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The structures of mitochondrial transporters and uncoupling proteins are 3-fold pseudosymmetrical, but their substrates and coupling ions are not. Thus, deviations from symmetry are to be expected in the substrate and ion-binding sites in the central aqueous cavity. By analyzing the 3-fold pseudosymmetrical repeats from which their sequences are made, conserved asymmetric residues were found to cluster in a region of the central cavity identified previously as the common substrate-binding site. Conserved symmetrical residues required for the transport mechanism were found at the water–membrane interfaces, and they include the three PX[DE]XX[RK] motifs, which form a salt bridge network on the matrix side of the cavity when the substrate-binding site is open to the mitochondrial intermembrane space. Symmetrical residues in three [FY][DE]XX[RK] motifs are on the cytoplasmic side of the cavity and could form a salt bridge network when the substrate-binding site is accessible from the mitochondrial matrix. It is proposed that the opening and closing of the carrier may be coupled to the disruption and formation of the 2 salt bridge networks via a 3-fold rotary twist induced by substrate binding. The interaction energies of the networks allow members of the transporter family to be classified as strict exchangers or uniporters.  相似文献   
The central complex is a prominent structure in the insect brain, yet its anatomical organization and functional role is still poorly understood. To facilitate investigations on the physiology of the central complex, this study describes its anatomical organization in the brain of locusts (Schistocerca gregaria and Schistocerca americana) based on an investigation of serotonin immunocytochemistry. Most subdivisions of the central complex including the protocerebral bridge, several layers in the upper division of the central body, and the noduli of the central body are innervated by serotonin-immunoreactive neurons, while the lower division of the central body does not exhibit serotonin-like immunoreactivity. Several types of serotonin-immunoreactive neurons can be distinguished. A system of about 60 columnar neurons innervates the protocerebral bridge, layer III of the upper division of the central body, and the noduli. A group of 15-20 bilateral pairs of serotonin-immunoreactive neurons connects the posterior optic tubercles with the protocerebral bridge. About ten pairs of neurons with somata in the inferior protocerebrum innervate layer Ia of the upper division of the central body. In addition, large-field neurons arborize in layers Ia and Ib of the upper division of the central body and in the lateral accessory lobes. The detailed mapping of serotonin immunoreactivity provides further insight into the anatomical organization of the central complex and suggests that serotonin is a major neuroactive substance within this brain structure.  相似文献   
A technique which uses a natural tooth pontic to replace a periodontally compromised tooth is described. Following extraction and root resection of a maxillary central incisor, the crown was bonded to the adjacent teeth using acid-etched composite resin located in proximal cavity preparations. Some advantages of the technique are discussed.  相似文献   

Background Context

Studies over the past 20 years have revealed that there are fibrous connective tissues between the suboccipital muscles, nuchal ligament, and cervical spinal dura mater (SDM). This fibrous connection with the SDM is through the posterior atlanto-occipital or atlantoaxial interspaces and is called the myodural bridge (MDB). Researchers have inferred that the MDB might have important functions. It was speculated that the function of MDB might be related to proprioception transmission, keeping the subarachnoid space and the cerebellomedullary cistern unobstructed, and affecting the dynamic circulation of the cerebrospinal fluid. In addition, clinicians have found that the pathologic change of the MDB might cause cervicogenic or chronic tension-type headache. Previous gross anatomical and histologic studies only confirmed the existence of the MDB but did not reveal the fiber properties of the MDB. This is important to further mechanical and functional research on the MDB.


Multiple histologic staining methods were used in the present study to reveal the various origin and fiber properties of the MDB. Muscles and ligaments participating in forming the MDB at the posterior atlanto-occipital or atlantoaxial interspaces were observed, and the fiber properties of the MDB were confirmed. The present study provides a basis for speculating the tensile force values of the MDB on the SDM and a morphologic foundational work for exploring the physiological functions and clinical significances of the MDB.

Study Design

Anatomical and histologic analyses of suboccipital structures that communicate with the SDM at the posterior atlanto-occipital or atlantoaxial interspaces were carried out.


Multiple histologic staining methods were used to evaluate the histologic properties and composition of the MDB at the posterior atlanto-occipital or atlantoaxial interspaces in five formalin-fixed head-neck human specimens.


The results show that the MDB traversing the atlanto-occipital interspace originated from the rectus capitis posterior minor (RCPmi). The MDB traversing the atlantoaxial interspace originated mainly from the RCPmi, rectus capitis posterior major, and obliquus capitis inferior. These fibers form the vertebral dural ligament in the atlantoaxial interspace and connect with SDM. The MDB is mainly formed by parallel running type I collagen fibers; thus, suboccipital muscle could pull SDM strongly through the effective force propagated by the MDB during head movement.


Myodural bridge is mainly formed by parallel running type I collagen fibers; thus, it can transmit the strong pull from the diverse suboccipital muscles or ligaments during head movement. The results of the present study will serve as a basis for further biomechanical and functional MDB research.  相似文献   
为探讨保留皮桥双挂线法治疗高位复杂性肛瘘的疗效,回顾分析38例采用此方法治疗的高位复杂性肛瘘患者资料。结果显示,38例患者均一次性治愈。疗程27-51d,平均39d。术后未发生肛门失禁及肛门畸形。随访1年,成功随访30例,无复发。结果表明,保留皮桥双挂线法是一种治疗高位复杂性肛瘘的理想方法。  相似文献   
Large-scale changes (gross chromosomal rearrangements [GCRs]) are common in genomes, and are often associated with pathological disorders. We report here that a specific pair of nearby inverted repeats in budding yeast fuse to form a dicentric chromosome intermediate, which then rearranges to form a translocation and other GCRs. We next show that fusion of nearby inverted repeats is general; we found that many nearby inverted repeats that are present in the yeast genome also fuse, as does a pair of synthetically constructed inverted repeats. Fusion occurs between inverted repeats that are separated by several kilobases of DNA and share >20 base pairs of homology. Finally, we show that fusion of inverted repeats, surprisingly, does not require genes involved in double-strand break (DSB) repair or genes involved in other repeat recombination events. We therefore propose that fusion may occur by a DSB-independent, DNA replication-based mechanism (which we term “faulty template switching”). Fusion of nearby inverted repeats to form dicentrics may be a major cause of instability in yeast and in other organisms.  相似文献   
牙龈对理化刺激具有高度敏感性,轻微的刺激即可造成牙龈状况的变化。基牙颈缘黏结界面暴露的黏结剂均可造成对牙龈的理化刺激。全冠及固定义齿黏固后,因位于牙龈及牙间隙内多余黏结剂未去净,压迫刺激牙龈组织引起炎症,导致牙龈出血。  相似文献   
Background: Radiocarpal dislocations represent a high-energy wrist injury that can occur with or without concomitant fractures about the wrist. Poor outcomes are often due to radiocarpal instability and secondary ulnar translation. The purpose of this cadaveric study is to determine if there is any difference in the radiographic parameters in a wrist dislocation model given the different location of distal fixation. Methods: Ten paired fresh cadaver upper extremities were fluoroscopically evaluated with posterior-anterior (PA) and lateral views. We created a radiocarpal dislocation model and applied a dorsal bridge plate to either the second or third metacarpal. Repeat PA and lateral fluoroscopic views were obtained for evaluation of radial inclination, radial height, volar tilt, ulnar variance, radiolunate angle, radioscaphoid angle, scapholunate angle, radial rotation index, and four indices for ulnar translation (Taleisnik, Gilula, McMurtry, and Chamay). Results: Bridge plate application to the second metacarpal resulted in a significantly greater incidence of ulnar translation compared to the third metacarpal. Application to either metacarpal resulted in extension of the carpus relative to the radius. Conclusions: A more anatomic radiocarpal relationship was restored more often when distal fixation of the dorsal wrist-spanning bridge plate was applied to the third metacarpal. Further investigation is warranted to determine clinical relevance of these findings in conjunction with clinical and radiographic outcomes.  相似文献   
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