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Using regulatory focus theory, an intervention of daily weight loss-sustaining messages was developed and tested for acceptability, feasibility, and efficacy on helping people sustain weight loss.


Participants (n = 120) were randomized to a promotion, prevention, or an attention-control text message group after completion of a weight loss program. Participants completed baseline assessments, and reported their weight at 1 and 3 months postbaseline.


Participants found the message content and intervention acceptable and valuable. A minimum of one message per day delivered at approximately 8:00 am was deemed the optimal delivery time and frequency. The sustained weight loss rate at month 3 for the control, promotion, and prevention groups was 90%, 95%, and 100%, respectively. Medium-to-large effects were observed for the promotion and prevention groups at month 1 and for prevention at month 3 relative to controls. The mean weight loss for promotion and prevention was 15 pounds, compared with 10 in the controls at month 3.


A clinically significant decrease in mean weight, higher rate of sustained weight loss, and medium-to-large effects on sustained weight loss occurred in the promotion and prevention interventions. Tools such as this text message-based intervention that are constructed and guided by evidence-based content and theoretical constructs show promise in helping people sustain healthy behaviors that can lead to improved health outcomes.  相似文献   
Brain somatostatin receptor subpopulation visualized by autoradiography   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
R. Maurer  J.C. Reubi 《Brain research》1985,333(1):178-181
[125I-Tyr11]somatostatin-14 as well as iodinated D-Tyr1 and Tyr3 derivatives of the cyclic octapeptide somatostatin analog, SMS 201-995 (H-D-Phe-Cys-Phe-D-Trp-Lys-Thr-Cys-Thr-ol) have been used as radioligands for somatostatin receptor autoradiography in rat brain. Although the cyclic octapeptide ligands label the majority of the regions labeled with [125I-Tyr11]somatostatin, in the cortex and hippocampus only a subpopulation of somatostatin receptors is labeled. Cyclic octapeptide ligands have improved resolution due to their very low non-specific binding.  相似文献   
Summary A 53-year-old man with metastatic ileal carcinoid ultimately failed to respond to conventional measures of surgery and was finally treated with a new long acting somatostatin analogue, SMS 201–995 for 7 months. SMS 201–995 not only gave symptomatic relief but also induced a reduction in metastatic tumor mass.Abbreviations HIA 5-hydroxy indoleacetic acid - VIP vasoactive intestinal polypeptide  相似文献   


Only 17% of Norwegian children and adolescents with diabetes achieve international treatment goals measured by glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c). Classic patient–physician consultations seem to be poorly adapted to young children. New strategies that are better attuned to young people to improve support of adolescents’ self-management of diabetes need to be tested and evaluated.


(1) To explore how applications for mobile phones can be used in follow-up of adolescents with type 1 diabetes, and (2) to use the findings to guide further development of the applications and as a basis for future studies.


We pilot tested two mobile phone applications: (1) an application that contained a picture-based diabetes diary to record physical activity and photos taken with the phone camera of food eaten, where the phone also communicated with the glucometer by Bluetooth technology to capture blood glucose values, and (2) a Web-based, password-secured and encrypted short message service (SMS), based on access using login passwords received via SMS to be used by participants to send messages to their providers when they faced obstacles in everyday life, and to send educational messages to the participants. At the end of the 3-month pilot study, 12 participants (7 girls and 5 boys ) aged 13–19 years completed semistructured interviews. The participants had a mean HbA1c value of 8.3 (SD 0.3), mean age of 16.2 (SD 1.7) years, mean body mass index of 23.3 (SD 3.2) kg/m2, and mean diabetes duration of 7.5 (SD 4.6) years. We applied three additional measurements: change in metabolic control as measured by HbA1c, the System Usability Scale, and diabetes knowledge.


From the interviews, three main categories emerged: visualization, access, and software changes. Participants appreciated the picture-based diary more than the SMS solution. Visualization of cornerstones in diabetes self-care (ie, diet, insulin dosage, physical activity, and pre- and postprandial glucose measurements all transformed into one picture) in the mobile diary was found to be an important educational tool through reflections in action. This led to a change in participants’ applied knowledge about the management of their disease. Additional measurements supplemented and supported the qualitative findings. However, changes in HbA1c and participants’ theoretical knowledge as tested by a 27-item questionnaire, based on a national health informatics’ diabetes quiz, before and after the intervention were not statistically significant (P = .38 and P = .82, respectively, paired-samples t test). Participants suggested additional functionality, and we will implement this in the design of the next software generation.


Participants reported an increased understanding of applied knowledge, which seem to positively affect diabetes self-care. Visual impressions seem well adapted to the maturation of the adolescent brain, facilitating the link between theoretical knowledge and executive functions. SMS gave the adolescents a feeling of increased access and security. Participants gave valuable input for further development of these applications.  相似文献   
目的 探讨短信干预对冠心病患者遵医行为的影响. 方法 将200例冠心病患者随机分为研究组和对照组各100例. 两组住院期间均按照冠心病诊疗常规给予相应的治疗护理,病情稳定后给予健康教育.出院后对照组门诊随诊,研究组在此基础上增加短信干预,时间为1年. 观察比较两组干预前、后遵医行为的变化. 结果 两组干预前遵医行为各项目组间差异均无统计学意义( P>0. 05 );在出院后第12个月末,两组遵医行为各项目均有一定程度改善,但研究组改善程度优于对照组( Z=-2. 645、-2. 082、-2. 087、-2. 426、-2. 076、-2. 033、-2. 064、-1. 966,P=0. 008、0. 037、0. 037、0. 015、0. 038、0. 042、0. 039、0. 049). 结论 短信随访干预能显著改善冠心病患者遵医行为.  相似文献   
胰腺炎性肺水肿与胰酶释放入血有关。生长抑素类似物(SMS201-995)能有效地抑制胰腺的外分泌功能。5%牛磺胆酸钠经胰管注射诱发急付出血环死性胰腺炎,在此模型诱发前和同时分别皮下注射SMS201-9952μg/kg体重并连续输入其生理盐水混合液(含SMS201-9955μg·kg~(-1)·h~(-1))3h后:(1)能有效地降低血清淀粉酶和脂肪酶;(2)能使肺系数和肺血管外水量显著减少;(3)能明显改善胰肺组织学变化。结果表明SMS201-995防治胰腺炎及其肺水肿有效,并为临床应用提供了理论依据。  相似文献   
本文作者以脂餐试验结合B超声检查,首次观察到6例正常人每隔1周皮下注射生长抑素激动剂SMS 201-995(SMS)50、25、12.5及5μg后,胆囊收缩功能被明显抑制至少6h。提示在SMS临床应用中要注意其抑制胆囊收缩功能的副作用;同时,为胆囊结石形成机理的研究提供了有益的线索。  相似文献   
鞘磷脂是细胞膜及血浆脂蛋白中的重要脂质,有着广泛而重要的生物学功能,并与动脉粥样硬化的发生发展密切相关,其含量改变已成为动脉粥样硬化的独立危险因素之一;而鞘磷脂合酶是鞘磷脂合成的关键酶,其表达水平及活性高低直接影响到动脉粥样硬化的病理过程,有可能成为动脉粥样硬化治疗的新靶点。该文就鞘磷脂合酶的结构、生物学功能、在动脉粥样硬化形成过程中的作用,及其作为AS治疗潜在靶点的研究近况进行了全面的综述。  相似文献   
以移动互联网作为远程动态心电监护系统的数据传输工具,使病人随时随地都可以做心电监测,实现真正意义上的远程动态心电监测。文章简述了该远程动态心电监测系统,并详细讨论了移动互联网如何实现心电数据传输和反馈诊断信息。  相似文献   
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