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Several indices have been introduced as convenient alternatives to calculation of the physiological shunt fraction (Qs/QT) for the assessment of pulmonary gas exchange. These include: the arterial-alveolar oxygen tension ratio (a/APO2), the arterial oxygen tension-inspired oxygen concentration ratio (PaO2/FIO2), the respiratory index (RI), [A-a)DO2/PaO2) and the alveolar-arterial oxygen tension difference [A-a)Do2). These indices are in use clinically despite the fact that they may not accurately predict gas exchange in situations where FIO2, Qs/QT or arterial-venous oxygen content is changing. The clinical stability of each of these indices, relative to the behaviour of the physiological shunt, was therefore investigated prospectively in ten mechanically ventilated postoperative adults as FIO2 was varied from 0.30 to 1.00. None of the indices studied reliably reflected the behaviour of the physiological shunt. As FIO2 was increased incrementally from 0.30 to 1.00, 42 to 55 per cent of the measured changes in these indices were opposite in direction to the corresponding changes in the physiological shunt. The maximum magnitudes of the opposite changes were substantial; 24 and 22 per cent for the a/APO2 and PaO2/FIO2 ratio respectively, 67 per cent for the RI and 101 per cent for the (A-a)DO2. We conclude that the use of any of these indices for clinical assessment of a patient's gas exchange defect when FIO2 is varying can be substantially misleading.  相似文献   
Summary For determination of trace Se we used high-pressure wet digester to pretreat the specimens obtained from the human body. This method is very effective in preventing loss of Se by volatilization which often occurs in the sample pretreatment. We studied the method of using anodic stripping voltammetry at gold-disc electrode to measure the trace Se present in the human body and found it to be the optimal procedure. The detection limitation was about 2x10−8 g/L, the recovery rate of Se about 96.6±6,7 % , and the coefficient of variation CV = 7.0%.  相似文献   
【目的】研制一个计算机辅助的心血管信号检测和处理系统。【方法】本系统的硬件设计采用奔腾 Ⅱ / 2 33多媒体微机系统 ,多路模 /数转换器和心电电极、心音传感器、脉搏波传感器及由运算放大器等构成相关的放大器及滤波器。本系统采用可视化编程环境构建系统结构和功能模块设计的方法 ,基于多媒体技术和小波变换原理 ,在 32位Windows平台下 ,利用可视化编程语言VisualC 6 0和多媒体著作工具Authorware等进行系统的软件设计。【结果】本系统能完成心电、心音、脉搏波信号检测和处理 ,并将结果以图、文、声并茂的形式显示、打印或播放 ,还具有病案管理和心音听诊多媒体计算机辅助教学功能。【结论】它是一个新型的多功能心血管信号检测和处理系统。  相似文献   
烟酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸磷酸氧化酶是心血管系统中活性氧(reactive oxygen species,ROS)的主要来源,它包 括7种亚型并分别表达在不同的心血管细胞及其细胞器中,参与调节细胞增殖、迁移、分化、凋亡、衰老和炎症反应 等多种活动,其衍生的ROS参与高血压、动脉粥样硬化、糖尿病血管病变、心肌梗死后心室重构等多种心血管疾病 的病理过程。  相似文献   
The position of the body and use of the respiratory muscles in the act of rowing may limit ventilation and thereby reduce maximal aerobic power relative to that achieved in cycling or running, in spite of the greater muscle mass involved in rowing. This hypothesis was investigated for three groups of male subjects: nine elite senior oarsmen, eight former senior oarsmen and eight highly trained athletes unskilled in rowing. The subjects performed graded exercise to maximal effort on a rowing ergometer, cycle ergometer and treadmill while respiratory minute volume and oxygen consumption were monitored continuously. The VE at a given during intense submaximal exercise (greater than 75% of maximal ) was not significantly lower in rowing compared with that in cycling and treadmill running for any group, which would suggest that submaximal rowing does not restrict ventilation. At maximal effort, and for rowing were less than those for the other types of exercise in all the groups, although the differences were not statistically significant in the elite oarsmen. These data are consistent with a ventilatory limitation to maximal performance in rowing that may have been partly overcome by training in the elite oarsmen. Alternatively, a lower maximal VE in rowing might have been an effect rather than a cause of a lower maximal if maximal was limited by the lower rate of muscle activation in rowing.  相似文献   
The study investigated inflamatory responses in evolving myocardialinfarction. Fifteen patients with acute myocardial infarction,who had undergone balloon recanalization of the infarct-relatedcoronary artery within 4 h after onset of symptoms, were examined.Blood samples were obtained through the guiding catheter andfrom the pulmonary artery before and immediately after successfulrecanalization. After recanalization, plas from the pulmonaryartery was 47% (quartiles: l9%, 78; P =0·001) more chemotacticto neutrophils from normal donors than before recanalization.Furthermore, significant changes in neutrophil function werefound in the pulmonary artery. Compared to the values beforerecanalization, the nitroblue tetrazolium score rose by 31%(quartiles: 4%, 37% P=0·003), FMLP-stimulated superoxideanion production by 10% (quartiles: 0%, 39% P=0·020),and chemotaxis by 46% (quartiles: 0%, 81%, P=0·011),while neutrophil filterability decreased by 28% (quartiles:15%, 47%; P=0·010). No significant changes in neutrophilparameters were found in the arterial blood The study indicatesthat chemoattractants are released in the early reperfusionperiod of evolving myocardial infarction. These chemoattractantsmay act as inflammatory mediators causing neutrophil activation.  相似文献   
Mohler J  Hart SC 《Air medical journal》1994,13(11-12):479-482
INTRODUCTION: Traditional methods of determining blood pressure may be unreliable (auscultation or palpation) or unavailable (direct arterial cannulation) in the air medical environment. The authors investigated the combination of a pulse oximeter with a standard sphygmomanometer (blood pressure) cuff as an alternative method. METHOD: The pulse oximeter is applied to a finger on the same upper extremity on which a standard blood pressure cuff had been applied. A baseline blood pressure was obtained by palpation or an automated blood pressure device. One minute later, the systolic blood pressure (SBP) was determined by inflating the blood pressure cuff until the pulsatile display on the pulse oximeter was obliterated. This was taken as the systolic blood pressure. RESULTS: Complete data were obtained on 116 patients, with 223 data pairs. The SBP as obtained by the baseline method was strongly correlated with the SBP obtained by the pulse oximeter display obliteration method (r = 0.90, p < 0.001). CONCLUSION: The obliteration of the wave form display on a pulse oximeter is an accurate, convenient, inexpensive and readily available alternative method of determining SBP.  相似文献   
The term Munchausen syndrome by proxy is used to diagnose children presenting symptoms of an organic disorder resulting from manipulations initiated by their caretakers. Even in early infancy it happens that injuries are induced, and that drugs, poisons or medicine are administered in order to provoke and feign clinical symptoms of severe diseases. Exact data on prevalence are not available but it is obvious that Munchausen syndrome by proxy is a rare psychiatric disorder. There is a body of evidence that Munchausen syndrome by proxy is nothing but the extreme of a broader clinical entity for which the term factitious illness has been introduced. In this group children are included whose mothers invent a history of disease in order to produce symptoms without actually damaging their children. It is not well established whether such a distinction is necessary and whether there are differences in long-term outcome. Onset of symptoms is as early as three weeks up to twelve years, and mean age of diagnosis according to a more comprehensive study is 3 1/4 year. The estimated mortality rate of children with Munchausen syndrome by proxy is 9 percent. In three of the four cases of children reported here clinical presentations were dominated by symptoms of central nervous disorders. All mothers showed unsure and inconsistent parental behaviour and inefficient coping. None of them received support from their partners, if present. In interaction the children always wanted to dominate their mothers. The high amount of personality disorders observed in the caretakers might be the reason for the often reported failure of psychotherapeutic interventions.
Zusammenfassung Die Diagnose Münchhausen Stellvertreter Syndrom wird bei Kindern gestellt, die Symptome einer organischen Erkrankung zeigen, die durch Manipulationen von Eltern oder anderen Sorgeberechtigten hervorgerufen werden. Vielfach werden bereits im frühen Kindesalter den Kindern Verletzungen beigebracht, Drogen, Gifte oder Medikamente verabreicht, um die klinischen Merkmale schwerer Erkrankungen vorzutäuschen. Obwohl genaue Angaben zur Häufigkeit fehlen, kann man insgesamt von einer seltenen Störung ausgehen. Es gibt zahlreiche Hinweise dafür, daß es sich beim Münchhausen Stellvertreter Syndrom um die seltene, aber sehr schwere Ausprägungsform in einer größeren Gruppe von Störungen gleichartigen klinischen Bildes handelt, für die man den Begriff der vorgetäuschte Störungen geprägt hat. In dieser Gruppe werden auch die Kinder erfaßt, deren Mütter ausschließlich Symptome und eine zugehörige Krankheitsgeschichte erfinden, die aber keine körperlichen Eingriffe (einschließlich Drogen- und Medikamentenverabreichung) vornehmen, um organische Symptome zu simulieren. Unklar ist, ob eine solche Unterscheidung notwendig und hilfreich ist. Bisher fehlen Hinweise auf Unterschiede in der Prognose im Langzeitverlauf zwischen den Untergruppen. Die Symptomatik eines Münchhausen Stellvertreter Syndroms konnte bereits bei Kindern im Alter von 3 Wochen beobachtet werden und wurde noch bei 12jährigen gefunden. In einer größeren Studie wurde ein mittleres Alter von 3 3/4Jahren für den Zeitpunkt der Diagnosestellung ermittelt. Die Sterblichkeitsrate wird auf 9 Prozent geschätzt. Bei den vier Kindern, über deren Symptomatik hier berichtet wird, standen bei drei zentralnervöse Störungen im Vordergrund. Drei Mütter gaben zusätzlich den Verdacht des sexuellen Mißbrauchs ihrer Kinder an. Die motivationalen Aspekte lassen deudiche Unterschiede erkennen. Bei drei Müttern bestand der Wunsch nach Schutz des Kindes vor realem oder vermeintlichem sexuellem Mißbrauch des Kindes. Alle Mütter hatten mindestens eine gescheiterte eheliche Beziehung. Im Erziehungsverhalten wirkten sie unsicher, inkompetent und inkonsistent; von ihren Partnern, sofern vorhanden, erhielten sie keine erzieherische Unterstützung. In der Mutter-Kind Interaktion vermochten die Kinder über die Mütter zu dominieren. Der hohe Anteil an Persönlichkeitsstörungen bei den hier beschriebenen Sorgeberechtigten könnte der Grund für das häufig berichtete Scheitern psychotherapeutischer Interventionen sein.

Résumé On parle de Syndrôme de Munchausen par procuration chez des enfants, qui présentent des troubles organiques résultant de manipulations de leurs responsables éducatifs. Des blessures, l'administration de médicaments, de drogues ou de poison — même chez des enfants très jeunes — ont pour effet de provoquer et simuler un tableau clinique sévère. Il s'agit d'un désordre psychiatrique rare — les chiffres exacts de prévalence sont difficiles à évaluer. Le Syndrome est décrit chez l'enfant à partir de l'âge de trois semaines jusqu'à 12 ans. L'âge moyen est de trois ans et quart. La mortalité chez les enfants porteurs d'un syndrome de Munchausen par procuration est estimé à 9%. Dans trois des quatre cas présentés le tableau clinique est dominé par des symptômes d'ordre neurologique. De manière supplémentaire trois mères rapportent un abus sexuel de leurs enfants. Les mères se caracterisent par leur incompétence et inconséquence éducative; souvent elles sont sans soutien éducatif de leur partenaire. Dans l'interaction mère — enfant les enfants ont un comportement dominant envers leur mère. La non-efficacité des interventions psychothérapeutiques peut être liée a un pourcentage élevé de troubles de la personnalité chez les parents.
FY-120型小型制氧机的氧产量为2L/min、氧浓度≥90%,整个程序控制系统用自行研制的一个双向模拟移动功能阀实现,结构独特,流程先进。整机体积小,重量轻;工作性能可靠,全自动运行;开机即产氧,噪音低。是医院病房和家庭医疗保健的理想装置。  相似文献   
目的 :用化学发光法检测O2 、CO2 、CO和正庚烷 (CxHy)四种气体对离体家兔肺泡巨噬细胞 (AM )的直接效应。 方法 :将AM悬液暴露于上述气体 ,不同时间检测用PMA激发的细胞发光及其存活率。结果 :培养在 99.5 %N2 (0 .5 %O2 )中的AM受激发光仅能维持 10h ;高浓度O2 、CO2 、CO和CxHy具有刺激或增强AM发光之效应 ;含 16 %O2 、1.9%CO2 、46mg/m3 CO和 176mg/m3 CxHy的模拟潜艇混合气体未见对AM激发光功能和存活率产生不利影响。结论 :空气氧含量对细胞十分重要 ,提高氧浓度有利于细胞存活 ,但氧浓度 >16 %和 <2 0 %的低氧还原性气体环境更有利细胞长时间生存。  相似文献   
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