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Electromagnetic fields and myopotentials from skeletal muscle may interfere with the function of a cardiac pacemaker. A 65-year-old woman with a unipolar DDD cardiac pacemaker underwent dynamic graciloplasty (transposition of the gracilis muscle around the anal canal and subsequent implantation of a bipolar pulse generator to stimulate the gracilis muscle), for the treatment of fecal incontinence. This gracilis pulse generator is turned "off" with an external magnet to allow defecation. Appropriate functioning of these two pulse generators (the cardiac pacemaker and the gracilis pulse generator) was tested during implantation of the gracilis pulse generator and afterwards. It was demonstrated that the combination could be used safely in this patient.  相似文献   
A system composed of a functional continuous magnetic stimulator (FCMS) and a saddle-type coil has been developed for non-invasive treatment of urinary incontinence, especially stress incontinence and urge incontinence. The FCMS conditions were as follows: 2 kW maximum electrical power consumption, 800 V maximum capacitor voltage, 720 μs pulsewidth (180 μs rise time), and 5–30 Hz frequency. A frequency between 5 and 10 Hz is used to treat urge incontinence and a frequency between 25 Hz and 30 Hz is used to treat urge incontinence. The coil (120 mm long, 90 mm wide and 50 mm thick) fits the most suitable region for this treatment, the region from the anus to the perineum. The coil is cooled to maintain a coil temperature between 20 and 25°C so that it can be used efficiently and safely. In experiments with anaesthetised dogs, it was confirmed that the urethral pressure increased when the circumference of the perineum received continuous magnetic stimulation of 720 μs pulsewidth (180 μs rise time), 10Hz frequency and about 520 V capacitor voltage. This result suggests that magnetic stimulation can be effective as a urinary incontinence therapy.  相似文献   
Background:To construct a modified model for reporting and grading of postoperative complications after the mid-urethral sling (MUS) procedure based on the Clavien-Dindo classification. In addition, complications of three different types of MUS were compared.Materials and methods:A PubMed search for postoperative complication after MUS was carried out for the period between January 1990 and July 2018. Reported complications were stratified in a plate form designed in accordance with grades of the Clavien-Dindo classification. Then, the proposed model was applied on reported complications in 160 females who underwent three different procedures of MUS (transvaginal tape [TVT], transobturator tape [TOT], and autologous fascial sling) with a minimum follow-up of 24 months.Results:The mean ± SD age at time of surgery was 46 ± 7 years. TVT was carried out in 75 (47%) patients, TOT in 40 (25%), and fascial sling in 45 (28%). The total number of complications was 62 in 43 (26.8%) patients. The vast majority of complications were Grade I and Grade II 19 (12%) and 21 (13%) out of 160 patients, respectively. Transient postoperative voiding difficulty (Grade II) and de novo urgency (Grade II) were the most prevalent complications in the fascial sling method (15.4% for each), whereas transient thigh pain (Grade II) was the most frequently reported complication after TOT (10%). Life-threatening vascular injury (Grade IV-a) was a serious complication in TVT cases.Conclusions:Postoperative complications of the MUS could be graded according to Clavien''s classification. The vast majority of complications were Graded I or II. TVT can cause serious life-threatening complications.  相似文献   
目的报道6例经腹膜外途径腹腔镜下膀胱颈Cooper韧带悬吊术(Burch手术)治疗女性压力性尿失禁行经阴道经闭孔尿道中段无张力悬吊术(TVT-O)术后失败或复发患者的初步经验。方法回顾分析2015年6月至2019年9月我们采用经腹腔镜下腹膜外途径Burch手术治疗的6例女性压力性尿失禁TVT-O术后失败或复发患者。自脐下2 cm处切开皮肤并制造腹膜外空间,用2#0薇荞线将尿道旁侧的阴道壁肌层“8字”缝合后再缝合到同侧Cooper韧带上。观察患者手术时间、出血量、住院时间等。结果所有手术均成功,手术时间(37±6)min,术中出血量(17±7)ml,术后住院时间(4.5±0.5)d。6例随访时间3~45个月,所有病例尿失禁症状均消失,均无感染、膀胱损伤、排尿困难、复发等并发症。结论女性压力性尿失禁患者行TVT-O术失败或复发后,选择腹腔镜下经腹膜外途径Burch术安全、有效,可以获得完全尿控,为临床可选方案。  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die Bauchhöhle hat ein Faszienskelett, das durch ihren permanenten veränderhchen Ruhetonus verspannt gehalten wird. Zur Bauchhöhle gehören mit der seitlichen Bauchmuskulatur auch das Zwerchfell und der Beckenboden. Willkürliche und reflektorische Tonusänderungen bedingen ihre Verformung und ihren Verschluß oder ihre Eröffnung. Am Versuchstier haben wir diesen Ruhetonus schon in der Schwanzmuskulatur nachgewiesen, von der der Beckenboden des Menschen stammesgeschichtlich abstammt. Der Beckenboden bildet mit den Sphinkteren das anorektale Kontinenzorgan. Es ist, phylogenetisch erklärbar, bei der Frau viel schwächer entwickelt als beim Mann. Diese unterschiedliche Mächtigkeit ist his zu den Kernen des Rückenmarks, die diese Muskulatur steuern, zu verfolgen. Diese Asthenie des weiblichen Kontinenzorgans wird durch das Gebären und die Obstipation noch zusätzlich belastet. Das gleiche gilt für die Bauchdecke der Frau, die, wie hier nachgewiesen wird, nach einer Gravidität die gleichen, bleibenden Denervationserscheinungen ihrer Muskulatur erkennen läß t. Es sind die gleichen Schäden, die der Beckenboden mit den Sphinkteren erleidet. In schwereren Fällen ist neben der Inkontinenz also auch ein Schlotterbauch die Folge dieser Belastungen. Der ruhetonisierte Beckenboden kann das spastische Beckenbodensyndrom, die kontinente Obstipation, zur Folge haben. Sic kann psychotherapeutisch geheilt werden. Davon muß die inkontinente Obstipation unterschieden werden, die manchmal mit einem Mastdarmvorfall einhergeht. Bei ihr liegt das Hindernis im Darm. Sic kann in schweren Fällen durch eine Sigmaresektion gebessert werden. Die Denervationsinkontinenz ist am besten durch das operative Engerstellen des ganzen Levatortrichters zu bessern. Voraussetzung ist: Der gelähmte Beckenboden muß noch eine Restruheaktivität aufweisen.
Acquired disturbances of muscles of the peritoneal cavity
The peritoneal cavity has a fascial skeleton that is kept under tension by permanent variable resting tone maintained by the abdominal muscles. The lateral abdominal muscles, the diaphragm and the pelvic floor are all components of this fasciomuscular support system. Voluntary and reflective changes in muscle tension allow the entry and exit of matter into and out of the spherical abdominal cavity by opening and closing of specialized wall segments called sphincters. We have previously demonstrated the existence of a resting tone in the tail muscles of mammals from which the human pelvic floor muscles are derived. The pelvic floor and its integrated sphincters form the anorectal organ of continence. This organ is much weaker in females than in males. The spinal centers that govern continence, contain in the female significantly fewer ganglion cells than the corresponding centers in the male. Childbirth and a commonly found tendency to develop constipation are additional stressors for the congenitally weaker female organ of continence. We explain in this paper why the abdominal wall and the pelvic floor may suffer stretch-induced denervation injuries during pregnancy and delivery. Such damage may persist in later life and can give rise to incontinence and flabby abdomen. Based on our work in this field, we found a new differentiation between continent and incontinent constipation. Continent constipation is caused by spasticity of the pelvic floor characterized by abnormally high sphincter activity. This spastic pelvic floor syndrome can be treated successfully by psychotherapeutic techniques. Incontinent constipation, in contrast, is always associated with subnormal activity of the sphincters and may be a cause of rectal prolapse. It can be treated successfully by anterior rectosigmoid resection. Incontinent constipation will also require operative approximation of the levators in many cases. Improvement cannot be expected to result from this procedure, however, unless the pelvic floor shows some residual resting activity.
Korrespondenz an: em. Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. mult. F. Stelzner  相似文献   
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