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Mean volatile organic compound (VOC) concentrations in 16 newspaper stands and in two printing shops were monitored for the purpose of quantifying the various VOCs in these areas and to relate the results. In each site halogenated, oxygenated, aliphatic, and aromatic compounds were monitored during one workweek. They were sampled with diffusive samplers for thermal desorption and analysed by GC-MS. The results showed that in all newspaper stands the indoor levels of toluene were much higher than the outdoor levels; some sites had toluene indoor concentrations 100 times higher than their correspondent outdoor levels. The investigations in two printing shops confirmed that newspapers, in particular the inks, are the main sources of toluene in the newspaper stands.  相似文献   
目的:验证3D打印经皮导板辅助经皮后凸成形术(percutaneous kyphoplasty,PKP)治疗骨质疏松椎体压缩性骨折(osteoporosis vertebral compression fractures,OVCFs)的安全性。方法:对2020年11月至2021年8月,采用PKP治疗的60例OVCFs患者进行回顾性分析,男24例,女36例,年龄72~86(76.5±7.9)岁,其中30例采用常规PKP治疗(常规组),30例采用3D打印经皮导板辅助PKP治疗(导板组)。观察术中椎弓根穿刺时间(穿刺针到椎体后缘)及透视次数,手术总时间,总透视次数,骨水泥注入量,并发症(椎管型骨水泥渗漏),比较两组患者术前和术后3 d的视觉模拟评分(visual analogue scale,VAS)及伤椎前缘压缩率。结果:60例患者均成功实施手术,无椎管型骨水泥渗漏并发症发生。导板组椎弓根穿刺时间(10.23±3.15) min,透视次数(4.77±1.07)次,手术总时间(33.83±4.21) min,总透视次数为(12.27±2.61)次;常规组椎弓根穿刺时间(22.83±3.09)...  相似文献   
目的 探讨应用数字化设计结合3D打印骨骼模型的个体化、精确化的手术治疗方案应用于复杂肩胛骨骨折患者的临床疗效.方法 对东莞市石排医院骨科2018年6月至2020年6月40例复杂肩胛骨骨折患者进行随机分组.其中,试验组20例,肩关节螺旋CT扫描,将所得DICOM格式数据导入Mimics 15.0软件重建复杂肩胛骨骨折三维...  相似文献   
目的 提高按时完成病历书写及时打印率.方法 QC小组活动.结果 医院按时完成病历书写及时打印率由活动前的71.49%提高至活动后的98%,达到了活动目标,提高了病案质量,更好地确保了医疗安全.  相似文献   
目的:探讨3D打印技术联合组合式接骨板内固定在治疗陈旧性髋臼后壁骨折中的应用价值及临床疗效。方法:自2010年5月至2016年10月,采用Mimics19.0软件,按1∶1打印骨盆3D模型进行术前规划,同时应用组合式接骨板内固定治疗23例陈旧性髋臼后壁骨折患者,男15例,女8例;年龄20~63(43.0±5.1)岁;受伤至手术时间23~101(47.0±10.5) d。骨折按Letournel-Judet分型:后壁骨折11例,横行伴后壁骨折7例,后柱伴后壁骨折5例;所有患者采用单一Kocher-Langenbeck入路行组合式接骨板内固定,记录术中、术后及随访时观察评定指标。结果:23例患者手术时间(113.5±11.5) min,术中出血(550.0±104.7) ml,术中透视(12.7±0.8) s。采用Matta放射学复位评定标准:优14例,良7例,差2例;23例患者均获得10~24(16.0±5.6)个月随访,末次随访根据改良Merle d’Aubingne和Postel评分系统评定髋关节功能:优11例,良8例,可3例,差1例。术后发生创伤性关节炎3例,股骨头坏死1例,异位骨化2例,坐骨神经刺激征5例。结论:3D打印技术进行术前模拟联合组合式接骨板坚强固定,是一种有效、快捷治疗陈旧性髋臼后壁骨折的手术方法。此外,打印模型能够为术者提供三维立体形态结构,结合术前模拟,便于术中复位,有效提高了手术效率。  相似文献   
Three‐dimensional (3D) printing is a digital rapid prototyping technology based on a discrete and heap‐forming principle. We identified 53 articles from PubMed by searching “Hip” and “Printing, Three‐Dimensional”; 52 of the articles were published from 2015 onwards and were, therefore, initially considered and discussed. Clinical application of the 3D printing technique in the hip joint mainly includes three aspects: a 3D‐printed bony 1:1 scale model, a custom prosthesis, and patient‐specific instruments (PSI). Compared with 2‐dimensional image, the shape of bone can be obtained more directly from a 1:1 scale model, which may be beneficial for preoperative evaluation and surgical planning. Custom prostheses can be devised on the basis of radiological images, to not only eliminate the fissure between the prosthesis and the patient's bone but also potentially resulting in the 3D‐printed prosthesis functioning better. As an alternative support to intraoperative computer navigation, PSI can anchor to a specially appointed position on the patient's bone to make accurate bone cuts during surgery following a precise design preoperatively. The 3D printing technique could improve the surgeon's efficiency in the operating room, shorten operative times, and reduce exposure to radiation. Well known for its customization, 3D printing technology presents new potential for treating complex hip joint disease.  相似文献   
背景:寰枢椎解剖结构复杂,寰枢椎后方毗邻生命中枢延髓,徒手进行寰枢椎椎弓根置钉有较大难度,一旦出现置钉偏差即有可能造成椎动脉、脊髓、静脉丛及神经根的损伤。目的:探讨标杆型3D打印导板在寰枢椎脱位治疗中的应用疗效及准确性。方法:回顾性分析2017年1月至2019年3月收治的44例寰枢椎脱位患者的临床资料,根据治疗方式不同分为徒手置钉的对照组20例,标杆型3D打印导板辅助置钉的研究组24例。观察两组的手术时间、出血量、透视次数;术后复查CT判断置钉准确率;术前和术后6个月随访时采用日本骨科协会(JOA)颈椎神经功能评分评估患者的颈部神经功能,采用视觉模拟评分法(visual analogue scale,VAS)评估患者的枕颈部疼痛情况。结果:两组术中出血量及手术时间比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),但研究组术中透视次数相比对照组少(P<0.05);研究组术后6个月的颈部神经功能及VAS评分明显优于对照组(P<0.05);研究组置钉准确率更高(P<0.05)。结论:借助标杆型3D打印导板可有效减少寰枢椎脱位治疗中的透视次数,提高椎弓根螺钉的置钉准确率,促进术后颈部神经功能恢复,降低枕颈部疼痛程度,值得临床推广。  相似文献   


With rapid emergence of 3D printing technology, surgeons have recently started to apply this for nearly all areas of orthopaedic trauma surgery. Computed tomography or magnetic resonance images of trauma patients can be utilized for making graspable objects from 3D reconstructed images. Patient specific anatomical models can thereby be created. They enhance surgeon's knowledge of their patients' precise patho-anatomy, regarding both traumatized bones and soft tissue as well as normal areas, and therefore help in accurate preoperative planning. 3D printed patient specific instrumentation can help to achieve precise implant placement, and better surgical results. Most importantly, customized implants, casts, orthoses and prosthetics can be manufactured to match an individual's anatomy. Three dimensional (3D) printing, also called as ‘additive manufacturing’ and ‘rapid prototyping’ is considered as the “second industrial revolution”, and this appears to be especially true for orthopaedic trauma surgery.


A literature search was performed for extracting all papers related to 3D Printing applications in orthopaedics and allied sciences on the Pubmed, and SCOPUS; using suitable key terms and Boolean operators (“3D Printing” OR “3 dimensional printing” OR “3D printed” OR “additive manufacturing” OR “rapid prototyping”) AND (‘‘Orthopaedics” OR “Orthopaedics’’) AND (“Trauma” OR “Injury”)in June 2018. Search was also performed in Web of Science, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials and Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. No limits were set on the time period or evidence level, as 3D printing in orthopaedics is relatively recent and mainly low level evidence is available. Titles and abstracts were screened and all duplicate and unrelated papers were excluded. Papers related to orthopaedic trauma were manually selected for this review.


The search on Pubmed retrieved 144 Papers and similar search on SCOPUS retrieved 94 papers. Additional searches did not reveal more relevant papers. After excluding duplicates and unrelated papers, and on screening of titles and abstracts, 59 papers were considered for review. Papers related to spine fractures only were not included, as they have been covered in another paper in this journal issue.


All over the world, orthopaedic Surgeon's and allied professionals and scientists are enthusiastically using 3D printing technology for designing patient specific models, instrumentation, implants, orthosis and prosthesis, besides 3D bioprinting of bone and cartilage scaffolding, and the same has been applied for nearly all areas of orthopaedic trauma surgery, from head to foot.  相似文献   
目的:通过体外试验探讨新型枢椎椎板钉导向器的安全性及准确性。方法:选取2018年1月至2018年6月行颈椎三维CT的患者40例,男21例,女19例;身高165~180(172.9±9.5) cm,年龄38~55(51.1±12.8)岁,排除枢椎椎板缺损及发育不全患者。每例患者的颈椎三维CT数据制作两套3D打印标本,共80个颈椎标本,均用于体外置钉试验。根据置钉方式的不同,体外试验部分分为导向器置钉组40个和徒手置钉组40个。同时,在计算机上重建出该40例患者的颈椎三维模型,通过计算机模拟置钉,得到理想出针点数据与理想内倾角度,此为3D模拟置钉组(理想钉道),40例。在体外试验中,分别测量导向器置钉组、徒手置钉组置入螺钉的位置危险等级、出针点位置及内倾角度。并以出针点精确性及钉道内倾角度为基准,将导向器置钉组、徒手置钉组与3D模拟置钉组数据对比,并将各组数据行统计学分析以确定准确性。结果:导向组螺钉位置可接受的为75例,位置危险的为5例,可接受率为94%,双皮质率为93%。徒手组螺钉位置可接受为62例,位置危险为18例,可接受率为78%,双皮质率33%,两组比较差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。导向器置钉组与3D模拟置钉组的出针点精确性及钉道内倾角度比较,差异无统计学意义(P0.05),徒手置钉组与3D模拟置钉组出针点精确性及钉道内倾角度比较,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:本导向器为通用型,结构稳定,导向精确,操作简便,可同时置入双侧椎板钉,缩短置钉时间,同时可有效避免双向交叉螺钉的碰撞,增加双皮质率,有效提高枢椎椎板钉置钉的效率和安全性。  相似文献   
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