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目的 探讨胆囊结石合并胆总管结石(CBDS)术后患者复发情况及危险因素。方法 纳入114例2019年1月~2020年12月在本院行ECRP联合LC治疗的胆囊结石合并CBDS患者,回顾性分析其临床资料,根据所选患者ECRP联合LC术后随访1年内是否复发(REC)将其分为REC组(32例)和未REC组(82例)。回顾性统计胆囊结石合并CBDS术后患者REC情况,比较REC组和未REC组的临床资料,并分析胆囊结石合并CBDS术后患者REC的危险因素。结果 114例胆囊结石合并CBDS术后患者REC32例,发生率28.07%。胆囊结石合并CBDS术后患者REC的危险因素为胆道感染、胆道口括约肌切开、术者经验≤3年、胆道括约肌功能障碍(OR=4.170、4.047、3.568、3.367,P<0.05)。结论 胆囊结石合并CBDS术后患者REC的危险因素与胆道感染、胆道口括约肌切开、术者经验≤3年、胆道括约肌功能障碍密切相关,可据此针对性制定临床治疗及护理干预措施方案,以降低胆囊结石合并CBDS术后患者REC率。  相似文献   
Background: For management of bowel obstruction due to colorectal cancer, endoscopic trans‐anal decompression technique has been first reported by Lelcuk et al. in 1986 using balloon dilatation technique. Since then, various types of trans‐anal decompression tubes have been clinically used for patients suffering from left side obstructing colorectal cancer as an emergent decompressing device. At present, two types of trans‐anal ileus tube (trans‐anal decompression tube) have been available for clinical use, but they have two main problems that are late colon perforations caused by the tip of the tube and tube obstruction by stool. Methods: Analysis on three late colon perforations experienced with the use of conventional devices drew possible improvements to make a trans‐anal ileus tube less harmful. To overcome the pitfalls inherent to conventional tubes, the author has developed an improved trans‐anal ileus tube with a balloon installed at the very end of the tube (‘balloon‐tipped type’) made of silicone, measuring 1200 or 1700 mm in total length and 22 Fr in outer diameter. It has been used for 12 cases with obstructing colorectal cancer etc. and its outcomes were compared with those obtained by the use of conventional trans‐anal ileus tube. Results: No late perforations have been encountered, but tube obstruction did occur in one of 12 cases. Conclusion: The new trans‐anal ileus tube with a balloon installed at the tip of ileus tube is considered to be safer and especially effective in preventing late colon perforation and tube obstruction.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Von 1972 bis 1983 wurden 351 Patienten wegen eines mechanischen Dünndarm- (n = 256) bzw. Dickdarmileus (n = 95) operiert. Die chirurgische Komplikationsrate betrug beim Dünndarmverschluß 28,1 bzw. beim Dickdarmileus 24,3%, wobei am häufigsten Anastomosendehiscen-zen nach Resektionen (17,7% bzw. 53,8%), Enterotomien (5,8%/27,2%), Platzbäuche (3,5%/4,2%) und ein Re-Ileus (5,5%/3,2%) vorlagen. Die internistischen Komplikationen (postop. Pneumonien, Lungenembolien, kardiale Dekompensationen etc.) betrugen 17,9% bzw. 22,1 %. Die perioperative Letalität lag beim Dünndarmileus bei 20,6% und beim Dickdarmileus bei 33,4%. Als Schlußfolgerungen dieser retrospektiven Analyse ergaben sich die frühzeitige, perioperative, intensiv-medizinische Behandlung, die generelle Thrombose-, Pneumonie- und StreBulcusprophylaxe, die exakte, präoperative Röntgendiagnostik, die strenge Indikationsstellung für Enterotomien und Resektionen, das dreizeitige Vorgehen beim linksseitigen Dickdarmileus, die Inkontinuitätsresektion nach Hartmann bei entzündlichen Prozessen im Sigmabereich und die innere Dünndarmschienung bei Peritonitis bzw. ausgedehnten Adhäsionen. Dadurch konnte seit Anfang 1984 die Komplikationsbzw. Letalitätsrate beim Dünndarmileus (n = 64) auf 9,4% bzw. 4,7% und beim Dickdarmileus (n = 20) auf 10% bzw. 5% gesenkt werden.
Experiences with operations of mechanical ileus
Summary Between 1972 and 1983 a total of 351 patients was operated suffering from mechanical occlusion of the small intestine (n = 256) and of the colon (n = 95). The surgical complication rate amounted to 28.1% in cases of small intestine ileus and to 24.3% in cases of colon ileus; the most frequent complications were anastomotic dehiscences following resections (small intestine 17.7%/colon 33.8%), enterotomies (5.8%/27.2%), abdominal wall ruptures (3.5%/4.2%) and re-ileus (5.5%/3.2%). The medical complication rate (postop. pneumonia, pulmonary embolism, cardial decompensation etc.) amounted to 17.7% resp. 22.1%. All these complications carried a mortality of 20.6% in small intestine ileus and of 30.4% in colon ileus. The consequences of this retrospective analysis resulted in: early intensive care treatment, general perioperative thrombosis-, pneumonia- and stress ulcer prophylaxis, exact preoperative radiological diagnosis, strict indications for enterotomies and resections, sole transversostomy in stage of ileus for the left-sided colon obstruction caused by carcinoma, discontinuity resection by Hartmann in cases of inflammatory or perforated large bowel stenoses and tube decompression of the small bowel in cases of peritonitis or wide-spread adhesions. Since 1984 we could prospectively decrease the complication resp. mortality rate of the small intestine ileus (n = 64) to 9.4% resp. 4.7% and of the colon ileus (n = 20) to 10% resp. 5%.
目的探讨炎性肠梗阻的诊断和治疗。方法分析15例炎性肠梗阻的临床特点和治疗。结果15例经保守治疗,其中1例因肠扭转缺血损伤严重,出现全身性炎症反应综合征致多脏器衰竭死亡外,其他病例均痊愈,平均治愈时间为12.6d。结论炎症性肠梗阻由无菌性炎症致广泛肠粘连引起,应用小剂量激素减缓炎症反应,抗生素防止肠道菌群易位,经内镜逆行置入肠减压管及营养支持治疗,多数病例可保守治愈。  相似文献   
Objective Gallstone bacteria provide a reservoir for biliary infections. Slime production facilitates adherence, whereas β-glucuronidase and phospholipase generate colonization surface. These factors facilitate gallstone formation, but their influence on infection severity is unknown. Methods Two hundred ninety-two patients were studied. Gallstones, bile, and blood (as applicable) were cultured. Bacteria were tested for β-glucuronidase/phospholipase production and quantitative slime production. Infection severity was correlated with bacterial factors. Results Bacteria were present in 43% of cases, 13% with bacteremia. Severe infections correlated directly with β-glucuronidase/phospholipase (55% with vs 13% without, P < 0.0001), but inversely with slime production (55 vs 8%, slime <75 or >75, P = 0.008). Low slime production and β-glucuronidase/phospholipase production were additive: Severe infections were present in 76% with both, but 10% with either or none (P < 0.0001). β-Glucuronidase/phospholipase production facilitated bactibilia (86% with vs 62% without, P = 0.03). Slime production was 19 (±8) vs 50 (±10) for bacteria that did or did not cause bacteremia (P = 0.004). No bacteria with slime >75 demonstrated bacteremia. Conclusions Bacteria-laden gallstones are biofilms whose characteristics influence illness severity. Factors creating colonization surface (β-glucuronidase/phospholipase) facilitated bacteremia and severe infections; but abundant slime production, while facilitating colonization, inhibited detachment and cholangiovenous reflux. This shows how properties of the gallstone biofilm determine the severity of the associated illness. Presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract, held May 20–24, 2006 in Los Angeles, California.  相似文献   
探讨胆囊结石化学类型与各影像学特征的关系,并建立简便而有效的体外预测结石化学类型的方法。  相似文献   
The suspicion of prenatal meconium ileus syndrome was raised in a pregnancy in a family with no history of cystic fibrosis because of significantly higher maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein in the 16th and 19th week of gestation, dispersed areas with increased echogenity in the fetal abdomen, slight fetal ascites in the 24th-25th weeks of gestation, decreased amniotic fluid gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase (GGT) activity and alpha-fetoprotein level in the 25th-26th weeks, and normal 46,XY karotype of the fetus. The detection of a homozygous deltaF508 cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator (CFTR) gene mutation, by means of PCR from a small amount of white blood cells and urine sediment cells, substantiated the diagnosis of cystic fibrosis in a prematurely delivered boy in the 28th week of gestation. The repeated sweat test was unsuccessful. The autopsy examination confirmed the diagnosis of cystic fibrosis. Fetal meconium ileus syndrome was complicated by peritonitis and by formation of a meconium pseudocyst. Direct PCR typing improves postnatal diagnostic possibilities in the early neonatal period in prematurely delivered babies when the sweat test is difficult to perform.  相似文献   
Loop ileostomy closure after colorectal surgery is often associated with Postoperative ileus, with an incidence between 13–20%. The aim of this study is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of preoperative stimulation of the efferent loop with probiotics prior to ileostomy closure in patients operated on for colorectal carcinoma. For this, a prospective, randomized, double-blind, controlled study is designed. All patients who underwent surgery for colorectal carcinoma with loop ileostomy were included. Randomized and divided into two groups, 34 cases and 35 controls were included in the study. Postoperative ileus, the need for nasogastric tube insertion, the time required to begin tolerating a diet, restoration of bowel function, and duration of hospital stay were evaluated. The incidence of Postoperative ileus was similar in both groups, 9/34 patients stimulated with probiotics and 10/35 in the control group (CG) with a p = 0.192. The comparative analysis showed a direct relationship between Postoperative ileus after oncological surgery and Postoperative ileus after reconstruction surgery, independently of stimulation. Postoperative ileus after closure ileostomy is independent of stimulation of the ileostomy with probiotics through the efferent loop. There seem to be a relationship between Postoperative ileus after reconstruction and the previous existence of Postoperative ileus after colorectal cancer surgery.  相似文献   
为研究肝脂酶及脂蛋白脂酶在胆固醇结石成石过程中的变化及其对成石的影响,采用高胆固醇膳食诱发兔胆囊胆固醇结石模型,观测对照组及高胆固醇膳食1、2 、3、4周组动物血浆脂蛋白脂酶(LPL)、肝脂酶(HL)活性、血浆脂蛋白胆固醇及胆汁中甘氨胆酸(GCA)、甘氨脱氧胆酸(GDCA)、胆固醇的变化.结果显示:随着进食高胆固醇膳食时间的增加,血中LPL活性增高明显(P<0.05);HL活性也逐渐升高,3周组及4 周组与对照组差异显著(P<0.05);血中VLDL-C、LDL-C及胆汁中胆固醇也明显升高(P <0.05);而血中 HDL-C、HDL2-C及HDL3-C以及胆汁中GCA、GDCA无明显变化(P>0.05).结果表明:LPL及HL活性升高可能使肝脏摄取及向胆汁中排泌胆固醇增加,进而影响结石形成.  相似文献   
为研究高胆固醇膳食诱发兔胆囊胆固醇结石模型的脂代谢变化,以及高密度脂蛋白(HDL)对其脂代谢及成石的影响,将动物随机分为对照组、高胆固醇膳食组及高胆固醇膳食+HDL注射组,观察各组血浆脂质、胆汁中胆固醇、血卵磷脂胆固醇酰基转移酶(LCAT)活性及血和胆汁中胆汁酸及成石率的变化。结果显示:动物体内胆固醇等脂质的消除障碍导致体内脂质的大量堆积以及清除紊乱,是高胆固醇膳食诱发兔胆囊结石脂代谢变化的主要特点,胆汁中胆固醇与胆汁酸的清除比例失调可能导致成石性胆汁形成;尽管外源性HDL制剂能够升高血浆HDL2-C/HDL3-C的比值,增加LCAT的活性从而促使HDL成熟,并能降低肝脏的胆固醇含量,但未能降低成石率。结果表明外源性HDL制剂对兔胆囊结石形成中脂代谢有一定的影响,但抗成石作用不明显  相似文献   
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