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The purpose of this study was to assess if chronic low back pain patients have impaired paraspinal muscle O2 turnover and endurance capacity as compared to healthy control subjects during dynamic exercise. Middle-aged healthy male subjects (n = 12, control) and male patients with chronic low back pain (n = 17, CLBP) participated in the study. L4–L5 level paraspinal muscle fatigue was objectively assessed during earlier validated 90 s dynamic back endurance test (spectral EMG, MPFslope). Also EMG amplitude (EMGamplitude) and initial MPF (MPFinitial) were assessed from the initial 5 s of the endurance contraction. Simultaneously near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) was used for quantitative measurement of local L4–L5 paraspinal muscle O2 consumption. Subcutaneous tissue thickness (ATT) was measured from the EMG and NIRS recording sites. The results indicated that control and CLBP groups were compatible as regarding anthropometric variables, paraspinal muscle activation levels (EMGamplitude), initial MPF (MPFinitial) and ATT. When the ATT was used as a covariate in the ANOVA analysis, CLBP group did not show significantly greater paraspinal muscle fatigability (right MPFslope – 12.2 ± 10.7%/min, left right MPFslope – 12.6 ± 13.3%/min) or O2 consumption (right NIRSslope – 52.8 ± 79.6 μM/l/s) as compared to healthy controls (right MPFslope – 11.9 ± 7.6%/min, left MPFslope – 12.7 ± 8.6%/min, right NIRSslope – 53.7 ± 95.2 μM/l/s). As a conclusion, these CLBP male patients did not show any impaired rate of paraspinal muscle oxygen consumption or excessive paraspinal muscle fatigability during dynamic exercise as compared with healthy controls. Subcutaneous tissue thickness has a strong influence on the NIRS and EMG amplitude measurements and, if unchecked, it could result in the false interpretation of the results.  相似文献   
We investigated muscle strength, aerobic power, and occupational and leisure-time physical loading as predictors of back pain in a 5-year follow-up study. A cohort of 456 adults aged 25, 35, 45 and 55 years, free of back pain, participated in measurements of anthropometric characteristics, aerobic power and muscle strength characteristics at baseline. The subjects' levels and types of physical activity and occupational physical loading were also determined. At 5 years after the baseline examinations 356 of these subjects (78.1 %) were reached by mail, and 262 of them (73.6%) properly completed and returned a questionnaire including a detailed back pain history for the 5 years following the baseline measurements. Of this number 56 subjects (21 %) who reported back pain ( > 30 on a scale from 0 to 100) and functional impairment during the 5-year follow-up composed the marked back pain group. Other subjects (n = 71, 27%) noting lesser symptoms were included in the mild back pain group; 135 subjects (52%) reported having had no back pain. The subjects with marked back pain were on average taller than the subjects without back pain, while no such difference was found in body mass. Heavy occupational musculoskeletal loading (P = 0.005) and high general occupational physical demands (P = 0.036) predicted future back pain. Leisuretime physical activity, aerobic power or muscle strength characteristics were not predictive of future back pain.  相似文献   
The effects of the local blood circulation and absolute torque on muscle endurance at different knee-joint angles were determined. The rate of muscle deoxygenation (using near-infrared spectroscopy), and the rate of muscle fatigue (using the slope of integrated electromyography, iEMG) were evaluated concurrently. Nine healthy subjects performed submaximal (50% maximal voluntary contraction, MVC) static knee extension at 50° (extended position, EXT) and 90° (flexed position, FLEX) joint angles until the target torque could no longer be maintained: that time was measured as the endurance time. They exercised with the circulation occluded (OCCL), and without (FREE) to study the possible effects of the local circulation. Although MVC torque was independent of joint angle [mean (SD) FLEX 250.6 (51.7) N·m and EXT 246.5 (46.6) N·m], significantly shorter (P<0.01) endurance time in FLEX [FREE 71.1 (10) s and OCCL 63.1 (8.8) s] than at EXT [FREE 115.3 (30) s and OCCL 106.7 (29.1) s] were obtained in both circulatory conditions. The iEMG-time slope was significantly greater in FLEX at the proximal and distal portion (P<0.05) in both circulatory conditions. Muscle deoxygenation rate in OCCL was significantly greater (P<0.05) at FLEX [20.8 (8.0)%] than EXT [10.9 (4.0)%]. The results would suggest that different knee-joint angle affects muscle endurance even if the local circulation is controlled. Circulatory disturbance would further reduce muscle endurance in EXT, but not in FLEX. Because of the greater muscle internal force in FLEX, local blood flow might be already limited even with a free circulation. The greater muscle deoxygenation and muscle fatigability would be related to the shorter muscle endurance in FLEX. Electronic Publication  相似文献   
Isometric tension developed by rat soleus and extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscles in response to acetylcholine (Ach) applied in vitro was recorded. Tension of contractures elicited in response to Ach increased after muscles had been incubated with phospholipase C, pepsin, or soluble fractions prepared from muscle homogenate.Using intracellular microelectrodes, resting membrane potential (RMP) and depolarisation in response to Ach added to the bathing medium were recorded in endplate-free regions of the muscle fibres. No significant change in RMP was observed in muscles incubated with soluble muscle fraction or phospholipase C, but depolarisation in response to Ach or carbachol was significantly increased. The time course for the increase in depolarisation and the contracture response to Ach was similar.When all available receptors were blocked with -bungarotoxin prior to incubation so that no response to Ach could be elicited, with subsequent incubation in muscle soluble fraction or phospholipase C, both contractures and depolarisation in response to Ach returned. These results support the hypothesis that receptors, not previously available to interact with Ach or -bungarotoxin were revealed following incubation.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was the analysis of neurophysiological, mechanical and histochemical parameters to demonstrate muscle adaptation with training. If the parameters studied were to show correlated changes, it would be possible to propose that the neural and the muscle components of motor units are both affected by the training programme used. The training consisted of repeated stretch-shortening cycles known to use extensively fast fibres. After the training period electromyographical reflex activities of the ankle plantar-flexors were recorded in awake rats and then mechanical and histochemical measurements were made on isolated soleus muscles of the control and trained rats. The reflexes studied were the H-response to electrical stimulation of the sciatic nerve and the T-response to an Achilles tendon tap. The H-response analysis indicated a decrease in reflex excitability of the trained muscles. The trained soleus muscle also presented a higher contractility as demonstrated by significantly smaller twitch contraction times and higher maximal velocities of shortening measured during tetanic contractions. The reflex and contractile muscle changes were accompanied by relative increases in the number of type II fibres. The T-response was not significantly modified by training despite the decrease in motoneuron excitability demonstrated by the decrease in H-response. This would suggest that the peripheral components of the reflex pathway such as tendon stiffness and/or spindle sensitivity might be modified by training. This would imply that both the motor and the sensory parts of a muscle are affected by training.  相似文献   
The free intracellular calcium concentration, [Ca2+]i, was studied in single myotubes using the fluorescent Ca2+ indicator fura-2. Myotubes cultured from satellite cells of small muscle specimens from Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) patients were compared with human control myotubes and with myotubes cultured from MDX and control mouse muscle satellite cells. The resting [Ca2+]i levels in DMD and control myotubes were not significantly different, i. e. 104 ±26 nM (mean ± SD, n=190 cells from eight DMD patients) compared with 97±25 nM (175/seven controls) and were not significantly lower than the corresponding murine values (154±33 nM, n=135 MDX myotubes; 159±34 nM, n=135 controls). All myotubes reacted to 10 M acetylcholine or 40 mM KCl with fast transient increases of [Ca2+]i. After application of a hyposmotic (130 mOsm) solution, [Ca2+]i was increased 1.5- to 3-fold within 2–3 min, the DMD myotubes tending to stronger reactions (significantly higher [Ca2+]i in 2 out of 6 cases). The response was usually transient, [Ca2+]i decreasing to the initial level within 10 min. Gadolinium (50 M) reduced the response by 50%–70%, indicating that the osmotic shock increased Ca2+ influx. During exposure to high (15 mM) [Ca2+]e, [Ca2+]i of DMD and control cells was 1.5- to 2-fold higher. Adult muscle fibres from MDX mice and controls showed identical Ca2+ resting levels (n=45 fibres from three mice in each case), but did not respond to decreased external osmolarity with a change in [Ca2+]i. The results indicate that lack of dystrophin in muscle fibres does not necessarily lead to increased [Ca2+]i. It is suggested that increased [Ca2+]i is probably a secondary consequence of fibre damage.  相似文献   
Single fibres of three different types, which had been characterized histochemically with regard to differences in myofibrillar adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) activity and its pH stability, were microdissected from freeze dried preparations of the closer muscle in walking legs of the crab Eriphia spinifrons. Shortening velocities were determined in slack tests and under constant load conditions in maximally Ca2+-activated skinned muscle fibres. Force/pCa relationships were also measured for the different types of fibres. Compared with data on vertebrate muscles, all crab muscle fibres required large length changes to reach zero force and showed low Ca2+ sensitivity for isometric force generation. The length/time relationship obtained from slack tests had a biphasic course. Maximal velocity of filament sliding differed in the three types of fibres investigated. The filament sliding of type IV fibres was about 3 times faster than that of type I fibres. The values obtained for type II fibres ranged in between. These data are positively correlated with myofibrillar ATPase activity determined histochemically. Ca2+ sensitivity of force generation was lowest in the fast type IV fibres. It was high in the slow type I and the faster contracting type II fibres. Ca2+ sensitivity in crab muscle seems not to be correlated with speed of shortening.  相似文献   
Summary Experimental evidence indicates, that the myogenic cells themselves are not responsible for the muscle pattern formation. We report on a chance observation that reveals that muscle pattern formation can occur even in the absence of myogenic cells. Epiblastic cells from a quail embryo in the primitive streak stage were implanted into the wing bud of a chick embryo. The grafted quail cells developed into mononucleate, fibroblast-like cells that formed the muscle belly of the extensor medius longus muscle. This showed essentially normal form and topography as revealed by computer-aided 3D-reconstruction. This finding shows, that the formation of muscles does not depend on the presence of myogenic cells.  相似文献   
This study quantitatively assessed the mechanical reliability and validity of position, torque and velocity measurements of the Biodex System 3 isokinetic dynamometer. Trial-to-trial and day-to-day reliability were assessed during three trials on two separate days. To assess instrument validity, measurement of each variable using the Biodex System 3 dynamometer was compared to a criterion measure of position, torque and velocity. Position was assessed at 5° increments across the available range of motion of the dynamometer. Torque measures were assessed isometrically by hanging six different calibrated weights from the lever arm. Velocity was assessed (30°/s to 500°/s) across a 70° arc of motion by manually accelerating the weighted lever arm. With the exception of a systematic decrease in velocity at speeds of 300°/s and higher, the Biodex System 3 performed with acceptable mechanical reliability and validity on all variables tested.DisclosureThe Biodex dynamometer used for this investigation was donated to the laboratory by Biodex Medical Systems. The authors have no commercial or proprietary interest in this device.  相似文献   
Short-circuiting autoimmune disease by target-tissue-derived nitric oxide   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A previous report from this laboratory suggested that expression of skeletal-muscle-derived, inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), is associated with resistance to the autoimmune model of myasthenia gravis (MG) demonstrated by Wistar Furth rats following the passive transfer of antibody reactive with the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (AChR). The study reported below demonstrates an association between increased expression of iNOS/NO in Wistar Furth rats and the induction of programmed cell death (apoptosis) in both macrophages and CD4+ T cells that attempt to traffic through targeted muscles. It is concluded that production of muscle-derived NO is protective in experimental MG, and in part, dictates the severity of eventual immunopathology.  相似文献   
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