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眶上神经的走行层次及其临床意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨眉区和额部不同手术层面眶上神经的保护方法。方法在15例成人头部标本上,对眶上神经在眉区和额部的行程、走行层次和入肌点的位置进行解剖观测。结果眶上神经出眶上孔后,以52.8±7.4°角向外上经额肌筋膜附着处入帽状腱膜下隙,达发际附近穿帽状腱膜和额肌至皮下。眶上神经起始部直径1.4±0.3mm,本干入肌点至眶上孔的直线距离为40.2±9.1mm,水平距离和垂直距离分别为30.5±8.8mm和33.8±8.4mm。结论根据手术层面的不同,额眉区的深层面手术应注意保护眶上神经  相似文献   
目的 探讨简便而适用的三尖瓣闭锁诊治要点。方法 分析临床资料 ,复习有关文献。结果  2 2例三尖瓣闭锁 ,早发青紫 19例 ,心电图电轴左偏 19例。所有病人二维超声心动图显示三尖瓣区无瓣叶活动 ,CDFI显示右房室连接处无血流信号。右心导管检查导管不能自右房进入右室 ,而易通过房间隔缺损进入左房。心血管造影显示右房、左室及横膈间有三角形的充盈缺损。 3例进行Fontan手术 ,成功 1例。结论 早期青紫、电轴左偏应高度怀疑此病 ,超声心动图、右心导管可明确诊断。Fontan手术成功的关键在于严格选择手术适应症、娴熟的操作及术后良好的处理。  相似文献   
选用43具青年尸体,蛛网膜下腔注入铸型造影剂,低温冷冻,以椎间盘为中心制作断层标本,同时选取40例正常健康人进行超声、CT及MR扫描图像分析.发现同组中不同椎间盘水平测量数据的大小不同;解剖学与影像学各测量结果进行比较无显著性差异.  相似文献   
 The data of 48 studies (published between 1903 and 1996), presenting information of all together 107 patients (108 lesions) regarding pre-treatment clinical and radiological factors, treatment strategies, and the outcome, plus our own experience of nine patients were retrospectively re-analyzed. The prognostic influence of pre-treatment factors was estimated with the chi-square statistics. Clinical evaluation before/after treatment was performed using the Frankel scale. The average bleeding rate was obtained from the ratio of percentage of first bleeding events in the population to the mean age of the population.  There were 47 males and 69 females (aged from twelve to 88 years). Thirty nine percent of the lesions were found in the cervical, 54% in the thoracic (30% upper, 24% lower) and 7% in the lumbar cord. The peak age of presentation was in the fourth decade, the median duration of symptoms was 32 months. Clinical symptoms before treatment were progressive in all cases. Three patterns of clinical presentation could be identified: a) episodes of stepwise clinical deterioration (30%), b) slow progression of neurological decline (41%), c) acute onset with rapid or gradual decline over weeks or months (26%). 58% of the lesions showed clinical or radiological signs of haemorrhage. In 66% of surgical patients (91 efficiently documented cases), clinical improvement was achieved, 28% remained unchanged and 6% deteriorated. Whereas age, sex and lesion location had no influence on the results, duration of symptoms (<three years) correlated significantly to a better outcome (p<0.02).  Surgical management in symptomatic patients is recommended. Once clinical signs caused by the malformation have appeared, the patients tend to experience progressive neurological deterioration.  相似文献   
Hirayama’s disease is a benign juvenile form of focal amyotrophy affecting the upper limbs. Previous studies have suggested that the disorder is a neck flexion induced cervical myelopathy. We report clinical and magnetic resonance imaging findings in nine patients with Hirayama’s disease. Cervical imaging of seven patients revealed spinal cord changes consisting of focal atrophy and foci of signal alterations. On neck flexion a forward movement and mild reduction in the anteroposterior diameter of the lower cervical cord against the vertebral bodies was noted in affected individuals as well as in five normal controls. In contrast to earlier reports, none of our patients showed complete obliteration of the posterior subarachnoid space. Measurement of the anteroposterior spinal cord diameter in each vertebral segment (C4–C7) revealed no significant differences in the degree of spinal cord flattening between the two groups. Furthermore, two of our patients had significant degenerative changes in the cervical spine (disc herniation, retrospondylosis) contralateral to the clinically affected side. These degenerative changes resulted in a marked cord compression on neck flexion but were not associated with ipsilateral clinical abnormalities or spinal cord alterations. Our results argue against a flexion-induced cervical myelopathy and support the view that Hirayama’s disease is an intrinsic motor neuron disease. Received: 15 March 1999 Received in revised form: 25 May 1999 Accepted: 1 June 1999  相似文献   
Cultured spinal cord motoneurons from day 15 rat embryos (E15) represent a useful model to study Ca2+ channel diversities and their regulation by neurotrophins. Besides the previously identified L-, N- and P-type channels, E15 rat motoneurons also express high densities of R-type channels. We have previously shown that the P-type channel is nearly absent in 60% of these cells, while the R-type contributes to approximately 35% of the total current. Here, we show that chronic preincubation of cultured rat motoneurons with high concentrations (20-100 ng/mL) of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) caused a selective up-regulation of the P- and R-type current density available after blocking N- and L-type channels, with no changes to cell membrane capacitance. N- and L-type channels were either not affected or slightly down-modulated by the neurotrophin. The onset of BDNF up-regulation of P/R-type currents had a half-time of 12 h and reached maximal values of approximately 80%. High concentrations of nerve growth factor (NGF; 50-100 ng/mL) had no effect on P/R currents, while BDNF action was prevented by the kinase inhibitor K252a and by the protein synthesis inhibitor anisomycin. These results suggest that chronic applications of BDNF selectively up-regulates the Ca2+ channel types which are most likely to be involved in the control of neurotransmitter release in mammalian neuromuscular junctions. The signal transduction mechanism is probably mediated by TrkB receptors and involves the synthesis of newly functionally active P- and R-type channels. Our data furnish a rationale for a number of recent observations in other laboratories, in which prolonged applications of neurotrophins were shown to potentiate the presynaptic response in developing synapses.  相似文献   
CNS correlates of acute prolonged pain, and the effects of partial blockade of the central beta-endorphin system, were investigated by the quantitative 2-deoxyglucose technique in unanaesthetized, freely moving rats. Experiments were performed during the second, tonic phase of the behavioural response to a prolonged chemical noxious stimulus (s.c. injection of dilute formalin into a forepaw), or after minor tissue injury (s.c. saline injection). During formalin-induced pain, local glucose utilization rates in the CNS were bilaterally increased in the grey matter of the cervical spinal cord, in spinal white matter tracts and in several supraspinal structures, including portions of the medullary reticular formation, locus coeruleus, lateral parabrachial region, anterior pretectal nucleus, the medial, lateral and posterior thalamic regions, basal ganglia, and the parietal, cingulate, frontal, insular and orbital cortical areas. Pretreatment with anti-beta-endorphin antibodies, injected i.c.v., led to increased metabolism in the tegmental nuclei, locus coeruleus, hypothalamic and thalamic structures, putamen, nucleus accumbens, diagonal band nuclei and dentate gyrus, and in portions of the parietal, cingulate, insular, frontal and orbital cortex. In formalin-injected rats, pretreated with anti-beta-endorphin, behavioural changes indicative of hyperalgesia (increased licking response) were found, which were paralleled by a significant enhancement of functional activity in the anterior pretectal nucleus and in thalamo-cortical systems. A positive correlation was found between the duration of the licking response and metabolic activity of several forebrain regions. These results provide a map of the CNS pattern of metabolic activity during tonic somatic pain, and demonstrate a modulatory role for beta-endorphin in central networks that process somatosensory inputs.  相似文献   
We report herein the rare case of a 79-year-old man who suffered permanent paraplegia after undergoing an otherwise successful total arch replacement for a ruptured aortic arch aneurysm. During cardiopulmonary bypass, perfusion to the distal aorta was maintained from the femoral artery, and postoperative aortography showed intact tributaries from the aorta including the intercostal arteries. Postoperative paraplegia is an extremely rare complication of operations on the aortic arch; however, we speculate that the paraplegia in this patient could be attributed either to a steal phenomenon involving the radicular artery, or to the anatomical particularity of the spinal cord artery described by Cole and Gutelius as the segmental system.  相似文献   
Summary In the irreversible stage of lymphedema corrective surgery is often mandatory. A choice has to be made between two different basic selective procedures. As no totally satisfactory surgical method has as yet been established surgical management is difficult and implies considerable personal responsibility. This is a report on the long-term results of operations carried out on 16 patients between 1958 and 1979 using the so called Charles procedure. It concludes that this radical operation gives an acceptable long-term result in long-standing, elephantiastic primary lymphedema of the lower extremity.  相似文献   
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