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OBJECTIVE: Since we developed the procedure in 1996, we have now performed 100 pediatric open heart operations using a lower midline skin incision and a minimal sternotomy approach. METHODS AND RESULTS: To elucidate the benefits of this approach, we analyzed these 100 cases retrospectively. There was no death, and no major complication, caused by this approach, and the resulting scarring in each patient is difficult to be seen under a common undershirt. CONCLUSION: This review shows that the technique of a lower midline skin incision and minimal sternotomy approach is a safe reliable and cosmetically advantageous method for a pediatric cardiac operation.  相似文献   
The aim of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of transabdominal wedge colpectomy as surgical treatment for cystocele. One hundred and sixty-three women with either first or second-degree cystocele (Beecham classification), rectocele and concomitant stress urinary incontinence or benign pelvic masses were submitted for a combined operation. Transabdominal repair of the cystocele was performed by wedge colpectomy employing two different absorbable sutures, Vicryl and PDS. The choice of suture was not random but depended on the period at which surgery was performed. Data obtained were analyzed with Student’st-test and Fisher’s exact test. The cystocele cure rate was 90.2% (110 out of 122) at 3-year follow-up and was significantly associated with the preoperative degree, being 95.5% and 76.5% in first and in second degree, respectively (P=0.003). At 1-year follow-up the cure rate was significantly associated with the type of the suture employed (P=0.01). At 2-year follow-up rectocele cure rate was 97.2% and vaginal vault prolapse appeared in 3.5% of cases. Stress urinary incontinence relapsed in 10% of patients after Burch colposuspension. After the operation 94.1% of the women declared normal coitus. In the present series wedge colpectomy was found to be effective in repairing first-degree cystocele, whereas a high incidence of relapse was observed when second-degree cystocele was present preoperatively. The suture material employed influenced the cure rate. EDITORIAL COMMENT: Wedge colpectomy of the anterior vaginal wall has been described by Weinstein and Roberts (1949), Macer (1978) and Drutz (1991) as a means of abdominally correcting anterior vaginal wall relaxation. Although the present authors did not find as high a success rate with the procedure as the previous investigators, they do show that an abdominal approach to cystocele repair is feasible. There are instances when such an approach would be advantageous to avoid repositioning for a vaginal anterior wall repair. The danger of abdominal anterior wedge colpectomy lies in the dissection of the bladder base from the underlying vaginal wall. Dissection in this area must proceed carefully to avoid trauma to the bladder, ureters and, more distally, to the urethrovesical junction. Performed carefully, with attention directed at avoiding these structures, the abdominal wedge colpectomy is a potentially useful procedure to add to the armamentarium of the urogynecologic surgeon.  相似文献   
In an independent learning project, 52 third-year medical students carried out a structured self-assessment of two videotaped psycho-social interviews they had conducted with volunteer clients 1 year earlier, as part of a previous course. The interviews had been conducted in small tutorials with feedback from their clients, fellow students and tutors, facilitated by videotape playback. During the sequence of 16 tutorials each student had carried out an early and a late interview and had observed and participated in the discussion of the interviews of 14 peers. Students were asked to tally the frequencies of various interview behaviours, to evaluate the quality of their behaviours, and to establish priorities for future learning. The videotapes were also reliably rated by an independent observer. Students' overall self-assessments correlated 0.46 with those of the independent observer. This correlation was higher than is typically reported in studies of the validity of self-assessment. In absolute terms, the students' mean rating of interviewing performance was 3.2 (adequate plus) which was significantly lower than the observer's mean of 3.6 (adequate to good). Results are discussed in terms of Gordon's (1992) two recommendations for improving the validity of self-assessments and two further suggestions, for paired comparisons and low-threat learning environments, are added.  相似文献   
This study was undertaken to determine the nature of pressure changes in manometric studies of renal pelvis and calyces. In previous studies in pigs it has been assumed that pressure increases occur in the contracting segments of the renal pelvis and calyces, but our observations suggested that these increases were actually due to distension of noncontracted segments. Pressures were recorded with two catheters introduced percutaneously into the pyelocalyceal system with simultaneous video recording of the fluoroscopic image. There was no pressure rise in the calyces or the renal pelvis when these segments contracted; however, pressure rose when the noncontracted calyces were distended by a remote contraction ring. These findings confirmed the observations at kinetic urography. They agreed with the hydrodynamic experience that the pressure in a ring-shaped contracted segment is lower than upstream and downstream of that segment. It was concluded that if the porcine pyelocalyceal system is a valid model of the human, the pressure increases, assumed to be contractions, were actually caused by the injection and distension of the noncontracted segments.  相似文献   
Filiation, or a person's parentage, is one of the major componentsof someone's identity, often with important implications forthat person's welfare in social and personal terms. Fertilityspecialists are enjoined to consider the welfare of the child,and this is a legal requirement in assisted reproduction techniquesin the UK. This paper is in three parts, discussing some ofthe potential problems regarding filiation of the prospectivechild born of assisted reproduction techniques, in relationto the use of gametes and embryos. The first two parts concentrateon the status of children born as a result of treatment givenposthumously, and on filiation problems associated with donationof gametes or embryos, and surrogacy. The third part comparesBritish and French legislation with special regard to the welfareof the child, as well as underlining the common trends and principlesenunciated in both legislations. This is particularly appropriateat a time when the European Society for Human Reproduction andEmbryology is about to issue ethical guidelines in assistedreproduction, and when both the Council of Europe and the EuropeanCommission have commissioned studies on the implications ofthe assisted techniques, including those concerning status ofthe potential children.  相似文献   
Summary Experimentally induced changes in neurotransmitter receptors have been analyzed by means of a computer assisted simulation procedure over a wide range of free ligand concentrations. This approach allows to evaluate, for a given range of ligand concentrations, the relative influence of simultaneous variations in binding parameters (i.e. dissociation constant or Kd and in maximal number of binding sites or Bm) and to predict the net and final effect of the experimental condition on the receptor-mediated transmission line. The function representing the changes in bound values versus the respective free ligand concentrations, has been studied analytically on the basis of all the possible values that the percent changes in both Kd and Bm parameters induced by a given experimental condition can assume. A well characterized change in the pattern of bound radioligand could in this way be defined. This approach, developed to show in an immediate and clear way treatment-induce changes in receptor populations or to fit directly rough experimental data expressed as differences in bound values versus free ligand concentrations, seems to be an useful complement to the widely used saturation analysis of binding data.  相似文献   
电视硬质气管镜治疗大气道良性肿瘤   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
目的探讨电视硬质气管镜在大气道良性肿瘤治疗中的价值.方法2002年9月~2005年4月,我院应用电视硬质气管镜治疗大气道良性肿瘤7例,其中气管1例,隆突1例,左主支气管3例,右主支气管2例.手术采用静脉全身麻醉,喷射通气供氧,探查评估气道后,首先冷冻或电凝肿瘤,破坏肿瘤血供,再以活检钳分块取出,蒂部采用冷冻或氩气凝固处理;对于宽蒂肿瘤,内镜下将肿瘤主体清除后中转开胸行气管局部切除吻合术.结果7例手术均顺利,无一例死亡和严重并发症发生.6例气管窄蒂良性肿瘤镜下完整摘除,1例气管膜部宽蒂平滑肌瘤先内镜清除肿瘤主体后中转开胸行气管局部切除.术后病理为错构瘤2例,平滑肌瘤3例,嗜酸性肉芽肿性腺瘤1例,炎症组织1例.7例随访3~36个月,平均17.3月,无肿瘤复发.结论电视硬质气管镜治疗大气道良性肿瘤安全可靠.  相似文献   
目的探讨在肝肥大-萎缩征中肥大肝叶内胆管结石的处理方法。方法回顾性分析我科1990年6月~2004年12月收治的103例肥大肝叶内胆管结石病人的临床资料,总结其手术治疗的原则和方法。结果全体病例均经手术治愈,术后残石率17.5%,效果优良率83.7%。结论肥大肝叶内的胆管结石,手术难度大,应根据病情选择手术方式,既要遵循肝胆管结石的治疗原则,又要保护赖以生存的肥大肝叶(段)。  相似文献   
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