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目的:探讨本科定向生专业承诺、时间管理倾向与学习倦怠的现状及其关系。方法用大学生学习倦怠量表、青少年时间管理倾向量表和大学生专业承诺量表,普查新乡医学院2010级~2012级,有效问卷739份,问卷有效率92.61%。结果三个量表得分均服从正态分布。定向生学习倦怠整体呈中等水平,每个条目平均得分为(2.88±0.45)分,中等及以上学习倦怠的比例是45.06%。时间管理倾向每个条目平均得分为(3.45±0.43)分。专业承诺整体水平较高,每个条目平均得分为(3.82±0.43)分。情感承诺、时间效能感、理想承诺和时间监控观相继进入对学习倦怠总分的逐步回归方程四个变量一共解释了44.0%的因变量变异量。定向生的时间管理倾向和专业承诺与学习倦怠都是负相关关系,而时间管理倾向与专业承诺之间是正相关关系,专业承诺,解释了因变量学习倦怠的方差变异为30.12%。结论定向生时间管理倾向是影响学习倦怠的重要因素,对学习倦怠有预测作用。专业承诺是部分中介变量。  相似文献   
回顾分析国内关于医护人员组织承诺的实证研究,探讨医护人员组织承诺的前因变量、结果变量及作用机制,并提出未来可进一步研究的方向,促进医院管理者更好地了解和把握医护人员的职业心理,提升员工绩效和组织效能。  相似文献   
The aim of the study is to investigate the levels of affective commitment, occupational stressors and calling in psychiatrists in Shanghai and try to find the relationship among 3 variables in the participants.We enrolled 81 participants using a survey with a combination of demographic information, affective part of organizational commitment questionnaire, portion of the scale for occupational stressors on clinicians and the calling and vocation questionnaire. Correlation analysis and multiple linear regression analysis were applied to probe into the relationship among the three variables. t Test and nonparametric test were utilized to compare the differences between the groups of individuals who were divided according to the demographic information.The mean score of the affective commitment, occupational stressors and calling of Shanghai psychiatrists were all at a moderate level. The scores in affective commitment had a significantly negative relationship with that of the occupational stressors, especially in the respect of organization and management, occupational interest, and development of work. Whereas the scores of calling revealed a remarkably positive connection with affective commitment. In addition, demographic groups under comparison, individuals who were >35 years’ old, male, or have worked for >10 years are more likely to suffer from higher occupational development and interpersonal relationship stress.We found that the levels of affective commitment, occupational stressors and calling in psychiatrists in Shanghai were all moderate. These people who were men, >35 years’ old, and had >10 years of work experiences had suffered from higher levels of occupational stressors, especially occupational development and interpersonal relationship stress. The affective commitment was positively correlated to the calling while negatively associated to the occupational stressors in Shanghai psychiatrists. For stronger bond for the psychiatrists, strengthen the calling and lessen the occupational stressors are required. These results provide some ideas for enhancing the occupational commitment of psychiatrists and conducting psychological interventions in a timely manner henceforth more effectively.  相似文献   
目的探讨医务人员道德推脱与道德决策的关系以及组织承诺在两者之间的调节作用。方法采用整群抽样的方法对江西省5所三甲医院的286名医务人员进行问卷调查,采用SPSS 16.0进行数据分析。结果医务人员道德推脱、道德识别、道德判断、道德意图、组织承诺平均分分别为(88.10±16.78)、(18.53±3.47)、(13.47±3.58)、(30.43±9.95)、(67.28±8.57)分;不同学历的医务人员道德推脱、道德判断得分差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05),不同年龄医务人员道德识别、道德判断得分差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);医务人员道德推脱与道德识别呈负相关(r=-0.349,P<0.05),与道德判断和道德意图均呈正相关(r=0.301、0.211,P<0.01);组织承诺对道德推脱和道德识别之间的关系产生显著的调节作用,对道德判断和道德意图产生直接作用。结论医务人员道德推脱与道德决策存在显著相关,组织承诺在道德推脱与道德识别关系中存在调节作用。  相似文献   
目的  分析老年冠心病经皮冠状动脉介入治疗(percutaneous coronary intervention, PCI)术后患者目标承诺、应对方式在家庭功能与感知控制之间的中介作用。方法  采用一般资料调查表、修订版控制态度量表(Control Attitudes Scale-Revised, CAS-R)、家庭关怀度指数问卷(Adaptation、Partnership、Growth、Affection、Resolve, APGAR)、目标承诺自我报告量表(HWK)、简易应对方式问卷(Simplified Cping Style Questinnaire, SCSQ)对308例老年冠心病PCI术后患者进行调查。结果  老年冠心病PCI术后患者感知控制得分为(27.35±3.44)分,家庭功能得分为(7.83±1.48)分,目标承诺得分为(18.57±2.89)分,积极应对得分为(21.96±2.46)分。家庭功能、积极应对均能正向预测感知控制(均有P < 0.01);目标承诺、积极应对在家庭功能与感知控制的关系中起链式中介作用(β=0.204, 95% CI: 0.127~0.269),总中介效应占总效应的46.90%。结论  家庭功能不仅直接影响其感知控制,还可以通过积极应对的中介作用,以及目标承诺和积极应对的链式中介作用间接影响其感知控制。  相似文献   
 目的 探讨监狱干警的组织支持感与工作绩效的关系,以及组织承诺在两者之间的中介作用。方法 采用整群抽样的方法对辽宁省三所监狱的监狱干警进行问卷调查。运用Spss17.0和Amos7.0软件进行数据分析。结果 监狱警察的组织支持感与工作绩效呈正相关(r=0.324,P<0.01)。组织支持感可解释工作绩效变异的12.9%;组织承诺可解释工作绩效变异的7.0%。组织支持感对工作绩效的直接作用(58.3%)大于间接作用。 结论 组织支持感和组织承诺是工作绩效的重要预测变量,组织承诺在组织支持与工作绩效的关系中起到部分中介作用。  相似文献   
目的探讨专业素养培训对本科实习护生临床实践行为及职业承诺的影响。方法对341名本科实习护生实施专业素养培训,包括岗前职业教育、职业技能培训、双导师负责制、护生管床制、实习大讲堂、护生风采展示。实习结束时采用临床实践行为问卷、护理专业承诺问卷进行调查。结果本科实习护生临床实践行为得分为3.81±0.65,护理专业承诺得分为84.67±13.74,显著高于国内常模(P<0.05,P<0.01)。结论专业素养培训有助于培养具有较高临床实践行为水平及稳定专业承诺意向的本科护生。  相似文献   
In Sweden, recommendations and reforms in psychiatric care have increasingly stressed respect for patient autonomy and justice with less emphasis on medical and social paternalism. This is the official policy. But what are the attitudes of the people involved in or affected by compulsory psychiatric care? To answer this question, the attitudes of committed and voluntarily admitted patients, their relatives, psychiatric staff, health and welfare personnel of primary care and a sample of the general public were studied in 2 Swedish counties. Strong support for medical and social paternalism was reported, and according to most of the people asked, doctors, not legal authorities, should decide about commitment. These attitudes are discordant with the recent legislative changes in Sweden.  相似文献   
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