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目的 通过分析近十年中国疾病预防控制中心某直属事业单位(以下简称“某疾控机构”)研究生毕业、就业情况、留京情况等,了解近十年某疾控机构毕业、就业的特点和现状,为今后的人才培养和就业指导提供依据。方法 本研究利用某疾控机构2011—2020届研究生毕业生就业台账数据,采用SPSS统计学软件对数据进行分析,分析毕业研究生的毕业及就业情况。结果某疾控机构2011—2020十年间多个专业共有167名研究生毕业,其中博士69和硕士98名。博士生中定向培养学生与非定向培养学生人数比较无显著性差异,延期毕业学生均为博士毕业研究生,其中定向培养学生延期人数显著高于定向培养学生延期人数。十年间毕业学生就业率为100%,继续深造学生占毕业生总数的5.84%,事业单位仍是毕业生主要就业方向,占毕业生去向的62.02%,但近几年就业去向有所变化,国有企业及其它类型企业就业人数有所增长。博士毕业生离京就业有所变化。结论 需要进一步加强学生培养管理工作,同时依据毕业生就业意向、行业发展现状等状况,对毕业生进行个性化的指导和服务。  相似文献   
针对目前门诊医保管理不规范的问题,如收费项目医保类别标识不清、类别错误、诊断开写不规范、医保政策宣传不到位等,医保定点医院应以持卡结算为契机,通过全面优化HIS功能、反复培训医务人员、加强政策宣传解读、增大自我监管力度、完善门诊应急管理、及时反馈运行情况等措施加强门诊医保规范化管理,不断提高门诊管理水平,为参保患者提供优质服务。  相似文献   
目的了解上海市医疗机构对医患纠纷协商解决的机构设置和处理机制,为进一步完善医患纠纷解决办法提供参考。方法采用自行设计的调查问卷,对上海市30家医疗机构进行调查。调查内容包括医疗机构处理医患纠纷的内部机构设置及人员状况、2007和2008年度医疗机构通过协商方式解决医患纠纷的数量、医疗机构对协商处理医患纠纷的认知等。结果 30家医疗机构均设置了医患纠纷处理部门,共配置工作人员63人,其中15家(50%)配备了专职工作人员。30家医疗机构在2007和2008年度通过协商方式解决的医患纠纷数量分别占88.5%和90.1%。发生纠纷时,有24家(80.0%)医疗机构愿意通过协商解决;25家(83.3%)表示为了维护社会稳定需要而采用协商解决的方式;21家(70.0%)医疗机构选择依双方妥协后意见确定赔偿数额;29家(96.7%)选择书面形式订立协议,21家(70.0%)由医疗机构拟订协议内容。结论医疗机构设置医患纠纷处理部门对构建和谐的医患关系具有一定的现实意义,医疗机构应加强对医患纠纷协商解决的机构建设,完善处理机制。  相似文献   
启东(崇明)大生第二纺织公司为张謇所创办,1907年投产,当时是一座拥有3000职工的苏北第二大厂。它曾有十年辉煌时期,后经营不善,借贷无门停产,1935年被迫清算由银行拍卖,1941年因抗日战争迁机器拆厂房,原址已荡然无存。该厂是旧中国民族纺织企业遭遇的一个缩影。根据它留下的大量档案资料,重新整理历年资产负债表和损益表,以大量数据和史实为依据,以探索其成功的经验和失败的教训。  相似文献   
目的:为患者提供快捷服务,不断优化服务流程,探索新的出院结算方式。方法:运用现代管理手段和结算方式,通过业务流程再造构建一套完整的床旁结算管理体系。结果:床旁结算优化了服务流程,通过床旁结算条件、信息系统设计、会计控制、报表控制等内部控制措施保证了资金安全和可操作性。结论:为促进医院实现“零排队”提供了一种有效途径。  相似文献   
Urban informal settlements are often under-recognized in national and regional surveys. A lack of quality intra-urban data frequently contributes to a one-size-fits-all public health intervention and clinical strategies that rarely address the variegated socioeconomic disparities across and within different informal settlements in a city. The 2010 Brazilian census gathered detailed population and place-based data across the country's informal settlements. Here, we examined key socio-demographic and infrastructure characteristics that are associated with health outcomes in Rio de Janeiro with the census tract as the unit of analysis. Many of the city's residents (1.39 million people, 22 % of the population) live in informal settlements. Residents of census tracts in Rio de Janeiro's urban informal areas are younger, (median age of 26 versus 35 years in formal settlements), and have less access to adequate water (96 versus 99 % of informal households), sanitation (86 versus 96 %), and electricity (67 versus 92 %). Average per household income in informal settlement census tracts is less than one third that of non-informal tracts (US\$708 versus US\$2362). Even among informal settlements in different planning areas in the same city, there is marked variation in these characteristics. Public health interventions, clinical management, and urban planning policies aiming to improve the living conditions of the people residing in informal settlements, including government strategies currently underway, must consider the differences that exist between and within informal settlements that shape place-based physical and social determinants of health.  相似文献   
针对跨省异地就医实时结算的支付模式难以界定的现状,分析了处理跨省异地医保实时医保结算时必须解决的3项关键问题,提出了可供选择的解决方案,为实现跨省异地就医医保实时结算进行了有益的探索。课题的实施对于推动跨省卫生协同服务水平的提高具有重大意义。  相似文献   
目的结合住院费用审核与结算工作特点,践行信息化建设,提高住院费用审核与结算工作质量和效率。方法基于"军字一号"工程,研发、整合相关系统,利用信息手段优化工作流程。结果通过开展信息化,实现住院费用审核与结算规范化、科学化管理,工作质量和效率大大提高。结论随着数字化医院的深入发展,借助信息技术,促进医疗收费部门科学发展。  相似文献   
目的:通过建设广东省异地医保联网结算系统,解决参保人异地就医结算耗费时间长、报销手续繁琐的问题。方法:架设专用网络,对硬件和软件接口进行改造,使之满足系统要求。结果:该系统实现对参保人异地就医实时结算,有效地解决了异地就医难的问题。结论:异地医保联网结算系统是行之有效的,验证系统有广泛的适用性,对实现区域医疗起了很好的示范作用。  相似文献   
In engineering practice, due to the high compressibility and very low shear strength of organic soils, it is difficult to construct an embankment on organic subsoil. High variability and significant change in geotechnical parameters cause difficulties in predicting the behavior of organic soils under embankment loading. The aim of the paper was to develop empirical relationships used in the preliminary design for evaluating the settlement and undrained shear strength of organic subsoil loaded by embankment based on data obtained from four test sites. Statistical multiple regression models were developed for evaluating the settlement in time and undrained shear strength in time individually for peat and gyttja. Neural networks to predict the settlement and undrained shear strength in time for peat and gyttja simultaneously as double-layer subsoils as well as a separate neural network for peat and a separate neural network for gyttja as single-layer subsoils were also developed. The vertical stress, thickness, water content, initial undrained shear strength of peat and gyttja, and time were used as the independent variables. Artificial neural networks are characterized by greater prediction accuracy than statistical multiple regression models. Multiple regression models predict dependent variables with maximum relative errors of about 35% to about 60%, and neural networks predict output variables with maximum relative errors of about 25% to about 30%.  相似文献   
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