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This paper reports an attempt to develop self-directed learning skills in second-year medical students by introducing case-based projects into the gross anatomy course at a long-established medical school. The programme and students' responses to a questionnaire completed at the end of the year are presented. Information on the various resources used by students to find information is given. The performance of students in the case-based components of the course has been evaluated and also in the more traditional end-of-year written examination. The data confirm that students have recognized that the projects were about obtaining a deeper understanding of the anatomy, and the programme appears to have promoted the use and study of library texts.  相似文献   
An improved sib-pair test for linkage is introduced which is superior to the previously proposed tests. The test is derived from the standard chi-squared goodness of fit statistic by restricting the alternative hypothesis to the genetically possible. Critical values are given and exact power comparisons are made with the previously proposed tests. The new test is shown to be more powerful for finite samples as well as being asymptotically uniformly most powerful. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
It has been postulated that patients with chronic renal failure,even in the absence of cardiopulmonary symptoms, accumulateinterstitial pulmonary fluid, which is removed by haemodialysis.To test this hypothesis we used the indocyanine green (ICG)-heavywater double indicator dilution method to measure lung water,cardiac output, and central blood volume in relation to haemodialysis.Ten uraemic patients, without cardiopulmonary symptoms, wereinvestigated at the beginning and end, and 2 h after, a regulardialysis session. A group of 18 surgical patients about to undergoelective abdominal surgery served as controls. Despite normalgas exchange, central blood volume, and cardiac output at thestart of dialysis the mean (SD) lung water was significantlyhigher than in the control group [4.8 (0.9) compared with 3.6(0.7) ml/kg, P<0.001]. There was no correlation between weightgain between sessions of dialysis and the magnitude of lungwater at the start of dialysis. Lung water decreased (P <0.001)to the level of the control group in response to dialysis. Therewas no correlation between weight loss and reduction in lungwater induced by dialysis. In conclusion, we have verified thepresence of subclinical pulmonary oedema which was removed bydialysis in a group of patients with established renal failure.The variations in lung water cannot be explained by hydrostaticmechanisms alone.  相似文献   
Summary Fifty-five patients with metastatic non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) were entered into this phase II randomized study for evaluating three new agents: gallium nitrate, amonafide and teniposide. The patients had to have ECOG performance status 0 or 1, no prior chemotherapy, and adequate hematological, hepatic and renal functions. Forty-seven patients were eligible and evaluable. Fourteen were randomized to receive gallium nitrate, 18 to amonafide and 15 to teniposide. Seventy-four percent of eligible patients were male. The majority of patients (89%) had an ECOG performance status 1. ECOG grade 4 toxicity occurred twice in patients on gallium nitrate, seven times on amonafide and 18 times on teniposide. The cause of death was attributed to amonafide in one patient (from sepsis) and to teniposide in two patients (due to infection and leukopenia). There was no objective response in all the patients entered. The overall survival times ranged from 2 weeks to 156 weeks with a median of 23 weeks. There were no survival differences among the three treatment arms. We conclude that gallium nitrate, amonafide and teniposide are inactive in metastatic NSCLC and do not warrant any further testing in this disease.The contents of this study is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Cancer Institute.  相似文献   
Although the adverse effect on pregnancy outcomes at high levels of lead exposure in the workplace has been recognized for years, there is uncertainty regarding the impact of exposure at the lower community exposure levels commonly encountered today. This review summarizes the epidemiologic literature and discusses pertinent methodologic issues and possible sources of interstudy variation. The authors conclude that prenatal lead exposure is unlikely to increase the risk of premature membrane rupture but does appear to increase the risk of preterm delivery. Whether prenatal lead exposure decreases gestational age in terms of infants is unclear. Prenatal lead exposure also appears to be associated with reduced birth weight, but results vary in relation to study design and degree of control for confounding. Adjustment for gestational age, a possible confounder of the birth weight-lead exposure association, did not yield clearer results.  相似文献   
MRI of the brain in chronic carbon monoxide poisoning   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We examined 13 patients with chronic carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI); all of them had been in an explosion in a coal mine 25 years previously. Symmetrical globus pallidus lesions were observed in 12, as was degeneration of the white matter, with focal cortical atrophy. The temporal parietal and occipital lobes were usually affected, the parietooccipital region being the most frequently and extensively damaged. Of the 12 patients with white matter degeneration 7 had definitely asymmetrical cortical and subcortical lesions. There were 6 patients with dilated temporal horns, probably due to atrophy of the hippocampal gyri. A history of CO inhalation and an awareness of the typical distributions of lesions are important for recognition of the effects of CO poisoning, especially when patients are in the chronic stage.  相似文献   
We describe how adverse drug reactions (ADRs) can play an important role in pharmaceutical research and drug development. Not only do ADRs represent the risks and drawbacks associated with drugs but they can also be related to other knowledge available in pharmaceutical and medical research. We offer a model that can be used to systematically map the pathways through which ADRs can lead to innovative research. These pathways include chemical, therapeutic or pathophysiological steps that can be taken to arrive at new knowledge based on ADRs. We used the development of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, especially captopril, as a case study. The similarity between the ADR profiles of captopril and penicillamine was a starting point for further innovation. Historical analysis shows that in several instances research in the field of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors has been triggered by ADRs. The model presented here might be applicable to other areas of innovative drug research.  相似文献   
Quality of life in adult survivors of lung,colon and prostate cancer   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
In a cross-sectional study design, a disease free sample of 57 lung, 117 colon, and 104 prostate cancer survivors who represented short, intermediate and long-term survivors completed a detailed assessment of quality of life (QOL) and rehabilitation needs using the CAncer Rehabilitation Evaluation System (CARES). Demographic and medical data, social support, and a global QOL rating were also assessed. Lung cancer patients showed no differences in QOL with respect to their period of survival. QOL improved for survivors of colon cancer as they lived for longer periods, but declined with time for survivors of prostate cancer. The best predictor of QOL for all groups was KPS, although other variables such as type of hospital, gender, and work status were predictive for survivors of colon cancer. For survivors of prostate cancer comorbidity with other medical illnesses, time since diagnosis and comorbidity due to psychiatric difficulties were predictive of QOL. All groups had significant rehabilitation problems in the domains of physical, psychosocial, sexual, medical interaction, and marital relationships. Lung cancer survivors had more problems than the other cancer survivors. We conclude that patients who survive cancer do not return to a state of normal health. They demonstrate a variety of difficulties with which they must cope as they continue to survive. Greater efforts need to be made early in diagnosis and treatment to understand rehabilitation problems and target interventions in the hope of reducing later sequelae.Currently in private practice, Glendale, CaliforniaC. A. C. Schag was supported in part by Veterans Administration Health Research and Development Grant 83-002 and in part by Cares Consultants, 2210 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 359, Santa Monica, CA 90403.Address requests for Information about CARES to: CARES Consultants, 2210 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 359, Santa Monica, CA 90403, USA. Tel: (+1) 310-450-7410; Fax: (+1) 310-399-0016  相似文献   
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