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The effect of skin temperature on the ion reabsorption capacity of sweat glands during exercise in humans is unknown. In this study, eight healthy subjects performed a 60-min cycling exercise at a constant intensity (60% VO2max) under moderate (25°C) and cool (15°C) ambient temperatures at a constant relative humidity of 40%. The sweating rate (SR), index of sweat ion concentration (ISIC) by using sweat conductivity, esophageal temperature (Tes), mean skin temperature, and heart rate (HR) were measured continuously under both ambient temperatures. The SR and ISIC were significantly lower at the cool ambient temperature versus the moderate temperature. There were no significant differences in the changes in HR and esophageal temperature between these ambient temperature conditions, while the mean skin temperature was significantly lower at the cool ambient temperature by almost 3°C (P<0.05). The slopes of the relationships between Tes and the SR and ISIC were significantly lower and the thresholds of these relationships were significantly higher at the cool ambient temperature (P<0.05). The ion reabsorption capacity of the sweat glands was significantly lower (P<0.05) in a cool environment (0.21±0.04 vs. 0.52±0.06 mg/cm2/min at 15 and 25°C, respectively) as evaluated using the relationships for SR and ISIC. The results suggest that the ion reabsorption capacity of the sweat glands is influenced by skin temperature during exercise in humans.  相似文献   
Heavy-ion radiation accounts for the major component of absorbed cosmic radiation and is thus regarded as a significant risk during long-term manned space missions. To evaluate the genetic damage induced by heavy particle radiation, gpt delta transgenic mice were exposed to carbon particle irradiation and the induced mutations were compared with those induced by reference radiations, i.e., X-rays and gamma-rays. In the transgenic mouse model, deletions and point mutations were individually identified as Spi(-) and gpt mutations, respectively. Two days after 10 Gy of whole-body irradiation, the mutant frequencies (MFs) of Spi(-) and gpt were determined. Carbon particle irradiation significantly increased Spi(-) MF in the liver, spleen, and kidney but not in the testis, suggesting an organ-specific induction of mutations by heavy-ion irradiation. In the liver, the potency of inducing Spi(-) mutation was highest for carbon particles (3.3-fold increase) followed by X-rays (2.1-fold increase) and gamma-rays (1.3-fold increase), while the potency of inducing gpt mutations was highest for gamma-rays (3.3-fold increase) followed by X-rays (2.1-fold increase) and carbon particles (1.6-fold increase). DNA sequence analysis revealed that carbon particles induced deletions that were mainly more than 1,000 base pairs in size, whereas gamma-rays induced deletions of less than 100 base pairs and base substitutions. X-rays induced various-sized deletions and base substitutions. These results suggest that heavy-ion beam irradiation is effective at inducing deletions via DNA double-strand breaks but less effective than X-ray and gamma-ray irradiation at producing oxidative DNA damage by free radicals.  相似文献   
Anaemia is a widespread public health problem, and in Ghana it is the fourth leading cause of hospital admissions and the second factor contributing to death. Mist Tonica, an herbal haematinic produced by the Centre for Scientific Research into Plant Medicine (CSRPM), Ghana, was assessed for its effectiveness and safety in humans after Ethics Committee approval. Clinically established anaemic-patients aged, 13 years and above, with haemoglobin levels less than 11.5 g/dl and 13.5g/dl for females and males respectively were treated with Mist Tonica, 8.96 g/ 40 mls three times daily for two weeks . The mean haemoglobin rise per week caused by Mist Tonica was 1.92 (0.76) g/dl, range (1.66 – 2.55) g/dl/week and over 88 % of the patients on Mist Tonica had their appetite for food improved. Haematological profile, liver and kidney functions were not adversely affected by Mist Tonica. Results of the study suggest that Mist Tonica is an effective and safe herbal haematinic.  相似文献   
Muscle relaxant action of excitatory amino acid antagonists   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Antagonists of neuronal excitation induced by dicarboxylic amino acids were tested in genetically spastic rats of the Han-Wistar strain. These animals exhibit an increased muscle tone which can be measured as a spontaneous tonic activity in the electromyogram of the gastrocnemius-soleus muscle. Compounds that block excitation due to N-methyl-D-aspartic acid reduced the spontaneous activity measured in the electromyogram in a dose-related manner. The most potent compounds, 2-amino-7-phosphonoheptanoic and kynurenic acids were effective muscle relaxants when given either intraperitoneally or intracerebroventricularly. 2-Amino-5-phosphonopentanoic acid possessed much weaker muscle relaxant activity, while L-glutamic acid diethylester was inactive by either route. The results suggest that blockade of N-methyl-D-aspartic acid receptors results in a myorelaxant effect. Specific antagonists of excitation at N-methyl-D-aspartic acid receptors may provide a new class of muscle relaxants.  相似文献   
本文应用组织培养和电镜等方法研究了KCI对体外培养中枢神经系统髓鞘形成的影响。结果表明:体外培养B6C3小鼠小脑组织髓鞘形成的关键期是10~14d,在10~12d时体外培养的小脑组织对KCI最为敏感;当培养液内KCI浓度达到30mmol/L时,即可完全抑制髓鞘形成。本文对钾离子引起体外培养中枢神经组织脱髓鞘的机制进行了讨论。  相似文献   
The Kv11.1 (also ERG1) K(+) channel underlies cardiac I(Kr), a current that contributes to repolarization in mammalian heart. In mice, I(Kr) current density decreases with development and studies suggest that changes in the structure and/or properties of the heteromultimeric I(Kr)/Kv11.1 channel are responsible. Here, using immunohistochemistry, we report that total Kv11.1 alpha subunit protein is more abundant in neonatal heart and is distributed throughout both adult and neonatal ventricles with greater abundance in epicardia. Immunoblots reveal that the alpha subunit alternative splice variant, Kv11.1a, is more abundant in adult heart while the Kv11.1b variant is more abundant in neonatal heart. Additionally, MinK channel subunit protein is shown to co-assemble with Kv11.1 protein and is more abundant in neonatal heart. In summary, Kv11.1/I(Kr) channel composition varies developmentally and the higher I(Kr) current density in neonatal heart is likely attributable to higher abundance of Kv11.1/I(Kr) channels, more specifically, the Kv11.1b splice variant.  相似文献   
The behavioral effects following intrastriatal MPP+, the neurotoxic metabolite of MPTP, were evaluated in mice. Bilateral injections of 10 cro;g MPP+ to mice previously trained in the shuttle box paradigm produced a 66% decrease in striatal dopamine and significant deficits in all measures of conditioned avoidance responding. In addition, although these mice showed no deficits in baseline rotorod performance, challenge with the cholinergic agonist oxotremorine revealed that MPP+-treated mice exhibited an increased sensitivity to the disruptive effects of the drug at each dose and time point. Finally, MPP+-treated mice also exhibited an increase in tremor induced by 0.1 and 0.15 mg/kg oxotremorine. These observations are discussed in reference to idiopathic parkinsonism.  相似文献   
A micropolarimeter interfaced to a liquid chromatograph is shown to be suitable for selective monitoring of the optically-active components in complex samples. When an optically-active eluent is used, indirect determination of even optically-inactive materials is possible, down to the level of 10 ng of an injected component. If a second chromatogram is obtained using the racemic analogue of the optically-active eluent, quantitation can be achieved without standards and without prior analyte identification. This concept is also applicable to the refractive index detector, the absorption detector and the conductivity detector in the special case of ion chromatography, and the ultrasonic detector in gas chromatography.  相似文献   
通过查阅古代相关本草、医籍、经史及近现代文献资料,笔者对藿香类药材的名称、基原、产地、品质评价、栽培、采收加工及炮制方法等进行了系统梳理与考证,可为含藿香类药材的经典名方开发利用提供依据。通过本草考证分析可知,历代本草多以“藿香”为正名,所用主流基原均为Pogostemon cablin,为区别于明代以来我国民间习用的同科另一种植物土藿香Agastache rugosa及推崇道地产区而有“广藿香”之名;广藿香原产于越南等东南亚国家,早期因作香料经广东等地传入我国,宋代以来便已在我国南方引种成功;药用部位多为其干燥地上部分,亦有将其叶、梗分开单独使用;历代推崇的道地产区为广东,现广东广州、肇庆、湛江和海南省多有栽培,以石牌所产最为知名;广藿香主要为扦插繁殖,二月生苗,六月采收;产地加工方法主要为闷晒法,放置阳光下反复闷晒至有芳香气味、颜色转黄;炮制方法多以净选后生品入药。基于考证结果,建议养胃汤中所用藿香以P. cablin为基原,取叶片生品入药,而藿朴夏苓汤则建议选择土藿香A. rugosa除去根及老茎的生品入药。  相似文献   
通过查阅历代本草、医籍、方书及现代文献资料,笔者对经典名方中所用石决明药材进行系统本草考证,涉及名称、基原、产地、品质评价、采收加工及炮制等方面内容,以期为含石决明的经典名方开发提供依据。经考证可知,历代皆以石决明为正名,亦有以其功效、性状及近音字而命名的“千里光”“九孔螺”“珍珠母”等异名。唐代以前石决明药材动物基原因形态描述过于简练,仅能考订为鲍科鲍属动物;宋元明清时期主流基原为杂色鲍Haliotis diversicolor与皱纹盘鲍H. discus hannai;民国时期开始将鲍属多种动物作为石决明基原使用,品种繁杂并延续至今。古今我国国内主要产区为海南、广东及山东地区,国外产地主要为日本及越南。古籍中对石决明品质评价大致以呼水孔的开孔数量为准,以七孔和九孔的鲍壳为佳;近现代则以性状个大整齐、无破碎、内外洁净并有光彩、壳厚者为佳。基于考证结果,结合石决明散的记载年代,建议开发该经典名方时石决明药材使用杂色鲍H. diversicolor或皱纹盘鲍H. discus hannai的贝壳,且以生品入药。  相似文献   
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