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During intracellular recordings in rodent brainstem slice preparations, dorsal cochlear nucleus (DCN) pyramidal cells (PCs) exhibit characteristic discharge patterns to depolarizing current injection that depend on the membrane potential from which the responses are evoked. When depolarized from hyperpolarized potentials, PCs can respond with a short-latency action potential followed by a long silent interval (pauser) or a train of action potentials with a long latency (buildup). During the silent intervals in a pauser or a buildup response, the membrane potential slowly depolarizes towards spike threshold, often exhibiting distinct voltage oscillations of 1–2 mV before the first spike. The subthreshold voltage oscillations were investigated using whole cell recordings from DCN PCs in rat pup (P10–14) brainstem slices. The oscillations were unaffected by excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitter antagonists, and were not temporally locked to the onset of the depolarization. The oscillations typically became larger as spike threshold was approached, and had a characteristic frequency between 40 and 100 Hz. In the presence of tetrodotoxin (TTX, 500 nM), the oscillations were significantly suppressed, and could not be evoked at any voltage below or above spike threshold. The oscillations were not blocked by phenytoin or Cd2+, but they were affected by prior activity in the neuron for approximately 1 s. We conclude that voltage-gated Na+ channels are required to generate membrane oscillations during the buildup phase. We suggest that the subthreshold oscillations play a role in controlling spike timing in PCs when the membrane potential slowly approaches, or hovers near, spike threshold.  相似文献   
Studies on rats showed that the facilitating influence of preliminary transection of the rubrospinal tract on recovery of motor activity and operant reflexes disrupted by lesioning of the red nucleus was more apparent when lesioning was chemical than when lesioning was electrolytic. This is due to the survival of cerebellothalamic fibers to the ventrolateral nucleus of the thalamus after chemical lesioning of the red nucleus with quinolinic acid. It was also shown that preliminary lesioning of the ventrolateral thalamic nucleus strongly hindered the switching of motor activity under the control of the corticospinal tract in rats subjected to section of the rubrospinal tract and lesioning of the red nucleus.  相似文献   
Summary A correlative light and electron microscopic investigation was undertaken to determine the morphology and distribution of catecholamine (CA)-containing axon terminals in the hypoglossal nucleus (XII) of the rat. This was accomplished immunocytochemically with antibody to tyrosine hydroxylase (TH). The major findings in this study were the following: 1) Immunoreactive profiles were found throughout XII and included unmyelinated axons, varicosities, axon terminals and dendrites; 2) Nonsynaptic immunoreactive profiles (preterminal axons, varicosities) were more frequently observed (55.2%) than synaptic profiles (43.5%); 3) CA-containing axon terminals ending on dendrites were more numerous (71.8%) than those synapsing on somata (25.4%) or nonlabeled axon terminals (2.7%); 4) The morphology of labeled axon terminals was variable. Axodendritic terminals typically contained numerous small, round agranular vesicles, a few large dense-core vesicles and were associated with either a symmetric or no synaptic specialization, axosomatic terminals were often associated with a presynaptic membrane thickening or a symmetric synaptic specialization and contained small, round and a few elliptical-shaped vesicles, while axoaxonic synapses formed asymmetric postsynaptic specializations; and 5) CA-positive dendritic processes were identified in XII. These findings confirm the CA innervation of XII, and suggest a complex, multifunctional role for CA in controlling oro-lingual motor behavior.  相似文献   
The influence of ascending noradrenergic neuronal input on the neurotensin (NT)-like immunoreactive neuronal perikarya located in the dorsal part of the central nucleus of the amygdala (CNA) was examined using fluorescence histochemistry and peroxidase-antiperoxidase (PAP) immunocytochemistry. Unilateral hemitransection of the ascending noradrenergic pathway by injection of 6-hydroxydopamine into the caudal mesencephalon just rostral to the locus coeruleus caused a marked depletion of immunoreactivity in NT-like immunoreactive neuronal perikarya in the CNA. Ascending noradrenergic neuronal input, therefore, is considered to facilitate production of NT-like immunoreactive substances in neuronal perikarya and to influence on the functional role of the amygdaloid complex. In addition, we obtained evidence of unilateral direct ascending projections of NT-like immunoreactive neurons into the CNA since the disappearance of NT-like immunoreactive processes occurred mainly in the ventral part of the CNA after surgical hemitransection of the ascending neuronal pathway that interrupts the ascending NT-like immunoreactive pathway arising from the neurons in the brain stem.  相似文献   
An assortment of drugs was injected into one or both ventromedial nuclei of the thalamus, to see how these influenced stereotypy, locomotion and posture in spontaneously behaving and actively rotating rats. Unilateral intrathalamic muscimol promoted weak ipsiversive circling, while bilateral treatment gave catalepsy. Similar injections of 4-amino-hex-5-enoic acid, which inhibits γ-aminobutyrate metabolism, raised γ-aminobutyrate levels in the ventromedial nuclei more than three-fold yet had none of these behavioural effects. The indirectly acting γ-aminobutyrate agonists flurazepam and cis-1,3-aminocyclohexane car☐ylic acid had little effect on posture and locomotion and, like muscimol and 4-amino-hex-5-enoic acid, elicited only very weak stereotypies. Procaine behaved like the γ-aminobutyrate antagonist bicuculline, provoking vigorous locomotor hyperactivity and teeth chattering if given uni- or bilaterally. Pretreatment of one ventromedial nucleus with muscimol or 4-amino-hex-5-enoic acid, and to a lesser extent flurazepam or cis-1,3-aminocyclohexane car☐ylic acid, gave rise to pronounced ipsilateral asymmetries when combined with a large systemic dose of apomorphine. Contraversive rotations were initiated by unilateral stereotaxic injection of muscimol into the substantia nigra pars reticulata, or with apomorphine from the supersensitive striatum in unilaterally 6-hydroxydopamine lesioned rats. Drug treatments in the ipsilateral ventromedial nucleus showed a similar rank order of potency at inhibiting these circling behaviours, seemingly by reducing apomorphine-induced posture and muscimol-induced hypermotility. The suppression of circling by muscimol in these tests was highlighted by introducing the compound into the ventromedial nucleus at the height of circling activity. Both types of circling stimulus lost the capacity to increase locomotion, but still caused head turning and stereotypy in rats made cataleptic with bilateral ventromedial muscimol. Treating one ventromedial thalamus with muscimol greatly intensified any pre-existing posture directed towards that side, and vice versa.

These data suggest that the ventromedial nucleus is not involved with the expression of stereotyped behaviours, but can profoundly influence posture and locomotion, especially in the presence of some other motor stimulus. The recovery of circus movements in rats with impaired ventromedial nucleus function implies this nucleus is not essential for the execution of circling in these models.  相似文献   

Slices of various brain regions were prepared from newborn and from 7-day old rats and co-cultured in different combinations. In the majority of co-cultures of septal and hippocampal slices, acetylcholinesterase-positive fibres originating in the septal nuclei invaded the adjacent hippocampal slice. A similar pattern of hippocampal ingrowth by acetylcholinesterase-positive fibres occurred with slices prepared from the nucleus basalis of Meynert and from spinal cord. Septal neurones also projected to cortical slices, an effect which even occurred in the presence of their natural target tissue. In contrast to these massive projections to brain areas which in situ receive cholinergic inputs, no significant acetylcholinesterase-positive fibre ingrowth was observed in tissues which lack major cholinergic afferents in situ (hypothalamus, substantia nigra and cerebellum). These results indicate that under our culture conditions, acetylcholinesterase-positive fibres selectively invade cholinergic target areas. This effect is independent of the brain area from which the cholinergic neurones were derived.  相似文献   
向42只黄雀的延髓展状核加压注入或微电泳泳入HRP后,在同侧的脑桥上橄榄核、对侧的脑桥外侧丘系腹核及中脑外侧核背侧部内见到密集的顺行标记终末或纤维;在双侧的延髓巨细胞核出现了大量的逆行标记细胞;在对侧的层状核内既有密集的标记终末又有一些标记细胞.结果表明:层状核的传出纤维投射到同侧上橄榄核,经外侧丘系走行至对侧的外侧丘系腹核和中脑外侧核背侧部,双侧的层状核之间也有交互投射。此外,层状核接受耳蜗亚核──双侧巨细胞核的传入投射.因此,层状核是听觉上行通路中的第二级中继站.  相似文献   
Injection of L-glutamate into the caudal ventrolateral medulla of the rabbit caused a dose-dependent increase in plasma vasopressin. Activity of the A1 noradrenergic cells within the caudal ventrolateral medulla appears to excite the vasopressin-secreting neuroendocrine cells within the hypothalamus.  相似文献   
Medullary control of the pontine swallowing neurones in sheep   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary The origin of the inputs from the medullary swallowing centre (dorsal region including the nucleus of the solitary tract, or ventral region corresponding to the reticular formation surrounding the nucleus ambigous) to the pontine swallowing neurones (PSNs) was studied in sheep anaesthetized with halothane.Out of 101 PSNs located in the posterior part of the trigeminal (Vth) motor nucleus, 46 were activated by stimulating either the dorsal (21 neurones) or the ventral (25 neurones) region of the ipsilateral medullary swallowing centre, 3–4 mm rostral from the obex. Thirty-one neurones out of the 46 were identified as a motoneurones supplying swallowing muscles (mylohyoïd, anterior body of digastric and medial pterygoïd). Their average activation latency through stimulation of the dorsal medullary region was about 1 ms longer than through stimulation of the ventral region (3.63 ms±0.81 versus 2.72 ms±0.32).To determine the origin of the medullary input to the PSNs, we tried to activate the medullary swallowing neurones (MSNs) antidromically through stimulating the posterior part of the Vth motor nucleus, which contains the swallowing motoneurones. Seventy-three MSNs were tested (25 located in the dorsal and 48 in the ventral region). None of the dorsal neurones tested could be antidromically activated by pontine stimulation: 15 ventral neurones showed a clear antidromic response (collision test) with an average latency of 2.5 ms±0.73. These neurones, which send their axons into the pons, were all located in the reticular formation, above the nucleus ambiguus, 3–4 mm rostral from the obex.These results suggest that MSNs in the ventral reticular formation connect the medullary swallowing centre to the Vth motor nucleus. They also suggest that during swallowing, inputs originating from the dorsal region of the medullary centre (interneurones programming the motor sequence) are relayed in the ventral region (reticular formation adjacent to the nucleus ambiguus) before reaching the PSNs.This work was supported, in part, by grants from CNRS (LA 205), INRA and M.R.I. (82 E 0685)  相似文献   
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