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Forty-three young female patients admitted consecutively to hospital with anorexia nervosa (AN) were re-evaluated in late adolescence an average of 4.3 years following initial presentation. Follow-up interviews were conducted individually by a paediatrician and a psychiatrist on 32 of the original 43 patients (mean age 18.3 years) with outcome assessed by multidimensional physical, menstrual, eating behaviour, psychosocial and global outcome criteria. Physical outcome, as assessed by validated indices of body adiposity, was within the normal range (3-97th percentiles) in 94% of the 32 patients seen at follow-up, although only 56% reported regular cyclical menstrual function. Good physical outcome, however, was not necessarily predictive of successful adjustment in other areas. Eating behaviour was unequivocally normal in only 25% of patients, with a majority still dieting, binging or vomiting with meals, Psychosocial adjustment was satisfactory in the majority of cases but varied widely. Univariate and multivariate statistical analysis identified higher premorbid and admission body mass index (BMI) percentiles, a family history of obesity and shorter duration of illness on admission as significant prognostic indicators of favourable physical outcome. Although girls who develop AN in early adolescence are generally thought to have a favourable long-term prognosis, health professionals need to be aware that these patients form a heterogeneous group and may have considerable ongoing physiologic and psychologic disturbance despite normalization of body mass.  相似文献   
There is a great need today for clinically useful instruments in the rehabilitation of chronic pain patients. The Arthritis Self-efficacy Scale measures patients' perceived self-efficacy to cope with the consequences of chronic arthritis. The aim of the present study was to evaluate a Swedish version of the Arthritis Self-efficacy Scale with respect to factor structure and reliability. Twenty-five chronic pain patients and twenty-four rheumatology patients were given a Swedish version of the Arthritis Self-efficacy Scale twice within a three week interval. The three factor structure of the scale was confirmed; Cronbach's alpha for internal consistency ranged between 0.82-0.91 and test-retest correlations ranged between 0.81-0.91, showing that the instrument satisfactorily met psychometric standards.  相似文献   
Prediction of outcome from intensive care after gastroenterologic emergency   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Prognostic factors determining the outcome from intensive care were studied in 952 patients admitted to 25 Finnish ICUs after gastroenterologic emergency. Logistic regression analysis was used to create predictive models based on the APACHE II–system. The models were constructed by using data from a random two–thirds of the study population and validated in the remaining independent one–third together with the original APACHE II–index. The Acute Physiology Score, age, and a pre–existing liver disease were the three most important determinants of outcome. The inclusion of the TISS score describing the intensity of treatment into a model did not enhance the accuracy of the prediction. Our models were better calibrated than the original APACHE II–equation when tested by the goodness–of–fit –statistics. These statistical models may help the clinicians to predict the outcome for an individual patient by providing them information about the relative impacts of predictive factors or about the probability of death. These probabilities should be interpreted cautiously, taking into acount the limitations of statistical methods. This is especially important when assessing the highrisk patients. Their number in our study was too low for accurate outcome prediction.  相似文献   
High risk pregnancies in hypopituitary women   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
BACKGROUND: Various short papers have suggested that pregnancies in women with hypopituitarism are high risk but no formal assessment of pregnancy outcome has yet been reported. METHODS: An audit was carried out concerning the outcome of 18 pregnancies in nine women who underwent ovulation induction in a single centre over 20 years. RESULTS: The live birth rate was 61%, miscarriage rate 28% and mid-trimester uterine death rate 11% with no survivors from four sets of twins. The Caesarian section rate was 100% and half of the live births were on or below the 10th centile for weight. One woman successfully breast-fed. CONCLUSIONS: Women with hypopituitarism have high-risk pregnancies, perhaps because of a uterine defect secondary to endocrine deficiency. Fertility treatment must strive for singleton pregnancies with application of particularly strict criteria to avoid twin pregnancies. Early elective Caesarian section is probably warranted in this group.  相似文献   
本文总结了40例神经症患者 MMPI 的动态观察,结果发现显效组患者治疗后,所有临床量表都恢复了正常,而无效组则无变化,从资料的分析讨论中,归纳出 MMPI 对神经症有反映病理心理特点、严重度、转归、予后、病前个性及发病机理等多方面作用,并认为神经症的症状性质与患者的人格基础密切有关。  相似文献   
Summary Previous reports by us have shown that the outcome of breast cancer patients who have received systemic adjuvant therapy is influenced by tumor estrogen or progesterone receptor (ER or PR) content or by nuclear grade. This publication provides information regarding the relative merit of those three markers. Findings from patients receiving L-PAM plus 5-FU (PF) or PF plus tamoxifen (PFT) indicate that the disease-free survival and survival within each regimen was almost identical when related to either ER, PR, or nuclear grade. Those having tumors with either of the receptors 10 fmol or a good nuclear grade had a better outcome through five postoperative years than did those with ER or PR 0–9 fmol or poor nuclear grade. The magnitude of the difference was similar for each of the three discriminants. Since they were found to be of equal predictive value, one marker might well serve as a substitute for another. Cox regression analyses, however, clearly indicate that ER, PR, and nuclear grade have an independent influence on outcome and that a more accurate assessment of outcome is obtained when more than one marker is employed. Thus, information should be obtained on as many markers as possible. This conclusion is supported by observations presented which indicate that nuclear grade in combination with either or both of the receptors is a better predictor than either marker alone and that, as indicated by life table probability values and relative odds ratios, an increasing number of favorable tumor prognostic indicators results in a better patient outcome particularly in PFT-treated patients. A possible explanation is considered for why the separation of receptor/nuclear grade categories is more orderly and pronounced in PF-treated patients receiving tamoxifen than in those given PF alone. See Appendix I  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Some cases of recurrent miscarriage and later pregnancy complications have a thrombotic basis. Factor V Leiden is a common thrombophilic mutation. METHODS: The prospective outcome of untreated pregnancies amongst 25 women heterozygous for the Factor V Leiden allele who had a history of either recurrent early miscarriages only (three or more miscarriages at <12 weeks gestation; n = 19) or of late miscarriage (>12 weeks gestation; n = 9) was studied. Control groups of women with a similar pregnancy history but who had a normal Factor V genotype were also studied. RESULTS: The live birth rate was significantly lower amongst women with a history of recurrent early miscarriage who carried the Factor V Leiden allele (6/16; 37.5%) compared with that amongst those with a normal Factor V genotype (106/153; 69.3%; odds ratio 3.75, 95% confidence intervals 1.3-10.9). The live birth rate was 11.1% (1/9) amongst those with a history of late miscarriage carrying the Factor V Leiden allele and 48.9% (22/45) amongst those with a normal Factor V genotype. CONCLUSIONS: Attention should be directed at screening women with recurrent miscarriage associated with placental thrombosis for Factor V Leiden and a policy of targeted thromboprophylaxis during future pregnancies should be assessed in the form of a randomized controlled trial.  相似文献   
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