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目的 应用最新光子嫩肤设备治疗亚洲人皮肤的由光损伤导致的各种表现 ,新的设备中配备了 5 6 0nm的治疗手具和接触冷却 ,以改进疗效。方法 用光子嫩肤配合接触冷却共治疗了 73例患者 ,每例治疗 5次或 5次以上 ,每次治疗的间隔为 3~ 4周。在第 3次和第 5次治疗后 ,患者和医生对疗效进行评价。评价内容包括 5个方面 :色素沉着、毛细血管扩张、细小皱纹、皮肤质地和总体改善情况。此外还进行了皮肤组织病理学检查。结果 改善程度按照百分比划为 5个等级 ,分别评价色素沉着的改善、毛细血管扩张减轻、细小皱纹减轻、皮肤质地好转和总体改善的程度。患者和医生的主观评价进行合并 ,计算平均结果。治疗 5次后 ,80 %以上的患者色素沉着、毛细血管扩张、细小皱纹、皮肤质地和总体改善程度均达到了 6 0 %。皮肤组织病理学检查发现Ⅰ型胶原和Ⅲ型胶原染色增强。结论 应用最新光子嫩肤仪在亚洲人的嫩肤治疗中表明该疗法不仅有效 ,而且比其他有损伤性治疗发生的合并症少 ,安全有效  相似文献   
Skin pigmentation results in part from the transfer of melanized melanosomes synthesized by melanocytes to neighboring keratinocytes. Plasma membrane lectins and their glycoconjugates expressed by these epidermal cells are critical molecules involved in this transfer process. In addition, the derivative of vitamin B(3), niacinamide, can inhibit melanosome transfer and induce skin lightening. We investigated the effects of these molecules on the viability of melanocytes and keratinocytes and on the reversibility of melanosome-transfer inhibition induced by these agents using an in vitro melanocyte-keratinocyte coculture model system. While lectins and neoglycoproteins could induce apoptosis in a dose-dependent manner to melanocytes or keratinocytes in monoculture, similar dosages of the lectins, as opposed to neoglycoproteins, did not induce apoptosis to either cell type when treated in coculture. The dosages of lectins and niacinamide not affecting cell viability produced an inhibitory effect on melanosome transfer, when used either alone or together in cocultures of melanocytes-keratinocytes. Cocultures treated with lectins or niacinamide resumed normal melanosome transfer in 3 days after removal of the inhibitor, while cocultures treated with a combination of lectins and niacinamide demonstrated a lag in this recovery. Subsequently, we assessed the effect of niacinamide on facial hyperpigmented spots using a vehicle-controlled, split-faced design human clinical trial. Topical application of niacinamide resulted in a dose-dependent and reversible reduction in hyperpigmented lesions. These results suggest that lectins and niacinamide at concentrations that do not affect cell viability are reversible inhibitors of melanosome transfer.  相似文献   
Scar pigmentation changes throughout its maturation process and it is often used as one of the indicators for scar maturation, yet it is often rated subjectively. The purpose of this study was to investigate the application of a commercial spectrocolorimeter to produce a reliable measurement on scar pigmentation. Commission Internationale de l’Eclairage (CIE) model of color has been adopted in this study for measurement of scar pigmentation 24 patients with hypertrophic scars at different stages of maturation were selected for the study, were inspected by two therapists using the Vancouver scar scale (VSS) and then using spectrocolorimeter for inter-rater reliability. The measurements were taken after 30 min by the same group of therapists (test–retest reliability). Results indicated that the inter-rater reliability among the three therapists was satisfactory, with intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) (2, 2) from 0.50 to 0.99 in all the three color parameters. The test–retest reliability of the spectrocolorimeter was satisfactory with ICC (3, 6) ranged from 0.95 to 0.99. A significant difference was also noted between the measurements of normal skin and hypertrophic scar (P<0.00, t-values: from 2.78 to 0.05, d.f.: from 29.7 to 46.00) in all color parameters, except the chroma C*. We also found a positive relationship between VSS scores and the spectrocolorimeter readings. The spectrocolorimeter is found to be a reliable instrument to quantify scar pigmentation and to differentiate normal skin and scar tissue. With further studies, the constructs of scar properties could further be explored using this spectrocolorimeter.  相似文献   
6例色素性神经纤维瘤中男3例,女3例,年龄8~55岁.6例患者的皮损均表现为褐色斑片或斑块,3例皮损位于左颈部及躯干、四肢,1例皮损位于右腋窝及左上臂,1例皮损位于左前臂伸侧,1例皮损位于腰臀部,皮损2 cm×3 cm至30 cm×40 cm.3例合并Ⅰ型神经纤维瘤病.皮损组织病理主要表现为表皮轻度角化过度,基底层色素增加,真皮和皮下脂肪组织内可见肿瘤细胞呈弥漫性分布,肿瘤组织无包膜,主要由大量的梭形细胞构成.肿瘤组织中散在或簇集状分布黑素细胞,胞质内可见黑素颗粒.免疫组化显示S100(+)和波形蛋白(+).6例患者均未治疗.色素性神经纤维瘤少见,临床和组织病理上,需与Becker痣、先天性黑素细胞痣、色素性隆突性皮肤纤维肉瘤等鉴别.  相似文献   
【摘要】 目的 对2个遗传性对称性色素异常症(DSH)家系进行家系调查并基因检测。方法 收集2家系DSH先证者及其家族成员的临床资料,同时采集先证者及其父母和100名无亲缘关系健康对照的外周血标本,应用二代皮肤靶向测序包检测基因突变,再用Sanger测序验证。结果 例1男,双手背、足背5岁时出现散在粟粒大小色素沉着斑和色素减退斑,母亲有类似表现。患者及母亲ADAR基因5号外显子检测到1个新的c.1970dupT(p.F657fs)杂合移码突变,父亲未检测到该突变。例2男,面颈部、腰背部、臀部、双下肢及双手足背夹杂分布米粒至黄豆大小褐色沉着斑和色素减退斑,父亲有类似表现,患者及父亲ADAR基因7号外显子检测到1个已知c.2433_2434delAG(p.T811fs)杂合移码突变,母亲未检测到该突变。无亲缘关系的100例健康对照均未发现上述突变。结论 本研究在DSH患者中检测到1个新的ADAR突变位点c.1970dupT。  相似文献   
目的观察308 nm高能准分子光联合自体表皮细胞移植治疗面部稳定期白癜风的效果。方法选择面部稳定期白癜风90例,随机均分为A、B、C 3组。A组予308 nm高能准分子光联合自体表皮细胞移植治疗,B、C组分别仅予308 nm高能准分子光治疗和自体表皮细胞移植治疗,3个月后评价临床疗效并观察不良反应发生情况。结果总有效率A组(96.7%)高于B、C组(76.7%、86.7%),差异均有统计学意义(χ2=3.81,P0.01;χ2=5.49,P0.05);C组高于B组,差异亦有统计学意义(χ2=4.20,P0.05)。3组不良反应均轻微,均可自行缓解。结论 308 nm高能准分子光联合自体表皮细胞移植治疗面部稳定期白癜风疗效显著、起效快、不良反应少,值得推广应用。  相似文献   
电磁波配合氨基酸电疗水治疗面部黑斑   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探索有效的治疗面部皮肤黑斑的方法。方法:采用磁性电波配合氨基酸电疗水的方法对278例患者进行治疗。结果:采用此方法有效率达60.07%,明显高于常用的治疗方法,且反弹率低于常用方法。结论:此方法具有安全、无后遗症等优点,可以认为是目前治疗面部皮肤黑斑的一种安全有效的方法。  相似文献   
The two genes SLC24A5 and SLC45A2 were recently identified as major determinants of pigmentation in humans and in other vertebrates. The allele p.A111T in the former gene and the allele p.L374F in the latter gene are both nearly fixed in light-skinned Europeans, and can therefore be considered ancestry informative marker (AIMs). AIMs are becoming useful for forensic identification of the phenotype from a DNA profile sampled, for example, from a crime scene. Here, we generate new allelic data for these two genes from samples of Chinese, Uygurs, Ghanaians, South African Xhosa, South African Europeans, and Sri Lankans (Tamils and Sinhalese). Our data confirm the earlier results and furthermore demonstrate that the SLC45A2 allele is a more specific AIM than the SLC24A5 allele because the former clearly distinguishes the Sri Lankans from the Europeans.  相似文献   
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