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目的:研究药用植物麻花秦艽组织培养技术,为工厂化育苗提供科学依据。方法:以麻花秦艽根、茎育出的无菌苗为外植体,采用MS培养基,附加不同的植物激素进行实验。结果:以MS培养基为基本培养基,附加BA 0.5~1.0 mg·L-1+NAA 0.5 mg·L-1,适于丛生芽的诱导与增殖;附加IAA 1.0 mg·L-1+BA 3 mg·L-1,适于愈伤组织的诱导;附加IAA 1.0 mg·L-1+BA 2.0~3.0 mg·L-1适于愈伤组织继代培养,附加BA 2.0 mg·L-1+NAA 0.5 mg·L-1适于愈伤组织的分化。结论:通过诱导愈伤组织途径可以达到快速繁殖的目的。 相似文献
目的 探讨血府逐瘀胶囊对卒中后抑郁(post-stroke depression,PSD)大鼠抑郁症状的改善作用,并基于神经再生关键通路脑源性神经营养因子(brain derived neurotrophic factor,BDNF)/酪氨酸激酶受体B(tyrosine kinase receptor,TrkB)/磷酸化环腺苷酸应答元件结合蛋白(phosphorylated cAMP response element-binding protein,p-CREB)探讨其机制。方法 采用短暂大脑中动脉梗塞(transient middle cerebral artery occlusion,tMCAO)复合慢性不可预知应激(chronic unpredictable mild stimulation,CUMS)方法复制PSD大鼠模型。大鼠随机分为假手术组、模型组及血府逐瘀低、高剂量(0.43、0.86 g/kg)组和氟西汀(1.8 mg/kg)组,每组18只。连续给予药物干预28 d,利用神经功能评分、糖水偏好实验、旷场实验、强迫游泳实验考察血府逐瘀胶囊对PSD大鼠神经功能损伤以及抑郁症... 相似文献
《Molecular therapy》2023,31(3):810-824
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目的探讨环境富集对坐骨神经挤压伤模型小鼠神经再生的作用及机制。方法首先对22只C57BL/6小鼠进行坐骨神经挤压建立动物模型, 随后按随机数字表法将模型小鼠分为干预组和对照组, 干预组小鼠置于具备环境富集的鼠笼内进行干预, 对照组置于标准鼠笼中饲养。造模成功2周后, 2组小鼠均行坐骨神经电生理检查和步态分析, 并应用甲苯胺蓝染色观察坐骨神经有髓神经纤维的比例, 采用免疫荧光测定2组坐骨神经中的生长相关蛋白43(GAP43)、髓鞘碱性蛋白(MBP)以及p75神经营养素受体(p75NTR)表达的差异。结果①坐骨神经电生理检测显示, 干预组小鼠坐骨神经复合肌肉动作电位(CMAP)的潜伏期[(1.05±0.04)ms]较对照组[(1.98±0.30)ms]明显缩短(P<0.05), 而其波幅[干预组(10.63±0.90)mV]则明显高于对照组[(6.58±1.25)mV], 且组间差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);②小鼠步态分析显示, 干预组小鼠的平均接触强度[(160.60±20.45)AU]、步幅[(5.11±0.58)cm]和步速[(53.06±7.20)cm/s] 均较对... 相似文献
心肌梗死后容易发生心衰、恶性心律失常甚至猝死等而威胁患者生命,有效改善心梗患者心功能促进心肌再生已经成为研究的热点。目前促进心肌再生的方法可大体概括为干细胞法诱导心肌增殖,微小核糖核酸诱导心肌再生,调控心肌细胞增殖有关的通路及细胞周期因子诱导心肌增殖,调节心肌细胞微环境诱导心肌增殖。虽然这些方法的研究都取得了一定的进展,但许多机制并未明确,也有诸多问题没有解决,还需要更深入的研究,随着心脏再生的研究,这一领域必将带来振奋人心的结果。 相似文献
Does steatohepatitis impair liver regeneration? A study in a dietary model of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis in rats 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
BACKGROUND: Impaired liver regeneration is a feature of alcoholic hepatitis, but the relative importance of alcohol, nutritional imbalance and inflammatory mediators in causing this effect is unclear. Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) is a form of liver disease with similar morphology to alcoholic hepatitis, but the effect of this disorder on liver regeneration is unclear. We, therefore, examined the status of liver regeneration in a rat nutritional model of hepatic steatosis with inflammation, which is morphologically identical to NASH in humans. Methods: Male Wistar rats received a methionine-choline-deficient diet (MCDD) for 4 weeks before experiments and both isocaloric pair-fed and ad libitum-fed rats were used as controls. Following partial hepatectomy (68%), the extent of hepatic regeneration was determined 24 h later using [3H]-thymidine incorporation and restitution of liver mass. Results: There was no significant difference of [3H]-thymidine incorporation in MCDD-fed, pair-fed and ad libitum-fed rats (80+/-27, 78+/-11 and 80+/-6.3 d.p.m./microg DNA, respectively). Similarly, restituted liver masses in three groups of rats were not significantly different (17+/-3.8, 18+/-1.8 and 17+/-3.1% initial liver weight, respectively). Conclusions: The similarities in hepatic histology and cytochrome P450 2E1 induction between this nutritional model of hepatic steatohepatitis and alcoholic steatohepatitis imply that these two disorders share pathogenetic mechanisms. However, liver regeneration is not altered by NASH in rats, indicating that the nutritional and inflammatory changes that appear similar to those of alcoholic liver disease do not cause impairment of liver regeneration. 相似文献
目的 了解肝硬化(LC)与肝再生(LR)的相关性.方法 取成年SD雄性大鼠24只,每组6只,用CCl4诱导方法 建立大鼠LC模型;将114只SD雄性大鼠随机分为19组,包括9个部分肝切除组,9个假手术组和1个正常对照组,用2/3肝切除手术建立LR模型.用大鼠全基因组表达谱芯片Genome 230 2.0检测大鼠LC发生与大鼠LR中肝组织的基因表达谱,用生物信息学和系统生物学等方法 分析基因表达谱预示的生理活动的异同,并用定量PCR证明芯片检测结果 的可靠性.结果 LC发生中304个基因和LR中948个基因发生了有意义表达变化,其中121个基因为两者共有,183个基因为LC特有,827个基因为LR特有.H-clustering分析表明,LC和LR的生理活动未显示时间上的相关性.K-means聚类分析显示,LC和LR的C1~C5组基因表达趋势相似,C6组相反,但LR的变化更为丰富.应用基因本体论(GO)分类和功能聚类分析发现,在LC和LR中,免疫反应、炎症反应、细胞迁移、细胞黏附等生理活动增强,各种物质代谢活动减弱.其中,LC的刺激反应在C2强于肝再生,在C6弱于肝再生,而DNA修复、细胞增殖、脂类代谢、内环境稳态和氧化应激等均弱于肝再生.结论 LC与LR的基因表达变化和生理活动有共同方面,也有差异之处. 相似文献
Autocrine insulin action activates Akt and increases survival of isolated human islets 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Aikin R Hanley S Maysinger D Lipsett M Castellarin M Paraskevas S Rosenberg L 《Diabetologia》2006,49(12):2900-2909
Aims/hypothesis The phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)/Akt pathway plays a critical role in promoting the survival of pancreatic beta cells. Akt becomes activated in isolated human islets following overnight culture despite significant levels of cell death. The aim of the current study was to identify the cause of the observed increase in Akt phosphorylation in isolated islets. We hypothesised that a factor secreted by the islets in culture was acting in an autocrine manner to activate Akt.Methods In order to identify the stimulus of the PI3K/Akt pathway in culture, we examined the effects of different culture conditions on Akt phosphorylation and islet survival during the immediate post-isolation period.Results We demonstrated that islet-conditioned medium induced Akt phosphorylation in freshly isolated human islets, whereas frequent medium replacement decreased Akt phosphorylation. Following overnight culture, islet-conditioned medium contained significantly elevated levels of insulin, indicating that insulin may be responsible for the observed increase in Akt phosphorylation. Indeed, treatment with an anti-insulin antibody or with inhibitors of insulin receptor/IGF receptor 1 kinase activity suppressed Akt phosphorylation, leading to decreased islet survival. In addition, dispersion of islets into single cells also suppressed Akt phosphorylation and induced islet cell death, indicating that islet integrity is also required for maximal Akt phosphorylation.Conclusions/interpretation Our findings demonstrate that insulin acts in an autocrine manner to activate Akt and mediate the survival of isolated human islets. These findings provide new information on how culturing islets prior to transplantation may be beneficial to their survival by allowing for autocrine activation of the pro-survival Akt pathway. 相似文献
目的了解糖类代谢相关基因在大鼠肝再生中的表达变化。方法本研究用搜集网站资料和查阅相关论文等方法获得糖类代谢相关基因,用大鼠基因组230 2.0芯片检测它们在大鼠再生肝中的表达情况,用比较手术组和假手术组中基因表达的差异性确定肝再生相关基因。结果初步证实上述基因中118个基因与肝再生相关。肝再生早期[部分肝切除(PH)后0.5~4h]、前期(PH后4~12h)、中期(PH后16~66h)和后期(PH后72~168h)等4个阶段起始表达的基因数为33、6、68和7;基因的总表达次数为68、44、210和83。表明肝再生相关基因主要在肝再生启动阶段起始表达,在不同阶段发挥作用。它们共上调205次,下调200次,分为12种表达方式,表明肝再生中糖代谢活动多样和复杂。其中,单糖和糖原代谢、糖蛋白和糖脂(主要为神经节苷脂)合成相关基因几乎在整个肝再生中表达增强,寡糖和糖胺聚糖合成及糖蛋白和糖脂分解相关基因表达下调。结论肝再生与糖代谢密切相关。 相似文献