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Functional vascular connections must form rapidly to prevent ischemic damage to grafted neural tissues. The temporal sequence by which transplant circulation is re-established provides information about the angiogenic capacity of either intact or damaged CNS blood vessels. This study compares the time course and mechanism of vascular reperfusion in allografts of superior cervical ganglia or adrenal medulla inserted either into the fourth ventricle or directly into the parietal cortex of perinatal rats. Tritiated thymidine was administered to recipients to determine angiogenic patterns at various postoperative time periods. After processing for light microscopic autoradiography, host and graft endothelial labelling indices were determined in order to establish the temporal sequence and location of vascular proliferation. Correlative electron microscopy depicted the morphological changes in transplant vasculature. Some recipients were prelabelled with 3H thymidine prior to transplantation to determine if host vessels invaded the grafts. Intraventricular graft vessels initially collapsed but sustained minimal ischemic damage and were completely reperfused by 24 hours postoperative. Adjacent intact host vessels attained peak 3H thymidine incorporation at 20 hours. Intrinsic graft vessels were radioactively labelled only after 48 hours. Intraparenchymal transplants surrounded by minimal trauma exhibited a similar temporal sequence of reperfusion and host endothelial proliferation. Intrinsic graft vessels in intraparenchymal grafts sustained more severe damage. With increased trauma, a concomitant delay in graft reperfusion time was observed. Grafts within prelabelled hosts rarely contained any labelled endothelium, indicating that anastomotic connections were made between original, intrinsic graft vessels and nearby host vascular sprouts. This study demonstrates that mature autonomic tissue stimulates the growth of adjacent host vessels when transplanted to undamaged brain surfaces. The anastomosis of nascent host vessels with pre-existing graft vessels is responsible for the rapid re-establishment of circulation within the transplants. A similar mechanism occurs within intraparenchymal grafts, although the rapidity of reperfusion appears to be predicated on the amount of trauma present at the graft site.  相似文献   
Retrogradely transported fluorescent dyes (fast blue and diamidino-dihydrochloride yellow) were used to compare the distributions of trigeminofugal neurons that project to the superior colliculus and/or the thalamus in three rodent species. The objective was to determine what the projection and collateralization patterns of these trigeminofugal pathways are and whether they are similar among different species. In each anesthetized animal, one dye was injected into the superior colliculus and the other into the topographically congruent area of the thalamus. Counts of the numbers of yellow, blue, and double-labeled neurons were made throughout the trigeminal complex: principalis, pars oralis, pars interpolaris, and pars caudalis. Trigeminothalamic projections were similar in each of the rodent species studied. The densest concentration of retrogradely labeled neurons was in principalis, with substantially fewer neurons in pars interpolaris, and fewer still in pars oralis and pars caudalis. These neurons were generally small and tended to have round or fusiform somata. A common pattern was also noted among the three species for trigeminotectal neurons. Most trigeminotectal projections originated from neurons in pars interpolaris, somewhat fewer from pars oralis, and the fewest from principalis and pars caudalis. These neurons tended to be the largest in each subdivision and were often multipolar. Following paired injections of the tracers, double-labeled neurons were scattered throughout the sensory trigeminal complex and had morphologies characteristic of single-labeled trigeminotectal neurons. Although comparatively few double-labeled neurons were observed in any species, most of those seen were restricted to the ventrolateral portion of pars interpolaris, a position that corresponds to the representation of the vibrissae. These data indicate that, regardless of the rodent species, the vast majority of labeled trigeminal neurons project either to the superior colliculus or the thalamus, but not to both targets. This might be expected on the basis of the very different behavioral roles these structures play. On the other hand, a subpopulation of trigeminal neurons exists (mainly in pars interpolaris) that does project to both the superior colliculus and the thalamus, perhaps because both structures require some of the same somatosensory information to perform their behavioral functions.  相似文献   
The projections of the superficial layers of the superior colliculus to the pulvinar nucleus in Tupaia were reexamined by injecting WGA-HRP into the tectum. The main result was finding two different patterns of terminations in the pulvinar nucleus: a zone remote from the lateral geniculate nucleus, which occupies the dorsomedial and caudal poles of the pulvinar nucleus, was almost entirely filled with terminals in every case irrespective of the location of the injection site; and a second division of the pulvinar nucleus, adjacent to the lateral geniculate nucleus, contained irregular patches--much more densely populated--and the distribution of patches varied from case to case. We call the first projection "diffuse" and the patchy projection "specific." Next we injected several divisions of the extrastriate visual cortex to find the cortical target of each pathway. The diffuse path terminates in the ventral temporal area (Tv). The specific path terminates in the dorsal temporal area (Td) and area 18. We speculated about the significance of the two pathways: the specific path may be responsible for the preservation of vision after removal of the striate cortex; the diffuse path may have an important place in the evolution of the visual areas of the temporal and occipital lobe. We argued that the target of the diffuse path is in a position to relate limbic and visual impulses and relay the product of such integration to the other visual areas, striate as well as extrastriate cortex.  相似文献   
Previous studies have demonstrated that individual neurons from neonatal rat superior cervical ganglion express a mixed adrenergic-cholinergic phenotype when grown under certain tissue culture conditions.9,14,15,29,30 The expression of this phenotype is critically influenced by a number of undefined components present in the culture medium.18,23,33 In the present study, we have examined whether superior cervical ganglion neurons grown on a chemically defined serum-free medium similarly develop dual transmitter expression, or if under these conditions, neurons express only those properties characteristic of their adrenergic heritage. To address this issue, we established that superior cervical ganglion neurons could be maintained in culture for extended periods on the defined medium described by Bottenstein & Sato4 in the absence of supporting cells. We then studied the biochemical, immunocytochemical and ultrastructural characteristics of these neurons. We found that in defined medium, superior cervical ganglion neurons continued to express, in a modified form, certain of their expected adrenergic properties, including the development of tyrosine hydroxylase and dopamine-β-hydroxylase activities, stores of endogenous norepinephrine, synaptic vesicles with dense cores and tyrosine hydroxy lase-immunoreactive staining properties. Superior cervical ganglion neurons grown on a defined medium did not, however, acquire cholinergic traits in culture. In this paper we show that choline acetyltransferase activity did not reach detectable levels; the companion paper13 documents that cholinergic synapses were not formed.We conclude that superior cervical ganglion neurons, grown under serum-free culture conditions, develop certain properties characteristic of adrenergic neurons and do not express a mixed adrenergic cholinergic phenotype. A companion paper13 describes the electrophysiological properties of these neurons and demonstrates the frequent occurrence of electrotonic synapses in these cultures.  相似文献   
目的:为带臂外侧上皮神经及其营养血管筋膜皮瓣提供解剖学基础.方法:32例经灌注红色乳胶的成人上肢标本,对臂外侧上皮神经及其营养血管等进行了较详细的应用解剖学研究.结果:臂外侧上皮神经在均由腑神经发出,起点横径为1.5±0.4mm,在三角肌深方斜向外下3.6±1.1cm从该肌后缘中1/3浅出肌间隔,分为上支和下支,分布于三角肌后部、外侧部和臂外侧上部.该神经的营养血管起源于旋肱后动脉,起点外径为0.9±0.4mm;其行程、分支和分布均同在神经,供血范因为14.8×9.8cm~2,并与周围的皮动脉存在丰富吻合.结论:带臂外侧上皮神经及其营养血管筋膜皮 瓣可视受区需要设计成游离瓣或旋转瓣,用于修复邻近部位、手或颌面部缺损.  相似文献   
网膜囊上隐窝的CT应用解剖   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
在42套腹部断面标本及50例整尸上观察到:网膜囊上隐窝呈“V”形间隙围绕肝尾状叶,前界为小网膜及肝左叶,后界是膈,顶由肝冠状韧带或膈形成,下抵胰,左邻食管;在正中矢状面上均出现肝尾状叶,且尾状叶套入或游离于网膜囊上隐窝。这些结果对在 CT 图像上鉴别尾状叶周围的积液及肿块具有重要意义。  相似文献   
The development of retinal projections to the pretectal complex of prenatal and early postnatal cats has been examined using the anterograde transport of horseradish peroxidase and tritiated amino acids. As early as embryonic day 38, the entire dorsal pretectum is penetrated by retinal ganglion cell axons. At this stage the bilateral complement of retinal efferents appears to be dispersed uniformly within the pretectal anlage. A week later, on embryonic day 46, indistinct foci of peroxidase reaction product can be discerned within 2 of the primordial nuclei: the nucleus of the optic tract and the olivary nucleus. By embryonic day 56, five distinct bilateral fields of retinal fiber termination are apparent within the following regions:
(i) the nucleus of the optic tract;

(ii) the pretectal olivary nucleus;

(iii) the posterior pretectal nucleus;

(iv) the anterior pretectal nucleus; and

(v) the medial pretectal nucleus. Four days before birth, on embryonic day 61, crossed and uncrossed retinal arbors are partially segregated within the nucleus of the optic tract and the pretectal olivary nucleus.

The early postnatal retinal connection to the pretectum has an overall pattern virtually indistinguishable from that of the mature cat. The ontogeny of the retinal influx to the pretectum is similar to that of the retinocollicular projection.61 However, the development of retinal projections to the pretectum and superior colliculus appears to lag behind those to the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus.49 These differences may reflect temporal and spatial gradients in the maturation of three major classes of retinal ganglion cells.  相似文献   

Summary Responses to texture motion (visual noise) were investigated in the superior colliculus of paralysed cats, lightly anaesthetized with N2O/O2 supplemented with pentobarbitone or Althesin. Within the superficial layers two classes of texture-sensitive neurones were found: Type I units with weak responses to noise, often related to specific elements in the texture and Type II units which were driven independently of the texture structure, and tended to be recorded deep to the Type I units. Type III units recorded from the deep collicular layers were insensitive to texture. Anatomical bases for this differential sensitivity and the notion of two collicular subsystems are discussed.  相似文献   
听源性惊厥易感性大鼠上丘神经元构筑的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
用石蜡切片Nissl染色方法,光镜下计数、结合计算机图象分析系统观察、测量惊厥鼠与正常鼠土丘神经元的一些指标.结果显示:(1)在吻例段和中段上丘第Ⅱ层和吻侧段上丘第Ⅲ层的神经元胞体平均直径惊厥鼠显著小于正常鼠,说明惊厥鼠上丘上述部位神经元较小;(2)在吻侧段上丘第Ⅵ层,中段上丘第Ⅰ、Ⅱ层和屋倒段上丘第Ⅴ层,神经元剖面椭圆率惊厥鼠显著地小于正常鼠,说明惊厥鼠土丘上述部位神经元胞体较细长;(3)除第Ⅲ层外,土丘各板层神经元剖面面数密度惊厥鼠都大于正常鼠.本研究结果表明,惊厥鼠的土丘有神经元的形态学变化。这种变化与惊厥鼠惊厥易感性的形成之间是否存在着某种关系,有待深入研究.  相似文献   
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