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The bone mineral density (BMD) of 14 children, adolescents, and adults with phenylketonuria (PKU) on dietary treatment (age 5-28 y; 6F, 8M) was investigated using peripheral quantitative computed tomography (pQCT) of the distal radius. BMD of total (TBMD) and spongy bone (SBMD) were compared to those of healthy gender-, age-, weight- and height-matched controls. We found a significant decrease of SBMD in patients with PKU while TBMD was only slightly decreased, reaching no statistical significance. These results indicate minor changes of BMD in patients with PKU under treatment, which are more accentuated in the trabecular bone compartment. One additional patient who was untreated until the pQCT investigation at the age of 10 y also showed markedly decreased SBMD and TBMD.  相似文献   
Cyst-like lesions in the radius and tibia were observed in two children as a post-fracture event. The pathogenesis of these lesions is discussed. Cut sections from anatomic specimens display extensive hemorrhage in subperiosteal as well as endosteal and trabecular bone. Cysts arising from hemorrhagic resorption in various locales may explain the occasional atypical appearance of these lesions.  相似文献   
Melorheostosis is a benign sclerosing dysplasia with a very unusual and characteristic roentgenographic appearance. We reported a patient with melorheostosis in the left lower extremity followed up for 14 years. Although the extraosseous lesions only slightly enlarged, the bone scintigraphy showed the activity of the metabolism to be still high.  相似文献   
Summary An anatomical study of the superficial and deep circumflex iliac arteries in 43 formalin-fixed cadavers is presented. The origin, calibre, course, branches, symmetry and variations of the vessels are pointed out as well as their special features related to surgical applications.
Etude anatomochirurgicale des artères circonflexes iliaques superficielle et profonde: bases anatomiques de la confection du lambeau libre iliaque composé cutanéo-osseux
Résumé Une étude anatomique des artères circonflexes iliaque superficielle et profonde est effectuée sur 43 cadavres formulés. L'origine, le calibre, le trajet, les branches, la symétrie et les variations des vaisseaux sont mis en évidence ainsi que leurs caractères particuliers en vue d'une application chirurgicale.
Bone cement is a widely used standard fixation substance in Orthopaedic Surgery. Cyanoacrylate glue is available for wound closure to supplement suturing. The mussel adhesive protein extracted from Mytilus edulis (Cell-Tak©, BD Biosciences, Heidelberg, Germany) is an experimental fixation device used for in vitro purposes of cell adhesion.

The aim of this study is to introduce a cell culture model investigating the effects of commonly applied and experimental glues on human fibroblasts and osteoblasts in vitro. Cells cultured without additives served as a control group. Microscopic examination was performed to evaluate the morphologic changes. An apoptosis test (Apo-Tag©, Chemicon International, Temecula, CA, U.S.A.) was applied to determine the rate of natural cell death at the end of the study.

It could be demonstrated that morphological changes in bone cement are different in fibroblasts and osteoblasts. Osteoblasts seem to grow on bone cement and develop an orderly formation. Fibroblasts grow in a confluent monolayer around bone cement but do not adhere to the cement itself. This is a desirable effect since most Orthopaedic applications aim at osteointegration as opposed to fibrous tissue overgrowth. Apoptosis attributed to bone cement is comparable to the respective natural rate of apoptosis. Cyanoacrylate glue and the mussel adhesive protein lead to an almost complete apoptosis in the investigated cells. Their routine application should be avoided. The developed cell culture model seems appropriate for performing further investigations.  相似文献   

Background: The immunogold labeling technique and transmission electron microscopy were used to demonstrate the expression and position of the intermediate filament vimentin in rat osteoblast and osteocyte cell bodies and cell processes. Conventional light and transmission electron microscopic studies of bone cells demonstrated adjacent cell linkage to be mediated by osteoblast and osteocyte processes present within the canalicular system traversing the bone matrix. The cell processes were filled with densely packed filaments, many of which have been shown previously to be actin microfilaments. The appearance, however, of 10 nm diameter filaments in some cell processes and the fact that the intermediate filament vimentin has been defined in many cells of mesenchymal origin raised the possibility that some of these filaments might be vimentin. The ultrastructural colloidal gold immunochemical technique allowed for demonstration in situ of the expression of vimentin filaments plus accurate definition of their position. Methods: The studies were performed in newborn rat femoral and tibial diaphyseal cortical bone and in 1-week-old repair bone from 2.4 mm diameter defects made through the lateral cortex in 6-week-old rat femurs and tibias. The bone tissues for the immunochemical study were fixed in 1% glutaraldehyde, 4% paraformaldehyde, and 0.1 M phosphate buffer (pH 7.4) for 2 days. Decalcification was performed in 6% EDTA for 2–3 days. Infiltration involved use of Lowicryl resin K4M, and the embedding and curing processes were performed in a cryostat with temperatures ?30°C. An antivimentin monoclonal antibody was used for labeling using the postembedding technique. Effective antibody dilutions ranged from 1:10 to 1:200, with the dilutions of 1:25 and 1:100 showing the best combination of filament labeling with the least matrix background. The grids were exposed to 10 nanometer gold colloid conjugated goat anti-mouse IgM for demonstration of binding. Results: Vimentin immunolabeling was defined clearly in relation to filaments within the osteoblast and osteocyte cell body cytoplasm, throughout the entire length of the osteoblast and osteocyte cell processes, and in close relationship to the intercellular gap junctions which were present within the cell processes both close to the cell bodies and within the canaliculi well away from them. Conclusions: Immunogold labeling demonstrates the presence of the intermediate filament vimentin in osteoblast and osteocyte cell bodies and processes of rat bone. Vimentin distribution is not concentrated to specific areas, is present throughout the extent of the bodies and processes, and is seen immediately adjacent to gap junctions. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Erdmann L  Macedo B  Uhrich KE 《Biomaterials》2000,21(24):832-2512
Degradable poly(anhydride ester) implants in which the polymer backbone breaks down into salicylic acid (SA) were investigated. In this preliminary work, local release of SA from the poly(anhydride esters), thus classified as ‘active polymers', on healthy bone and tissue was evaluated in vivo using a mouse model. Degradable polyanhydrides that break down into inactive by-products were used as control membranes because of their chemical similarity to the active polymers. Small polymer squares were inserted over the exposed palatal bone adjacent to the maxillary first molars. Active polymer membranes were placed on one side of the mouth, control polymers placed on the contra lateral side. Intraoral clinical examination showed that active polymer sites were less swollen and inflamed than control polymer sites. Histopathological examination at day 1 showed essentially no difference between control and active polymers. After 4 days, active polymer sites showed epithelial proliferation to a greater extent than the polyanhydride controls. After 20 days, active polymer sites showed greater thickness of new palatal bone and no resorptive areas, while control polymer sites showed less bone thickness as well as resorption including lacunae involving cementum and dentine. From these preliminary studies, we conclude that active polymers, namely poly(anhydride esters), stimulated new bone formation.  相似文献   
Oxygen plays an important role in the cultivation of primary cellsex vivo. In this study, we used hermetically sealed tissue culture well inserts equipped with oxygen electrodes to measure the oxygen utilization of cultured human bone marrow mononuclear cells (BM MNCs). The oxygen uptake rate (OUR) of BM MNCs was determined during a 14-day culture in which both adherent and nonadherent cells were present. Early in the culture, the cells exhibited very low OURs. The specific OURs (uptake rate per cell) were at approximately 0.005 μmol/106 cells/hr shortly after the initiation of culture. The OUR then increased as the cultures developed. After about 8 to 10 days of cultivation the specific OURs had increased to 0.038±0.006 and 0.025±0.005 μmol/106 cells/hr for adherent and nonadherent cells, respectively, after which no further increase was observed. Based on these oxygen uptake rate data, a mathematical model of oxygen diffusion was formulated and use to investigate issues associated with hematopoietic bioreactor design, including initial cell density, medium depth, reactor configuration, and oxygen partial pressure.In situ OUR measurements confirmed predicted oxygen limitations based on the mathematical model and the experimentally determined OURs. High-density hematopoietic cultures present design challenges in terms of sufficient and uniform delivery of oxygen to an active hematopoietic culture. These challenges can be met by using parallelplate bioreactors with thin liquid layers.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the cellular composition of the bone marrow of cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis). Femoral bone marrow smears from 23 healthy, adult animals (11 males and 12 females) were examined. For each animal, three femoral bone marrow smears were prepared immediately after euthanasia and stained with May-Grünwald-Giemsa. On two of the three smears available, and for each of these smears, a 500-cell differential count was performed and the myeloid: erythroid (M:E) ratio established. The M:E ratio for males varied from 0.67∶1.00 to 1.85∶1.00 with a mean of 1.03∶1.00 and for females from 0.67∶1.00 to 1.63∶1.00 with a mean of 1.02∶1.00. The mean percentage of granulocytic, lymphocytic, plasmacytic and erythroid series was 47.60, 5.44, 1.45 and 46.05% for males and 47.28, 5.12, 1.49 and 46.28% for females. No significant differences were noted between males and females. All cell lines were well represented and showed normal maturation in both sexes. Megakaryocytes were adequate in number and morphology in all animals. Cynomolgus monkeys showed a bone marrow composition similar to rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta). Cytological examination of bone marrow was found to be a simple and rapid procedure, well suited to the toxicological research environment. It provided excellent information on cell distribution, morphology and maturation of the haematopoietic system.  相似文献   
Developmental relationship between hematopoietic and endothelial cells   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
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