7%,2组差异均无统计性意义(P>0.05).同期组术后出现发热(体温>38.5 ℃)4例、迟发出血4例、肾盂穿孔1例;分期组术后发热1例、迟发出血1例、尿外渗1例.结论 首侧手术时间过长、术中出血及患者不耐受是双侧结石经皮肾镜取石分期手术的主要因素.
Objective To evaluate the of the decision process to perform staged or synchronous bilateral percutaneous nephrolithotripsy (PCNL) in the treatment of bilateral upper urinary tract calculi. Methods Patients with an indication for bilateral PCNL were enrolled in the study from Jan. 2008 to Dec. 2008. The decision to perform staged or synchronous bilateral PCNL was based on the initial side operative time, the changes of hemoglobin level and systolic arterial pressure, the results of blood gas analysis and the patient′s tolerance at the end of initial side operation. The patients were divided into two groups, patients who underwent synchronous bilateral PCNL were in group one. Patients where the PCNL procedure was stopped after the initial side and subsequently underwent staged bilateral PCNL three to six weeks later were placed in group two. The success and complication rates of two groups were compared and analyzed. Results Of 60 planned simultaneous bilateral PCNLs, nine were stopped after the initial side, due to prolonged operative time in four cases, a hemoglobin level <100 g/L or the decrease of more than 30 g/L in three cases, a systolic arterial pressure lower than 90 mm Hg or the decrease more than 30 mm Hg in two cases, an arterial blood pH lower than 7.35 or the arterial oxygen saturation lower than 95% in two cases or the patients were intolerant to the surgery in three cases. Between the two groups, the differences of patient gender, age, BMI, preoperative hemoglobin level, the total hemoglobin decrease, the side initiated operation, stone number and second side stone burden were insignificant. However, there were significant differences in the first operative side stone burden, total stone burden, the first operative side operative time and total operative time. The stone-clearance rate was 87.3% in group one and 88.9% in group two. There was no difference in complication rate of two groups. Conclusions Prolonged operative time, large blood loss during the first operation side and patient intolerance are the main causes of staged bilateral PCNL.  相似文献   
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