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168名女性服务人员STD/AIDS感染及相关性行为调查   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
20 0 0年对涟源市、冷水江市、新化县 3县 (市 )美容美发按摩厅、旅店、餐馆的 168名服务人员进行了 STD/AIDS及相关性行为调查。检出 STD10 1例 ,患病率 60 .12 % ,患病者主要是文化程度低的年轻未婚女性 ,通过与 168名调查对象深入交谈还发现 ,83 .93 %有婚前性行为 ,其中 12 .5 0 %系商业性性行为。  相似文献   
性传播疾病与乙型和丙型肝炎病毒感染的Logistic分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨在女性性服务工作者(FCSW)人群中,沙眼衣原体、奈瑟氏淋病双球菌、梅毒、单纯疱疹病毒和人类乳头瘤病毒感染是否是乙型和丙型肝炎病毒感染的独立危险因素。方法以深圳市妇女收容教育所新收教FCSW为研究对象,按血清中HBsAg和Anti-HCV的结果进行分组,设置人群内对照,进行病例对照研究。结果经Logistic多因素分析,乙型肝炎组中单纯疱疹病毒感染项:χ2=4.204(Wald),P=0.040,有统计学意义,Exp(β)=4.084(95.0%CI:1.064~15.677);丙型肝炎组中单纯疱疹病毒感染项:χ2=5.137(Wald,P=0.023,有统计学意义,Exp(β)=8.554(95.0%CI:1.337~54.740)。结论在FCSW中,单纯疱疹病毒感染是HBV和HCV感染的独立危险因素,其比数比OR分别为4.084和8.554。  相似文献   
目的:研究妇女妊娠合并性传播疾病(STD)与致病病原体的关系以及该病对母体与胎儿的影响;方法:应用实验室检查证实所患STD的病原体,找出感染率较高的病种,为临床工作提供依据和指导;结果:妊娠合并性传播疾病,易发生胎膜早破、羊膜腔内感染、胎儿宫内生长迟缓、早产、产后感染及新生儿感染等疾病;结论:产前最好在孕早期进行STD实验室检查,STD检查应列入常规筛查。  相似文献   
昆明地区1766例STD门诊就诊者HIV感染状况   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
目的 了解近年来STD门诊就诊者HIV感染状况。方法 对 1998年~ 2 0 0 2年在本科STD门诊就诊的 1766例患者血液标本进行了抗HIV 2抗体的检测 ,用明胶颗粒凝集试验作初筛试验 ,蛋白印迹检测法作确证试验。结果 检出HIV阳性 16例 ,阳性率 0 .91% ;男女之比为 3∶1;年龄分布在 17~ 56岁之间 ;其中静脉吸毒 9例 ,性传播 5例 ,输血传播 1例 ,可能因使用消毒不合格注射器传播 1例 ;个体经营者及工人感染人数最多 ;文化程度以初中为主 ;HIV阳性者中合并梅毒 1例。结论 HIV感染正从静脉吸毒人群向一般人群传播  相似文献   
Objective   To evaluate the value of a urine sample for diagnosing Chlamydia trachomatis infection in an STD clinic in a prospective study of samples collected from 410 consecutive STD patients (167 female and 243 male).
Methods   Urine samples were tested by enzyme immunoassay (EIA) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in comparison with cervical and/or urethral swabs tested by PCR and cell culture. A questionnaire was completed for a total of 320 patients concerning symptoms, and determining whether they were controls, contacts or were being tested subsequent to legal abortion.
Results   The overall prevalence of C. trachomatis infection was 11.5%. At least 40% of patients were asymptomati c . Of the C. trachomatis -positive patients, 85% were diagnosed by testing urine, compared to 91% by testing swabs. For urine tests, the sensitivities of PCR were 66.7% and 71.9% for female and male patients, respectively, and the sensitivities of EIA were 40.0% and 62.5%, or 46.7% and 71.9%, for female and male patients, respectively, by including a 30% gray zone below the cut-off value. For swabs, the sensitivities of PCR were 93.3% and 87.5% for female and male patients, respectively, and equal to the sensitivities of culture. In total, 3.3% of controls and 35% of contacts were found to be C. trachomatis positive.
Conclusion   The use of urine samples for the diagnosis of C. trachomatis infections was effective, but urine samples should be additional to conventional swab(s) instead of replacing. Partner notification and a confirmation of cure is recommended.  相似文献   
如何促进性病患者正确的求医行为对于性病的控制,减少并发症和后遗症及延缓HIV的流行具有重要作用。本文通过对278例(男217例、女61例)门诊性病患者的调查分析表明影响患者规则治疗的主要因素是性别(F=4.35P=0.038)和文化程度(F=7.68P=0.006);影响患者早期治疗的主要因素是性别(F=21.52P=0.0001)、文化程度(F=0.53P=0.0111)和婚姻状况(F=2.72P=0.0982)。本文就有关因素进行了分析讨论。  相似文献   
本文进一步报告了用建立的微孔板药敏法对225份泌尿生殖道中分离的45株人型支原体和解脲支原作进行药敏性测定的结果。2种支原体对四环素、二甲胺四环素、强力霉素、洁霉素、克林霉素、红霉素、角沙霉素、氧氟沙星8种抗生素的微孔板最小抑菌浓度均值分别为6.72;4.95;2.79;4.76;2.89:2.48;4.36:10.44;2.95;7.55;9.72;4.69;3.12;2.83;2.36;2.34(mg/L),稍高于试管法MIC的均值。根据测定结果,建议对上述两种支原体的临床治疗应首选二甲胺四环素、强力霉素、角沙霉素和氧氧沙星,其他4种对两种支原体有效的抗生素应根据药敏实验的结果选用。作者认为微孔药敏法具有明显的优越性,宜于支原作临床检验室采用。  相似文献   
本文报告了用建立的微孔药敏法,分别以2mg/L、8mg/L、≥16mg/L时的抑制做为筛选对泌尿生殖道支原体的敏感、中度敏感、耐药的标准,筛选了8种对泌尿生殖道支原体有治疗作用的抗生素。结果表明:盐酸二甲胺四环素、强力霉素、氧氟沙星对人型和解脲支原体均有强的抑制作用;角沙霉素、洁霉素、克林霉素对人型支原体有抑制作用,而对解脲支原体多株耐药;红霉素对解脲支原体有中度抑制作用;四环素对两种支原体有中度抑制作用。本文也探讨了混合性支原体标本对微孔药敏的影响,虽然耐药株可掩盖敏感株的药敏测定水平,但可测出其共同药敏谱,有实际价值。认为这种简化的方法可做为常规泌尿生殖道支原体实验室的实用药敏方法。  相似文献   
For the purpose of control of STDs and AIDS, WHO has recommended the syndromic approach to prompt and complete diagnosis and treatment of diseases, In antenatal and family planning clinic attendees (a low STD prevalence population), the use of signs and symptoms and the risk assessment can be evaluated as a screening tool to manage infections factors (RTIS ) in women.  相似文献   
Many studies of the interaction between phagocytes and mycoplasmas have given controversial results. This is probably due both to the small size of the microorganisms and their ability to attach to the cell membrane, making it difficult to distinguish between adsorption and ingestion. To overcome these difficulties we took advantage of a phenomenon we noted occuring concomitantly with phase-contrast microscope-monitored phagocytosis of heat-killed C. albicans, i.e., a reduction of [3H]uridine uptake by macrophages from culture medium. This approach allowed us to measure the ability of mouse peritoneal macrophages and the macrophage-like P 388 D 1 continuouscell line to phagocytose Mycoplasma pneumoniae and Acholeplasma laidlawii. Live, UV-killed and specific antiserum-opsonized mycoplasmas were tested. A. laidlawii was ingested under all the conditions mentioned above, while live M. pneumoniae was not phagocytosed unless UV-killed. Phagocytosis of UV-killed M. pneumoniae was directly verified by transmission electron microscopy studies. Data obtained with opsonized M. pneumoniae indicated no ingestion by mouse peritoneal macrophages and incomplete phagocytosis with P388 D 1 macrophages, suggesting that different responses by different types of phagocytes can be observed. In spite of a lack of information concerning the biological meaning of the inhibition of macrophage RNA metabolism during phagocytosis, our data suggest that this phenomenon may be used to study the phagocytosis of microorganisms which are difficult to visualize.  相似文献   
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