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There is a lack of nursing research in relation to how people with mental health problems make sense of their experiences of mental distress. Furthermore, few nursing related studies have conveyed service user's understandings and meanings for their experiences of mental 'disorder'. Narrative psychology claims that people make sense of the world and their lives by using narrative structures to organize diverse experiences. By sharing these stories with others, interpretations are negotiated and personal and cultural meanings are formed. This study used a tried and tested approach to narrative analysis to analyse the transcribed narrative of one man, Gary, who was experiencing mental health problems. The study explores Gary's process of meaning making as it appears in his narrative; the frameworks and metaphors that he uses to help him make sense of his experiences. The tensions between Gary's internal voices and beliefs and the external voices of surrounding culture and psychiatry are highlighted. Emphasis is placed on the importance of attending and responding to personal meanings embedded in narratives as a means of developing sensitive nursing care and enriching nursing research.  相似文献   
叙事医学在2011年正式进入我国以来,得到迅速发展。医学领域兴起的以患者为中心的医疗、医患共同决策、关系性医学,以及文学领域的疾病叙事、叙事学等共同促成了叙事医学的产生。叙事医学通过倾听患者叙述、关注曾被忽视的情感因素、再现患者所讲,以达到与患者共情、建立关联和归属关系,从而建立医患间的互信,使患者得到良好的就医体验、医生得到职业满足感,实现医学人文关怀的真正落地。医学人文教育中要加入以细读文学作品和写作为手段的叙事医学内容,以便尽早培养医学生的叙事能力。  相似文献   
The purpose of this study is to examine the subjective experience of long-term urinary incontinence and to show how a cultural model helps define that experience. Using a narrative approach within a cultural models framework, the specific aims are to describe and analyze: (1) what urinary incontinence means; and (2) how that meaning is constructed and negotiated by women living with urinary incontinence. 17 community-dwelling women (from Philadelphia, USA, and its immediate suburbs) participated in semi-structured interviews. Plot types and shared themes were compared with themes that emerged from media representations of female incontinence, and a cultural model was developed. Findings suggest: (1) the meaning of long-term female urinary incontinence is constructed and negotiated as a result of individual and shared experiences; (2) the cultural model constructed by women differs significantly from the professional, primarily biomedical model; and (3) women's narratives provide a method for accommodating similarities and differences between lay and professional models.  相似文献   
Stigma is a major issue for people who develop epilepsy. Reducing stigma is a major focus of activity for the epilepsy patient support groups globally. In this paper, we introduce some key ideas and debates about the nature of and drivers for the stigma of epilepsy, including recent arguments about the need to frame analyses of the nature of epilepsy stigma within sociological debates about conflict and power. We then consider the role of the legislative process for redressing power imbalances that promote or maintain epilepsy stigma; and the value of tailored educational campaigns and programmes directed at stigma reduction. Finally, we consider the nature of ‘difference’ as experienced by people with epilepsy and how that difference translates into stigma; and provide evidence from a specific targeted intervention to combat epilepsy stigma that its reduction is an achievable goal.  相似文献   
Primary data are rarely used explicitly as a source of data outside of the original research purpose for which they were collected. As a result, qualitative secondary analysis (QSA) has been described as an "invisible enterprise" for which there is a "notable silence" amongst the qualitative research community. In this paper, we report on the methodological implications of conducting a secondary analysis of qualitative data focusing on parents' narratives of help-seeking activities in the prodrome to psychosis. We review the literature on QSA, highlighting the main characteristics of the approach, and discuss issues and challenges encountered in conducting a secondary analysis. We conclude with some thoughts on the implications for conducting a QSA in children's mental health services and research.  相似文献   
This study examines the construct validity of the Social Cognition and Object Relations Scale—Global Rating Method (SCORS-G) by exploring the degree of convergence across different narrative sources (i.e., early memories [EM] and psychotherapy narratives [PT]) using a university-based outpatient sample (n = 101). First, we examined intercorrelations between SCORS-G ratings of EM and PT. Intercorrelations between SCORS-G EM and PT revealed that three of the dimensions significantly correlated with themselves across narrative type (Emotional Investment in Relationships [EIR], Experience and Management of Aggressive Impulses [AGG], and Self-Esteem [SE]), but that only AGG had its strongest correlation with itself (i.e., EM AGG to PT AGG). In addition, EM AGG was significantly related to all but one of the PT SCORS-G dimensions. Likewise, EM SE correlated with all but two of the PT SCORS-G dimensions. Second, we examined how narrative source related to clinical findings. With the use of a multimethod approach, we assessed how SCORS-G ratings from both narrative types correlated with selected variables from the Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI) and Rorschach Inkblot Test. Findings indicated that there were only three instances in which both narrative types had significant relationships to the same variable/scale, and all three instances were with the Rorschach. Together, these findings suggest that even when using the same scale (SCORS-G), different narrative sources differentially activate aspects of object relations. In addition, the results highlight that difficulties with self-esteem and poor management of aggression in childhood interactions relates to patients' object relational functioning later in life. Clinical implications and future research are discussed.  相似文献   
Pre‐abortion counselling may play a key role in abortion seekers’ understanding of their decision to terminate a pregnancy and the subsequent emotions that they feel. In this paper, we report on a study conducted in the Eastern Cape province of South Africa concerning womxn's experiences of the pre‐abortion counselling offered as part of the implementation of the Choice of Termination Act that governs the provision of legal abortion in the country. Using a narrative‐discursive lens, the analysis revealed four micro‐narratives in which participants appreciated non‐directive and empathic counselling, as well as being provided with information. They also indicated that the counselling was upsetting and hurtful, particularly when providers drew on the awfulisation of abortion discourse to suggest that abortion leads to terrible consequences, and foetal personhood discourse to intimate that terminating the pregnancy is wrong and other alternatives (adoption, parenting) are better. The connection between these broadly positive and negative responses may lie in the dominance of anti‐abortion discourses coupled with the powerful positioning of healthcare providers as experts. The attendant disempowerment of clients within the health clinic setting may constrain pregnant people's ability to question such ‘expert’ information. The implications for feminist client‐centred pre‐abortion counselling are discussed.  相似文献   

With access to a unique sample of post-institutionalized Hungarian children, this study focused on the hypothesis that children who had been institutionalized for at least six months after birth have less developed capacities for emotion regulation; 90 children, aged 4–6, were placed in 1 of 3 groups: (1) children who had been institutionalized straight after birth and were adopted from institutional care after the age of 6 months; (2) children adopted within 6 weeks of birth; and (3) children raised by their biological parents. Emotion regulation was assessed in a pretend-play context using the MacArthur Story Stem Batteries by analysing play narratives. Our results supported the hypothesis that early institutional care results in less developed capacities for emotion regulation. Results also indicated that early adopted children’s emotion regulation abilities also show some developmental delays when compared to those of children raised in birth families.  相似文献   
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