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Meta-analyses have indicated that the mediating power of sensitivity in the transmission of attachment across generations is not nearly as great as would be predicted by attachment theory (van IJzendoorn, 1995; De Wolff & van IJzendoorn, 1997). To make sense of these findings, the author suggests that current measures of sensitivity should be expanded to include the assessment of mother-infant behavior on a micro-behavioral level. This paper reviews evidence for two central propositions: (1) The internal working model of mothers is expressed in subtle, fine-grained interactive behaviors with their infants, and (2) infants perceive and remember these behaviors in the form of interactional expectancies. Following these propositions, hypothesized representational micromodels for each major attachment organization are then offered, based on the Parallel Distributed Processing (PDP) approach to information processing. In closing, this paper presents some of the most pressing unresolved issues for attachment researchers as they seek to empirically identify the mechanisms by which attachment is transmitted across generations.  相似文献   
ObjectiveTo precisely define the utility of tests in a clinical pathway through data-driven analysis of the electronic medical record (EMR).Materials and methodsThe information content was defined in terms of the entropy of the expected value of the test related to a given outcome. A kernel density classifier was used to estimate the necessary distributions. To validate the method, we used data from the EMR of the gastrointestinal department at a university hospital. Blood tests from patients undergoing surgery for gastrointestinal surgery were analyzed with respect to second surgery within 30 days of the index surgery.ResultsThe information content is clearly reflected in the patient pathway for certain combinations of tests and outcomes. C-reactive protein tests coupled to anastomosis leakage, a severe complication show a clear pattern of information gain through the patient trajectory, where the greatest gain from the test is 3–4 days post index surgery.DiscussionWe have defined the information content in a data-driven and information theoretic way such that the utility of a test can be precisely defined. The results reflect clinical knowledge. In the case we used the tests carry little negative impact. The general approach can be expanded to cases that carry a substantial negative impact, such as in certain radiological techniques.  相似文献   
CSIRO Adverse Drug Event Corpus (Cadec) is a new rich annotated corpus of medical forum posts on patient-reported Adverse Drug Events (ADEs). The corpus is sourced from posts on social media, and contains text that is largely written in colloquial language and often deviates from formal English grammar and punctuation rules. Annotations contain mentions of concepts such as drugs, adverse effects, symptoms, and diseases linked to their corresponding concepts in controlled vocabularies, i.e., SNOMED Clinical Terms and MedDRA. The quality of the annotations is ensured by annotation guidelines, multi-stage annotations, measuring inter-annotator agreement, and final review of the annotations by a clinical terminologist. This corpus is useful for studies in the area of information extraction, or more generally text mining, from social media to detect possible adverse drug reactions from direct patient reports. The corpus is publicly available at https://data.csiro.au.1  相似文献   
背景 严重精神障碍管理治疗作为重大的公共卫生问题和突出的社会问题,更强调多部门综合管理及医院-社区一体化的全程治疗。通过研究分析在册严重精神障碍患者的管理治疗现状,可健全服务体系,为恢复患者社会功能、减少疾病负担提供依据。目的 对2014—2018年河南省严重精神障碍患者管理治疗状况进行分析,以期为各级政府健全、完善精神卫生服务体系,制定救治救助政策及推进社区康复服务提供决策支持。方法 2019年1—4月选取2014年1月—2018年12月信息系统中河南省所有在册的严重精神障碍患者。2018年河南省各省辖市、省直管县(市)常住人口数来源于中国疾病预防控制中心公布数据。记录2018年信息系统使用情况(包括信息系统覆盖率、信息系统注册用户数)、在册患者一般资料、患者登记管理及治疗情况〔包括各省辖市、省直管县(市)常住人口数、在册患者数、规范管理患者数、规律服药患者数、病情稳定患者数、居家患者数、报告患病率、规范管理率、规律服药率、稳定率〕,比较2014年与2018年报告患病率、规范管理率、规律服药率、稳定率,记录2014—2018年在册患者未治期、病程,在册患者政策利用情况。结果 截至2018年底,河南省174个县/区全部开通信息系统用户账号,均开展患者信息录入随访工作,信息系统覆盖率为100.00%,系统注册总用户数为3 429例。2018年河南省在册患者共413 240例,对比2014年248 128例,环比增长66.54%。2018年河南省报告患病率平均为4.34‰,各省辖市中报告患病率前3位依次为商丘市(5.23‰)、周口市(5.23‰)、驻马店市(5.23‰);省直管县(市)中报告患病率前3位依次为新蔡县(5.68‰)、兰考县(5.17‰)、滑县(5.12‰)。2018年河南省规范管理率平均为72.99%,各省辖市中漯河市规范管理率最高(87.96%);省直管县(市)中兰考县规范管理率最高(96.08%)。2018年河南省规律服药率平均为30.31%,各省辖市中洛阳市规律服药率最高(51.15%);省直管县(市)中邓州市规律服药率最高(74.95%)。2018年河南省稳定率平均为81.43%,各省辖市中济源市稳定率最高(97.76%);各省直管县(市)中兰考县稳定率最高(98.46%)。与2014年相比,2018年河南省报告患病率、规范管理率、规律服药率、稳定率同比增长率分别为66.92%、115.31%、80.10%、62.44%。2018年河南省报告患病率、规范管理率、规律服药率、稳定率均高于2014年(P<0.05)。河南省精神分裂症在册患者的未治期2014—2018年逐年缩短;双相情感障碍、精神发育迟滞(伴发精神障碍)在册患者的未治期2015年较2014年有所延长,之后3年逐年缩短;偏执性精神病在册患者的未治期2014—2016年逐年缩短,之后2年先延长后缩短;分裂情感性精神障碍在册患者的未治期2014—2017年逐年缩短,2018年与2017年保持一致;癫痫所致精神障碍在册患者的未治期2014—2017年逐年缩短,2018年较2017年略有延长。以精神分裂症在册患者为标准,2014—2018年河南省在册患者病程分别为13.45、12.12、10.66、10.50、10.10年,逐年缩短。参加严重精神障碍门诊救助的2 500例患者中,享有低保救助者1 629例(65.16%),享有残联救助者631例(25.24%),享有民政救助者304例(12.16%),享有门诊慢性病报销者966例(38.64%),享有3种及以上救助政策者346例(13.84%)。结论 2014—2018年河南省严重精神障碍患者建档登记人数不断增多,患者管理和治疗状况有所提高,在册患者未治期有所缩短。但部分地市工作差距较大,规律服药率有待进一步提高。  相似文献   
疫情防控事关师生生命安全和身体健康,职业院校强化责任担当,狠抓工作落实,充分利用信息化手段,支撑疫情防控工作开展:掌握意识形态主动权,充分利用学校媒体平台,回应师生关切,引导正确的舆论导向;推送抗击疫情前线校友事迹,弘扬校友使命与担当、爱党爱国的精神;推进信息化与教育教学深度融合,采用"课程平台为主、网络直播为辅"的混合式教学方式,保证疫情防控期间教学进度和教学质量;打造健康科普网络平台,做好新冠肺炎防治科普宣传;面向社会提供心理支持服务,引导群众心理防疫;疫情防控期间,加快智慧校园建设,将信息化水平提升到新的高度。  相似文献   
Although technological or organizational systems that enforce systematic procedures and best practices can lead to improvements in quality, these systems must also be designed to allow users to adapt to the inherent uncertainty, complexity, and variations in healthcare. We present a framework, called Systematic Yet Flexible Systems Analysis (SYFSA) that supports the design and analysis of Systematic Yet Flexible (SYF) systems (whether organizational or technical) by formally considering the tradeoffs between systematicity and flexibility. SYFSA is based on analyzing a task using three related problem spaces: the idealized space, the natural space, and the system space. The idealized space represents the best practice—how the task is to be accomplished under ideal conditions. The natural space captures the task actions and constraints on how the task is currently done. The system space specifies how the task is done in a redesigned system, including how it may deviate from the idealized space, and how the system supports or enforces task constraints. The goal of the framework is to support the design of systems that allow graceful degradation from the idealized space to the natural space. We demonstrate the application of SYFSA for the analysis of a simplified central line insertion task. We also describe several information-theoretic measures of flexibility that can be used to compare alternative designs, and to measure how efficiently a system supports a given task, the relative cognitive workload, and learnability.  相似文献   
Objective:To investigate the quality of the data disseminated via the Internet regarding pain experienced by orthodontic patients.Materials and Methods:A systematic online search was performed for ‘orthodontic pain’ and ‘braces pain’ separately using five search engines. The first 25 results from each search term–engine combination were pooled for analysis. After excluding advertising sites, discussion groups, video feeds, and links to scientific articles, 25 Web pages were evaluated in terms of accuracy, readability, accessibility, usability, and reliability using recommended research methodology; reference textbook material, the Flesch Reading Ease Score; and the LIDA instrument. Author and information details were also recorded.Results:Overall, the results indicated a variable quality of the available informational material. Although the readability of the Web sites was generally acceptable, the individual LIDA categories were rated of medium or low quality, with average scores ranging from 16.9% to 86.2%. The orthodontic relevance of the Web sites was not accompanied by the highest assessment results, and vice versa.Conclusions:The quality of the orthodontic pain information cited by Web sources appears to be highly variable. Further structural development of health information technology along with public referral to reliable sources by specialists are recommended.  相似文献   
The Shannon information content is a valuable numerical characteristic of probability distributions. The problem of estimating the information content from an observed dataset is very important in the fields of statistics, information theory, and machine learning. The contribution of the present paper is in proposing information estimators, and showing some of their applications. When the given data are associated with weights, each datum contributes differently to the empirical average of statistics. The proposed estimators can deal with this kind of weighted data. Similar to other conventional methods, the proposed information estimator contains a parameter to be tuned, and is computationally expensive. To overcome these problems, the proposed estimator is further modified so that it is more computationally efficient and has no tuning parameter. The proposed methods are also extended so as to estimate the cross-entropy, entropy, and Kullback–Leibler divergence. Simple numerical experiments show that the information estimators work properly. Then, the estimators are applied to two specific problems, distribution-preserving data compression, and weight optimization for ensemble regression.  相似文献   
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