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刘素霞  黑连荣 《北京医学》1994,16(6):340-342
经临床鉴定静脉内注射小儿氨基酸对治疗胎儿宫内发育迟缓具有肯定效果。在B超监视下,使用小儿氨基酸的孕妇组于用药期间,胎儿生长参数BPD和HC显著高于使用成人氨基酸的孕妇组。10例足月娩出胎儿体重均达到甚至超过2.5kg。由此得出结论:使用小儿氨基酸注射液对于改善胎儿宫内发育迟缓优于成人氨基酸。  相似文献   
Abstract: The efficacy and safety of recombinant human erythropoietin (rhEPO) were tested when given subcutaneously (s.c.) in an escalating dose of 2000–10,000 units (U) daily in 60 patients with cancer-related anaemia (CRA). A positive response, defined as an increase in haemoglobin more than 2 g/dl and independence of blood transfusions, was observed in 23 of 48 evaluable patients (48%) within a median of 8 wk. In detail, rhEPO corrected anaemia in 11 of 14 patients (79%) with malignant lymphoma, in 8 of 15 patients (53%) with multiple myeloma and in 4 of 10 patients (40%) with a solid tumour. The median dose of rhEPO in successful cases was 5000 U daily. Four patients with agnogenic myeloid metaplasia and 5 with myelodysplastic disorder failed to respond to rhEPO. No patient had any severe side effects. Pretreatment serum erythropoietin levels appeared to be a weak predictor for response to rhEPO treatment. In conclusion, rhEPO seems to be safe and effective in correcting CRA in certain groups of patients.  相似文献   
Hepatic venous outflow tract obstruction, Budd-Chiari syndrome (BCS), leads to portal hypertension and to the development of collaterals that bypass the obstruction. Described here is a BCS patient with an unusually large transdiaphragmatic collateral between the left hepatic and left innominate veins, which decompressed the oesophageal varices. This has not been reported earlier in the literature.  相似文献   
We report satisfactory results with a new operative treatment, conducted via an extensive anterolateral approach, involving 360 degree circumferential capsulotomy, for residual subluxation in congenital dislocation of the hip (CDH). Long-term radiographic results of this procedure (group A) were compared retrospectively with the results of partial capsulotomy (group B), which preserved the posteroinferior joint capsule. The mean center edge angle in group A (22.5°) was greater than that in group B (16.0°). Satisfactory results were achieved in 11 of 15 hips (73%) (Severin class I or II) in group A, and in 5 of 12 hips (42%) in group B. These results suggest that whole circumferential capsulotomy can remove obstacles to complete reduction, and that acetabular development can be expected in hips reduced by the procedure, without the performance of innominate osteotomy. We believe that our technique is a useful alternative for the treatment of residual subluxation in CDH.  相似文献   
Medical students are allocated little curriculum time for exposure to expert systems. ESTA, a computer model of an expert system, was developed to make best use of this time. The nature of the students' interaction with ESTA is described, and their reactions to the expert system concepts and the place of expert systems in medicine are presented. A discussion of these reactions draws some conclusions about teaching expert systems in particular, and computers in general, in the basic medical course.  相似文献   
A structured clinical examination has been an integral component of the final-year examinations conducted by the Departments of Medicine and Surgery at the University of Adelaide for the last 8 years. It has been used as an alternative to the traditional clinical examination. This paper describes the results of ongoing student and examiner surveys carried out to determine their views and satisfaction with this new approach. It also briefly discusses the feasibility of introducing such an examination into a conventional medical school environment. The surveys showed a remarkable level of acceptance and support by both students and examiners. This positive reaction has been maintained over the 8-year period. The main reasons seem to be its perceived relevance and fairness. Students also appear to be directing their learning in a direction thought desirable by teachers. No significant problems have been encountered with the practical implementation of the method.  相似文献   
200例择期胆囊切除+术中胆道造影患者分二组;芬太尼17ug/kg静注(F组,n=100)、哌替啶1mg/kg静注。评价两种麻醉性镇痛药致Oddi括约肌痉挛的发生率,结果:8例病人造影剂不能通过Oddi括约肌、十二指肠不显影,胆总管下端显示“鸟嘴样”或“假结石”影像,后者3例病人胆总管探查阴性,静注纳络酮0.4mg后,全部病例造影剂顺利进入十二指肠。结论:硬膜外麻醉辅用小剂量芬太尼/哌替啶时Odd  相似文献   
This paper reports an attempt to develop self-directed learning skills in second-year medical students by introducing case-based projects into the gross anatomy course at a long-established medical school. The programme and students' responses to a questionnaire completed at the end of the year are presented. Information on the various resources used by students to find information is given. The performance of students in the case-based components of the course has been evaluated and also in the more traditional end-of-year written examination. The data confirm that students have recognized that the projects were about obtaining a deeper understanding of the anatomy, and the programme appears to have promoted the use and study of library texts.  相似文献   
An improved sib-pair test for linkage is introduced which is superior to the previously proposed tests. The test is derived from the standard chi-squared goodness of fit statistic by restricting the alternative hypothesis to the genetically possible. Critical values are given and exact power comparisons are made with the previously proposed tests. The new test is shown to be more powerful for finite samples as well as being asymptotically uniformly most powerful. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
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