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文章针对目前医学生“网络成瘾症”的现状进行了分析,并指出了产生的原因和解决问题的办法,以求达到标本兼治。最后提出三点预防医学生“网络成瘾症”的对策:一是高校及其附属医院要为医学生营造宽松愉快的学习、生活环境;二是呼吁家长关注医学生身心发展的特殊规律,建立良好的家庭环境;三是建立和完善与网络社会相应的法律法规,规范医学生的网上行为。  相似文献   
戴维斯在线认知问卷在538名医学生中的试用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:建立戴维斯在线认知问卷中文版,并测试其信度和效度。方法:538名学生完成了戴维斯在线认知问卷,统计分析量表的信度和效度,并进行验证性因子分析。结果:戴维斯在线认知问卷中文版内部一致性系数为0.937,重测信度为0.905;验证性因子分析表明,各条目对4个一阶因子的标准负荷系数在0.423~0.814之间,4个一阶因子对上一级潜在因子的标准负荷系数在0.741~0.971之间;整体模式的适配度指标均符合心理测量学要求(RMSEA=0.012,GFI=0.943,NFI=0.931,CFI=0.994)。结论:戴维斯在线认知问卷中文版具有良好的信度和效度,可以作为一种较好的网络成瘾程度评价工具在我国青少年中使用。  相似文献   
大学生网络成瘾类型问卷的初步编制   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
目的:编制适用我国大学生的网络成瘾类型问卷。方法:根据访谈、开放式问卷施测结果,编制大学生网络成瘾类型问卷;调查样本为733名武汉地区大学生,91名大学生作为重测样本;检验了问卷的同质信度、重测信度、结构效度等。结果:探索性因素分析获得3个因素,即网络游戏成瘾、网络人际关系成瘾及网络信息成瘾,各因子负荷在0·50~0·82之间。总问卷及各分问卷的同质性信度(Cronbachα)、分半信度及重测信度分别为0·80~0·92、0·79~0·90和0·81~0·91。验证性因素分析结果表明问卷的三因素模型各项参数(RMSEA=0·07,CFI=0·98,NFI=0·97,IFI=0·98,TLI=0·97,RFI=0·96)均达到可以接受的水平。结论:该问卷具有较好的信度和效度,可用于大学生网络成瘾类型的测试。  相似文献   
Over the past 4 decades, China has experienced a nutritional transition and has developed the largest population of internet users. In this study, we evaluated the impacts of internet access on the nutritional intake in Chinese rural residents. An IV-Probit-based propensity score matching method was used to determine the impact of internet access on nutritional intake. The data were collected from 10,042 rural households in six Chinese provinces. The results reveal that rural residents with internet access have significantly higher energy, protein, and fat intake than those without. Chinese rural residents with internet access consumed 1.35% (28.62 kcal), 5.02% (2.61 g), and 4.33% (3.30 g) more energy, protein, and fat, respectively. There was heterogeneity in regard to the intake of energy, protein, and fat among those in different income groups. Moreover, non-staple food consumption is the main channel through which internet access affects nutritional intake. The results demonstrate that the local population uses the internet to improve their nutritional status. Further studies are required to investigate the impact of internet use on food consumed away from home and micronutrient intake.  相似文献   
BackgroundPatients use Facebook as a resource for medical information. We analyzed posts on idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF)-related Facebook groups and pages for the presence of guideline content, user engagement, and usefulness.ObjectiveThe objective of this study was to describe and analyze posts from Facebook groups and pages that primarily focus on IPF-related content.MethodsCross-sectional analysis was performed on a single date, identifying Facebook groups and pages resulting from separately searching “IPF” and “idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.” For inclusion, groups and pages needed to meet either search term and be in English, publicly available, and relevant to IPF. Every 10th post was assessed for general characteristics, source, focus, and user engagement metrics. Posts were analyzed for presence of IPF guideline content, useful scientific information (eg, scientific publications), useful support information (eg, information about support groups), and potentially harmful information.ResultsEligibility criteria were met by 12 groups and 27 pages, leading to analysis of 523 posts. Of these, 42% contained guideline content, 24% provided useful support, 20% provided useful scientific information, and 5% contained potentially harmful information. The most common post source was nonmedical users (85%). Posts most frequently focused on IPF-related news (29%). Posts containing any guideline content had fewer likes or comments and a higher likelihood of containing potentially harmful content. Posts containing useful supportive information had more likes, shares, and comments.ConclusionsFacebook contains useful information about IPF, but posts with misinformation and less guideline content have higher user engagement, making them more visible. Identifying ways to help patients with IPF discriminate between useful and harmful information on Facebook and other social media platforms is an important task for health care professionals.  相似文献   
大学生网络成瘾及影响因素分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的:探讨大学生网络成瘾及其影响因素,了解网络对医学生带来的负效应,及早发现网络成瘾者,进一步采取干预措施.方法:于2005年2月到4月,对沈阳三所大学一年级至三年级的本科生采用统一的调查表,进行了不记名问卷调查.结果:在1 883名医学生中有1 642名学生上网,上网率87.2%,199名网络成瘾者,成瘾发生率为12.1%.网络成瘾发生有关的主要因素有学生性别、生源地、上网目的和对网恋的态度.结论:互联网的使用在医学生中已经普及,且对医学生已产生了的负面影响.对大学生开展有针对性的健康教育,培养良好的兴趣爱好,摆脱网瘾,达到促进健康的目的.  相似文献   
基于Internet的生物信息资源快速查找与利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生物信息学是现代生命科学与信息科学、计算机科学、数学、统计学、物理学、化学等学科相互渗透而高度交叉形成的一门新兴前沿学科.生命科学的所有信息均可由计算机和因特网来进行储存、分析和传输.因特网为我们提供了大量的有关生物信息相关的数据、工具、文献、软件等资源.本文根据笔者的实践经验,对因特网上生物信息资源进行了整理和分类,总结了因特网上获取生物信息资源的途径及其利用,介绍了一些快速查找方法与技巧,以便读者更迅速更准确利用因特网上生物信息资源.  相似文献   
Background: Online grocery shopping has surged in popularity, but we know little about online grocery shopping behaviors and attitudes of adults with low income, including differences by age. Methods: From October to November 2021, we used a survey research firm to recruit a convenience sample of adults who have ever received Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits (n = 3526). Participants completed an online survey designed to assess diet and online food shopping behaviors. Using logistic regression, we examined the relationship between participant characteristics, including age, and the likelihood of online grocery shopping, and separately examined variation in the reasons for online grocery shopping by age. Results: About 54% of the participants reported shopping online for groceries in the previous 12 months. Odds of online shopping were higher for those aged 18–33 years (OR = 1.95 (95% CI: 1.52, 2.52; p < 0.001)) and 34–44 years (OR = 1.50 (95% CI: 1.19, 1.90; p < 0.001)) than for those aged ≥65 years. Odds were also higher for those who were food insecure and those with income below USD 20,000, higher educational attainment, and higher fruit and vegetable intake. Low prices were the most popular reason for online grocery shopping (57%). Adults aged 18–33 years old had higher odds of reporting low prices as a motivating factor than older adults (OR = 2.34 (95% CI: 1.78, 3.08; p < 0.001)) and lower odds of reporting being discouraged by lack of social interaction (OR = 0.34 (95% CI: 0.25, 0.45; p < 0.001)). Conclusion: Strategies for making online grocery shopping more affordable for adults with lower income may be promising, especially online produce. For older adults, additional support may be needed to make online shopping a suitable replacement for in-store shopping, such as education on technology and combining it with opportunities for social support.  相似文献   
目的 研究患者对"互联网+"药事服务的接受程度及未来搭建网上药事服务平台的方向,探讨"互联网+"时代下药事服务类型及模式。方法 自制调查问卷,经过三轮专家审阅后形成问卷,在省内的3家"三甲"医院对600例门诊患者发放问卷。结果 488例患者中417例(85.5%)认为药师通过互联网提供药学服务是有必要的,其中网上预约药物配送、网上药师咨询、网上用药教育、药学知识的科普及网上售药的接受程度分别为73.5%,78.2%,64.3%,70.4%,47.4%。网上药师咨询中微信(68.8%)最受中青年患者的欢迎,中老年患者偏爱电话及短信等服务。当前"互联网+"药事服务在医保报销、运营监管、物流配送等方面存在问题。结论 "互联网+"药事服务是一种值得探讨的新型服务模式,其开展需完善相关的法律法规并加强监管,为患者的权益提供保障。  相似文献   
临床上护士发错药、打错针的医疗事故常有发生。为了自动纠正护士的差错,本研究研制了一套基于物联网的智能护理系统。该研究在某医院的试点临床科室进行了临床测试,并通过后台数据分析和调查问卷的方式进行了护士的满意度调查。结果表明该基于物联网的智能护理系统能够显著地减少护士的工作量和自动纠正护士的差错,在临床护理信息化领域具有重要的意义。  相似文献   
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