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Two hundred forty-four consecutive patients (mean age 61 years), including 123 who had technically valid renal vein renin (RVR) analysis and 121 without RVR data, underwent technically successful percutaneous renal artery angioplasty (PTRA). They were retrospectively examined to evaluate the utility of RVR analysis in identifying renal hypertension (RVH), predicting benefit from PTRA, and determining if the lack of knowledge of renin levels significantly affected clinical outcome after PTRA. Abnormal RVR values were associated with clinical benefit after PTRA in 62 of 93 patients (67% sensitivity, 20% specificity, 72% positive predictive value). Clinical improvement following PTRA occurred in 31 of 37 patients with normal pre-PTRA RVR values (16% negative predictive value). RVR analysis correctly identified 86 of 117 patients with renovascular hypertension (74% sensitivity, 16% negative predictive value). Improved blood pressure (BP) control occurred in 72% with abnormal RVR analysis and 66% of the 121 patients without RVR data (p>0.1). We conclude that the very low negative predictive value significantly limited the use of RVR analysis in this elderly (mean age 60 years) patient population with a high incidence of mild renal functional impairment (mean serum creatinine 1.4 mg/dl) and bilateral renal artery stenosis (38%). The lack of pre-PTRA renin data did not significantly affect clinical outcome. If RVR data were relied upon as the exclusive selection criterion in patients of this type, many would be prevented from having the benefit of cure or improvement by PTRA.  相似文献   
Abstract Resin-retained bridges can be used as the definitive treatment, as well as for interim treatment. Compared with conventional fixed prostheses, there are some advantages which make this treatment especially useful in traumatized dentition. The ultra conservative approach makes the adhesive bridge a standard treatment option in cases of uncertain prognostic factors. However, in such specific situations as traumatized dentition some complicating factors may be present. These complicating factors must be recognized and eliminated to create situations in which this kind of restoration can be succesful. Therapeutic and patient-related factors are discussed using data from longitudinal clinical studies. Available clinical information indicates the anterior adhesive bridge to be a permanent restoration'. However, a benefit-cost analysis is necessary to weigh the value of this restorations.  相似文献   
The DNA from several clinical isolates of varicella-zoster virus (VZV) were compared with the DNA from the vaccine strain VZV using three restriction endonucleases: BamHI, BgII, and HpaI. When electrophoresed through an agarose gel, the vaccine DNA digestion pattern was significantly different from the digestion patterns of the wild-type DNAs. Variations in the digestion pattern of the separate clinical isolates were also observed.  相似文献   
Paramyxoviruses of type 1 (PMV-l) isolated from pigeons were genetically analyzed. A part of the fusion and the matrix protein genes were amplified and sequenced, Typical amino acid sequences associated with virulence were determined at the fusion protein cleavage site in all PMV-1 isolates. All Slovene pigeon PMV-1 strains share high amino acid sequence similarity with other pigeon strains. In the phylogenetic tree, they are clustered together with pigeon PMV-1 isolates with moderate pathogenicity. Phylogenetic analysis obtained from the fusion and the matrix protein gene alignments showed the same branching order. Viruses circulating among pigeons were found to form quite unique lineage of virulent NDV strains.  相似文献   
Summary The spontaneous contractions of segments of rat portal veins have been examined in vitro under isotonic and isometric conditions. The power density spectra of recorded time series lasting 10–60 min were calculated. The spectra usually consist of harmonic frequency components. Only during shorter periods of analysis (10 min time series) we sometimes found additional non-harmonic components. All frequency components are proportionally shifted by changes of the bath temperature according to an average Q10 of 2.0. Increase of the load decreases the frequency of the contractions.The results of the spectral analysis, indicating a preponderance of a single source of periodicity, were supported by direct evidence of a pacemaker region. By recording contractions after systematic dissections of the portal vein segment, we found that spontaneous activity is generated at the central end of the segment.This work was supported by the Austrian Research Fund  相似文献   
In order to estimate the contribution of mutations at the fibrillin-1 locus (FBN1) to classical Marfan syndrome (MFS) and to study possible phenotypic differences between patients with an FBN1 mutation vs. without, a comprehensive molecular study of the FBN1 gene in a cohort of 93 MFS patients fulfilling the clinical diagnosis of MFS according to the Ghent nosology was performed. The initial mutation screening by CSGE/SSCP allowed identification of an FBN1-mutation in 73 patients. Next, sequencing of all FBN1-exons was performed in 11 mutation-negative patients, while in nine others, DHPLC was used. This allowed identification of seven and five additional mutations, respectively. Southern blot analysis revealed an abnormal hybridization pattern in one more patient. A total of 23 out of the 85 mutations identified here are reported for the first time. Phenotypic comparison of MFS patients with cysteine-involving mutations vs. premature termination mutations revealed significant differences in ocular and skeletal involvement. The phenotype of the eight patients without proven FBN1 mutation did not differ from the others with respect to the presence of major cardiac, ocular, and skeletal manifestations or positive familial history. Most likely, a portion of FBN1-mutations remains undetected because of technical limitations. In conclusion, the involvement of the FBN1-gene could be demonstrated in at least 91% of all MFS patients (85/93), which strongly suggests that this gene is the predominant, if not the sole, locus for MFS.  相似文献   
The role of mitochondria-rich cells (MR cells) in transepithelial Na transport was investigated by determining electrolyte concentrations and Rb uptake in individual cells of frog skin epithelium using electron microprobe analysis. Measurements were performed under control conditions and after blocking the transepithelial Na transport with amiloride. Under control conditions, Na and Cl concentrations of MR cells scattered much more than those of principal cells and ranged from a few up to more than 30 mmol/kg wet weight. Rb uptake from the basal side into individual MR cells also showed a large variation and was, on the average, much less pronounced than into the principal cells. In principal cells, amiloride reduced the Na concentration and Rb accumulation. In contrast, no effect was observed upon electrolyte concentration and Rb uptake of MR cells. Rb uptake was correlated to the Na concentration of MR cells both under control conditions and after amiloride. It is concluded that, in contrast to the principal cells, MR cells are not involved in amiloride-sensitive transepithelial Na transport and that their Na/K-pump activity is very low.  相似文献   
Breast masses due to benign disease and malignant tumors related to breast cancer differ in terms of shape, edge-sharpness, and texture characteristics. In this study, we evaluate a set of 22 features including 5 shape factors, 3 edge-sharpness measures, and 14 texture features computed from 111 regions in mammograms, with 46 regions related to malignant tumors and 65 to benign masses. Feature selection is performed by a genetic algorithm based on several criteria, such as alignment of the kernel with the target function, class separability, and normalized distance. Fisher's linear discriminant analysis, the support vector machine (SVM), and our strict two-surface proximal (S2SP) classifier, as well as their corresponding kernel-based nonlinear versions, are used in the classification task with the selected features. The nonlinear classification performance of kernel Fisher's discriminant analysis, SVM, and S2SP, with the Gaussian kernel, reached 0.95 in terms of the area under the receiver operating characteristics curve. The results indicate that improvement in classification accuracy may be gained by using selected combinations of shape, edge-sharpness, and texture features.  相似文献   
A method is described based on crossed immunoelectrophoresis of a complex antigen mixture in agarose gel followed by incubation of the gel with the monoclonal antibody. The bound monoclonal antibody is detected by the use of a secondary enzyme-labelled antibody.Using this technique we have been able to identify the precipitate arc in crossed immunoelectrophoresis of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules in a mixture of all detergent solubilized cell membrane molecules by means of a monoclonal antibody, the specificity of which was known independently to be against MHC class I molecules. In other experiments using the same technique we demonstrated the reaction of a monoclonal antibody specific for chicken Ig light chains.  相似文献   
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