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目的 :探讨胫腓骨远端骨折治疗术式的选择、术中术后应注意的问题及其疗效。方法 :对不同类型的胫腓骨远端骨折 36例进行 8~ 18个月的随访 ,并结合临床及影像学资料 ,对其诊断、手术方法及治疗效果进行分析总结。结果 :本组术后 2 5~ 3 5个月骨折均愈合。踝关节功能优良率 77 7%。结论 :熟悉骨折的分型及相应内固定术式的选择 ;注重踝穴骨折的解剖复位及固定和踝关节的功能位固定及早期功能锻炼。  相似文献   
目的 在"创而床准备(WBP)"理论指导下,观察负压封闭吸引局部处理糖尿病溃疡的疗效.方法 收集2000年1月至2005年1月间收治的27例糖尿病溃疡患者作对照组,2005年1月至2007年6月的8例糖尿病溃疡患者为试验组.两组患者均经常规系统的治疗,试验组在创面的黑、黄期采用清创后负压吸引治疗.观察两组创而各分期间的演进情况.比较两组手术Ⅰ期修复率、入院首次及实施负压治疗后1、2、3周创面细菌学检查结果 .观察各期创面组织标本的HE染色和黄、红两期Ⅰ、Ⅲ型胶原纤维苦味酸-天狼猩红染色结果 及对其含量进行图像分析.结果 试验组患者创面各分期的演进速度、于术Ⅰ期修复率均优于以照组(100%比46%,P<0.05).治疗2周后试验组创面末检出致病菌,对照组检出率为66.7%(P<0.05).HE染色显示试验组各期间的演进类似于急性创面愈合过程,且试验组黄期Ⅰ、m型胶原总含量为12.28%,对照组为24.77%(P<0.01).结论 基于WBP方案的负压吸引治疗能促进糖尿病溃疡的创面愈合过程.  相似文献   
R P Vertes 《Neuroscience》1984,11(3):669-690
The origins of projections within the medial forebrain bundle from the upper brainstem were examined with the horseradish peroxidase technique. Labeled cells were found in approximately 15 upper brainstem nuclei following injections of a conjugate of horseradish peroxidase and wheat germ agglutinin at various levels of the medial forebrain bundle. Labeled nuclei included (from caudal to rostral): dorsal and ventral parabrachial nuclei; Kolliker-Fuse nucleus; dorsolateral tegmental nucleus; A7 (lateral pontine tegmentum medial to lateral lemniscus); median and dorsal raphe nuclei; distinct group of cells oriented mediolaterally in the dorsal pontine tegmentum below the central gray; B9 (ventral midbrain tegmentum dorsal to medial lemniscus); retrorubral nucleus; nucleus of Darkschewitsch, interfascicular nucleus; rostral and caudal linear nuclei; ventral tegmental area; medial part of substantia nigra, pars compacta; and the supramammillary nucleus. With the exception of the ventral parabrachial nucleus, Kolliker-Fuse, A7, B9 and substantia nigra, pars compacta, each of the nuclei mentioned above sent strong projections along the medial forebrain bundle to the rostral forebrain. Sparse labeling was observed throughout the pontine and midbrain reticular formation. With the exception of the dorsal raphe nucleus, projections to the most anterior regions of the medial forebrain bundle (level of the anterior commissure) essentially only arose from presumed dopamine-containing nuclei-retrorubral nucleus (A8 area), interfascicular nucleus, rostral and caudal linear nuclei, substantia nigra pars compacta, and ventral tegmental area. Evidence was reviewed indicating that major forebrain sites of termination for these dopaminergic nuclei are structures that have been collectively referred to as the 'ventral striatum'. It is concluded from the present findings that several pontine and mesencephalic cell groups are in a position to exert a strong, direct effect on structures in the anterior forebrain and that the medial forebrain bundle is the main communication route between the upper brainstem and the forebrain.  相似文献   
Because body composition is altered during head-down bed rest (HDBR), body mass can not be used as an index of energy balance. Consequently diet allowances should not be based on body mass evolution but on fat mass changes. Though criticized, skinfold thickness (ST) is the costless, easiest and fastest method to use for such an objective. The aim of this study was to compare the percentage of body fat (%BF) estimated by ST with the isotope dilution of H218O. We compiled data from three HDBR campaigns, one on women (n=8) in November 1998 and two on the same men (n=8) in December 1997 (without countermeasure) and January 1998 (with thigh-cuffs countermeasure), according to a crossover design. Body composition was assessed before and after 6 days of HDBR. %BF was derived from the biceps, triceps, sub-scapular and sup-iliac ST according to Durnin and Wormersly (1974). Fat-free mass was measured on the same day by H218O dilution and fat mass was calculated by the difference with body mass and expressed as a percentage. Based on precision tests, the minimum measurable change by ST was 1.1%BF for single measurement point. Both intercepts (F 4,30=0.89, P=0.45) and slopes (F 4,30=0.74; P=0.57) of the ST versus dilution relationships were not affected by the periods (December vs January), experimental conditions (control vs HDBR vs HDBR + thigh cuffs) or sex allowing the derivation of a common relationship %BFst=0.94 × %BFdil (F 1,47=97.9, P<0.0001; non-significant intercept excluded) with a bias between methods of −1.7±2.0 %BF (95% CI: −5.8, 2.4 %BF). ST can be used to measure %BF during HDBR provided great care is placed on training and changes are higher than 1.1 %BF. If the method can be applied for in-flight energy balance monitoring given the high observed energy deficit, a tight monitoring of the individual nutritional status as needed during simulation appears, however, dubious based on this solely method.  相似文献   
In isolated, perfused mesenteric vascular beds from female rats, it was assessed whether the constrictor response to cirazoline, an alpha(1)-adrenergic agonist, or acetylcholine (ACh)-induced relaxation was altered by oestrous cycle or pregnancy and the ability of nitric oxide (NO), prostanoids and endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor (EDHF) to modulate these responses. Mesenteries, removed from female rats on each oestrous cycle day and gestation day 16, were perfused with physiological salt solution. Tone was induced with cirazoline (1 micromol/l), and concentration-response curves to ACh generated. Responsiveness to ACh was tested in the presence of N(omega)-nitro-L-arginine (L-NA), ibuprofen (IBU) and tetrabutylammonium (TBA), to inhibit nitric oxide synthase (NOS), cyclo-oxygenase and K(+) channels respectively. Cirazoline-induced tone was smaller in pro-oestrous and pregnant groups, but the increase in tone to L-NA was larger in pregnant compared with oestrous and dioestrous groups. Control responses to ACh were not different, but L-NA attenuated the response in virgin groups only. IBU did not affect the ACh response, but TBA attenuated it in all groups. When TBA was introduced first, ACh-induced dilatation was significantly reduced and not altered by L-NA addition. These results suggest that in the mesenteric vascular bed from cycling and pregnant rats, EDHF is the major mediator of ACh-induced dilatation and NOS may be up-regulated in pregnant and pro-oestrous rats.  相似文献   
R.P. Vertes 《Neuroscience》1984,11(3):651-668
The origins of projections within the medial forebrain bundle from the lower brainstem were examined with the horseradish peroxidase technique. Labeled cells were found in at least 15 lower brainstem nuclei following injections of a conjugate or horseradish peroxidase and wheat germ agglutinin at various levels of the medial forebrain bundle. Dense labeling was observed in the following cell groups (from caudal to rostral): A1 (above the lateral reticular nucleus); A2 (mainly within the nucleus of the solitary tract); a distinct group of cell trailing ventrolaterally from the medial longitudinal fasciculus at the level of the rostral pole of the inferior olive; raphe magnus; nucleus incertus; dorsolateral tegmental nucleus (of Castaldi); locus coeruleus; nucleus subcoeruleus; caudal part of the dorsal (lateral) parabrachial nucleus; and raphe pontis. Distinct but light labeling was seen in raphe pallidus and obscurus, nucleus prepositus hypoglossi, nucleus gigantocellularis pars ventralis, and the ventral (medial) parabrachial nucleus. Sparse labeling was observed throughout the medullary and caudal pontine reticular formation. Several lower brainstem nuclei were found to send strong projections along the medial forebrain bundle to very anterior levels of the forebrain. They were: A1, A2, raphe magnus (rostral part), nucleus incertus, dorsolateral tegmental nucleus, raphe pontis and locus coeruleus. With the exception of the locus coeruleus, attention has only recently been directed to the ascending projections of most of the nuclei mentioned above. Evidence was reviewed indicating that fibers from lower brainstem nuclei with ascending medial forebrain bundle projections distribute to widespread regions of the forebrain.It is concluded from the present findings that several medullary cell groups are capable of exerting a direct effect on the forebrain and that the medial forebrain bundle is the major ascending link between the lower brainstem and the forebrain.  相似文献   
The human placental bed: histology, immunohistochemistry and pathology   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
There has been much interest recently on local intra-uterine materno-fetal interactions particularly in the placental bed where cellular relationships between mother and fetus are at their most intimate. While few histopathologists are expected to interpret formal placental bed biopsy specimens, confrontation with tissue from this site is common following abortion, post-partum haemorrhage or molar gestation. This review gives an account of recent advances in our knowledge of the histology, immunohistochemistry and pathology of the placental bed. It focuses particularly on extravillous trophoblast populations and their relationship to maternal cells and emphasizes the importance of vascular changes.  相似文献   
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