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Summary The pharmacokinetics and haemodynamic effects of orally administered spirapril, a novel angiotensinconverting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor, have been investigated in patients with liver cirrhosis (n=10), in patients with chronic, non-cirrhotic liver disease (n=8) and in a control group of healthy subjects (n=16).The absorption and elimination of spirapril did not differ between patients with liver disease and control subjects. In contrast, the bioavailability of spiraprilat, the metabolite responsible for the pharmacological action of spirapril, was significantly reduced in patients (AUC 820 g·h·l–1, 923 g·h·l–1 and 1300 g·h·l–1 in patients with cirrhosis, patients with non-cirrhotic liver disease and in healthy subjects, respectively.Compared to healthy subjects, cirrhotic patients had a reduced rate constant of spiraprilat formation (1.10 h–1 in patients vs. 2.00 h–1 in control subjects) while the elimination half-life of spiraprilat was not different. The effect of spirapril on diastolic blood pressure was decreased in patients with chronic liver disease as compared to the controls.Thus, the pharmacokinetics of spirapril was unchanged in patients with different types of liver disease, including cirrhosis. However, the bioavailability of spiraprilat and hypotensive effect of spirapril were reduced in patients.  相似文献   
目的:了解合肥地区产超广谱β-内酰胺酶(ESBL)的肺炎克雷伯菌、大肠埃希菌分布及耐药特点。方法:应用纸片扩散法对合肥地区4家较大的综合性医院从临床标本中分离的254株肺炎克雷伯菌和大肠埃希菌进行ESBL的确诊试验。结果:254株大肠埃希菌和肺炎克雷伯菌共检出69株产ESBL菌株(27.2%),其中,血液感染ESBL检出率为54.5%(6/11)、烧伤科ESBL的检出率为48.6%(18/37)。亚胺硫霉素对产ESBL的大砀埃希菌和肺炎克雷伯菌的敏感率分别为94.5%和80%。头孢哌酮/舒巴坦、哌拉西林/他唑巴坦和头孢西丁对产ESBLs的大肠埃希菌和产ESBLs的肺炎克雷伯菌的敏感率在40%-70%之间,阿米卡星对产ESBL的大肠埃希菌的敏感率为69.2%。结论:ESBL在血液感染的烧伤科标本中的检出率较高。治疗产ESBL菌株引起的感染可首选亚胺硫霉素,其次,选含酶抑制剂的复方制剂和头霉素类。对产ESBL的大肠埃希菌也可选阿米卡星。  相似文献   
对 16例肾移植术后病人进行肾图及肾有效血浆流量 (Effectiverenalplasmaflow ,ERPF)测定 ,同时收集临床资料及血生化检查结果进行比较。结果 9例正常肾图 ,其ERPF正常 ,临床资料也正常 ;5例肾图呈梗阻图形 ,ERPF减少 ,血生化异常 ;2例肾图呈低水平延长型 ,ERPF明显减少 ,血肌酐、尿素氮明显升高。表明肾图和ERPF能较好反映移植肾的功能状况 ,是监测移植肾功能的敏感指标 ,是肾移植术后监测病情变化的好方法  相似文献   
目的:建立凝血试验移动平均数质控法。方法:用移动平均数代替算术平均数,选择凝血验凝血酶原时间(PT),活化的部分凝血激酶时间和纤维蛋白原3个项目,比较两种质控方法,同时用标准血浆作为质控。结果:当用适当的移动平滑系数时,移动平均数质控法既能排除病人标本非随机必的干扰,又能很好地反映试验前因素的影响。结论 ;移动平均数空法可用于凝血试验的实验室质控。  相似文献   
We studied a Dutch family with DFNA2-linked progressive sensorineural hearing impairment (SNHI). Recent audiograms were obtained from 18 of the affected persons (age 7–81 years) and were used in a gene-linkage analysis. Linear regression analysis of the audiograms, using binaural mean thresholds, disclosed on average a descending slope of approximately 10 dB/octave at any age and an annual threshold increase at any frequency of about 0.7 dB/year. There may have been substantial congenital impairment at higher frequencies, but longitudinal analysis of hearing impairment in the youngest case, who was followed from age 5 years, suggested that the most significant changes in hearing may have occurred in the first two decades of life. Linkage analysis was carried out with special attention to the DFNA2 region because hearing trends were very similar to families previously linked to DFNA2. Linkage to DFNA2 was established with maximum lod scores of 4.7 and 3.2 for the flanking markers of the DFNA2 region (D1S432;MYCL1). Received: 25 February 1999 / Accepted: 11 June 1999  相似文献   
The effect of magnesium (Mg) on noise-induced hearing loss was investigated in two groups of adult pigmented guinea pigs maintained either on optimal or suboptimal (physiologically high or low) Mg produced by different diets. The total Mg concentrations of the perilymph (PL), cerebrospinal fluid, blood plasma and red blood cells were measured by atomic absorption spectrometry and were found to differ significantly between the two groups (P < 0.01). One ear of each animal was exposed to either a single shooting impulse at a peak pressure level of 187 dB or two impulse noise series at a rate of 1/s and peak pressure levels of 150 dB (1,000 impulses) and 167 dB (2,280 impulses), respectively. Temporary (TTS) and permanent (PTS) hearing threshold shifts in anesthetized animals were measured 2 h and 1 week after the noise exposure, using auditory brain stem response (ABR) audiometry at a frequency range from 3.75 to 30 kHz. Exposure to the single noise impulse resulted in a mean TTS that was significantly lower in the high Mg group than that in the low Mg group (P < 0.05), although no substantial PTS was observed in either group. In the animals exposed to 150 dB noise, the TTS showed a tendency towards an Mg-related reduction at the higher frequencies. A small difference in PTS was found between the low Mg and high Mg groups, but was not significant. Exposure to the 167-dB noise series caused a considerable TTS, which was significantly lower in the high Mg group at 7.5 and 15 kHz than in the low Mg group (P < 0.05). The mean PTS showed a significant difference between the two Mg groups over the whole frequency range (P < 0.05) and was found to correlate negatively with the total Mg concentrations of both PL and plasma (P < 0.05). Moreover, the high Mg group showed a faster recovery from the hearing threshold shift than the low Mg group. The present findings show that preventive oral Mg supplements can significantly reduce the rate of acoustic trauma caused by high-level impulse noise exposure in the guinea pig. Received: 23 March 1999 / Accepted: 15 April 1999  相似文献   
甘油三酯增高者畸变产物耳声发射的初步观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:观察甘油三酯增高者变畸变产物耳声发射(DPOAE)的振幅和潜伏期的变化情况。方法:采用ILO-V5耳动态分析仪检测30例(55耳)甘油三酯增高者和18例(36耳)正常人的DPOAE的振幅和潜伏期。结果:本组病例虽无纯音听阈异常,但DPOAE振幅明显下降,而潜伏振幅值和明显。结论:甘油三酯增高者耳蜗功能可能有早期的损害,DPOAE的反应幅值和潜伏期在产生机制和影响因素方面有所差异。  相似文献   
腭裂儿童ABR表现的初步研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的探索腭裂儿童听力受损情况及其听性脑干反应(ABR)异常特征。方法对94例腭裂儿童进行ABR测试,并与正常对照组进行比较。结果94例患儿(188耳)中,不同程度的听力下降共150耳。患儿左耳ABR波Ⅰ、Ⅲ、Ⅴ的峰潜伏期(PL)分别为2.14±0.38、4.30±0.41、6.20±0.53ms;右耳分别为2.12±0.39、4.29±0.44、6.21±0.53。对照组左耳波Ⅰ、Ⅲ、Ⅴ的峰潜伏期分别为1.50±0.13、3.74±0.12、5.60±0.15ms;右耳分别为1.60±0.16、3.72±0.13、5.62±0.17ms。上述所有数据,患儿组与对照组比较,差异均有显著性(P<0.05)。<3岁的28例听力下降的发生率为94.6%(53/56耳),中重度异常占66.7%;3~6岁的发生率为77.0%(57/74耳),6岁以上至12岁的发生率为69.0%(40/58耳),3岁以后听力中重度异常仅占33.3%。结论腭裂组听力下降发生率高达79.8%;其ABR的特点为波Ⅰ、Ⅲ、Ⅴ波的峰潜伏期均延长;腭裂组年龄越小的,听力损害发生率越高,听力损害程度越重。  相似文献   
目的 探讨自身免疫性内耳病模型动物耳蜗热休克蛋白的表达。方法 利用同种异体内耳抗原免疫豚鼠 ,以建立自身免疫性内耳病 (autoimmuneinnereardisease ,AIED)动物模型 ,并应用免疫组织化学及原位杂位技术 ,研究热休克蛋白 (heatshockprotein ,hsp) 70在正常对照组及AIED模型动物实验组耳蜗中的表达情况。结果 对照组豚鼠螺旋神经节细胞中存在hsp70样蛋白基础表达 ;实验组 2 8耳中 10耳 (35 7% )听阈提高≥ 10dB ;此组动物螺旋神经节细胞和血管纹、螺旋韧带hsp70及其mRNA表达明显增强。结论 以粗制膜迷路抗原免疫豚鼠 ,听阈提高动物hsp70在螺旋神经节细胞和血管纹、螺旋韧带合成增加。  相似文献   
76株凝固酶阴性葡萄球菌的耐药性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:研究凝固酶阴性葡萄球菌(CNS)的耐药性,指导临床合理用药。方法:对76株临床标本中分离的CNS,使用VITIK AMS系统进行菌种鉴定,药敏实验采用K-B法。结果:76株CNS分为10个菌种,其中表皮葡萄球菌占61.8%,其次为溶血葡萄球菌、模仿葡萄球菌和木糖葡萄球菌,分别占9.2%、9.2%和7.9%。耐甲氧西林凝固酶阴性葡萄球菌(MRCNS)占76.3%,药敏显示CNS对青霉素、红霉素  相似文献   
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