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BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Functional gastrointestinal disorders are diagnosed by the presence of a characteristic set of symptoms. Aims of this study were to validate the Rome symptom criteria by factor analysis and to determine whether symptoms cluster in the same way in different cultures. METHODS: One thousand forty-one gastroenterology clinic patients in the US (response rate 53%) and 228 family members accompanying clinic patients in Italy (84%) completed a previously validated symptom questionnaire. Factor analysis identified clusters of symptoms which are highly correlated with each other, and these were compared to the Rome diagnostic criteria. RESULTS: In the US, 13 factors were identified. The irritable bowel factor was composed of three core symptoms corresponding to the Rome II classification system. Two dyspepsia factors were identified which correspond to the ulcer- and motility-like subtypes proposed in the Rome I classification system. All symptoms of constipation formed a single cluster as proposed in the Rome II classification system. Symptom clusters in the US agreed well with symptom clusters identified in Italian subjects. CONCLUSIONS: Empirically derived symptom clusters agree in most respects with the Rome II classification system and support their validity. These symptom clusters are independent of cultural differences in diet and behaviour.  相似文献   
Asymmetry in brain modulation of the immune system has been previously described. In mice, paw preference has been shown to be associated with immune reactivity but the mechanisms involved in such an association are not yet known. The autonomic nervous system and the neuroendocrine system are considered as major candidates for neural influences on the immune system. In the present study, the activity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis of adult female mice selected for paw preference (left-handers vs. right-handers) was assessed by measuring both adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and corticosterone plasma levels, as well as the in vitro responses of hypothalamus and adrenocortical cells to various hormone releasing stimuli. The results reported here showed no difference in the activity of the HPA axis between left- and right-handed mice, suggesting that this neuroendocrine axis is not implicated in the association between functional brain asymmetry and immune reactivity. However, our results do not exclude the possibility that the HPA axis could play a role in such an association under other circumstances, such as during development or stressful situations.  相似文献   
The renal circulation of patients with essential hypertension and renovascular hypertension was evaluated using 99mTc-DTPA. The first renal peak count (the first Cmax; FCmax), time phase distribution (the first Tmax; FTmax), and blood velocity (the FCmax/FTmax) were calculated by digital imaging. This yields a visual image of the renal circulation. We consider that the increase in the renal first pass blood flow in patients with essential hypertension is best observed pixel by pixel. The FCmax and FCmax/FTmax images before and after treatment by percutaneous transluminal renal angioplasty in patients with renovascular hypertension clearly show its therapeutic effect. The FI technique, therefore, has the advantage that it can be performed at the same time as the conventional routine examinations of renal function. This makes it very useful clinically.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Den Vorteilen einer osteosynthetischen Versorgung einer Fraktur mit sofortiger Aufnahme seiner Funktion, stehen die aus der Literatur bekannten Komplikationen gegenüber. Diese und unsere eigenen unbefriedigenden Ergebnisse nach der operativen Versorgung von Radiusköpfchenfrakturen ließen uns zu einer prospektiven randomisierten Studie einer primär funktionellen Behandlung unter Verzicht auf eine äußere oder innere Stabilisierung greifen. Seit Dezember 1991 haben wir im UKH-Graz bis einschließlich Dezember 1992 insgesamt 70 Patienten nach einem strikten Behandlungskonzept, unter Zuhilfenahme der Computertomographie zur Verlaufsbeobachtung versorgt. Die in 91% der Fälle als sehr gut and gut einzustufenden Frühergebnisse sowie das fehlende Auftreten einer, wie bei operativer Versorgung möglichen Komplikation, ebenso die zusätzlich deutlich frühere Arbeitsfähigkeit bzw. deutlich kürzere, wenn auch aufwendigere Behandlungszeit, lassen uns diese Verfahren nicht nur in unserem Hans weiterführen, sondern können wir auch weiter empfehlen.
Experience with internal fixation of fractures of the head of the radius
The advantages of internal fixation of fractures, with the possibility of immediate resumption of the function of the fractured bone, are in contrast to the well-known complications described in the literature. These complications and our own unsatisfactory results after surgical treatment of fractures of the head of the radius induced us to carry out a randomized prospective study of primary functional treatment of such fractures without external or internal stabilization. From December 1991 through December 1992, a total of 70 patients were treated according to a strict treatment protocol at the Graz Hospital for Accident Surgery, and CT was used for observation of the healing process. The positive early results, which in 91% of all cases were classified as very good or good, the lack of complications that sometimes follow surgical treatment, the markedly earlier recovery of the patient's working capacity, and the clearly shorter — albeit somewhat more expensive — treatment period required have led us to continue using this method at our hospital and also to recommend its use elsewhere.
目的探讨脑利钠肽(BNP)在评价功能性单心室患者行全腔静脉-肺动脉连接术(TCPC)后心功能中的价值及其意义。方法选择2004年4~11月间连续在我科随访的TCPC后患者11例(TCPC组),男7例,女4例;年龄8.2±4.1岁;随访时间2.1±1.6年。按照改良R oss标准对临床心功能评分。采集外周静脉血3m l,用酶标免疫法测定血浆BNP浓度。其中6例同期用磁共振成像(M R I)测定心功能,对BNP做相关因素分析。9人健康儿童作为正常对照(对照组)。结果(1)TCPC组血浆BNP水平为400pg/m l(IQR 200-690),较对照组的110 pg/m l(IQR 90-190)增高(P=0.003);(2)M R I测定结果:TCPC组6例患者舒张期末容量指数为65.76±8.65 m l/m2,收缩期末容量指数为31.90±6.36 m l/m2,心搏出量指数为39.09±11.76 m l/m2,射血分数(EF)为0.52±0.06,心脏指数(C I)为2.38±0.58 L/m in.m2,心肌质量指数为103.49±21.57 g/m2,心肌质量/心室舒张期末容量为1.57±0.24;(3)TCPC组BNP水平与手术时年龄呈明显正相关(r=0.632,P=0.041);BNP水平与上述M R I指标、R oss评分、性别、年龄、脉搏血氧饱和度(SpO2)及主心室类型等因素无关。结论TCPC后近2年神经内分泌系统仍处于应激状态,BNP增高可能与TCPC后特有的血流动力学状态有关;血浆BNP水平不能作为正确评估TCPC后心功能状态的指标。  相似文献   
感染及排异是固体硅胶隆鼻术较为严重的并发症。其发生原因主要在于手术适应证掌握不当;硅胶假体的质量不过关,假体的修雕成形不佳,假体消毒处理不严;手术操作及术后处理欠妥等。提出了加强术前体检及适应证的掌握,选择质量过关的硅胶假体,努力提高术者的审美及专业技术水平,设计修雕成形出恰当的假体,并注意规范假体的消毒处理,这都可有效减少感染及排异并发症的发生。强调手术操作时尽量减少局部组织的损伤,勿剥破鼻部的皮肤及粘膜,并做好术后的处理及护理,这同样也是减少感染排异并发症的关键。  相似文献   
The Barthel Index (BI), the Modified Barthel Index (MBI) and the Functional Independence Measure (FIM) are all widely used by occupational therapists as assessment tools for clinical decision-making and outcome measurement. All of these tools have demonstrated validity and the BI and the FIM have demonstrated inter-rater reliability. The MBI has been modified to increase sensitivity; however, there have been no publications on the inter-rater reliability of this tool following the changes. The purpose of this research was to examine the inter-rater reliability of two versions of the Barthel Index, and draw some comparisons between this assessment tool and the FIM. Twenty-five patients with neurological and orthopaedic conditions were assessed by three occupational therapists using the three tools. The method of analysis selected was percentage agreement and intraclass correlation coefficient. The results indicated that both the original and modified versions of the Barthel Index possess good inter-rater reliability. As all three tools have demonstrated adequate reliability and validity, it is suggested that clinicians select the most sensitive tool that best meets their clinical needs, and use this assessment tool in its standardized format.  相似文献   
下肢静脉高压症顺行性静脉造影的诊断意义   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文对临床上有下肢静脉高压症的56例病人,共76条下肢,进行了顺行性静脉造影的X线研究。其中对12条下肢做了经皮腘静脉造影检查。作者认为:(1)下肢静脉高压除因下肢静脉血栓形成外,下肢深静脉瓣膜功能不全是其另一个主要原因。(2)经皮腘静脉造影是检测下肢深静脉瓣膜功能的有效、准确的方法。(3)下肢静脉造影的联合应用,在检查下肢静脉高压中具有科学性和准确性。  相似文献   
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