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SUMMARY. This study compared plateletpheresis on the Haemonetics PCS Plus (PCS Plus) and the Baxter Autopheresis C (Auto C) using the same 100 selected donors. The number of packs meeting UK BTS/NIBSC specification (>2.2 times 1011 platelets per pack) was achieved by 99% of PCS Plus and 82% of Auto C procedures. The positive correlation found between donor precount and final platelet yield was better for the PCS Plus. Both machines met U.K. specification for white-cell contamination but this was significantly greater for the Auto C. Plasma yields were similar.
As a result of this study we chose to use the PCS Plus for routine plateletpheresis in our unit. This has enabled us not only to comply with UK BTS/NIBSC specifications for apheresis platelets easily and cost effectively but also to meet our own higher specification (2.75 times 1011 platelets per pack) using existing staff and without extending the working day.  相似文献   
Serum concentrations of the thrombopoiesis-enhancing cytokines thrombopoietin (TPO), erythropoietin (EPO), interleukin (IL)-6 and IL-11 were determined in 119 healthy whole-blood (WBD) and 101 platelet donors (PD) prior to donation. The 90% TPO reference interval in WBD of 64-867 pg/ml (median 163, 100% range 45-7572) was significantly higher than in PD of 56-524 (median 122, range 44-801, P = 0.004), whereas their platelet counts were lower (P < 0.001). EPO levels were not different (WBD 7.7 +/- 3.8, PD 8.0 +/- 4.9 IU/l), IL-6 and IL-11 were below the detection limit in >/=90% of cases (IL-6 < 3.2 pg/ml, IL-11 < 31.2 pg/ml). None of the cytokines correlated with platelet counts, other blood parameters, or in the PD group with the frequency of platelet donations within the last 6 months. We conclude that plateletpheresis does not lead to a lasting increase of thrombopoietic cytokines and provide reference data for potential platelet mobilization strategies with recombinant growth factors.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Autologous platelet rich plasma (PRP) harvest with autotransfusion devices has been used for 10 years in cardiac surgery and recently in orthopedics as a blood saving method. The quality of the harvested platelets has not been adequately examined, in part because of methodological difficulties in studying platelet function during surgery. METHODS: Twenty patients undergoing primary total hip replacement (THR) were studied. Ten patients underwent an immediate preoperative platelet apheresis to obtain concentrated platelet rich plasma (c-PRP). The other 10 patients not undergoing apheresis were allocated to a control group. Platelet activation was evaluated as the population expressing P-selectin on the surface of platelets in the c-PRP and in blood samples collected pre-, per- and postoperatively. The method used was flow cytometry. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: A minor population of activated platelets was found to be circulating in the patients' blood, with a highly significant difference between patients (P = 0.005), and with a range of 1-23% in peroperative activation. PRP harvest did not significantly alter platelet activity. The platelet apheresis procedure did not inhibit platelet function in the c-PRP, as judged by a high proportion of platelets that could be activated in ADP stimulation experiments (mean value +/- SD 86% +/- 7.5%).  相似文献   
Selected tests of lymphoid function were used to screen a population of volunteer hemapheresis donors. Testing included: 1) absolute lymphocyte numbers, and percentage of T-cell, B-cell, and mononuclear phagocytes, 2) serum immunoglobulins, and, 3) in vitro proliferative responses to lectin mitogens (phytohemagglutinin, concanavalin A, and pokeweed mitogen), soluble antigens (staphylococcal filtrate, candida, and streptococcal varidase), and cell-bound alloantigens (mixed lymphocyte culture). A control population of first-time plateletpheresis donors was examined similarly. Regular donors manifested a small but statistically significant decrease in absolute lymphocyte counts (p less than 0.02), and IgM (p less than 0.02) compared to controls. Leukapheresis donors also manifested significant decreases in percentage of T cells (p less than 0.02). These findings are qualitatively similar to changes reported following intensive lymphocytapheresis and indicate the need for conservative policies regarding donation frequency in hemapheresis programs.  相似文献   
C-PG血小板聚集试验在单采血小板捐献者筛查中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本研究探讨以阳离子没食子酸丙酯(C-PG)为激活剂的血小板聚集试验用于单采血小板捐献者筛查的可行性,并调查血小板献血者血小板功能缺陷的发生率.测定不同浓度C-PG诱导的健康献血者的血小板聚集率,以确定C-PG的最适应用浓度;检测30名志愿者服用阿司匹林前和服药24小时后的血小板聚集率,以确定血小板功能不良的筛查界点值;检测483例血小板捐献者的C-PG诱导的血小板聚集率,并对聚集功能不良者进行活化血浆凝固时间(APCT)测定.结果表明:血小板聚集率随C-PG浓度的增加而升高,当C-PG浓度达200μmol/L时,血小板聚集率达最高;服用阿司匹林24小时后的血小板聚集率与服药前相比,均表现明显减低(P<0.001),但以C-PG诱导180秒时的血小板聚集率减低最显著.血小板功能不良的筛查界点值确定为C-PG诱导180秒时的血小板聚集率小于20%;在483例血小板捐献者中,检出25例有血小板聚集功能不良,其中有11例表现为血小板促凝血活性减低.结论:C-PG诱导的血小板聚集试验能有效的检出血小板功能不良者,适用于血小板捐献者血小板功能的筛选;在血小板献血者中,血小板功能缺陷者的检出率大约为5%.  相似文献   
This is an attempt at comparing two cell separators for plateletpheresis, namely the Fresenius AS.TEC 204 and Haemonetics MCS 3p, at a tertiary care center in India. Donors who weighed between 55-75 kg, who had a hematocrit of 41-43%, and platelet counts of 250x10(3)-400x10(3)/microl were selected for the study. The comparability of the donors who donated on the two cell separators were analysed by t-test independent samples and no significant differences were found (P>0.05). The features compared were time taken for the procedure, volume processed on the separators, adverse reactions of the donors, quality control of the product, separation efficiency of the separators, platelet loss in the donors after the procedure, and the predictor versus the actual yield of platelets given by the cell separator. The volume processed to get a target yield of >3x10(11) was equal to 2.8-3.2 l and equal in both the cell separators. Symptoms of citrate toxicity were seen in 4 and 2.5% of donors who donated on the MCS 3p and the AS.TEC 204, respectively, and 3 and 1% of donors, respectively, had vasovagal reactions. All the platelet products collected had a platelet count of >3x10(11); 90% of the platelet products collected on the AS.TEC 204 attained the predicted yield that was set on the cell separator where as 75% of the platelet products collected on the MCS 3p attained the target yield. Quality control of the platelets collected on both the cell separators complied with the standards except that 3% of the platelets collected on the MCS 3p had a visible red cell contamination. The separation efficiency of the MCS 3p was higher, 50-52% as compared to the 40-45% on the AS.TEC 204. A provision of double venous access, less adverse reactions, negligible RBC contamination with a better predictor yield of platelets makes the AS.TEC 204 a safer and more reliable alternative than the widely used Haemonetics MCS 3p.  相似文献   
White blood cell (WBC)-reduced single donor platelet concentrates (SDPs) can be collected by most cell separators. WBC reduction can be achieved directly during plateletpheresis or by filtration. Continuous filtration with low filtration rates provides SDPs of good purity. To compensate the platelet (PLT) loss due to filtration, the PLT yield in the unfiltered primary product should be optimal. Fifty donors underwent plateletpheresis with the MCS+ blood cell separator (Haemonetics) with the new Fuji surge technique and continuous WBC filtration. Twelve SDPs were analysed for PLT yield, red blood cells (RBC), WBC, and pH after collection (Day 0) and at the end of storage (Day 5). Thereafter, further 38 SDPs were measured for PLT and WBC content in routine production at Day 0. PLT were determined electronically, RBC and WBC were counted manually (Neubauer and Nageotte chamber, respectively). For pH measurement, a pH-meter was used. Mean blood volume processed was 2621 +/- 112 ml in a donation time of 76 +/- 10 min. An average PLT yield of 3.45 +/- 0.88 x 10(11) was collected in a product volume of 325 +/- 77 ml. The collection efficiency was 60.0 +/- 5.5%. WBC contamination of all units tested was 0.046 +/- 0.059 x 10(6) and the RBC content of the SDPs analysed at Day 0 was 0.014 +/- 0.003 x 10(9). The pH was well maintained over the storage period of 5 days. The data indicate that Fuji surge technique and continuous in-line leukocyte filtration allow for the collection of SDPs with high platelet yield and low leukocyte contamination, meeting the Council of Europe quality standards.  相似文献   
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