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Prevalence of antibody to human cytomegalovirus (CMV) was determined in a sample of 860 healthy children aged 1-13 years in Beer Sheva, in the Negev region of Israel. Three groups of children were tested: (1) urban Jewish children of low, middle, and high socioeconomic levels; (2) 8 rural communes (kibbutz) in which children live in close contact with each other from the 6th week of life under good hygienic conditions and a high standard of living; (3) Bedouin, seminomadic Arabs living in relatively poor hygienic conditions in the desert. Kibbutz children showed a significantly higher rate of CMV seropositivity by the second year of life than urban Jewish and Bedouin children (76% versus 44% and 54% respectively) with a gradual increase to 94% in the 10-13-year age group. Among children living in urban populations a significantly higher prevalence of CMV seropositivity was associated with crowding, but not with other socioeconomic indicators (place of residence, country of origin, or education level of parents). A marked rise of CMV seropositivity with age was found in urban Jewish children in the 2-5-year age group during which time they attend nurseries (44% to 67%) and in the Bedouin children in the 6-9-year age group (59% to 86%) when they first attend school. The data suggest that close contact is of major importance in CMV infection in childhood. The clinical implications of early acquisition and high prevalence of CMV antibodies in the kibbutz setting are discussed.  相似文献   
We conducted a longitudinal community cohort study of healthy adults in the UK. We found significantly higher incidence of influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 infection in 2010–11 than in 2009–10, a substantial proportion of subclinical infection, and higher risk for infection during 2010–11 among persons with lower preinfection antibody titers.  相似文献   
To estimate population exposure of apes and Old World monkeys in Africa to enteroviruses (EVs), we conducted a seroepidemiologic study of serotype-specific neutralizing antibodies against 3 EV types. Detection of species A, B, and D EVs infecting wild chimpanzees demonstrates their potential widespread circulation in primates.  相似文献   
目的:了解洞庭湖区洪灾后肾综合征出血热的动物宿主及人群隐性感染情况.方法:采用夹夜法捕鼠,应用免疫荧光技术检测鼠肺肾综合征出血热抗原及人血清肾综合征出血热抗体.采用非条件logistic回归分析探索人群肾综合征出血热隐性感染的危险因素.结果:灾区、邻灾区及新建移民点的鼠密度分别为6.95%,6.28%及8.67%;3地...  相似文献   
赣榆县儿童肠道病毒71型血清流行病学调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:了解赣榆县儿童肠道病毒71型(HEV71)抗体水平及自然感染状况,为预防控制儿童手足口病传播与流行提供依据。方法:2010年8月采集赣榆县2个乡镇400名1~15岁儿童、20名新生儿与其母血清标本,采用中和试验方法检测血清的HEV71中和抗体。结果:420名儿童中HEV71中和抗体阳性178人,阳性率为42.4%。阳性率与年龄有关,5月龄的儿童阳性率最低,随着年龄的增长,抗体阳性率及几何平均滴度先下降后上升,HEV71中和抗体几何平均滴度水平为1∶15.05,各年龄组间抗体阳性率、几何抗体平均滴度差异均有统计学意义;不同性别间儿童、高低发乡镇间儿童、新生儿与母亲间抗体阳性率、几何抗体平均滴度差异均无统计学意义。结论:赣榆县<3岁儿童是目前手足口病防控的重点人群。儿童在4~5月龄时是接种EV71疫苗的最佳时机。  相似文献   
目的 了解经过2008及2009年手足口病流行之后,福建省普通人群血清肠道病毒71型的抗体水平。方法 采集2010年福建省390名普通人群的血清标本,采用中和试验检测血清EV71中和抗体。结果 390名普通人群中和抗体阳性186人,阳性率47.69%。男女性别之间中和抗体阳性率及抗体滴度均没有统计学差异(χ2=0.42,P=0.52>0.05;U=-0.24,P=0.81>0.05)。各个年龄组之间的抗体阳性率及抗体滴度均有统计学差异(χ2=55.69,P=0.00<0.05;HC=50.36, P=0.00<0.05),抗体阳性率最低的为0~岁年龄组,为16.67%,抗体阳性率随年龄增大而增高。0~4岁年龄组的抗体阳性率为25.33%,5~年龄组的抗体阳性率为61.67%,两者之间的抗体阳性率及抗体滴度均有统计学差异(χ2=48.85, P=0.00<0.05;U=-6.39,P=0.00<0.05)。结论 经过2008及2009年手足口病流行之后,福建省普通人群血清肠道病毒71型的抗体水平仍较低,特别是0~4岁年龄组的儿童。今后福建省仍会出现EV71作为主要病原体之一引起的手足口病疫情,易感人群仍为5岁组以下儿童,应继续加强监测和防控。  相似文献   
From January to June 2008, a rubella outbreak involving 111 laboratory confirmed cases occurred in the Friuli Venezia Giulia (FVG) region of North‐Eastern Italy. The outbreak occurred initially in two residential homes for young adults disabled mentally and physically. Subsequently, the epidemic spread to the general population. Young adult cohorts were mostly affected and the mean age of the patients was 26.8 years; the majority of cases were male (73.8%), with a mean age of 26.6 years in males and 27.4 in females. Three pregnant women had a primary infection and two had their pregnancies terminated. Genotyping of 16 isolates showed the circulation of RUBV 2B, a genotype originating from Asia and South Africa and now present in Europe. In addition, molecular analysis revealed a well defined space‐temporal spread of two viruses showing distinct sequences. A seroepidemiological survey carried out in a city within the same geographical area showed that the proportion of women of childbearing age still susceptible to rubella virus was 5.5%, fairly close to the figure (<5%) expected by 2010. J. Med. Virol. 82:1976–1982, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
摘要:目的  了解住院患儿EB病毒(Epstein-Barr virus,EBV)的流行情况。方法 对2009 - 01 - 01—2009 - 12 - 31在重庆医科大学附属儿童医院临检中心应用酶联免疫吸附法(ELISA)行EBV衣壳抗原(EBVCA)血清学检查的结果进行全面调查,从性别、年龄及季节等方面统计EBV的感染情况。结果 18岁以下住院患儿EBV总体感染率为35.27%,新发感染率为12.66%。EBV的累积感染率随年龄增长逐渐增高,至学龄前期近半数儿童已发生感染,3~5岁为感染发生的高峰年龄。0~3个月、 > 3~6个月、 > 6~12个月、 > 1~2岁、 > 3~5岁、 > 6~12岁、 > 12~18岁的EBV累积感染率分别为27.70%(实际低于该值)、10.48%、14.13%、27.69%、44.61%、51.99%、57.34%;新发感染率分别为1.15%、1.25%、2.52%、12.55%、22.21%、18.55%、20.3%。3月及9~10月EBV的新发感染率较高,差异具有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。不同年龄阶段按性别比较EBV累积感染率及新发感染率除1~2岁组有差异外(P < 0.05),其余各组均无差异(P > 0.05)。结论 住院患儿EBV的感染率较国内的既往报道明显降低,学龄前儿童已有近半数发生感染,3~5岁为感染的高峰年龄段。 EBV的累积感染率及新发感染率无性别差异;3月及9~10月感染率较高。  相似文献   
1991~1993年,作者在甘肃省祁连山北麓铧尖地区和岷山北麓迭部地区作了莱姆病血清流行病学调查。方法采用酶联免疫吸附试验,检测血清1132份.检出阳性187份,阳性率16.52%,其中牦牛99份,检出阳性70份,阳性率70.70%;羊344份,检出阳性39份.阳性率为11.34%;高山草兔28份,检出阳性4份,阳性率为14.29%;喜玛拉雅旱獭41份,检出阳性9份,阳性率为21.95%;牧民及林业工人血清630份.检出阳性65份.阳性率为10.48%。  相似文献   
The Hepatitis E virus (HEV) is widespread throughout the world. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the time-related change of antibody levels against Hepatitis E in primary school children. In this cross sectional study, the samples of 515 students were examined at two times. The mean age of the students was 7(6-13) years. The seroprevalences of anti-HEV were 1.7% and 2.1% at the first and second visits respectively. There was no statistically significant differences between anti-HEV seropositivity and the parents' education and employment status (p >0.05). This serosurvey shows that there is not a high prevalence of enterically transmitted viral hepatitis in Ankara, Turkey, which is a situation similar to developed countries.  相似文献   
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