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对郑州地区淡色库蚊越冬的生态生理学进行了研究。结果表明,越冬场所的微小气候特点是温暖(≥4.9℃)、潮湿(RH≥65.6%)、光线较暗(光照度2.0~5.2 Lux)、避风(风速≤0.25 m/s),与同时的大气候条件存在较大的差异。越冬过程中由于气候及生理方面的原因,导致蚊虫大量死亡。滞育的发生、持续、深化及解除与当地光照时间(日长)及气温的规律性变化密切相关。卵巢第Ⅰ卵泡最大横径与原卵区最大横径之比为1.53~1.97,故自然界的蚊虫一般处在浅滞育状态。越冬蚊的繁殖和生存潜能是较大的,经产蚊能否越冬尚需进一步观察。  相似文献   
上腔静脉逆行灌注救治体外循环期间动脉大量气栓   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 介绍3例上腔静脉逆行灌注治疗体外循环(CPB)期间动脉大量气栓的体会。方法发生气栓时立即停止心肺转流,以小于25mmHg的压力行上腔静脉逆行灌注,排尽气体。再恢复正常的心肺转流。术后辅以镇静、脱水、大剂量皮质激素及人工冬眠等治疗。结果3例患者均痊愈出院,分别随访1个月-7年,均未遗留神经系统后遗症。结论上腔静脉逆行灌注救治CPB期间动脉大量气栓确实有效,应在气栓发生后立刻施行,必要时还可辅以人工冬眠疗法。  相似文献   
目的 比较湖北钉螺指名亚种与滇川亚种对低温的适应性差异。方法 野外分别采集江西省星子县新池乡的湖北钉螺指名亚种和四川省天全县新华乡的滇川亚种钉螺,选取经逸蚴法检测为阴性且活力好的成体螺为研究对象,在冬季将其置于人工气候箱中饲养,起始饲养温度为13 ℃,按1 ℃/2 d的速率逐渐降低饲养温度,直至0 ℃。饲养温度每降低1 ℃,各取出一组钉螺测定其冬眠率及死亡率;另以湖北钉螺指名亚种为对象,用上述方法,在次年夏季重复实验。采用Probit回归分析方法分别计算两亚种、冬夏两季的半数冬眠温度(ET50 )并对其差异性进行比较。结果 四川省天全县的湖北钉螺滇川亚种与江西省星子县的湖北钉螺指名亚种的ET50及95%可信区间分别为0.483 ℃(-0.440 ℃~1.332 ℃)和2.435 ℃(1.695 ℃~3.146 ℃),两亚种ET50的95%的可信区间无重叠,有统计学差异;江西省星子县的湖北钉螺指名亚种在夏季和冬季的ET50及95%可信区间分别为2.046 ℃(1.331 ℃~2.745 ℃)和2.780 ℃(2.094℃~3.532 ℃),两者ET50的95%可信区间有重叠,无统计学差异。结论 湖北钉螺滇川亚种与指名亚种的ET50存在差异,湖北钉螺指名亚种夏季与冬季的ET50无差异。  相似文献   
腹泻型肠易激综合征与时间节点关系甚密,应抓住惊蛰、大暑两个关键节点,并应之与时.于惊蛰时分,疏风达肝,加柴胡疏风调肝,佐以少量羌活、紫苏、白芷、防风等风药,既针对其症,又可引药入经、以应其时.大暑之时,调气化湿,此时多取香薷、佩兰、广藿香等解暑化湿、调畅气机.抓住关键节点,及时调整治法,既可救弊于萌芽,达到"未病先防"...  相似文献   
陈带  梁岩  杨小波  陈肖艺 《河北医学》2005,11(8):690-691
目的:通过运动平板试验观察心脏介入(PCI)治疗急性心肌梗塞(AMI)心脏功能恢复和心肌缺血改善的情况。方法:对我院1999年至2003年接诊的的125例急性心肌梗塞病人在分别接受PCI治疗和药物治疗6个月后,运动平板试验时运动耐量和左心室功能的不同表现进行分析。结果:PCI治疗急性心肌梗塞后心脏功能恢复和心肌缺血改善有明确的疗效。结论:急诊PCI治疗不仅降低AMI的病死率和心脏意外事件的发生率,对心脏功能恢复和心肌缺血改善有明确的帮助,也改善AMI病人的预后和生活质量,疗效明显优于药物治疗组。  相似文献   
As part of our investigation of the plasticity of autonomic nerves in physiological and pathological conditions, we have examined the effect of hibernation on the neurochemical content of myenteric nerves and nerve cell bodies of the upper gastrointestinal tract of the non-seasonal hibernator, the golden hamster. Age matched hamsters kept at room temperature and those kept at 5°C but failed to hibernate, were used as controls. Possible changes in nerve fibers and nerve cell bodies containing the general neuronal marker, protein gene product 9.5, the peptides, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide, substance P (SP) and calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), the catecholamine synthesizing enzyme tyrosine hydroxylase and the enzyme responsible for synthesizing nitric oxide, nitric oxide synthase, were examined in the oesophagus, proventriculus and proximal and distal stomach of the golden hamsters using immunohistochemical techniques. The results of the present study revealed a significant increase in the number of nerve cell bodies and density of nerve fibers containing SP-immunoreactivity and increased number of CGRP-immunoreactive cell bodies but not the other markers examined in the proximal stomach and proventriculus. In contrast, there was no change in the distribution of any of the neuroactive substances examined in the myenteric plexus of the oesophagus and distal stomach. It is suggested that the change in the environment of the hibernating hamsters perturbs the normal digestive physiology in the proximal stomach and proventriculus that is reflected by the selective changes in SP- and CGRP-containing enteric nerves; these changes may be part of protective reflex mechanisms to the environmental changes resulting from hibernation, where upgrading of nerve cell bodies expessing CGRP and SP has occurred.  相似文献   
对自愿戒断海洛因依赖住院患者116例,分别用亚冬眠与美沙酮替代递减进行治疗。结果表明:亚冬眠和美沙酮替代递减之间效果存在着明显差异;后者能有效控制戒断症状,且容易递减和停药,病人依从性好,不影响病人意识,生活能自理,情绪平稳,副反应极少。  相似文献   
We studied species-specific characteristics of enterochromaffin cells in the duodenum in Siberian chipmunk in various physiological states. Predominance of synthetic or secretory phase in enterochromaffin cell activity depends on body temperature, metabolism, and feeding behavior.  相似文献   
Abstract.Background: Although electromechanical mapping has been used to assess cardiac physiology, interpretation is dependent upon the spatial variability of endocardial voltage and local shortening in normal and viable dysfunctional myocardium, which is currently unknown.Methods: NOGA mapping was performed in 13 pigs with an established model of viable dysfunctional myocardium produced by a chronic LAD stenosis, and five uninstrumented controls. Voltage maps (122 ± 7 points each) were obtained in the closed-chest anesthetized state, and 18F-2-deoxyglucose uptake and TTC staining confirmed viability.Results: There were systematic regional variations in voltage amplitude in both chronically-instrumented and control animals. Unipolar voltage was ~15% higher in LAD-supplied versus remote myocardium (10.8 ± 0.3 vs. 8.9 ± 0.4 mV, p < 0.001), with a similar relative difference in controls (14.0 ± 0.5 vs. 12.0 ± 0.4 mV, p < 0.02). In contrast, bipolar voltage was ~35% lower in the LAD territory of both groups (2.2 ± 0.2 vs. 3.5 ± 0.2 mV, p < 0.01 and 3.1 ± 0.3 vs. 5.1 ± 0.3 mV in controls, p < 0.01). The relative dispersion (SD/mean) of voltage was large, but significantly lower for unipolar versus bipolar measurements (39 ± 1% vs. 70 ± 2%, p < 0.001). Variability between hearts was partially related to end-systolic volume (r = 0.58, p < 0.05). Linear local shortening measurements were insensitive to detect anterior hypokinesis.Conclusions: Our data demonstrates significant regional and spatial heterogeneity of endocardial voltage and NOGA-derived linear shortening in normal and viable dysfunctional myocardium, with large confidence intervals for individual measurements. Even though the absence of necrosis in this model precludes assessment of the sensitivity and specificity of NOGA mapping to identify infarction, our findings highlight important methodological limitations in using electromechanical mapping to determine viability.Supported by the Department of Veterans Affairs, the American Heart Association, the Albert and Elizabeth Rekate Fund, NHLBI, the John R. Oishei Foundation and Biosense- Webster, Inc.  相似文献   
Objective: To explore the release of myocardial noradrenaline during acute hibernation. Methods: The hearts were gained from rats and set up as modified Langendorf preparations beating isometrically. They were perfused with modified Krebs-Henseleit buffer under controlled pressure. Mechanical measurements and coronary effluent were recorded simultaneously at 30min intervals for 150min. Lactate dehydrogenase in coronary effluent was assayed at the beginning, 60min and 120min low-flow ischemia. Noradrenaline in coronary effluent was determined at the beginning of low-flow and 120min of low-flow ischemia and also in control, during hibernation and after 30min reperfusion during stimulation, myocardial noradrenaline response on tyramine was investigated in absence or presence of desipramine after 30min reperfusion. Results: In the control, there was nosignificant chant in noradrenaline overflow during 120min perfusion; In the acute myocardial hibernation group, there was also nosignificant difference in noradrenaline overflow between the beginning and 120min low-flow ischemia. The electrical field stimulation-induced overflow of noradrenaline during hibernation myocardium was significantly less than preischemia or after reperfusion, but there was nosignificant difference between preischemia and reperfusion group. Tyramine induced significant noradrenaline release in absence of desipramine after 30min reperfusion, but this increase in noradrenaline release had nosignificant in the presence of desipramine. These studies indicated that there was not significant spontaneous noadrenaline overflow during acute myocardial hibernation in isolated rat hearts, the stimulation-induced noradrenaline overflow decreased during hibernation and restored to the level of preischemia after reperfusion, myocardial noradrenaline response to tyramine remained after 30min reperfusion. Conclusion: Myocardial noradrenaline overflow may not contribute to the development of acute myocardial hibernation and the function of sympathetic nerve may also maintain in hibernation as myocardium does during acute myocardial hibernation, reperfusion of myocardium may contribute to restoring the function of sympathetic nerve.  相似文献   
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