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Electromagnetic fields and myopotentials from skeletal muscle may interfere with the function of a cardiac pacemaker. A 65-year-old woman with a unipolar DDD cardiac pacemaker underwent dynamic graciloplasty (transposition of the gracilis muscle around the anal canal and subsequent implantation of a bipolar pulse generator to stimulate the gracilis muscle), for the treatment of fecal incontinence. This gracilis pulse generator is turned "off" with an external magnet to allow defecation. Appropriate functioning of these two pulse generators (the cardiac pacemaker and the gracilis pulse generator) was tested during implantation of the gracilis pulse generator and afterwards. It was demonstrated that the combination could be used safely in this patient.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die Bauchhöhle hat ein Faszienskelett, das durch ihren permanenten veränderhchen Ruhetonus verspannt gehalten wird. Zur Bauchhöhle gehören mit der seitlichen Bauchmuskulatur auch das Zwerchfell und der Beckenboden. Willkürliche und reflektorische Tonusänderungen bedingen ihre Verformung und ihren Verschluß oder ihre Eröffnung. Am Versuchstier haben wir diesen Ruhetonus schon in der Schwanzmuskulatur nachgewiesen, von der der Beckenboden des Menschen stammesgeschichtlich abstammt. Der Beckenboden bildet mit den Sphinkteren das anorektale Kontinenzorgan. Es ist, phylogenetisch erklärbar, bei der Frau viel schwächer entwickelt als beim Mann. Diese unterschiedliche Mächtigkeit ist his zu den Kernen des Rückenmarks, die diese Muskulatur steuern, zu verfolgen. Diese Asthenie des weiblichen Kontinenzorgans wird durch das Gebären und die Obstipation noch zusätzlich belastet. Das gleiche gilt für die Bauchdecke der Frau, die, wie hier nachgewiesen wird, nach einer Gravidität die gleichen, bleibenden Denervationserscheinungen ihrer Muskulatur erkennen läß t. Es sind die gleichen Schäden, die der Beckenboden mit den Sphinkteren erleidet. In schwereren Fällen ist neben der Inkontinenz also auch ein Schlotterbauch die Folge dieser Belastungen. Der ruhetonisierte Beckenboden kann das spastische Beckenbodensyndrom, die kontinente Obstipation, zur Folge haben. Sic kann psychotherapeutisch geheilt werden. Davon muß die inkontinente Obstipation unterschieden werden, die manchmal mit einem Mastdarmvorfall einhergeht. Bei ihr liegt das Hindernis im Darm. Sic kann in schweren Fällen durch eine Sigmaresektion gebessert werden. Die Denervationsinkontinenz ist am besten durch das operative Engerstellen des ganzen Levatortrichters zu bessern. Voraussetzung ist: Der gelähmte Beckenboden muß noch eine Restruheaktivität aufweisen.
Acquired disturbances of muscles of the peritoneal cavity
The peritoneal cavity has a fascial skeleton that is kept under tension by permanent variable resting tone maintained by the abdominal muscles. The lateral abdominal muscles, the diaphragm and the pelvic floor are all components of this fasciomuscular support system. Voluntary and reflective changes in muscle tension allow the entry and exit of matter into and out of the spherical abdominal cavity by opening and closing of specialized wall segments called sphincters. We have previously demonstrated the existence of a resting tone in the tail muscles of mammals from which the human pelvic floor muscles are derived. The pelvic floor and its integrated sphincters form the anorectal organ of continence. This organ is much weaker in females than in males. The spinal centers that govern continence, contain in the female significantly fewer ganglion cells than the corresponding centers in the male. Childbirth and a commonly found tendency to develop constipation are additional stressors for the congenitally weaker female organ of continence. We explain in this paper why the abdominal wall and the pelvic floor may suffer stretch-induced denervation injuries during pregnancy and delivery. Such damage may persist in later life and can give rise to incontinence and flabby abdomen. Based on our work in this field, we found a new differentiation between continent and incontinent constipation. Continent constipation is caused by spasticity of the pelvic floor characterized by abnormally high sphincter activity. This spastic pelvic floor syndrome can be treated successfully by psychotherapeutic techniques. Incontinent constipation, in contrast, is always associated with subnormal activity of the sphincters and may be a cause of rectal prolapse. It can be treated successfully by anterior rectosigmoid resection. Incontinent constipation will also require operative approximation of the levators in many cases. Improvement cannot be expected to result from this procedure, however, unless the pelvic floor shows some residual resting activity.
Korrespondenz an: em. Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. mult. F. Stelzner  相似文献   
Day wetting     
About 1% of healthy children over the age of 5 years have troublesome daytime wetting. Two-thirds of those who wet by day are reliably dry at night. The problem is more common in girls and is usually the result of urge incontinence. Although the wetting may be exacerbated by giggling and/or stress, pure giggle micturition and isolated stress incontinence are both rare. There is a strong association with bacteriuria (50% prevalence) in girls who wet by day. A potentially important relationship exists between day wetting, infection, reflux and upper tract damage, which is expressed in an extreme form in the syndromes of incoordinated voiding and progressive renal damage. Most children who wet by day have unstable bladders. Many of them adopt characteristic holding postures. There is an increased incidence of emotional disorder compared with children who merely wet the bed. Between 10% and 15% of children who wet by day become dry during the next 12 months. The acquisition of dryness is accelerated by eradication of bacteriuria and a sympathetic and energetic management regime, which should place responsibility on the child and result in the child voiding more frequently and completely. Reminder alarms and other behaviour therapies have proved effective. There is no satisfactory evidence for the efficacy of drugs. More complex behavioural training regimes including biofeedback are valuable for severe cases.  相似文献   
The authors compared intensive pelvic floor exercise alone (A) with intensive pelvic floor exercise plus vaginal cones (B) in premenopausal women with mild to moderate stress urinary incontinence. Forty-six patients (mean 43±6 years) were randomized into two training groups and treated for 3 months. Pre- and post-therapy urethral pressure profiles at rest and under stress and subjective results were obtained from 29 patients. The subjective improvement rate of the compliant patients after 12 weeks was 85% in group A and 84% in group B. When the dropouts (9 in group A and 8 in group B) were included in the subjective results an overall improvement rate of 48% in group A and 52% in group B was obtained. In group A one pressure transmission ratio (PTR) improved significantly at 6 weeks and the position of maximum urethral closure pressure was shifted proximally at 12 weeks. In group B one PTR in the midurethra was improved significantly at 6 weeks. The other urodynamic parameters were unchanged. There were no differences between groups A and B in subjective results or urodynamic findings. These results suggest that intensive pelvic floor exercise with or without vaginal cones improves the symptoms of mild to moderate stress incontinence in about 85% of premenopausal women, but that it has little effect on urodynamic parameters. Vaginal cones provided no additional benefit but may be useful for women for whom closely supervised pelvic floor exercise is not available.Editorial Comment: It is becoming increasingly clear from the literature that pelvic floor muscle exercises are effective in improving continence in many women with straightforward stress incontinence. An appropriate quest continues to determine how the exercises can best be taught and done. This article demonstrates that with frequent supervision, similar continence status is achieved both with and without the use of vaginal cones. It would be interesting to compare outcomes with and without cones in women who saw a health care provider only once for their initial teaching. If cones were found to be more effective in this setting, that would be a great aid to primary care physicians.The authors state that there was no correlation between the cone weight and the degree of improvement of symptoms: however, only 2 of the subjects progressed to the next heaviest cone weight. My understanding of the principles of athletic muscles training is that as one increases the resistance the muscle fibers hypertrophy and strengthen. This is the principle behind building biceps. Body-builders or power-lifters continue to increase the amount of weight (resistance) they lift in order to increase bulk and strength. I wonder if this same principle is the reason for the differences in results between this study and the one by Peattie et al. quoted by the authors. My major concern is that people begin to devalue the amount of effort required to perform effective pelvic floor exercises and make assumptions that such exercises are not as good as a permanent surgical cure. I believe that we have not yet begun to develop really effective muscle strengthening regimens for the pelvic floor, and attitudes such as the above will only serve to inhibit our progress.  相似文献   
Two children with intractable fecal incontinence after correction of high anorectal malformations were successfully managed by the daily administration of a glycerin enema into the cecum via an appendicocecostomy or tubularized cecostomy, according to the method of Malone's antegrade continence enema (ACE). Fluoroscopic defecography performed during this procedure in each patient disclosed that the glycerin enema promptly evoked cecal peristalsis, which was transmitted to the distal colon and rectum, and squeezed out almost all the fecal matter, evacuating it from the anus. However, two enemas within a short interval were required to achieve a complete washout of feces. Although this report describes only two patients, our experience confirmed that the ACE was very effective and that adding the word continence to antegrade enema was justifiable. Moreover, fluoroscopic defecography was proven to play a significant role in determining the appropriate regimens of this technique to achieve complete washout of the feces.  相似文献   
A new operative technique combining retropublic colpourethropexy with transabdominal internal anterior and/or internal posterior repair for the treatment of genuine stress incontinence (GSI) and genital prolapse is described in 75 cases. The overall success rate in correcting GSI was 92.0%, with a 94.8% success rate in the primary surgical group (n=58) and an 82.4% in the secondary group (n=17). Average follow-up has been 1.31 years (range 6 weeks–6 years). There was a 3.4% incidence of residual prolapse. Nine patients also underwent concomitant colpourethropexy. Overall surgical complications include febrile morbidity 4/75 (5.3%), wound infection 1/75 (1.3%), deep vein thrombosis 1/75 (1.3%) and partial ureteric obstruction 1/75 (1.3%). There were no statistically significant changes in multichannel urodynamic studies preoperatively and at 1 year following surgery. Onethird (2/6) of the GSI failures had low MUCP (<20 cm H2O) prior to surgery and continued so at 1 year follow-up.EDITORIAL COMMENT: Genital prolapse is often present in patients who have GSI. If an operation is performed to correct the GSI, and those areas of weakness in the pelvic support system that are contributing to the genital prolapse are not treated, the genital prolapse will become more severe. In the operation which has been described, the colpopexy sutures will correct any cystourethrocele, and the removal of the wedge of tissue from the anterior superior vaginal wall will correct the cystocele. The removal of the wedge of tissue from the posterior superior vaginal wall will reduce the redundancy of the posterior vaginal fornix, but a culdeplasty of the Moschcowitz or Halban type is recommended to treat or prevent an enterocele and to place the vaginal apex in the hollow of the sacrum. Any coexistent rectocele must always be treated vaginally. If it is not treated, it will appear to be more advanced following elevation of the anterior vaginal wall by retropubic urethropexy and the anterior repair which has been recommended.Genital prolapse is best treated by a vaginal approach. When one must une an abdominal approach, ancillary procedures such as the authors have described should be considered. A bulbous upper vagina is ideal for childbearing but if the apical support system and vaginal wall is weakened it is predisposed to prolapse. If the surgeon, in operating for genital prolapse, which involves the upper vagina, will taper the vaginal apex and support it by obliteration of the cul-desac and shortening and reattachment of the uterosacralcardinal complex, postoperative prolapse will be less likely to recur.  相似文献   
Summary Five healthy male volunteers received 500 mg Aldactone® orally together with 100 Ci 3H-20-21-spironolactone; one elderly patient received 1 mCi 3H-spironolactone without additional cold drug. For 6 days the disposition kinetics of the drug were studied in plasma, urine and feces. The tritium concentrations in plasma reached a peak between 25–40 min after administration amounting to 2–3% of the dose/1. Up to the 12th h, they fell rapidly and showed a monoexponential decline (t 1/2 : 2.57±0.27 days) between the 36th and 96th h. Later, a striking increase in the speed of elimination of radioactivity from plasma (t 1/2 : 1.66±0.21 days) was observed. The biological half-life of labeled material in plasma was longer than that of fluorigenic compounds. 47–57% of the dose were excreted in urine and the remaining amount culd be detected in feces (total recovery 90%). The half-life of the urinary excretion rate was distinctly shorter (t 1/2 : 0.9±0.11 days) than that of total radioactivity in plasma. This, together with an observed increase of the polar fraction in urine from 35 up to 85%, which was accompanied by a decrease in plasma from 55 to 35%, suggests either tubular reabsorption or enterohepatic recirculation of lipophilic compounds. TLC-separation of the lipophilic fraction in urine revealed two previously unknown compounds of which the main congener was identified as 3-(3-oxo-7-methylsulfonyl-6, 17-dihydroxy-4-androsten-17-yl) propionic acid -lactone, as well as canrenone and the metabolites which have already been described (Karim and Brown, 1972; Karim et al., 1975). This metabolite represents the main lipophilic degradation product in urine within the first hours, whereas the 6-OH-7-methylsulfinylspirolactone leveled off and seemed to be an endexcretion product. For further characterisation, the polar fraction was subjected to acidic hydrolysis. The known metabolic pathways of spironolactone degradation are discussed.The paper includes parts of the thesis of G. Luszpinski  相似文献   
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