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The purpose of this study was twofold: 1) to attempt to replicate a previous study in which subjects were trained to produce bi-directional changes in diastolic BP as great as 10% to 15% of baseline, and 2) to determine whether the same subjects could acquire such a BP response under conditions of induced muscle tension. A 2x3 design was used in which 24 subjects were randomly assigned to one of two training procedures (feedback vs no feedback), and one of three muscular tension conditions. Acquisition took place over 14 sessions; 7 were used to train UP and 7 were used to condition DOWN responses. Results showed that during UP training, subjects learned to raise their BP in the absence of induced tension, but not when tension was present. However, the same subjects learned to lower their BP with and without induced tension, although their performance under the tension condition was only marginally reliable.  相似文献   
The goal of this study was to compare the effects of glucagon and amrinone on mean arterial pressure (MAP) and heart rate, when used alone and in combination, in an anaesthetized rat model of verapamil toxicity. Rats were anaesthetized and the carotid artery was cannulated for MAP and heart rate measurements. Jugular and femoral veins were cannulated for drug administration. After verapamil infusion (15 mg/kg/h), control animals were given normal saline solution and the other groups received amrinone (0.1 or 0.2 mg/kg/min), glucagon (0.3 mg/kg bolus followed by 0.1 or 0.2 mg/kg/min infusion), glucagon plus amrinone (0.1 mg/kg/min and 0.1 mg/kg/min respectively) or glucagon plus amrinone (0.2 mg/kg/min and 0.1 mg/kg/min respectively). Glucagon (0.2 mg/kg/min) significantly increased MAP when compared to the control group ( P  < 0.01). The combination of glucagon and amrinone did not produce a synergistic effect for the recovery of MAP. Furthermore, this combination masked the positive effects of glucagon (0.2 mg/kg/min) on MAP.Glucagon (0.2 mg/kg/min) increased the heart rates compared with those of the control group ( P  < 0.05). Additionally, amrinone (0.1 mg/kg/min) plus glucagon (0.1 mg/kg/min) increased the heart rates ( P  < 0.05). Finally, glucagon dose dependently recovered MAP. While amrinone depressed MAP in combination with glucagon, it did not alter the positive chronotropic effect of high dose glucagon.  相似文献   
Summary To quantify the effect of 60 mm Hg lower-body positive pressure (LBPP) on orthostatic blood-volume shifts, the mass densities (±0.1 g· l–1) of antecubital venous blood and plasma were measured in five men (27–42 years) during combined tilt table/antigravity suit inflation and deflation experiments. The densities of erythrocytes, whole-body blood, and of the shifted fluid were computed and the magnitude of fluid and protein shifts were calculated during head-up tilt (60°) with and without application of LBPP. During 30-min head-up tilt with LBPP, blood density (BD) and plasma density (PD) increased by 1.6±0.3 g · l–1, and by 0.8±0.2 g · l–1 (±SD) (N=9), respectively. In the subsequent period of tilt without LBPP, BD and PD increased further to +3.6±0.9 g · l–1, and to +2.0±0.7 g · l–1 (N=7) compared to supine control. The density increases in both periods were significant (p<0.05). Erythrocyte density remained unaltered with changes in body position and pressure suit inflation/deflation. Calculated shifted-fluid densities (FD) during tilt with LBPP (1006.0±1.1 g · l–1,N=9), and for subsequent tilt after deflation (1002.8±4.1 g · l–1,N=7) were different from each other (p<0.03). The plasma volume decreased by 6.0±1.2% in the tilt-LBPP period, and by an additional 6.4±2.7% of the supine control level in the subsequent postdeflation tilt period. The corresponding blood volume changes were 3.7±0.7% (p<0.01), and 3.5±2.1% (p<0.05), respectively. Thus, about half of the postural hemoconcentration occurring during passive head-up tilt was prevented by application of 60 mm Hg LBPP.H. Hinghofer-Szalkay was a European Space Agency fellow on leave from the Physiological Institute, Karl-Franzens-University, A-8010 Graz, Austria.  相似文献   
This study was designed to characterise the response of the hindlimb vasculature to reduced renal perfusion in the anaesthetized rabbit and to elucidate whether the stimulus was dependent upon reduced renal perfusion pressure (RPP) or blood flow (RBF). Acute decreases in renal perfusion resulted in rapid and reversible increases in femoral perfusion (FPP). This vascular response was completely abolished following renal denervation indicating that the afferent component of the reflex is neurally mediated. Acute hindlimb responses to changes in renal perfusion pressure were present whether the limb was perfused with homologous blood or cross-perfused with blood from a donor rabbit, demonstrating that the efferent component of the response is also neurally mediated. There was a 28-s latency for initiation of the hindlimb vasoconstriction, which is consistent with recent evidence for renal autocoid stimulation of the afferent renal nerve receptors. Decreasing RPP indirectly, by altering flow, resulted in a hindlimb vasoconstriction below approximately 55 mm Hg (7.3 kPa) RPP or 15 ml/ min RBF. However, decreasing RPP by directly reducing pressure in graded steps resulted in increases in FPP, which reflected the changes in renal flow; thus during the autoregulatory phase, where flow did not change as pressure fell, FPP also remained stable. The results of these protocols suggest that a neurally mediated hindlimb vascular reflex is stimulated by decreased renal flow rather than pressure.  相似文献   
To elevate effects of carbon dioxide (CO2) retention by way of an increased respiratory load during submaximal exercise (150 W), the concentration changes of oxy‐ (ΔHbO2) and deoxy‐haemoglobin (ΔHb) of active muscles and the brain were determined by near‐infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) in eight healthy males. During exercise, pulmonary ventilation increased to 33 (28–40) L min–1 (median with range) with no effect of a moderate breathing resistance (reduction of the pneumotach diameter from 30 to 14 and 10 mm). The end‐tidal CO2 pressure (PETCO 2) increased from 45 (42–48) to 48 (46–58) mmHg with a reduction of only 1% in the arterial haemoglobin O2 saturation (SaO 2). During control exercise (normal breathing resistance), muscle and brain ΔHbO2 were not different from the resting levels, and only the leg muscle ΔHb increased (4 (–2–10) μM , P < 0.05). Moderate resistive breathing increased ΔHbO2 of the intercostal and vastus lateralis muscles to 6 ± (–5–14) and 1 (–7–9) μM (P < 0.05), respectively, while muscle ΔHb was not affected. Cerebral ΔHbO2 and ΔHb became elevated to 6 (1–15) and 1 (–1–6) μM by resistive breathing (P < 0.05). Resistive breathing caused an increased concentration of oxygenated haemoglobin in active muscles and in the brain. The results indicate that CO2 influences blood flow to active skeletal muscle although its effect appears to be smaller than for the brain.  相似文献   
The reasons for the high accumulation of glutamate (Glu), aspartate (Asp) and glutamine (Gin) in high K and high glutathione (HK/HG) dog red blood cells (DRBCs) have been explained as due to enhanced Glu/Asp influxes. However, in our study, Glu/Asp influxes in high K and low glutathione (HK/LG) DRBCs were low, whereas their cellular Asp and Gin contents were high. In low K (LK) DRBCs, there were also other variant cells with high Asp accumulation, but extremely low Glu/Asp influxes. So, the high amino acid accumulation in DRBCs of these new variants might not be due to Glu/Asp influxes. To examine the high accumulation of these amino acids in these variant DRBCs, first, LK and HK/LG DRBCs were classified into two subgroups with their Na-dependent Glu/Asp influxes; one had clear Na-dependent Glu/Asp transport (GAT+), and the other failed to have any transport (GAT). The influxes of both Glu and Asp in HK/HG DRBCs were the highest, and the order was HK/HG>LK/GAT+>HK/LG/GAT+>>LK/GAT=HK/LG/GAT. LK/GAT+ cells represented normal DRBCs. Glu/Asp influxes were only trace in both LK/GAT and HK/LG/GAT cells, but Glu and Asp concentration was high in HK/LG/GAT cells whereas Asp concentration was high in LK/GAT cells. In HK/HG cells, the conversion of Glu into Gin in whole cells was several fold higher than in the other cell groups due to the differing amount of the substrate of glutamine synthetase, Glu, but glutamine synthetase activity itself was not different among these cell groups. Furthermore, glutamine synthetase and glutaminase activities were not different among the cell groups. Therefore, these enzymes were not involved in the high amino acid accumulation.  相似文献   
Biphasic modification of bacterial bioluminescence by human serum was revealed: bioluminescence was inhibited at high concentrations of the serum and stimulated at low concentrations. Effects of temperature and duration of exposure on bioluminescence manifested in stimulation of the inhibitory effect at higher temperature and longer exposure. The degree of inhibition of bioluminescence under in the presence of serum depends on species characteristics of the microorganism and nature of the luminescent system. Translated fromByulleten’ Eksperimental’noi Biologii i Meditsiny, Vol. 138, No. 9, pp. 311–315, September, 2004  相似文献   
Association between HLA and Japanese patients with rheumatoid arthritis   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Japanese patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) were observed to have a statistical association with HLA-DR4, MT3. Strong association between the clinical severity of RA and HLA was also observed. Male patients had a stronger association with HLA than female patients. Males are more resistant to RA than females. This suggested that the threshold of liability for RA is higher in males than in females. Japanese patients with RA with systemic vasculitis were negative for HLA-Bw44 and had antilymphocytotoxic autoantibody, indicating that RA with systemic vasculitis is different in etiology from RA without systemic vasculitis.  相似文献   
For both practical and methodological reasons, mice have been the most widely employed species for development of transgenic and gene knockin and knockout animals. However, basic behavioral and physiology control and regulatory mechanisms in mice are not well characterized. To broaden our understanding of the processes maintaining body fluid and blood pressure homeostasis in the mouse, the objectives of this study were to evaluate voluntary water, and sodium intakes during the development of renal hypertension and to examine the relationship between hypertension and the quantities of water and salt ingested. In male, C57BL/6J mice, two-kidney, one-clip renal hypertension (2K-1C) was induced, and water and 1.8% NaCl intakes were monitored for 2 weeks. At the end of this period, all animals received arterial catheters for direct recording of blood pressure. The mice that received renal artery clips were sorted into hypertensive (152+/-4 mm Hg) and normotensive (122+/-2 mm Hg) groups and were compared to control (117+/-4 mm Hg) animals that underwent a sham renal clipping procedure. Hypertensive 2K-1C animals had significantly elevated water intake compared to control animals. On most of the postsurgical days, the normotensive 2K-1C animals did not display increased water intake in comparison to the control group. No significant effect was detected for 1.8% saline intake between any of the pairs of groups. In summary, the reduction of blood flow to a single kidney in the 2K-1C model of renal hypertension induces high blood pressure accompanied by sustained hyperdipsia in the mouse.  相似文献   
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