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PurposeThe study evaluates the pre- and post-training lesion localisation ability of a group of novice observers. Parallels are drawn with the performance of inexperienced radiographers taking part in preliminary clinical evaluation (PCE) and ‘red-dot’ systems, operating within radiography practice.Materials and methodsThirty-four novice observers searched 92 images for simulated lesions. Pre-training and post-training evaluations were completed following the free-response the receiver operating characteristic (FROC) method. Training consisted of observer performance methodology, the characteristics of the simulated lesions and information on lesion frequency. Jackknife alternative FROC (JAFROC) and highest rating inferred ROC analyses were performed to evaluate performance difference on lesion-based and case-based decisions. The significance level of the test was set at 0.05 to control the probability of Type I error.ResultsJAFROC analysis (F(3,33) = 26.34, p < 0.0001) and highest-rating inferred ROC analysis (F(3,33) = 10.65, p = 0.0026) revealed a statistically significant difference in lesion detection performance. The JAFROC figure-of-merit was 0.563 (95% CI 0.512,0.614) pre-training and 0.677 (95% CI 0.639,0.715) post-training. Highest rating inferred ROC figure-of-merit was 0.728 (95% CI 0.701,0.755) pre-training and 0.772 (95% CI 0.750,0.793) post-training.ConclusionsThis study has demonstrated that novice observer performance can improve significantly. This study design may have relevance in the assessment of inexperienced radiographers taking part in PCE or commenting scheme for trauma.  相似文献   


The type of cues used during clinical decision-making contexts is not well understood. Further, there are conflicting findings in relation to how novice and expert nurses use cues.


The aim of this study was to determine if there were differences between novice and expert nurses in the range and type of cues selected as well as how cues were clustered together when making clinical decisions while caring for post-operative patients in an Intensive Care Unit.


The sample consisted of four novice and four expert nurses caring for patients post Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm surgery in an Intensive Care Unit. Data were collected using a think aloud (TA) process while participants cared for patients, followed by retrospective interviewing, to generate verbal protocols. The verbal protocols were analysed using content analysis to examine various aspects of decision-making, including number and type of cues used and cue clustering. The decision tasks attended in the real world of practice were described in detail to illuminate the use of cues in context.


Expert nurses collected a wider range of cues than novice nurses, almost twice as many different cues. The expert nurses also clustered more cues together to identify patient status when making decisions. Expert nurses were more proactive in collecting relevant cues and anticipating problems that may help identify patient problems.


In the real world of practice expert nurses collect a broader range of cues to assess patient status than novice nurses. This differs to expert nurses cue collection in simulations where expert nurses may select only those cues that are necessary for the identified problem. This difference, if identified in other studies, may have important implications for nursing research and education.  相似文献   
AimTo examine the effectiveness of a Humanoid Diagram Teaching Strategy (HDTS) on care capabilities and retention of novice nurses.BackgroundGuiding novice nurses in clinical practice is a matter of concern and the use of diagrams in assisting the learning process and to promote learning efficiency has been acknowledged.DesignThis is a quasi-experimental study with asynchronous repeated measurements for the experimental and control groups.MethodsThe study was conducted in a medical centre in southern Taiwan with 24 novice nurses. The intervention, Humanoid Diagrams Teaching Strategy, contained three parts: the head and neck; trunk; and limbs. The HDTS was applied three time weekly. Each session lasted approximately 30 min and the training lasted 4 weeks. The effectiveness of HDTS was measured using Mini-CEX, CbD and retention rates in the 3rd and 6th months of novice nurses’ experience.ResultsAfter the HDTS, although increases in mini-CEX and CbD scores in the experimental group were greater than the control group, these differences were not statistically significant after considering the time interaction. But the 3rd month and 6th month novice nurses’ retention rates were statistically significantly different by comparing the differences under the time interaction effects in both groups.ConclusionsThe Humanoid Diagram Teaching Strategy is an effective tool for preceptors to use in assisting novice nurses in learning, improving their nursing care knowledge and technical skills and to increase their retention rate.  相似文献   
Background and aimTeamwork is assumed crucial in nursing. Nevertheless, nursing shortages in medical centers have thus far compelled nurse managers to use novice nurses. The present study aimd to explaining the challenges and experiences of novice nurses regarding teamwork in emergency departments.Materials and methodsUsing qualitative content analysis, 11 novice nurses working at emergency department, participated in this study. Data were collected with semi structured interview and analyzed by Graneheim and Lundman.ResultsThe data analysis led to the emergence of four themes of “essential teamwork skills development”, “contradictory relationships between team members”, “unpleasant feelings and experiences”, and, “personal growth and maturation during teamwork”.ConclusionFostering different personal aspects as prerequisites for teamwork, novice nurses will be able to deal with unpleasant feelings and experiences as well as contradictory relationships between team members in an effective manner. This challenging experience will thus give rise to personal growth and maturation during teamwork among them in emergency department.  相似文献   
目的探索我国护理专业学位(Master of nursing specialist,MNS)研究生培养与新护士培训及专科护士培训之间衔接的可行性和实施条件。方法采用描述性现象学研究方法对9名来自临床护理、护理教育、护理管理的专家进行半结构访谈,用内容分析法汇总分析专家意见。结果 MNS研究生培养与新护士培训、专科护士培训的有机结合包括3个主题:MNS研究生培养与新护士培训的衔接可行性强,与专科护士培训的衔接需弥补差距;政策保障、机构联动、多方协作、相互认可是确保顺利衔接的必要条件;三者衔接惠及多方,影响深远。结论 MNS研究生培养可与新护士培训相耦合和衔接,需要建立以政策为上层保障,以院校为主体,以医院为基础,以岗位胜任力为出发点,以能力塑造为目标的多方联动、相互认可的培养模式,从而促进护教协同,提升护理人才培养成效。  相似文献   
AIM: The aim of this paper is to introduce the theoretical framework that directs the project. BACKGROUND: The Novice Computer Decision Support (N-CODES) Project is developing a point-of-care system to assist novice acute care nurses while making clinical judgements. Unlike prior approaches, N-CODES is guided by a theoretical understanding of nurses' decision-making processes, including the manner by which novices develop this skill. FRAMEWORK: Assumptions within information processing theory guided the clinical decision-making framework. The framework is composed of a clinical decision-making model and a second embedded model depicting the clinical reasoning development of novice nurses. MODELS: The model is developed within a pluralistic perspective synthesizing theoretical and empirical knowledge on clinical decision-making and the development of novice reasoning skills. A visual representation of experienced nurse decision-making is presented. A central element is the nurse's use of pre-encounter data and working knowledge. A second model integrates empirical data on the developing clinical reasoning of the novice. This knowledge is loosely scattered through 25 years of literature. The intersection of these models provides a novel perspective on the way novices begin to identify working knowledge patterns and develop a sense of saliency. CONCLUSIONS: Previous attempts to build comprehensive clinical decision support systems have disregarded important theoretical considerations hindering the success of these projects. Grounding a Decision Support System in a theoretical model of novice nurse decision-making will strengthen the utility and acceptance of the Decision Support System. Additionally, a conceptualization of novice nurse development is an asset to nurse educators, managers and scientists interested in improving clinical decision-making.  相似文献   
AIM: To determine the performance of novice readers (4th year medical students) for detecting capsule endoscopy findings. METHODS: Ten capsule endoscopy cases of small bowel lesions were administered to the readers. Gold standard findings were pre-defined by gastroenterologists. Ten gold standard "targets" were identified among the 10 cases. Readers were given a 30-min overview of Rapid Reader software and instructed to mark any potential areas of abnormalities. A software program was developed using SAS to analyze the thumbnailed findings. RESULTS: The overall sensitivity for detecting the gold standard findings was 80%. As a group, at least 5 out of 10 readers detected each gold standard finding per recording. All the gold standard targets were identified when the readers' results were combined. Incidental finding/false positive rate ranged between 8.2-59.8 per reader. CONCLUSION: A panel of medical students with minimal endoscopic experience can achieve high sensitivity in detecting lesions on capsule endoscopy. A group of novice readers can pre-screen recordings to thumbnail potential areas of small bowel lesions for further review. These thumbnails must be reviewed to determine the clinical relevance. Further studies are ongoing to assess other cohorts.  相似文献   
目的通过访谈深入了解儿童医院新护士临床工作初期的压力体验,为改善临床护理管理、护理培训提供依据。方法采用质性研究方法,对苏州大学附属儿童医院16名新护士进行半结构式访谈,运用Colaizzi七步分析法对访谈资料进行分析。结果新护士工作初期,良性压力体验有:迫切希望提升自身能力,责任感增强。负性压力体验有:迷茫、不知所措;害怕、焦虑、紧张;挫败感;压抑感。结论护理管理人员应重视儿科新护士的压力体验,在减轻负性压力影响的基础上,注重激发其良性压力;重视儿科新护士的心理状态,针对性地提供心理支持;重视新护士规范化培训工作,在教学中注意对知识进行系统重构,训练其临床思维,并进行及时、恰当地反馈,帮助其胜任儿科临床护理工作。  相似文献   


Laparoscopic suturing is a difficult skill to master but can be acquired with extensive training outside the operating room. This study was done with the primary aim of assessing whether prior exposure to laparoscopic surgery helped trainees in acquiring laparoscopic suturing skills more quickly than trainees with no prior exposure to laparoscopic surgery.

Materials and Methods:

Twenty laparoscopy-exposed and 20 laparoscopy-naïve surgeons performed 5 laparoscopic gastrojejunostomies each on a phantom porcine model. The performance was evaluated for operation time, overall anastomotic score (calculated by adding scores of anastomotic leak, size of the anastomosis, suture placement, and mucosal approximation), and the level of difficulty. The performance at the beginning of training (baseline) was compared to the performance at the end of training.


All participants showed statistically significant improvement in operation time, overall anastomotic score, and difficulty level. Laparoscopy-exposed surgeons had a significantly better operation time than laparoscopy-naïve surgeons at the beginning of training; however, the difference became insignificant by the end of training. The difference in overall anastomotic score was not significant between laparoscopy-exposed and naïve-surgeons. Laparoscopy-exposed surgeons showed significant improvements in anastomotic leak rate and size of the anastomosis, whereas laparoscopy naïve surgeons showed improvements in all the parameters, although these were not significant statistically.


Training improves the laparoscopic suturing skills of laparoscopy-exposed as well as laparoscopy-naïve surgeons. Prior experience in laparoscopic surgery does not seem to influence the acquisition of laparoscopic suturing skills as laparoscopic-naïve surgeons manage to catch up with the skills of the laparoscopy-exposed surgeons.  相似文献   
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