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BACKGROUND: The aim of the study was to investigate the inhibitory control of an ongoing motor response and to identify underlying neural deficiencies, manifested in event-related potentials, that cause poorer inhibitory performance in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. METHODS: A stop-signal paradigm with a primary visual task and auditory stop signal was used to compare performance in 13 children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and 13 control children, while event-related potentials were recorded simultaneously. RESULTS: Children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder showed poorer inhibitory performance through a slower inhibitory process. Inhibitory processing of auditory stop signals was marked by a frontal N2 component that was reduced in the attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder group relative to controls. A central positive component (P3) was associated with the success of inhibiting a response, but there were no group differences in its amplitude or latency. CONCLUSIONS: Findings support the hypothesis of deficient inhibitory control in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Slower inhibitory processing appears to be due to a specific neural deficiency that manifests in the processing of the stop signal as attenuated negativity in the N2 latency range.  相似文献   
Nancy Kluck, Scan J. O'Connor, Victor M. Hesselbrock, Allan Tasman and Donald Maier, Lance Bauer: Variation in Evoked Potential Measures Over the Menstrual Cycle: A Pilot Study. Prog. Neuro. Psychopharmacol. Biol. Psychiat. 1992. 16(6): 901–911.

1. 1. The P3 component of a visual event related potential (ERP) was studied for five consecutive weeks in six women with normal menstrual cycles. Serum concentrations of luteinizing hormone (LH), estradiol (E2) and progesterone were studied during the same period.

2. 2. Increases in P3 amplitude, although nonsignificant, were noted in the week preceding onset of menses.

3. 3. No significant changes in reaction times to target/nontarget stimuli were noted over the same time period.

Author Keywords: Event-related potentials; females; menstrual cycle  相似文献   

Chronic exposure to manganese (Mn) fume during welding may lead to mainly extrapyramidal syndrome that is resistant to treatment. We present a 32-year-old patient who developed severe postural instability, Parkinsonism, dystonia, and pyramidal signs in the 10th year of welding. The neurological condition of the patient worsened markedly in the following 3 years, resulting in severe disability rendering him to be assisted in all his daily activities and he did not benefit from any dopaminergic agent. T1 sequences of the MRI of the brain showed pallidal hyperintensity symmetrically. Welders in our country often protect their eyes but ignore to use tools that protect them from inhalation of the fume. Since chronic Mn toxicity may cause serious disability and irreversible neurological disturbances, we strongly believe that it is necessary to inform welders and their employers about this potential hazard.  相似文献   
Movement-related neuromagnetic fields from eight healthy human subjects were investigated in a Bereitschaftspotential paradigm. The three conditions studied were right-sided mouth, index finger and foot movement. The neuromagnetic field patterns corresponding to the motor field and the movement-evoked field I were analysed using a moving dipole model. For both components a somatotopic organization was found: the estimated dipole locations for the mouth were more lateral and those for the foot more medial than the estimated dipole positions for the index finger movement. With regard to possible clinical applications, e.g. non-invasive mapping of the sensorimotor cortex and studies of plasticity of the motor function, the present results suggest that the investigation of movement-evoked field I for the index finger condition is most likely to yield further results.  相似文献   
Neurons of in vitro guinea pig and rat auditory cortex receive a complex synaptic pattern of afferent information. As many as four synaptic responses to a single-stimulus pulse to the gray or white matter can occur; an early-EPSP followed, sequentially, by an early-IPSP, late-EPSP, and late-IPSP. Paired pulse stimulation and pharmacological studies show that the early-IPSP can modify information transmission that occurs by way of the early-EPSP. Each of these four synaptic responses differed in estimated reversal potential, and each was differentially sensitive to antagonism by pharmacological agents. DNQX (6,7-dinitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione), a quisqualate/kainate receptor antagonist, blocked the early-EPSP, and the late-EPSP was blocked by the NMDA receptor antagonist APV (D-2-amino-5-phosphonovalerate). The early-IPSP was blocked by the GABA-a receptor antagonist bicuculline, and the late-IPSP by the GABA-b receptor antagonists 2-OH saclofen or phaclofen. Presentation of stimulus trains, even at relatively low intensities, could produce a long-lasting APV-sensitive membrane depolarization. Also discussed is the possible role of these synaptic potentials in auditory cortical function and plasticity.  相似文献   
We examined the role of the 20S proteasome in pathologic changes, including abnormal aggregation of phosphorylated neurofilaments, of spinal motor nerve cells from aluminum‐treated rabbits. Immunohistochemistry for the 20S proteasome revealed that many lumbar spinal motor neurons without intracytoplasmic neurofilamentous inclusions or with small inclusions were more intensely stained in aluminum‐treated rabbits than in controls, whereas the immunoreactivity was greatly decreased in some enlarged neurons containing large neurofilamentous inclusions. Proteasome activity in whole spinal cord extracts was significantly increased in aluminum‐treated rabbits compared with controls. Furthermore, Western blot analysis indicated that the 20S proteasome degraded non‐phosphorylated high molecular weight neurofilament (neurofilament‐H) protein in vitro. These results suggest that aluminum does not inhibit 20S proteasome activity, and the 20S proteasome degrades neurofilament‐H protein. We propose that abnormal aggregation of phosphorylated neurofilaments is induced directly by aluminum, and is not induced by the proteasome inhibition in the aluminum‐treated rabbits. Proteasome activation might be involved in intracellular proteolysis, especially in the earlier stages of motor neuron degeneration in aluminum‐treated rabbits.  相似文献   
Motor imagery (MI), which refers to the process of mental representation of movements, has not been studied in patients with essential tremor (ET). We investigated the presence of impaired MI in ET patients compared with healthy controls. A group of drug-naive and nondemented ET patients and age-matched controls were studied using transcranial magnetic stimulation, while they were specifically instructed to try and imagine themselves performing two motor tasks. The various clinical and electrophysiological variables were evaluated and compared. Repeated measures ANOVA demonstrated a significant difference between ET patients and controls with respect to mean motor-evoked potential (MEP) amplitudes (F(1,38) = 31.92, P < 0.005) during MI. The process of MI effectively facilitated MEP amplitude in controls but not in ET patients, regardless of side of stimulation or motor tasks. We provide evidence to demonstrate impairment of MI in a group of ET patients compared with healthy controls. The basis for this novel finding is unclear, and further studies are warranted to determine whether it is related to cerebellar or motor cortical dysfunction.  相似文献   
New methods for simplified quantitation of effector-target conjugation have been developed. The binding unit (BU) is defined as the number of target cells required to bind a specified percentage of effector cells. The number of binding units is determined from binding isotherms in which effector conjugate frequencies are measured by holding constant the number of effector cells and by varying the number of target cells. Alternately, a binding unit can be defined as the number of effector cells required to bind a specified percentage of target cells. In this case, BU is computed from binding isotherms in which target conjugate frequencies are measured at different values of effector cells by holding constant the number of target cells. Also, the area under the curve (AUI) of these isotherms is another index that can be used as an overall measure of the binding capacity in an effector-target system. The experimental values of BU and AUI determined from effector and target isotherms agree well with theoretical predictions based on our previously developed binding model (J. Immunol. Methods (1992) 155, 133–147). The relationship between BU and AUI, and procedures to determine these parameters are shown. The value of these indices to express effector-target conjugation quantitatively has been confirmed by determining the values of BU and AUI for the NK-K562 effector-target system.  相似文献   
The background of the bioelectric activity of muscle recorded from the surface of the skin (surface electromyography) in terms of the representation of single motor units of the underlying muscle(s) is not very well documented or understood. An insight into the composition of an electromyogram is essential for the proper interpretation of one of the most widely applied electrophysiological techniques. In the present paper, a study of the contribution of single motor unit potentials to the surface electromyogram is presented. To this end, the decline of different components of the motor unit potential with depth of the motor unit is quantified. Experimentally, the action potentials from motor units at several positions in the muscle were recorded by 30 skin surface electrodes. Simultaneous use of scanning electromyography provided information about the actual position and size of the motor unit. Observed linear log–log relationships between motor unit potential magnitudes and distance indicated the usefulness of a power function to describe the motor unit potential's dependence on recording distance. It is shown that different specific surface motor unit potential characteristics fall off differently with depth. The magnitude–distance relationship is shown to be dependent on the recording configuration (unipolar vs. bipolar recording, including the inter-electrode distance) and the chosen motor unit potential parameter (negative peak amplitude, positive peak amplitude and area).  相似文献   
A literature search was conducted to identify 'nursing led in-patient units' where the nurse is the designated leader of the clinical team. The review concentrates on studies which have attempted to measure the impact of nursing-led in-patient units and reviews both the methodology and outcomes. Three major bodies of work were identified. Lydia Hall's evaluation of the Loeb Center for Nursing and Rehabilitation (USA) is reviewed in some detail. This work was the model for 'nursing beds' at the two Oxfordshire Nursing Development Units (UK) in the 1980s. Studies evaluating these centres are reviewed and reports of similar UK units discussed. A third body of work evaluates a nurse-managed critical care environment. Common features include a case mix based on nursing need with nurses having authority to admit and discharge patients. While results are generally favourable, with improved patient independence, fewer readmissions, lower mortality and cost savings reported in some or all of the studies, all studies reviewed demonstrate the difficulties of applying an experimental model to real life clinical services. Methodological limitations render firm conclusions difficult. Techniques adopted from studies in field settings, the so-called 'quasi-experiment', are advocated as a remedy, as is further study of the process of care in investigating this model of care delivery.  相似文献   
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