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单纯下颌骨磨削法矫治下颌角肥大   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的 探讨下颌角肥大骨磨削法治疗的临床效果。方法 在局部肿胀麻醉下,采用口内切口入路,常规分离显露下颌骨,在预定需要矫正的下颌骨区域,使用特殊器械磨削下颌骨体外侧皮质骨、下颌骨下缘及下颌角骨质,同时对部分肥大的咬肌进行处理,矫治下颌角肥大。结果 对58例下颌角肥大患者均行下颌骨磨削法矫治,除1例术中损伤下齿槽血管引起出血外,无其他并发症发生。术后随访6~18个月,全部病例取得良好的矫治效果。结论 下颌骨磨削法矫治下颌角肥大是一种并发症少、安全有效的好方法。与截骨矫治下颌角肥大的方法相比,该术式保留了下颌骨的内板。维持了颌颈区的立体感。  相似文献   
Summary The effect of angiotensin II on nett electrolyte transport by the main duct of the rabbit mandibular gland was investigated in vitro using a perfused duct preparation bathed in a Haemaccel®-nutrient salt solution. In a bath concentration of 4×10–10 M, angiotensin reduced nett absorption of Na+ and Cl by about 8% and depolarized the transepithelial electrical potential difference (P.D.) by about 13%; the drug had no effect on ductal transport of K+ and HCO 3 . In both lower (4×10–11 M) and higher (4×10–9 M) concentrations, angiotensin had qualitatively similar effects. After exposure to the hormone for about 30 min, Na+ transport and P.D. became unstable and gradually fell away towards zero. It is concluded that angiotensin in physiological concentrations has a specific inhibitory effect on Na+ absorption by salivary duct cells which could arise either from a change in the Na+ pump rate or from a conductance change in the apical or basal membrane of the epithelial cell.  相似文献   
咽旁间隙肿瘤及手术入路   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
为探讨咽旁间隙肿瘤的手术方法及入路的选择。报告66例经各种手术入路治疗的良、恶性肿瘤。结果表明,经颈或经颈合并下颌及正中裂开外旋入路较之其他几种手术入路具有手术适应证广、安全、术后并发症少等优点。认为经颈或经颈合并下颌正中裂开外旋入路是一种安全、彻底切除咽旁间隙原发肿瘤效果最好的入路。  相似文献   
We report on a 7 year-old-girl with mandibulo-acral dysplasia. When she was 3 years of age it mimicked scleroderma because of skin atrophy and later on a Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome (HGP). Acro-mandibular dysplasia was diagnosed because of facial hypoplasia and mandibular hypoplasia. The bilateral proximal mid-humeral notch seen in this case is unusual. Received: 22 June 2000 Revision requested: 10 July 2000 Revision received: 7 August 2000 Accepted: 10 August 2000  相似文献   
显微CT与体视显微镜测量根管锥度的体外研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:通过显微CT和体视显微镜测量根管直径,计算下颌第一前磨牙根管的初始锥度,为根管器械和材料的锥度设计、临床选择器械锥度提供参考.方法:首先对23颗13~23岁下颌第一前磨牙(单根管)进行树脂包埋,应用显微CT对包埋体进行断层扫描,并对管径进行测量;再通过制样机对同组样本1 mm等距离磨除,体视显微镜对根管断面管径进行摄片及测量,最后应用数学公式计算各组根管锥度.结果:通过显微CT得到根管近远中向冠、中及尖1/3段锥度分别为:0.05、0.08、0.06;颊舌向分别为:0.11、0.27、0.20.体视镜得到近远中向锥度为:0.07、0.06、0.07;颊舌向为:0.15、0.24、0.17.两种方法所得对应结果经t检验均无显著性差别(P>0.05).结论:13~23岁下颌第一前磨牙根管自根尖起为自下而上的扁圆形,其近远中向锥度远远小于颊舌向锥度.根管并非为一连续的锥形,根管锥度在颊舌向的不同部位有明显差异.  相似文献   
目的:建立体外培养的髁突软骨细胞加载压力刺激前后双向电泳差异表达谱.方法:利用已建立的髁突软骨细胞的体外培养模型,抽提各组细胞总蛋白质,进行等电聚焦双向电泳,建立压力刺激前后髁突软骨细胞双向电泳差异表达谱.结果:加压组的体外培养的髁突软骨细胞蛋白质双向电泳表达谱与对照组的相比具有显著性的差异,主要表现为图谱斑点的增减以及部分斑点的染色面积和染色深浅发生了明显变化,本实验共发现了10个加压后差异表达蛋白点,其中3个在加压培养后表达消失,1个在加压培养后出现表达,4个在加压培养后表达减弱,有2个蛋白点呈进行性表达增强.结论:压力刺激髁突软骨细胞细胞会造成其表达差异性的蛋白质.  相似文献   
目的 通过开窗联合刮除术治疗下颌骨巨型囊性成釉细胞瘤,探讨其在保存下颌骨外形及功能的应用价值。方法 对12例下颌骨巨型囊性成釉细胞瘤患者行开窗减压引流术,引流时间6~8个月。期间定期复诊,拍X线全景片观察开窗减压后下颌骨的病损缩小情况。全部病例均在成骨稳定后二期行刮除术。结果 全部病例均痊愈,下颌骨升支、乙状切迹、喙突膨隆处重新塑形,且保留下颌骨完整延续性。结论 开窗联合刮除术能有效治疗下颌骨巨型囊性成釉细胞瘤,具有创伤小、手术时间短、术后并发症少、临近牙齿及骨组织及下牙槽神经血管损伤概率小等特点。  相似文献   
目的观察和分析淫羊藿对去势雌性家兔下颌骨骨缺损愈合的影响,为临床上应用淫羊藿抑制骨质疏松、促进骨缺损愈合提供理论依据。方法雌性哈尔滨大白兔27只建立骨缺损和骨质疏松模型,随机分三组,去势对照组、去势实验组和空白对照组。去势对照组及空白对照组每天给予6g/kg生理盐水喂养,去势实验组给6g/kg淫羊藿煎液喂养,分别于4、12周处死。血清骨钙素、骨密度分析、组织学及扫描电镜观察。结果在4周时,去势实验组、去势对照组与空白对照组无明显差异。12周时骨缺损处,去势实验组、空白对照组与去势对照组有明显差异,并且去势实验组与空白对照组相似。结论淫羊藿能明显增加颌骨骨缺损处骨密度,抑制去势家兔颌骨骨缺损处骨量丢失和骨小梁结构的破坏。  相似文献   
依据临床特征、病理机制及颌骨结构,偏颌与颜面不对称畸形可分为单纯颌位性、关节源性与颌骨发育性3大类.单纯颌位性偏颌包括咬合阻碍、咬合代偿及咬合习惯亚型,关节源性偏颌包括髁突不对称吸收与不对称增生亚型,颌骨发育性偏颌包括上颌源与下颌源亚型.正畸治疗偏颌与颜面不对称畸形的重要原则是最大限度地纠正形成下颌偏斜的功能性颌位因素...  相似文献   
ObjectivesTo evaluate and compare the efficiency of orthodontic treatment and surgical uprighting of first and second mandibular molars.Materials and MethodsAn electronic literature search in PubMed, Science Direct, Embase, Scopus, Web of Science, Cochrane Library, LILACS, and Google Scholar, as well as a hand search was conducted by two independent researchers to identify relevant articles up to January 2022. In addition, a manual search was done that included article reference lists, grey literature, and dissertations. The risk of bias of the included prospective and retrospective studies was assessed with the Risk Of Bias Tool In Non-randomized Studies of Interventions (ROBINS-I) assessment tool.ResultsA total of six nonrandomized clinical trials (non-RCT) evaluating the efficiency of mandibular molar orthodontic and/or surgical uprighting were included. The quality analysis showed certain defects of the Non-RCTs included and, according to the criteria used, the majority of the articles were judged to be of moderate quality.ConclusionsBased on the evidence, orthodontic and surgical uprighting appear to be effective treatment methods for mandibular molars. Surgical uprighting may be associated with more complications than orthodontic uprighting. However, the existing literature on the subject is limited, heterogeneous, and methodologically limited. Therefore, the outcomes should be interpreted carefully.  相似文献   
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