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Summary A series of in vivo experiments were undertaken, relating functional (motor activity, body temperature), dopamine (DA) receptor binding and neurochemical (catecholamine synthesis and utilization, DA release) aspects of the pharmacology of SCH 23390 in the rat.The compound inhibited the locomotor hyperactivity, but not the hypothermia, induced by the potent DA stimulant DP-5,6-ADTN. Interstingly, SCH 23390 simultaneously failed to displace DP-5,6-ADTN from its binding sites in the rat striatum—used as a direct in vivo biochemical index of DA (D-2) receptor interaction. The spontaneous locomotion in non-pretreated rats was likewise inhibited by SCH 23390. The locomotor-suppressive action, but not the DP-5,6-ADTN-displacing capcity of the D-2 blocker haloperidol was significantly enhanced by SCH 23390, suggesting that motility can be suppressed by either enhanced D-1 or D-2 (postsynaptic) receptor blockade, but also that the D-1 and D-2 sites involved may be physically distinct.SCH 23390 only slightly altered in vivo neurochemical of DA synthesis, release and nerve-impulse flow, indicating that, while similar in suppressing dopaminergic behaviour, the D-1 antagonist is less effective than traditional neuroleptics as an activator of DA neuronal feedback mechanisms. The weak increases of DA synthesis and release nonetheless obtained were equal in magnitude (30–40%) in the limbic vs. striatal brain areas; also in this respect, SCH 23390 thus differs from classical neuroleptics, which generally display more marked effects in the striatum than in limbic tissue.No major changes in the in vivo indices of NA synthesis and utilization (or in 5-HT synthesis) were found after SCH 23390 administration, by and large supporting the DA receptor specificity of the compound.In summary, the studies demonstrated that SCH 23390 can offset and accentuate, respectively, behavioural consequences of D-2 receptor stimulation and blockade. Importantly, at the same time no direct interaction at the level of D-2 DA receptor sites in the striatum was detected. Only slight, D-2 antagonist-like, changes in neurochemical indices of dopaminergic activity were observed after D-1 receptor blockade by means of SCH 23390. With regard to DA agonist hypothermia, SCH 23390 was without effect per se, but (at a high dose) attenuated the action of the D-2 antagonist haloperidol. The observations may indicate that the complex interactions between central D-1 and D-2 receptor-controlled mechanisms that influence behaviour, neurochemistry, and possibly autonomic nervous expression, are not identical.  相似文献   
Reduction potentials were determined for various anticonvulsants, including progabide, SL 75.102, CGS 9896, pyridazines, zonisamide, 1,2,3-triazoles, and copper complexes. The values generally were in the range of about -0.1 to -0.6 V for the protonated drugs and the metal complexes. Reduction potentials provide information on the feasibility of electron transfer (ET) in vivo. If the value is relatively positive (greater than about -0.6 V), the agent can act catalytically as an electron acceptor from an appropriate cellular donor. A concomitant favorable influence on abnormal neuronal processes associated with epilepsy could occur. We describe ET as a possible mode of action of anticonvulsants as well as some antiepileptic agents with no electrochemical data based on this hypothetical ET approach.  相似文献   
Current knowledge on the anatomy of area 3a of the cat mainly derives from the cyto- and myeloarchitectonic study of Hassler and Muhs-Clement (J Hirnforsch 6:377, 1964). Previous investigations in the cat had failed to identify a cortical region comparable to monkey's area 3a. In the present study, Nissl, myelin, acetylcholinesterase, and cytochrome oxidase staining techniques were applied to coronal and sagittal serial sections of the cat brain. Area 3a appears as a slender band of cortex between areas 4 and 3b, and in Nissl-stained sections it is mainly characterized by an attenuated granular layer IV, overlying a thin layer V with pyramidal cells of various sizes, including a few large ones. These cytoarchitectonic features are sufficient to differentiate area 3a from neighboring areas, although the borders between them are not sharp in many cases. After the Nissl staining, the acetylcholinesterase staining proved to be the most helpful in defining the structure and borders of area 3a. Acetylcholinesterase staining was dense in layer I (in contrast with a lighter staining of outer layer I in area 4), and light in layers II and IIIa, changing to moderate in IIIc and IV (a pattern which is accentuated in area 3b). Myelin and cytochrome oxidase techniques also yielded differential staining patterns of area 3a and neighboring areas 4 and 3b, although the borders were not easily drawn with these techniques. Whereas our cyto- and myeloarchitectonic findings were comparable to those of Hassler and Muhs-Clement ('64) and applied well to area 3a in the convexity of the hemisphere, we found that most of the area 3a described by these authors in the medial face of the hemisphere had a number of distinguishing architectonic (as well as connectional and physiological) features which enabled us to define it as a separate area (7m). The techniques we used to delineate area 3a are compatible with most current procedures of histo- and immunohistochemical staining of the brain, and may also provide valuable supporting data for electrophysiological studies.  相似文献   
Activities of spontaneously firing neurons in the globus pallidus of intact rats and rats that survived unilateral lesions of the nigrostriatal pathway for 3 days, 1 week, or 6-11 weeks were compared. No significant differences in neuronal firing rate, firing pattern, and number of cells per pass were observed between chloral hydrate-anesthetized control and lesioned animals. However, in locally anesthetized animals, pallidal cells fired significantly faster than in chloral hydrate-anesthetized animals, and the lesion caused a decrease in the firing rates of pallidal cells 1 week and 6-9 weeks postlesion. In addition, significant differences in the firing pattern of pallidal cells, as determined by the ratio of the mean to median interspike intervals, were seen between locally anesthetized controls and animals surviving 3 days, 1 week, and 6-9 weeks postlesion. This altered firing pattern tended to return to normal with time. The number of cells per pass was not significantly altered by the lesion. Data from this study suggest that, in locally anesthetized animals, the removal of the tonic dopaminergic input to the basal ganglia causes pallidal cells to decrease their firing rates in a time-dependent fashion and causes reversable firing pattern changes. This suggests that tonically active dopamine neurons, probably acting through the striatopallidal pathway, regulate the firing rate and mechanisms controlling the temporal ordering of spontaneous discharges of globus pallidus neurons.  相似文献   
Auditory oddball scalp and limbic P3s were recorded from 18 patients with unilateral temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) prior to seizure surgery. Limbic P3s were unilaterally absent ipsilateral to the seizure focus and were present in the nonepileptogenic temporal lobe in all 18 cases studied. Scalp P3s, recorded from C3 and C4, on the other hand, were elicited bilaterally and there was no significant difference in amplitude or latency between the epileptogenic and nonepileptogenic sides. These data concur with studies of scalp P3 performed following surgery and suggest that the assessment of the contribution of limbic P3 to scalp P3 may be masked by volume conduction effects and other generators of P3. We conclude that the P3 recorded from central scalp sites, unlike its limbic counterpart, offers little clinical information in the presurgical assessment of patients with TLE.  相似文献   
Nancy Kluck, Scan J. O'Connor, Victor M. Hesselbrock, Allan Tasman and Donald Maier, Lance Bauer: Variation in Evoked Potential Measures Over the Menstrual Cycle: A Pilot Study. Prog. Neuro. Psychopharmacol. Biol. Psychiat. 1992. 16(6): 901–911.

1. 1. The P3 component of a visual event related potential (ERP) was studied for five consecutive weeks in six women with normal menstrual cycles. Serum concentrations of luteinizing hormone (LH), estradiol (E2) and progesterone were studied during the same period.

2. 2. Increases in P3 amplitude, although nonsignificant, were noted in the week preceding onset of menses.

3. 3. No significant changes in reaction times to target/nontarget stimuli were noted over the same time period.

Author Keywords: Event-related potentials; females; menstrual cycle  相似文献   

K Alderson 《Muscle & nerve》1992,15(11):1284-1289
The presence, morphology, distribution, and abundance of axonal swellings in intramuscular nerves were evaluated. Axonal swellings were present in intramuscular nerves in 42% of 127 muscle biopsies from patients with a variety of conditions. The incidence was highest in muscle from patients with peripheral neuropathy, but swellings were present in muscle from patients with motor neuron disease, primary muscle diseases, and some individuals without clinical or histological evidence of neuromuscular disease. The greatest number of swellings in intramuscular nerves was in muscle from patients with chronic inflammatory demyelinating neuropathy. Swellings were spherical or elliptical, 4-20 microns in diameter, 5-30 microns in length, and composed of neurofilaments. Swellings were present only in myelinated axons of intramuscular nerves, proximal to nodes of Ranvier or in internodal regions. Swellings were not associated with axonal degeneration. They were probably not transported. The formation or accumulation of swellings may reflect altered axonal dynamics common to a number of disease processes.  相似文献   
Summary In Wilson's disease neurological manifestations result from the damage in the basal ganglia, even if a widespread degeneration of the brain occurs. The few studies performed using evoked potentials with the aim of identifying subclinical dysfunction in the three major sensory pathways have never shown abnormalities in patients without neurological manifestations. To verify this observation we studied 12 patients suffering from Wilson's disease in a pre-neurological stage by using pattern visual evoked potentials (VEPs), somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) to median nerve stimulation and brainstem auditory evoked potentials (BAEPs). Four of these patients had not yet been treated with penicillamine or trientine (triethylenetetramine dihydrochloride), while the remaining 8 patients were on treatment for at least 1 year. In 3 patients of this second group and in 1 patient of the first group we observed a significant (3 SD over the mean) increase in P100 wave latency, while SEPs and BAEPs were found to be abnormal in only 1 patient, respectively.  相似文献   
Auditory event-related potentials (AERP) were elicited in 47 patients with relapsing-remitting (RR) multiple sclerosis (MS) and 24 age-matched controls. MS patients had significantly prolonged N2 and P3 latencies as well as low P3 amplitude compared with controls. Seven of them exceeded 3 standard deviations from the control mean values. The observed N2 and P3 alterations are associated with the patients' disability status as it is defined by the Kurtzke expanded disability status scale (EDSS), but are not related to the duration of the disease. A possible cognitive decline as reflected in the observed AERP components alterations in MS patients is subsequently discussed.  相似文献   
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