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Hodin's disease, lymphocyte predominance type (nodular paragranuloma), is of germinal centre origin and the tumours cells have a B-cell phenotype. As the t(14;18) translocation, and the subsequent expression of bcl-2 protein by germinal centre cells, is the most characteristic finding of centroblastic-centrocytic lymphoma, we have tested a series of 11 cases of lymphocyte predominance Hodgkin's disease, using Southern blot analysis for the major breakpoint region and the minor breakpoint cluster region, polymerase chain reaction with primers for the major and minor breakpoint cluster region, and immunohistological studies with a monoclonal antibody specific for the bcl-2 protein. All three techniques gave negative results in the cases of Hodgkin's disease, establishing a clear differentiation from centroblastic-centrocytic lymphoma. These findings are useful in the differential diagnosis between the two entities and raise the question of the non-clonal nature of lymphocyte predominance Hodgkin's disease.  相似文献   
The presence of depression was evaluated in a cross-section of 50 outpatients with dementia using the self-rated Geriatric Depression Scale and the clinician-rated Cornell Depression Scale. Impaired insight, as manifested by unawareness of dementia, correlated with dementia severity and discriminated a group of patients in whom the self-rated scale failed to show evidence of depression. Discrepancy between the two types of scales occurred among mildly as well as moderately demented patients when insight was impaired. Recognition of this discrepancy suggests that reliance on self-ratings may underestimate the presence and degree of depression among patients with dementia.  相似文献   
We evaluated the occurrence of REM sleep behaviour disorder (RBD) and vocal cord abductor paralysis (VCAP) in a group of 9 Machado-Joseph disease (MJD) patients. RBD was diagnosed by clinical history plus audiovisual polysomnography in 4 men and 1 woman (55%). While dreaming, 4 fell out of the bed and the other injured his arms. Laryngoscopy detected bilateral VCAP in 1 patient with stridor who required emergency tracheotomy, and partial vocal cord abductor restriction in 2. RBD and VCAP are two potentially injurious conditions that should be considered part of the clinical spectrum of MJD.  相似文献   
The weighted rank pairwise correlation (WRPC) statistic has been proposed as a robust test of genetic linkage, particularly adapted to the analysis of large and complex pedigrees and for age-dependent and heterogeneous diseases. In this paper a simulation study is presented. Validity and power of the WRPC test are studied and compared to the Haseman-Elston sibpair method for various types of problems. The power of the WRPC test is slightly lower than the Haseman-Elston method for analyzing a large number of small randomly chosen pedigrees. It is higher however in presence of genetic heterogeneity or for analyzing large individual pedigrees. Recently, evidence of linkage of Alzheimer's disease with a locus on chromosome 14, D14s43, has been obtained by the Lod-score method. We reanalyze these data using the WRPC test, essentially confirming the results of the Lod-score method. The WRPC test statistic is higher than the equivalent Lod-score statistic for the two pedigrees which show strong evidence of linkage with the two methods. The global WRPC test statistic is slightly lower than the Lod-score test statistic. The WRPC test, however, makes no hypothesis of a specific genetic transmission model and can be computed very quickly; in addition, an exact P-value can be computed by simulation for individual pedigrees. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
‘Wandering’ is one of the most troublesome of behavioural problems in dementia. The term ‘wandering’ covers many different types of behaviour. We examined the hypothesis that the different types of wandering behaviour seen in dementia from a scale using data collected on 83 elderly subjects suffering from either Alzheimer's disease or multiinfarct dementia. We reject the scaling hypothesis. Our data suggest that there are three main categories of wandering behaviour, and that one of these categories is usefully divided into four subcategories.  相似文献   
Bacterial and fungal peritonitis is associated with a high riskof morbidity and mortality in patients undergoing continuousambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD). Impaired cellular hostdefence in the peritoneal cavity underlies this risk. Two granulocyteinhibitory proteins with a molecular weight of 28000 dalton(GIP I) and about 9500 dalton (GIP II) with homology to light-chainproteins and beta respectively, were isolated from peritonealdialysis effluents. In vitro, both granulocyte inhibitory proteinsinhibit PMNL glucose uptake, phagocytosis and intracellularkilling of bacteria. The IC50 of GIP I or GIP II required forinhibition of half-maximal FMLP-induced or PMA-stimulated PMNLfunction was found to be in the nanomolar range, suggestingvery specific inhibition. These data may explain, at least inpart, defective local cellular host defence in CAPD patients.  相似文献   
We investigated populations of the infiltrating cells in Bowen's disease (BD) and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), both of which arose in the same patient, using the Avidin-Biotin-peroxidase complex method with eight monoclonal antibodies. T lymphocytes were most predominant among infiltrating cells; NK cells, B cells, and monocytes were rarely seen in either BD or SCC. Analysis of subsets of the infiltrating T lymphocytes revealed that the number of suppressor/cytotoxic (s/c) T cells was twice that of helper/inducer (h/i) T cells in BD, while the number of s/c T cells was lower than that of h/i T cells in SCC. The immunohistochemical results in the present case differed from those of predominant infiltration of h/i T cells and of s/c T cells in three other reports of BD and SCC. These results suggest that the population of the cellular infiltrates may be modulated by the nature of tumors and by the immuno-competent state of the hosts.  相似文献   
In 6 patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) and 6 age-matched controls, transcranial magnetic stimulation was applied at 56 regions over the motor cortex and premotor cortex of each hemisphere, with the first dorsal interosseous (FDI) muscle of both hands activated at 15% maximum voluntary contraction during stimulation. For each site, motor evoked potential (MEP) landmarks were recovered, including MEP amplitude, MEP onset latency, and silent period duration. Scaled MEP amplitudes were used to construct individual cortical maps of the FDI muscles. The maps revealed an anterior displacement of the muscle representation in PD patients. This anterior shift over motor cortical areas may reflect increased contributions of corticocortical connections between motor cortex and premotor cortical areas, possibly enhanced by the visual feedback aspect of the task. These alterations may reflect adaptations to the impairments in striatocortical circuits in PD.  相似文献   
We describe a patient with severe combined immunodeficiency and transplacental transfer of maternal T cells who received an unfractionated HLA-identical sibling bone marrow transplant without prior conditioning. He presented prior to transplantation with a dermatitis later diagnosed as mild graft versus host disease. He had a normal absolute lymphocyte count, but proliferative responses to mitogens were very low. Antigens of the noninherited maternal HLA haplotype were detected on his blood lymphocytes. After transplantation, he developed a severe reaction including fever, cutaneous erythema and hepatosplenomegaly. Lymphocytes carrying the noninherited maternal HLA haplotype disappeared from his circulation, and his unprimed mononuclear cells became spontaneously cytotoxic to maternal lymphoblasts. He subsequently developed a lymphocytosis of 69,000/mm3, diarrhea, elevated transaminases and a worsening rash, necessitating treatment with immunosuppressive agents. Full T-cell engraftment and evidence of B-cell function later ensued and spontaneously cytotoxic lymphocytes against maternal cells disappeared by 47 days post-transplantation. We postulate that the patient's constellation of signs and symptoms after transplantation represented a combination of severe graft versus graft and mild graft versus host reactions.  相似文献   
Parkinson's disease (PD) is a major cause of disability. To date, there have been no large-scale efforts to measure the quality of PD care because of a lack of quality indicators for conducting an explicit review of PD care processes. We present a set of quality indicators for PD care. Based on a structured review of the medical literature, 79 potential indicators were drafted. Through a two-round modified Delphi process, an expert panel of seven movement disorders specialists rated each indicator on criteria of validity, feasibility, impact on outcomes, room for improvement, and overall utility. Seventy-one quality indicators met validity and feasibility thresholds. Applying thresholds for impact on outcomes, room for improvement, and overall utility, a subset of 29 indicators was identified, spanning dopaminergic therapy, assessment of functional status, assessment and treatment of depression, coordination of care, and medication use. Multivariable analysis showed that overall utility ratings were driven by validity and impact on outcomes (P < 0.01). An expert panel can reach consensus on a set of highly rated quality indicators for PD care, which can be used to assess quality of PD care and guide the design of quality improvement projects.  相似文献   
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