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目的:报道常染色体显性遗传性枕叶癫痫一家系6例。方法:对先证者进行详尽的临床、脑电图(EEG)、录像脑电图(Video—EEG)、头MRA观察。结果:此家系祖孙三代6例,男性女性均有发病,患者大多为8~15岁起病,主要症状为发作性视幻觉、偏身麻木、头痛、呕吐。先证者EEG、Video—EEG、头颅MRA未见异常,家系中继发全面性强直阵挛发作患者EEG见枕颞区异常放电。结论:该家系患者的临床表现、EEG均符合枕叶癫痫诊断,并排除了颅内占位性及血管性病变。该家系符合常染色体显性遗传规律。  相似文献   
Summary Using a battery of simple tests, psychomotor performance was assessed in 11 healthy subjects, 14 untreated epileptic patients and 66 epileptics on chronic anticonvulsant medication. Significant differences were found between controls and untreated patients for choice reaction time, card sorting and Simple Simon memory game. Treated patients performed less well than both untreated epileptics and controls in choice reaction time (p<0.05; p<0.001), card sorting (p<0.01; p<0.001), Simple Simon (p<0.05; p<0.001) and finger tapping (p<0.05; p<0.001). Patients with centrencephalic epilepsy were slower than those with discrete focal EEG abnormalities in reaction time and card sorting. Patients receiving treatment with carbamazepine, phenytoin or sodium valproate alone all performed similarly to each other and to those patients taking anticonvulsant polypharmacy. Monotherapy patients with potentially toxic plasma anticonvulsant concentrations did no worse than those within or below the therapeutic range. Both the disease and its treatment reduce psychomotor performance. All major anticonvulsants appear to cause a similar degree of impairment across a wide range of concentrations. The effect of chronic anticonvulsant medication on quality of life should not be neglected in the pursuit of perfect seizure control.  相似文献   
A clinical and electroencephalographic study of 107 neurologically normal children with partial seizures was undertaken to verify the existence and determine the frequency of epileptic syndromes reported in selected populations. Sixty-three children had simple partial seizures, 39 had complex partial seizures, and 5 children were unclassifiable. The syndrome of benign partial epilepsy of children with rolandic spikes (BPEC, 38 cases) was clearly identified and its uniformly benign final prognosis was confirmed even if some of these children had at times severe or poorly controlled seizures. Among the children with simple partial seizures outside the BPEC (25 cases) and complex partial seizures (39 cases), no homogeneous clinical or electroclinical subgroup could be found. Two children with benign partial epilepsy and myoclonic-astatic seizures ("atypical benign partial epilepsy of childhood") and one child with "benign epilepsy with occipital spike-waves" were identified. 74% of children with epilepsy with complex partial seizures (ECP) had a 1-year seizure-free interval, and many children with epilepsy with simple partial seizures outside the BPEC group (ESP) had no more than two seizures. A benign course is thus not limited to the BPEC but is difficult to predict. Prospective studies are necessary to confirm the existence of well-defined benign syndromes among the idiopathic partial epilepsies of childhood, which appear quite rare outside the BPEC.  相似文献   
A multicenter prospective investigation was conducted in 17 teaching and general hospital in Italy to assess the efficacy of the care delivered to previously untreated patients with epilepsy. 175 cases were included and allocated to monotherapy. Only 112 cases completed the first year of follow-up. Of these, 59 (52.7%) were completely controlled and 53 (47.3%) had one or more seizure relapses. Controlied and uncontrolled patients were compared with respect to the main variables believed to influence non-responsiveness to standard therapy. The proportion of cases with relapses was significantly associated with the number of seizures reported before treatment was started. Selected seizure patterns (absences, myoclonic seizures) and prolonged disease duration were also reported more frequently among patients with recurrences. The implications of these findings are discussed with respect to drug response and prognosis of epilepsy.
Sommario Il presente studio consiste in una indagine prospettica multicentrica condotta in 17 centri ospedalieri italiani sulla efficacia del trattamento e sulla prognosi della malattia in pazienti con epilessia alla prima diagnosi. Dei 175 casi ammessi allo studio, 112 hanno completato il primo anno di osservazione. Di questi, 59 (52,7%) risultavano completamente controllati e 53 (47,3%) avevano presentato una o più crisi durante il follow-up. Le principali variabili ritenute responsabili di una insoddisfacente risposta al trattamento vennero quindi esaminate nei due gruppi. Il rischio di recidiva di crisi risultava significativamente correlato al numero di crisi presentate prima del trattamento. Inoltre, i pazienti con crisi nel follow-up presentavano una maggior durata di malattia o specifici tipi di crisi (assenze, crisi miocloniche). Il significato di tali dati è discusso in riferimento alle modalità di trattamento e agli altri fattori implicati nella prognosi dell'epilessia.
150 children with Rolandic paroxysmal epilepsy (RPE) aged 3 to 12 years were followed up clinically and by EEG for 16 years. Antiepileptic drugs were administered initially for 2 years and then suspended for 6–12 months. Treatment was resumed in the 29 patients who had seizures during the drug-free interval and was maintained for a further 5 years.80.6% of all patients were in clinical remission after the 2-year treatment period. Some patients had seizures while on drugs, others during the drug-free interval. Seizure frequency declined with age. No seizures occured after the age of 14 or in the 8 years following final discontinuation of drug therapy. The need for prolonged drug treatment is therefore questioned.
Sommario 150 bambini affetti da Epilessia a Parossismi Rolandici, di età compresa tra i 3 e i 12 anni, sono stati tenuti sotto controllo clinico ed elettroencefalografico per un periodo di sedici anni.È stato effettuato un trattamento con farmaci antiepilettici per 2 anni. Dopo 6/12 mesi di wash-out farmacologico, in 29 pazienti che hanno manifestato crisi, la terapia farmacologica è stata ripristinata e mantenuta per 5 anni.Dopo i primi due anni di terapia, si è avuta una remissione clinica nell'80.6% dei casi. Alcuni pazienti hanno manifestato crisi durante l'assunzione della terapia, altri durante il periodo di wash-out. In ogni caso l'incidenza delle crisi diminuisce con il crescere dell'età dei pazienti. Al di sopra dei 14 anni non sono state registrate crisi, e l'osservazione durante gli otto anni successivi alla sospensione definitiva della terapia farmacologica non ha rivelato la comparsa di alcuna crisi.Viene quindi discussa la necessità di un trattamento farmacologico prolungato in corso di Epilessia a Parossismi Rolandici.
陈新 《华夏医学》2001,14(4):554-556
小儿热性惊厥有转化为癫痫的倾向,其机理可能与病理基因和惊厥造成的脑损伤有关,复杂型热惊厥,一级亲属中癫痫史及首次热惊厥前存在神经系统异常等是热性惊厥转为癫痫的危险因素,脑电图检查对预测热性惊厥患儿是否发生癫痫有一定意义,但相关性不大。  相似文献   
目的研究凋亡抑制剂TPCK是否能减少杏仁核内注射海人酸致痫大鼠的抽搐发作次数。方法一次抽搐定义为出现肢体阵挛或全身痉挛。给药组在海人酸注射前1h腹腔注射100mg/kg·b.w.TPCK,而对照组注射溶剂。自海人酸注射后第2周开始,对每只动物每天观察2h,每周观察5d,持续6周。以周为单位记录抽搐次数。6周后取海马组织计数CA3区活神经元数。结果在同一观察时段内,给药组和对照组的抽搐发作次数无显著性差异(P>0.1),但给药组海马CA3区存活神经元数显著高于对照组(P<0.05)。结论虽然凋亡抑制剂TPCK对海马CA3区神经元由海人酸引起的神经毒性有保护作用,但不能减少海人酸致痫大鼠的抽搐次数。  相似文献   
Sexual dysfunction is a well-known complication of chronic somatic illness. Eighty-six consecutive epileptic outpatients, 38 men and 48 women, without accompanying disorders, were studied. The frequency and symptoms of sexual dysfunction were compared with results from previous studies using identical sexological methodology. The previous studies were of diabetic patients and healthy controls. Eight percent of the epileptic men reported a sexual dysfunction compared to 44% of the diabetics and 13% of the controls. Epileptic women, diabetic women, and controls showed no significant differences in sexual dysfunction (29%, 28%, and 25%, respectively). In both sexes, the sexual function measured by frequencies of coitus and masturbation was normal. Most patients had good control of epileptic attacks on a treatment of monotherapy. Hormonal status was generally within normal limits in both men and women; only a few minor differences were found and they showed no correlation with sexual dysfunction. Psychologically and socially the patients did not differ appreciably from normals, and they exhibited a high degree of disease acceptance. This study, using a biopsychosocial approach in understanding sexual dysfunctions, is in contrast with previous, mainly uncontrolled, studies of epileptic patients that reported high frequencies of hyposexuality in males. We conclude that epilepsy does not necessarily increase the risk of sexual dysfunction in male or female.  相似文献   
Acute porphyria is rare in orientals. We describe a Chinese woman with recurrent generalised tonic-clonic seizures and abdominal pain. Genomic DNA studies identified a heterozygous base substitution from guanine to adenine at nucleotide position 503, resulting in substitution of arginine by histidine at position 168 of the protein (R168H). This genetic abnormality is similar to the mutation reported in Caucasians with variegate porphyria. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report in the English literature a Chinese patient with variegate porphyria with an identifiable mutation. A brief review of porphyria is presented.  相似文献   
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