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Management of cervicocarcinoma during pregnancy is influenced by gestational age, stage of disease, and patient's desire to maintain her pregnancy. We report a case of a pregnant patient with locally advanced cervicocarcinoma successfully treated by neoadjuvant chemotherapy, followed by caesarean section and radical surgery.  相似文献   
The intent of this study was to evaluate a recent randomized clinical trial evaluating the effect of preimplantation genetic screening (PGS) that reports a negative effect on pregnancy outcome. This article reviews appropriate PGS techniques and how they differ from the trial in question. A closer look at the clinical trial in question reveals significant lack of expertise in biopsy, cell fixation, genetic analysis, and patient selection. At most, this trial demonstrates that in inexperienced hands, PGS can be detrimental. No other conclusions concerning the effect of PGS on pregnancy results can be drawn from the trial.  相似文献   
Two cases of cervical pregnancy with heavy bleeding successfully treated by uterine artery embolization (UAE) followed by immediate curettage are described in this report. Case 1 demonstrated intermittent bleeding after serious bleeding was successfully controlled by UAE. Serum beta human chorionic gonadotropin (beta-hCG) level rose remarkably after a short time decline. Transvaginal sonography consistently revealed a heterogeneous mass in the cervix. Repeated UAE followed by immediate curettage was performed and complete resolution was achieved. Case 2 was also successfully managed by UAE followed by immediate curettage after failure of medical treatment. This report suggests that UAE followed by immediate curettage is a safe and efficient procedure for controlling heavy bleeding and avoiding recurrent bleeding when fertility capacity is desired in cases of cervical pregnancy with fetal cardiac activity and high beta-hCG concentration.  相似文献   
Cortical blindness is a rare and dramatic complication of pre-eclampsia. The precise nature of the pathogenesis of this condition has not previously been understood. Three preeclamptic patients with unremarkable previous medical history presented with acute blindness between the 28th and 33rd weeks of pregnancy. They were all diagnosed as posterior leukoencephalopathy syndrome (PLES). In all these patients, MRI study revealed the typical feature of gray-white matter edema localized to the temporo-parieto-occipital areas. Vision and MRI findings were restored in all patients after delivery. Although PLES has been described as a puerperal clinicoradiologic entity, it may be seen in preeclamptic-eclamptic patients during the pregnancy. Therefore neuro-imaging studies should be carried out in pregnant patients with visual disturbances in order to exclude PLES. Prompt diagnosis, immediate control of blood pressure, and elimination of possible causes resolves clinical and imaging findings.  相似文献   
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