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目的 从微观层面探讨归因、自我效能感、教育观念、人格因素对教师心理健康的影响。方法 使用《教师心理健康问卷》和CPSQ人格问卷》进行问卷调查。结果 能力和努力归因对教师心理健康有正向的预测作用;任务难度和运气归因对教师心理健康有负向的预测作用。工作效能和创造效能对教师心理健康都有正向的预测作用。成功教育、挫折教育和主动探索的教育观念对教师的心理健康都是正向的预测作用。神经质分数低的教师出现心理问题的几率不大;趋向于外向、开放、随和以及尽职尽责的教师,心理健康水平较高。结论 归因、自我效能感、教育观念、人格因素对教师心理健康都有程度不同的影响。  相似文献   
目的探讨抑郁障碍患者与家属的家庭亲密度适应性和情绪状况,为抑郁障碍患者的健康教育及家庭干预提供科学有效的理论依据。方法选择2006年6~9月在北京大学第六医院就诊的抑郁障碍患者95例及共同陪伴的直系家属95例为调查对象。采用家庭亲密度和适应性量表中文版(FACES-CV)、Zung氏焦虑自评量表和Zung氏抑郁自评量表。结果1患者的家庭亲密度得分与国内常模一致(P>0.05),但适应性得分低于国内常模(P<0.01);焦虑、抑郁得分高于国内常模(P<0.01)。家属的家庭亲密度得分高于国内常模(P<0.01),适应性得分低于国内常模(P<0.01)。家属的焦虑得分与国内常模一致(P>0.05),但抑郁得分高于国内常模(P<0.05)。2家庭模式分型构成比:中间型47.9%,平衡性26.3%,极端型25.8%。患者的家庭"拱极模式"以"僵硬—松散型"居多,家属则以"自由—缠结型"居多。3家庭亲密度与患者的家属的文程化度有关,相关系数范围(r=0.21~0.26,P<0.05)、与家庭人数呈负相关(r=-0.21,P<0.01);与患者及家属的焦虑、抑郁情绪呈显著负相关,相关系数范围(r=-0.30~0.37,P<0.01);家庭适应性与患者的年龄(r=0.28,P<0.01)、文化程度(r=0.34,P<0.01)有关。与家属的年龄(r=0.26,P<0.05)文化程度(r=0.22,P<0.05)有关。与患者和家属的焦虑、抑郁情绪呈显著负相关,相关系数范围(r=-0.30~-0.42,P<0.01)。结论家庭亲密度适应性与患者和家属的文化程度、焦虑、抑郁情绪有关,家庭亲密度与患者的家庭人数有关,家庭适应性与患者和家属的年龄有关。  相似文献   
吸毒者的社会支持及与心身健康水平的相关分析   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
毒品滥用已成为严重社会问题 ,并已引起医学界、心理学界及社会各界的关注。吸毒者的吸毒行为除与他们自身心理特征有关外 ,还与许多因素有关。如失业、缺乏家庭温暖、精神空虚、孤独 ,对生活失去热情和信心等。研究认为 ,社会支持系统不良是导致多种心理卫生问题的重要原因之一 ,也是吸毒成瘾及复吸的主要原因[1,2 ] 。本研究运用社会支持量表和症状自评量表对一组吸毒者的社会支持状况及与心理健康的关系作初步研究 ,旨在为吸毒者实施心理治疗及作戒毒后回归社会的跟进服务提供参考。1 资料与方法1.1 调查对象1.1.1 吸毒组 选择长沙市…  相似文献   
Sixty-six bipolar I lithium clinic patients were studied for a history of psychotic symptoms at some time during the course of their illness. Agreement between different sources of information was calculated, and the patient population was divided into psychotic and non-psychotic subgroups. Probability of remaining well on lithium for the different subgroups was analyzed by the life table method. Psychosis during mania appeared to be associated with especially good early lithium prophylaxis.  相似文献   
Modern Mind-Brain Reading: Psychophysiology, Physiology, and Cognition   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
This paper reviews the actual and potential benefits of a marriage between cognitive psychology and psychophysiology. Psychophysiological measures, particularly those of the event-related brain potential, can be used as markers for psychological events and physiological events. Thus, they can serve as "windows" on the mind and as "windows" on the brain. These ideas are illustrated in the context of a series of studies utilizing the lateralized readiness potential, a measure of electrical brain activity that is related to preparation for movement. This measure has been used to illuminate presetting processes that prepare the motor system for action, to demonstrate the presence of the transmission of partial information in the cognitive system, and to identify processes responsible for the inhibition of responses. The lateralized readiness potential appears to reflect activity in motor areas of cortex. Thus, this measure, along with other psychophysiological measures, can be used to understand how the functions of the mind are implemented in the brain.  相似文献   
河南省幼师学生心理健康状况调查分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的 了解河南省幼师学生的心理健康状况,为提高幼师的心理素质提供依据。方法 对来自河南南阳一师,洛阳一师,郑州幼师3所学校的580名幼师女生进行症状自评量表(SCL-90)测定。数据经t检验,q检验和卡方检验。结果 幼师在校生中有63.81%学生存在心理健康问题。11.43%学生有明显心理障碍,突出表现为强迫,人际敏感,偏执,敌对,抑郁,不同年级学生心理健康状况存在明显差异。结论 提示幼师学生存在不同程度心理健康问题。学校心理卫生和教育工作者必须予以重视,进行干预。  相似文献   
Previous studies demonstrated distinct cardiovascular patterns associated with threat and challenge appraisals for groups of participants. We extend these results by assessing whether appraisals continue to be associated with these cardiovascular response patterns within an individual as appraisals change. Participants completed four verbal mental arithmetic tasks for which they made appraisals before and after each task. Cardiac reactivity and total peripheral resistance (TPR) were calculated for the first and last minutes of each task, and the number of responses and percent correct were measured for each task. In line with our prediction, pretask appraisals were related to some task-related cardiac responses across the four tasks. In addition, task-related cardiovascular reactivity and behaviors both influenced appraisals following the task. Our findings suggest that an idiographic analysis of appraisals, cardiovascular physiology, and task-related behaviors provides a richer understanding of the appraisal process and reveals sex differences deserving further assessment.  相似文献   
Ruchkin and Johnson (1991) claim that the mode of responding used by Rösler & Heil (1991) may have camouflaged effects of a negative slow wave that Ruckin et al. (1988) had found to be related to the difficulty of mental calculation problems. This criticism is addressed by three arguments which support the interpretation of Rösler and Heil (1991). According to this view, the negative slow wave in question is more likely related to unspecific processing factors, such as effort and event expectation, than to specific processing demands such as these induced by mental arithmetic.  相似文献   
领导干部心理健康量表的初步编制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的编制一套适用于领导干部群体的心理健康量表。方法通过文献研究、个案分析、问卷调查等,确立测验结构并编制成预测量表,通过对127位被试施测结果进行条目分析等形成正式量表,并进行因子分析等考察量表的信度和效度。结果编制成一个含3个量表:心理症状量表、自我概念量表、外界适应量表,共计93个项目的测评系统。项目与其所在量表的题总相关系数在0.445~0.855之间(P<0.001),各条目决断值(CR值)均具有显著性;对自我概念量表和外界适应量表探索性因素分析分别提取4个和3个公因子,累计解释总变异量分别为54.842%,48.365%,因子载荷在0.427~0.814和0.434~0.796之间;各量表的Cronbach'sα系数分别为0.775,0.860,0.952。结论初步研究显示量表的信效度均达到心理学测量标准,具有较好的信效度。  相似文献   
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