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海水浸泡兔股动脉火器伤的病理学研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的 观察兔股动脉火器伤合并海水浸泡的病理形态学特点。方法 将大白兔30只随机均分为单一致伤组、海水浸泡30min组和海水浸泡60min组,用钢珠弹致伤兔单侧股动脉后,将海水浸泡组动物置于海水中浸泡30min或60min,单一致伤组动物不浸泡,于伤后2、4、6、8、12h取弹着点中心两端股动脉,做光镜、电镜观察。结果 动脉损伤类型主要为完全断裂伤和挫伤。完全断裂伤的动脉分为原发伤道区、挫伤区和震荡区。与单一致伤组相比,海水浸泡组的原发伤道区和挫伤区的血管壁显著肿胀,以中膜外2/3为甚,肌浆内空泡样结构常见,内皮细胞之间纵行皱褶紊乱、变平。浸泡30min组与60min组之间病变程度无明显差异。3组中动脉挫伤和完全断裂伤的震荡区的病理表现类似。结论 兔股动脉完全断裂伤合并海水浸泡时,其原发伤道区和挫伤区的细胞、细胞间隙显著肿胀。  相似文献   
低张胶体液对失血并腹腔海水浸泡伤实验犬的救治作用   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
目的:观察低张胶体液对失血并腹腔海水浸泡伤的救治效果。方法:建立腹腔海水浸泡伤动物模型。35只犬随机均分为对照组(A组)、质量分数为5%的葡萄糖治疗组(B组)、0.45%氯化钠治疗组(C组)、0.9%氯化钠治疗组(D组)及低张胶体液治疗组(E组),观察每组动物腹腔海水浸泡后平均动脉压(MAP)、心排血量(CO)、尿量、血浆渗透压及脑、肺组织的病理学变化。结果:低张胶体液可显著改善MAP及CO,增加尿量,降低血浆渗透压,预防脑、肺水肿的发生。结论:低张胶体液对失血并腹腔海水浸泡伤具有较好的救治效果。  相似文献   
海水浸泡踝、膝关节开放损伤的治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨海水浸泡踝、膝关节开放损伤的治疗。方法自1986年2月至2003年1月,海水浸泡踝、膝关节开放损伤共41例47个关节均于彻底清创后关节内骨折复位内固定,一期闭合创面,一期行局部皮瓣或肌皮瓣转移修复关节周围软组织明显缺损。结果皮瓣或肌皮瓣全部存活。创部Ⅱ/甲愈合25个关节(占51.2%),Ⅱ/乙愈合18个关节(占38.3%),仅4个关节出现感染征象(占8.5%)。随访6个月至16年10个月,关节内骨折均愈合,踝、膝关节功能恢复满意,膝关节功能优6例,良4例,可1例;踝关节功能优14例,良8例,可1例,差1例。但是,伤后5~7a以上者均出现不同程度的关节退变表现。结论海水浸泡时间不超过2h、伤后时间在6~8h以内的踝、膝关节开放损伤均可于彻底清创后一期处理关节内骨折和闭合创面,局部皮瓣或肌皮瓣转移修复软组织缺损是可行的。  相似文献   
海水环境创伤弧菌感染的病理学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
郑晶  申洪  陈清 《中华创伤杂志》2007,23(11):874-878
目的观察总结海水环境中感染创伤弧菌(vibrio vulnificus,Vv)后局部组织和器官的病理学特点,为临床Vv感染的诊治提供一定的实验依据。方法128只SPF级昆明小鼠,随机分成4组,每组32只,分别为海水Vv菌液浸泡组(A组)、等渗盐水Vv菌液浸泡组(B组)、单纯无菌海水浸泡组(c组)以及单纯无菌致伤组(D组)。每组又随机分成0,6,12,24h4个不同时间组,每组8只。D组小鼠仅无菌致伤,A、B、C组小鼠在无菌致伤后按分组设计均浸泡于相应液体中45~60min。于不同时段对各组局部肌组织及主要脏器组织进行取材、制片、HE染色和观察;采鼠尾血进行Vv的分离培养。结果A组创伤组织的损伤最为严重:0h时,可见肌纤维变性、溶解和断裂,但炎症反应不明显;12h时肌组织溶解坏死更加明显,肌间隙增宽,渗出及出血明显,并伴有大量中性粒细胞浸润;24h时,肌组织大片溶解坏死,微脓肿形成。总体来讲,Vv感染的A、B两组要比未感染的c、D两组病变严重,而组织修复过程也要缓慢。海水菌液浸泡组脱离浸泡后24h时仍无好转趋势,并且该组部分小鼠Vv血培养结果为阳性。Vv血培养阳性的小鼠其主要脏器也出现不同程度的损伤,以肺和肾脏的广泛出血性损伤为主。结论在海水环境中Vv经由皮肤伤口侵入后,其伤口往往表现为感染早、发展快且病变严重的特点。感染组织病理学特点为组织大片的溶解坏死和大量中性粒细胞浸润并伴有脓腔形成;Vv可经伤口人血,引发败血症,并导致小鼠肺、肾等多脏器的损伤。  相似文献   
The aim of the study is the deep understanding of the essential reactivity of the environmentally friendly mortar by which its applicability can be justified. Created in the study was the environmentally friendly mortar, which helped relieve the increasing requirements on conventional building materials that are produced from exhausted freshwater and river sand nowadays. Seawater (SW) and sea sand (SS) collected from the Eastern Seas of China were used to produce the mortar at various ages, including 10-day, 33-day, and 91-day. Both the curing and working conditions of the mortar were natural marine ones. The physicochemical-mechanical behaviors were investigated using uniaxial compression tests (UCTs), Energy Dispersive Spectrometer (EDS), X-ray Diffraction (XRD), and thermal-field emission scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis to understand the essential reactivity of the mortar with age accumulation. The results indicated that hydration products and favorable components were generated promisingly in the mortar: the C-S-H (xCaO·SiO2·zH2O) development was certainly achieved in the critical environment during the curing and working period; the extensive generation of C-A-S-H (CaO·Al2O3·2SiO2·4H2O) helped densify the C-S-H grid, which caused the promising development of the uniaxial compression strength (UCS); the framework porosity of the mortar was restrained effectively due to the development of Friedel’s salt that re-bonded the interfacial cracks between SS and the hydration products with the age accumulation in the critical environment. Consequently, UCS and the resistance against damage of the mortar showed increasing behavior even in the critical environment. The study established Friedel’s salt working models and strength and damage models to interpret the physicochemical reactivity of the mortar as: the source of the strength and toughness was the proper polymerization between the native saline components and the hydration product mixture generated throughout the production, curing, and application without the leaching phenomenon. The novel models and interpretation of the physicochemical reactivity ensured the applicability of the mortar produced with SW and SS in the critical environment.  相似文献   
The corrosion behavior of high-strength C71500 copper-nickel alloy in high concentrations of sulfide-polluted seawater was studied by potentiodynamic polarization measurements, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), immersion testing, and combined with SEM, EDS, XPS, and XRD surface analysis methods. The results showed that the C71500 alloy shows activation polarization during the entire corrosion process, the corrosion rate is much higher (0.15 mm/a) at the initial stage of immersion, and the appearance of diffusion limitation by corrosion product formation was in line with the appearance of a Warburg element in the EIS fitting after 24 h of immersion. As the corrosion process progressed, the formed dark-brown corrosion product film had a certain protective effect preventing the alloy from corrosion, and the corrosion rate gradually decreased. After 168 h of immersion, the corrosion rate stabilized at about 0.09 mm/a. The alloy was uniformly corroded, and the corrosion products were mainly composed of Cu2S, CuS, Cu2(OH)3Cl, Mn2O3, Mn2O, MnS2, FeO(OH), etc. The content of Cu2S gradually increased with the extension of immersion time. The addition of S2− caused a large amount of dissolution of Fe and Ni, and prevented the simultaneous formation of a more protective Cu2O film, which promoted the corrosion process to some extent.  相似文献   
During 2010–2018 in Denmark, 638 patients had Vibrio infections diagnosed and 521 patients had Shewanella infections diagnosed. Most cases occurred in years with high seawater temperatures. The substantial increase in those infections, with some causing septicemia, calls for clinical awareness and mandatory notification policies.  相似文献   
本文报道了1988年~1989年锦州近海的海水、海底质和海生物中总α总β, 90Sr、137Cs, 6Oco, 106Ru、232Th、226Ra的放射性活度。在海水和海生物中90Sr、137Cs稍有增加, 说明海洋环境可能受到了切尔诺贝利事故泄漏物的污染。  相似文献   
海水淹溺性肺水肿对大鼠创伤性脑水肿的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨海水淹溺性肺水肿对创伤性脑水肿的影响。方法将72只大鼠随机均分为9组:①侧方液压打击致单纯颅脑创伤1h组:⑦单纯颅脑创伤6h组:③颅脑创伤合并淡水淹溺1h组;④颅脑创伤合并淡水淹溺6h组;⑤颅脑创伤合并海水淹溺1h组;⑥颅脑创伤合并海水淹溺6h组;⑦单纯颅脑创伤6h电镜组;⑧颅脑创伤合并淡水淹溺6h电镜组;⑨颅脑创伤合并海水淹溺6h电镜组。检测①~⑥组大鼠伤区脑组织含水量及Na^+、K^+、Ca^2+含量,并行病理学检查;⑦~⑨组行伤区脑组织电镜检查。结果与单纯颅脑创伤组和淡水淹溺组相比.颅脑创伤合并海水淹溺组脑组织含水量和脑组织中Na^+、Ca^2+的含量显著性增加,K^+含量则显著性降低.颅脑创伤后的病理及超微结构改变加重。结论海水淹溺性肺水肿可加重创伤性脑水肿与继发性脑损伤。  相似文献   
目的建立海水直接肺损伤的犬模型,为研究海水及其成分对肺直接损伤机制及其治疗提供研究平台。方法排除低氧血症和酸中毒等因素对海水直接肺损伤的影响,选择18只健康犬随机分为3组(n=6), 即全肺海水灌注组( A组)、右肺海水灌注组( R组)和右膈叶海水灌注组即海水直接肺损伤组(D组)。对比观察三组血流动力学、血气酸碱、电解质等指标以及肺组织细胞学改变,以支气管纤维镜连续观察D组三级支气管内海水灌注前后的变化,检测支气管肺泡液和血液乳酸脱氢酶(LDH-L)、碱性磷酸酶(ALP)浓度。结果(1)D组的动脉氧分压(PaO2)、动脉二氧化碳分压(PaCO2)、pH、实际重碳酸盐(AB)、过剩碱(BE)、呼吸频率、潮气量值与其余两组比较有显著差异(P<0.01)。(2)A组和R组各时段PaO2、Pa-CO2、pH、AB、BE、潮气量、呼吸频率值与海水灌注前相比有显著差异(P<0.01)。(3)D组血流动力学和血气酸碱及电解质等指标与海水灌注前相比无统计学差异(P>0.05)。(4)三组海水灌注区肺组织损伤均明显,出现充血水肿,局部有暗红色片状改变和梗死出血灶,光镜下可见肺泡水肿、肺泡萎陷、肺间质充血水肿明显及大量中性粒细胞浸润和肺出血。电镜下可见肺泡Ⅱ型上皮细胞损伤、呼吸膜增宽、血小板附壁。(5)支气管纤维镜连续观察D组海水灌注区支气管有不同  相似文献   
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